When she frowns, she will feel hurt.

My grandfather is right. He has a heavy burden on him. If we want to live a peaceful life for our family, we must take off the burden on him.

But it's easy to say, but difficult to do.

Gu wuchong has always been a very confident person. He has never scrutinized and feared anything, but now he is worried about what will happen in the future. No one can tell clearly what will happen in the future.

Tang An'an is Gu Wuchang's most concerned person in the world, his armor to overcome difficulties, but also his biggest weakness.

Everyone knows the importance of Tang An'an to him. To deal with him, it is most useful to start from tang'an'an.

Is he really going to involve her in this?

Gu Wuchang is not willing to let go of her hand, but do not want to see her injured, these two results are not what he wants.

In order to protect Tang An'an, he must immediately arrest Gu Shenxing and Chu Yao who is hiding behind the scenes. Only by solving these troubles can they live a stable life.

Tang An'an didn't know what Gu wuchong was thinking. He was about to ask. He saw that his face was not very good. He immediately cried out, "is the wound hurting again? Still want to go to a hospital to let a doctor give you to deal with afresh first, otherwise the wound inflames suppurately not good

Gu Wuchang didn't want to worry Tang An'an, so he went to the hospital to sew up the wound again.

Gu's death and his injury led to a week's holiday for Gu, so that he could recuperate at home and deal with some things.

In the president's office of the Central Hospital, Gu wuchong is sitting on the sofa, bu AO and Yu Wenjin are sitting on both sides of him, while Zhang Xinhua, the president of the hospital, is sitting opposite them, his face is slightly heavy.

"According to the blood test results, Mr. Gu had been taking some toxic drugs before his death, which is also the main cause of his organ failure." Looking at the medical records in his hand, Zhang Xinhua explained: "Mr. Gu used to come to our hospital for physical examination once half a year, and his condition has been very good, but two years ago, his body suddenly became weak."

"At that time, the results of the instrument examination and blood test were all the same, but the resistance was a little low. Mr. Gu didn't care too much. He prescribed some medicine to enhance his resistance and went back to take it. I was not responsible for the subsequent examinations. I am not sure what the specific situation was at that time, but now it seems that there are some problems in these medical records. "

The medical record in Zhang Xinhua's hand is a special medical record of Gu. It records the results of every examination and the treatment of his illness over the years, which can be said to be very detailed.

However, according to the contents of the medical records, Gu has been in good health for the past two years. Except for some weakness, he has no other abnormalities. He should not be so bad in such a short period of time, or even died of organ failure.

Gu wuchong specially sent someone to examine the body of Mr. Gu. The cause of death was indeed organ failure and the attack of Qi and blood. In this case, the only explanation is that the medical record was falsified.

"President Zhang, is this the medicine you prescribed for grandfather?" Gu wuchong opens the photo in his mobile phone and hands it to Zhang Xinhua, which he took the last time he helped Mr. Gu back to his room.

At that time, the cupboard at the head of Gu's bed was full of such medicine bottles. According to the old man, he took the medicine several times a day.

At that time, Gu wuchong just wanted to take a picture of the bottle. When he was free, he went to the hospital to ask the doctor what was wrong with the old man's body. However, he didn't think that the problem had not yet been asked. Now this photo has become evidence.

The picture is not very clear. Zhang Xinhua approached and looked at it carefully with his glasses. Then he nodded: "yes, this medicine was prescribed by myself. There is no mistake."

"can you show me the medicine?" Gu put away his mobile phone and asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Xinhua nodded, got up, went to the glass cabinet behind his desk, took out a bottle of medicine from it and handed it to Gu wuchong's hand: "this kind of medicine is specially developed by our hospital and can't be bought anywhere else."

Gu Wuchang opened the bottle, poured out two white tablets from it, put them in the palm of his hand, observed it carefully, and then put it under his nose to smell it. His brow frowned slightly.

"The medicine doesn't smell right." Gu Wuchang put down the pill and his face was gloomy: "this is not the medicine that my grandfather took."

Because of the particularity of his work, Gu wuchong has been trained, and his five senses are much more sensitive than ordinary people, so he can clearly distinguish the smell of the two drugs.

"No, this medicine and Mr. Gu's medicine are produced in the same batch. The smell can't be different." Zhang Xinhua also frowned, puzzled.

"Unless the old man's medicine is changed." Bu Ao calm analysis: "and change or poison."

By replacing tonic with poison, Gu's body was getting worse and worse, his organs were gradually failing, and finally he died.

