Lin Siya carefully recalled every detail and sentence of her relationship with Huo Meilin. She shook her head hard and didn't believe that the pure and lovely little girl had cheated her.

"Maybe the money is really owed, but it's really inconvenient to disclose to you. I'm really surprised. What's the reason? Even you have to cheat her. After all, you're still so generous to shoulder all the debts for her." Gu Linfeng said with a tut tut voice. Compared with just now, he has relaxed a lot. As long as it's not Lin Siya's problem, he can tolerate it.

"How?" Lin Siya couldn't believe it. She shook her head hard. Her tears were flying like meteors. She was cheated by the people she trusted. She really felt pain. She stood for a while, dried her tears and turned to leave. "I'm going to ask Huo Meiqi. She must know the reason. She can't give me the money. She cheated me. Why should I be so stupid and pay her back?"

"Do you want to scare the snake? What can you ask in the past like this? " Gu Linfeng quickly stands up and grabs Lin Siya's arm. Let her have to stop at the same place, "listen to me, the money will be paid tomorrow, but I'll find out the reason why they owe money. At that time, let them return a lot of money."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't expect to cause you any trouble." Lin Siya lowered her head and said silently, "but you still don't want to return the money to them. I'll return it. If you don't mind, I can return it to you separately every month."

Gu Linfeng looked at Lin Siya curiously, with admiration and helplessness in his eyes. He said: "sometimes you and Mr. long are really like father and daughter. They both seem stubborn on the outside. In fact, they are fragile and kind-hearted on the inside. In fact, you should do a paternity test to see if you are Mr. Long's daughter. Anyway, you are also an orphan."

Lin Siya vigorously shakes her head. She knows that she has a father, but it's hard to tell the truth. Besides shaking her head, she doesn't know what to do.

"I'm kidding. Why are you so nervous?"

Gu Linfeng saw Lin Siya's appearance, a little surprised, but he still joked and asked, instantly drove away the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Lin Feng, I'm not nervous," said Lin Siya, "but I can eat food and talk freely. You know that's not the truth."

"Well, well, that's not true."

Gu Linfeng stood up and said, learning Lin Siya's tone.

"Anyway, thank you today."

Before Lin Siya goes out, he turns around and says to Gu Linfeng.

"Between us, do we need to say thank you? I said, just tell me in body language.

Gu Linfeng's lips with evil smile.

You know, good things don't go out, bad things spread a thousand miles, Lin Siya owes usury, Gu Linfeng's heroism to repay her money spread in the company in an instant, no surprise, Gu Linfeng was immediately called to inquire by Gu Yongxiang, Lin Siya and he went up to the 30th floor, returned to his office, and Secretary Yang had been hiding outside quietly eavesdropping.

"Lin Feng, last time you contradicted me face to face because of Jing Hui, I won't tell you. Now you're fighting for a woman again?"

Gu Yongxiang was very angry and emotional.

When Lin Siya heard this sentence outside, his heart seemed to fall into the ice. Gu Yongxiang was not as kind as he seemed. In his eyes, he was just an irrelevant woman. No matter how much he had done for Pengfei, his relationship with Gu Linfeng was beyond his consideration.

"Dad, Siya, she just suffered for others. She's innocent. I won't ask the company to pay for the money and deduct it from my private account."

Gu Linfeng's attitude sounds very firm. Secretary Yang can't help admiring Lin Siya. Gu Linfeng, a handsome and golden man, has a deep love for her. Lin Siya is really lucky.

"She did it for her, that's her business! And what do you mean, your private account? " Gu Yongxiang's chair made a loud noise. It seemed that he stood up. His voice still sounded very excited. "You son of a bitch, do you think your money is yours? In a word, I can make you the general manager or get out of here! "

Gu Yongxiang seems to be very angry. He has no choice but to speak.

"Dad, whatever you say, I won't leave the company," Gu said calmly. "If I leave, isn't this company yours and your illegitimate son's?"

It seems that Gu Linfeng has made it clear that Wu Jinghui is Gu Yongxiang's illegitimate son. According to his way of doing things, things that have not been confirmed will never be said.

Secretary Yang doesn't know about it. She opens her eyes wide and looks at Lin Siya in surprise. She asks Lin Siya what's going on.

Lin Siya didn't expect that Gu Linfeng would argue with Gu Yongxiang, and the fuse seems to be her own. Now she can't explain to Secretary Yang. She can only shake her head, put her right index finger on her lips, and then use her eyes to suggest that Secretary Yang continue to listen to the news.

"You, what did you say?"

Gu Yongxiang's arrogance suddenly disappeared a lot. He spoke with a heavy breathing sound. It seemed that he was very angry. He didn't expect Gu Linfeng to know so soon“ Dad, I didn't believe it at the beginning. I didn't expect that my best friend for many years was the son of that woman. For so many years, I treated him as a brother like a fool and appreciated everything he paid for me, "Gu Linfeng said." but I didn't expect that he really had a relationship with me. No, he had a relationship with you. "“ Lin Feng, listen to me. It was my father who was sorry for you, but didn't I drive them away? " Gu Yongxiang's voice was much lower. He knew that he was wrong in this matter. "I really don't know that he has been around you for so many years. You have to believe me."“ Of course, if you know, do you still allow your blood to flow away? " Gu Linfeng said with a sneer, Lin Siya seems to be across the door can see him pull up one side of the lip, coldly looking at Gu Linfeng's expression“ I didn't expect that they were still with me for so many years, and I owe Jing Hui a lot. But don't worry, I only want to see his mother. I don't want him to recognize his ancestors, so please bear with me for a while. " Gu Yongxiang's words make Lin Siya feel very uncomfortable. Although Wu Cuihua was involved by a third party at that time, it was not her fault. Gu Yongxiang had to bear a lot of responsibility. Besides, Wu Cuihua also had a son for him, and he had no credit for it. Fortunately, Wu Cuihua had already died. Otherwise, he would be angry to hear him say that“ Is that right? " Gu Linfeng sneered coldly from his nose, "if you think so, why do you need to help Wu Jinghui subscribe for the shares of director Li?"