"Lin Feng, you, you put me down quickly." Lin Siya didn't expect that Gu Linfeng was so surprised and determined. She blushed and protested in a low voice.

"Of course I'll let you down, but not now." Gu Linfeng said as he walked, "if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so troublesome. If I had to take you in, I'd just let you wait for me in the car."

The effect of Gu Linfeng's action was immediate. Although there was no invitation, the man in black at the door took Gu Linfeng's business card and went to Mr. long respectfully.

Less than five minutes and return to the door, is still respectful please Gu Linfeng in, and Gu Linfeng also abide by the promise to put down Lin Siya, carefully help her to enter again.

Just now the disheartened left, and now come back here again, Lin Siya's mood is more and more uneasy, she tightly holds Gu Linfeng's arm, lowers her head, and slowly follows Gu Linfeng forward.

Here is still lively, many people see Lin Siya back here, all with more surprised eyes at her, but see her arm tall and handsome Gu Linfeng, eyes suddenly attracted by Gu Linfeng, women are secretly jealous of Lin Siya's good luck, men sigh.

Far away, Lin Siya saw that long Weixiang was talking with a tall and thin man. There was no smile on his face, as if he was explaining something. The tall and thin man was nodding all the time.

For a moment, Lin Siya felt that the figure was a little like Wu Jinghui, but she immediately thought that Wu Jinghui was wearing a black suit, while the man was wearing a white shirt.

Maybe she thought too much. Just now, she saw Wu Jinghui driving away. No, Lin Siya shook her head and thought.

What's up?

Gu Linfeng just said hello to a person he knew. When he turned around, he saw Lin Siya shaking her head in a dazed way. Looking along her eyes, long Weixiang was already alone holding a wine glass and looking at the sea. There was nothing different, so he asked Lin Siya with his eyes.

Lin Siya and he have a tacit understanding, immediately understand his meaning, she saw the tall and thin man into the villa, considering the relationship between Gu Linfeng and Wu Jinghui, it is not good to tell him his guess, just a smile to him.

"Hello, Mr. long." Two people go to long Weixiang in front of Gu Linfeng active hand to say hello to him.

But long Weixiang didn't buy it this time. He held the glass in one hand, and the other hand was still bent. He held the elbow position of the hand holding the glass with the back of his hand. He didn't even smile on his face. He just looked at Gu Linfeng coldly and said, "President Gu, you seem to have violated the rules of the game."

Before the selection of the cooperative company, the responsible persons of the two companies met in private. If the media knew about it, it would be said that Longteng company was cheating, holding a press conference openly, but operating in private.

"Mr. long, even if it's against the rules, it doesn't seem to be me." Gu Linfeng hugged Lin Siya's shoulder and said calmly, "besides, aren't the so-called rules of the game stipulated by people? Mr. long can achieve today's achievements. I believe you will not pay attention to the so-called rules of the game. Otherwise, why would you agree me to come in? "

"I have already told Miss Lin, Mr. Gu. I don't think we have a chance to cooperate." After long Weixiang said his tough refusal, he looked at Lin Siya, who turned pale. He couldn't bear it. "You'd better take Miss Lin back to have a rest."

Lin Siya clenches her lower lip and helplessly looks at Gu Linfeng. She knows that long Weixiang is saving face for herself by saying so. Now she has no way to recover.

"I wonder if Mr. long has seen my plan?" Gu Linfeng suddenly said, "at two o'clock this afternoon, I have sent our company's plan to your email, but you didn't give me any reply."

"Mr. Gu is really a good means. He made a good plan while letting his girlfriend approach me. In the end, he was mistaken for being smart." There was a slight smile on Mr. Long's lips. "No matter what your plan is, I don't think it's necessary to see it any more."

"Mr. long, I've come to see you. Lin Feng doesn't know. You can ignore me any more. However, it has nothing to do with Lin Feng. He has stayed up late almost every day these days. I hope you can have a look at the scheme he worked hard to make."

Lin Siya couldn't help saying that she didn't know that Gu Linfeng had already made the plan. She was very upset. She knew why she had to do these stupid things, but she added so much trouble to him.

"Mr. long." Without waiting for long Weixiang to speak, Gu Linfeng said, "you can ignore my plan. I think Pengfei company will release news tomorrow, saying that the first business of Longteng company in C city will be black curtain. Because of private likes and dislikes, we give up our painstaking plan, and Pengfei company can't keep up."

"Gu Linfeng, you dare!" Long Weixiang didn't think much of Lin Siya's words, but Gu Linfeng's words made him have to be afraid. This project is his first project to return to C City, which must be launched in one shot.

Now that the project has started, Longteng company has invested a lot of human and material resources. If there is negative news at this time, it will be a major blow to Longteng company.

The key is that Pengfei company is still a leading enterprise in C City. They have been based in C City for many years. They have released such news that Longteng company has lost all its integrity. Who else dares to cooperate with them in C City? When long Weixiang thought of this, there were a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, but his eyes were still staring at Gu Linfeng, showing a threat. If Gu Linfeng really did, then he also had his means. Gu Linfeng doesn't speak. He looks at long Weixiang with his eyebrows raised. His lips are gently raised and he looks like a smile. Although his age is much younger than that of long Weixiang, his courage is no less than that of long Weixiang. Lin Siya looks at the two men who pull out the crossbow. They are very domineering, and no one is willing to give in. She is secretly worried and hates herself for doing stupid things“ Chairman, this is the plan from Pengfei in the afternoon. " At this time, a female voice interrupted their confrontation. It was Miss Yang at the front desk. She handed a printed and bound document to long Weixiang. Long Weixiang looks at her unhappily and blames her for her trouble“ Chairman, secretary Liu was out of the company on holiday this afternoon, so he asked me to print out the plan I received. I was so busy with the party that I was negligent. I'm sorry. " Miss Yang lowered her head and explained that her words made people think that she really didn't know that long Weixiang was not happy with her now. The reason is that her timely appearance confirmed Gu Linfeng's words and put long Weixiang in a more disadvantageous position. But in fact, only she and Gu Linfeng knew that Gu Linfeng had been looking for her quietly just now. All she did now was because Gu Linfeng had just laughed at her evil spirit.