If they didn't take his blood for examination before he was buried, if Gu didn't remember the smell of the pills before, if they didn't find these anomalies Then all the truth will be cremated with Gu's body.Hearing Bu Ao's words, Zhang Xinhua turned pale with fear, and immediately explained: "general Gu, master Yuwen, master Bu, I can swear with my life that what I prescribed to Mr. Gu is indeed tonic, and it will never endanger his life!"

In fact, Gu wuchong did not suspect Zhang Xinhua. After all, Zhang Xinhua prescribed the medicine. If he really poisoned it, it would be too obvious.

But even if this person is not Zhang Xinhua, it must be inseparable from the central hospital.

"President Zhang, are there any medical staff who have left the hospital recently?" Yu Wen Jin looked at Zhang Xinhua with a smile: "I hope you can know what to say and what not to say."

Zhang Xinhua had been hesitant, but now he heard the threat in Yu Wenjin's tone. Finally, he chose to tell the truth and list all the employees who left the company in recent months.

The welfare of the central hospital is the best in the city, and the turnover rate is the lowest, so Zhang Xinhua can remember every employee who leaves.

In the last three months, only two nurses and one doctor have left, one of whom happens to be in a pharmacy.

After getting their details from Zhang Xinhua, Gu wuchong drove away from the hospital.

Today is the weekend, Xiaohang didn't go to school, Tang Enron temporarily put aside his work, and Tang Peipei took him to play in the living room.

Xiaohang is more mature than children of the same age. He doesn't like to play naive games. He usually reads books or plays some difficult puzzles. Tang An'an doesn't want Xiaohang to read books all the time, so he plans to play with him and have a rest.

Two adults and a child were chatting and laughing in the living room, and the atmosphere was very harmonious until Lin Yuqing pushed Zhou Fanghua downstairs.

Tang An'an was stunned to see Zhou Fanghua for a moment, then got up and walked to her. He looked at her politely and said, "Mom, lunch will be ready soon, you first..."

"Don't call me that. I don't have a daughter-in-law like you." How long has Tang Fanghua been staring at her

Zhou Fanghua's attitude made Tang an embarrassed. She pursed her lips and whispered, "it's been two years."

"If you haven't had a child for two years, can't you have one?" Zhou Fanghua frowned and scolded impatiently: "there is only Gu Wuchang in qingzong. If you can't inherit his family, you can divorce Gu wuchong as soon as possible."

Zhou Fanghua can deny Gu Wuchang, but Gu qingzong is the man she loves most in her life. She can't let him die.

Tang An'an didn't expect Zhou Fanghua to talk to himself for the first time. He said so directly, but he didn't react for a moment.

Although Tang Peipei's personality is gentle, she is also a protector of her weaknesses. Naturally, Zhou Fanghua cannot be allowed to bully her daughter like this.

"Mother in law, that's not what you said. However, they are still young. It's normal not to be in a hurry to have children. How can you divorce them because they still have children for two years?" Tang Peipei looked at Zhou Fanghua with dissatisfaction and retorted: "marriage and children are their little couple's business, so don't meddle."

"Oh, mind your own business?" Zhou Fanghua sneered coldly: "she married into the Gu family in order to carry on the family line. If she doesn't have children, what's the use of staying here?"

"Mrs. Gu." Tang An'an took a deep breath, let himself calm down, and looked at Zhou Fanghua with a light smile: "I have already had a small voyage with no harm. He is our son. Even if we don't want children in the future, we won't be the last one. I hope you don't speak so radical."

Xiao hang was playing with a jigsaw puzzle. When he heard Tang Enron mention his name, he walked to Tang's side with short legs. He grabbed Tang's arm with both hands, blinked his big eyes, and looked at Zhou Fanghua in disbelief.

"An adopted wild seed wants to be a home care child. It's just a dream!" Zhou Fanghua raised his head and glared at Tang an an. His eyes towards Xiaohang were full of disdain.

Zhou Fanghua is Gu Wuchang's mother, and she cares about Gu Wuchang. So even if Zhou Fanghua's words are so bad, Tang An'an can resist it.

However, she now points the spearhead at Xiaohang and says such words to a five-year-old child. She can't bear it.

"Mrs. Gu, you are a safe mother, so I respect you, but please respect yourself." Tang An'an took xiaohanghu in his arms, put his hand over his ears, and looked at Zhou Fanghua coldly: "if you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to me. Don't be angry with a child!"

Zhou Fanghua didn't expect that Tang An'an would lose his temper with him for the sake of Xiaohang. He was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

"Good, good." Zhou Fanghua was angry and laughed at Tang an's words. She tightened her hand on the handlebar of the wheelchair. She looked at Tang an and yelled, "as a daughter-in-law who cares for her family, you dare to disrespect my mother-in-law in public. Kneel down for me!"