"Later, the girl's work gradually became busy." Lin Siya did not answer Gu Linfeng's question directly: "because she is already a little famous, so many people come to her for design. The busy work makes the couple spend less time together than before. It is often the boys who have gone home, but the girls are still busy in the company. What's more uncomfortable to him is that girls are always answering a phone call that doesn't talk after they've been through recently. " Well, it looks like a suspense romance. Gu Linfeng's mouth is slightly crooked“ One day, they finally have a time to have dinner together at home. That day is also a girl's birthday. " Lin Siya's story goes on: "the boy specially made a table, and the girl came back at the appointed time. Long lost ease, let two people are very happy. After dinner, the boy gently holding the girl, two people do not speak, but each other enjoy the time now. But at this time, the girl's mobile phone rings again. It's still the one who doesn't speak after connecting. "“ Is it the woman who doesn't talk? " Gu Linfeng asked. Lin Siya nodded: "the girl went to the balcony with her mobile phone. The boy looked at her back and gradually deepened his doubts. He has begun to suspect that girls have other people, and with the girl's behavior, this suspicion is deepening. After the girl answered the phone, she put her cell phone on the table to take a bath. The boy saw that the door of the bathroom was closed, so he picked up the girl's mobile phone. He wanted to know what the number was“ Is the female deleted? "“ No, the boy didn't even turn on the girl's mobile phone. The girl set up a screen lock. " Lin Siya said: "the boy did not dare to ask directly, he always had concerns, so the day was safe."“ After that. "“ Later, the girl returned to a busy state, and her attitude towards boys changed from being a little warm to caring occasionally. In the boy's view, this is a great crisis. So he decided to have a talk with the girl, to be honest and clear about all the problems. The place is still at home. The boy waits for the girl until 12 a.m The car has stopped at the gate of Longfu, but the story of Lin Siya has not been finished“ After the girl came back, she was full of wine, obviously just came back from the wine shop. The boy was dissatisfied, but he didn't show it. Since he wanted to talk, he was calm. The girl sat beside him, quiet and silent. The boy decided to speak first. He asked, "can you tell me who is calling you often?" The girl didn't hear it at all, so she didn't answer. The boy asked again, but there was no response. This time he broke out. He asked the girl harshly if she didn't love him, if she had a new lover, and if she was going to divorce him“ This man is a little over the top. " Gu Linfeng listened carefully“ The girl just had reaction, she pushed the boy away, pressed her hand and said: "what are you mad about? How can I not love you?" The boy has lost the last reason, he said: "you just don't love me, you have a new love, you want to lose me and start again!" The girl was very uncomfortable because she had drunk wine. At this time, she also got angry. Gao Sheng retorted, "are you sick! When do I have a new love? When do I want to lose you and start over! " The boy has fallen into his own subjective judgment, he said: "because you think I'm poor, don't think I have the ability!" Gu Linfeng frowned: "so he is actually inferior."“ The girl also understood, so she calmed down and comforted him: "I didn't dislike you. If I really disliked you, I wouldn't have married you." But the boy couldn't listen to the advice at all. He picked up the girl's bag and turned out her mobile phone: "then how do you explain the call almost every day?" Coincidentally, just then, the girl's cell phone rang. " Gu Linfeng's attention was focused for a moment. Lin Siya's tone also sank down: "the caller is an unknown number. When the girl hears the phone ring, she looks flustered and reaches out her hand to take the phone from the boy."“ There seems to be a problem. " Gu Linfeng's pupils contracted sharply.