Chapter 3390

With a lot of questions, after cleaning up the temporary emergency center, we left some combat robots to guard the prisoners. Anyway, the power armor of those Sith soldiers has been pulled out. Without this, the fighting power of these people will be a little stronger than that of human beings. Facing the armed robots, they are just weak chickens. The only result of the revolt was to be broken into pieces in an instant.

We didn't have to worry about the issue of prisoners. We were very relieved to continue to push forward, and then we continued to pick up corpses all the way. Finally, even we ourselves began to feel scared, because the number of corpses had risen to more than 700.

"Battleship, this is definitely a battleship class Sith Empire warship." The leader of the pilgrims made a very positive assertion on the psychic network.

The new compatriots don't know what to say now, because the situation they know now is obviously different from that at the beginning, so they feel that their judgment has no meaning.

The speed of our advance is gradually increasing, mainly because the density of corpses on the ground has begun to decline, but the total number is still rising steadily. With the wounded, medical staff and the corpses on the ground, the total number of Sith soldiers we have found exceeds 900 people's level. According to the clothing classification of the Sith warrior gate given by the leader of the pilgrims, we can be sure that none of the above 900 people are in charge of warship driving. That is to say, there are more than 900 Marines and auxiliary personnel on this ship. This is definitely a battleship or a bigger warship. Otherwise, there will never be so many people.

"Where are we now?" As I examine my surroundings, I ask new compatriots in the mental network.

There was also some hesitation, not sure, said: "I don't have the information of this ship, but the design of the alliance's warships is similar. This should be a large destroyer or a special type of destroyer, and the internal spatial distribution is almost the same. You should be in the middle and rear of the ship, somewhere between hangar 1 and hangar 3

"If the ship did collide with a Sith warship, where do you think the most likely impact location would be?"

"It's hard to say!" The new compatriots over there said with some uncertainty: "if it is an accidental installation, it has no reference value at all. It is an accident itself, and it's not strange where it bumps into. But if the collision is intentional, most of the enemy ships will hit our warships with the impact angle of the bow. As for the position chosen by the enemy It's hard to say, because I'm not sure whether the destroyer has made a certain dodge. If the Dodge is successful, the enemy's impact position should be in the third hangar or a more backward position, because the power system of destroyers of this level is in the middle. If the enemy penetrates directly, the spacecraft will easily lose power, so the commander will take the initiative to avoid this area. But if the Dodge fails, it's really hard to say. The situation may be reversed! "

"Then we're going to have a bit of a deviation in the impact position and tell me where to go. Let's take a chance."

"All right."

According to the guidance, I began to move quickly in the boat. Fortunately, there were not so many corpses here, so it was much easier to move. However, I have been thinking about one question all the way, that is, is the combat effectiveness of Sith soldiers worse than I imagined.

As mentioned earlier, the ship we found should be the destroyer of the creator, and the enemy personnel invading can only come from a battleship class warship. But the question is, how many defense robots can a destroyer have? The enemy sent out nearly a thousand shock troops, which were all killed. Although they finally succeeded in killing all the robots here, and some survivors did not die completely in the end, the proportion of casualties was too frightening.

Even though the archers' armed robots have a strong combat effectiveness, they are not defense robots used in warships. It can be said that at that time, these robots could only be used for defense after the warships were invaded, so they were forced to use these robots that were not suitable for use in warships. However, it was this kind of hasty battle that the robot only lost more than 100 people and killed hundreds of other people.

I've heard that the Sith fighters are not very effective, but it's too bad, isn't it?

This question about me has been answered along the way. Of course, it was not our new compatriots who gave me the answer, because they were more confused than us. What really answers my question is the corpse on the ground.

As I continued to move towards the possible impact position, there were fewer and fewer bodies on the ground, and there was a long way to go before any bodies were found. But it's right to think about it. When the enemy just rushed in, the defending side certainly had no time to gather troops, so the invaders would not be resisted at first, so it is understandable that there were no bodies near the initial impact point. But after running for a while without a body, I found another body.

The body was in a strange position at that time. It was not lying on the ground or lying down, but standing dead. To be sure, it's not that the Sith warrior is so determined that he won't fall down, but that his power armor has been turned off. Yes, it's about power armor.In fact, the armored robot does not need a set of computer power to complete the task. After all, the robot does not need a set of computer power to complete the task. However, in essence, there is a certain relationship between power armor and robot, at least the mechanical part of power armor is actually a kind of alternative robot structure.

If it is a man, his body will certainly fall down if he loses control after he dies. In fact, most of the so-called heroes who don't fall down after death are actually made of art. It is very difficult for a man to stay in a real battle without falling down after he dies, unless he temporarily relies on a wall or holds a weapon to support the ground and assumes a relatively stable posture Even if the body loses control, it can still lean on it stably, which can ensure that it will not fall down after death. But, normally, this is very difficult. Most people will fall down after death.

But robots are not the same as humans. After death, the body will lose control and the joints will lose support. As for the stiff body, it will take time. People who have just died will not harden so quickly. But robots are different from humans. Their damaged posture is related to their own design and damage.

If it is a robot equipped with electromagnetic joints, once the system is turned off, it will collapse into a ball, which is similar to that of human beings. But if it's a hydraulic robot, it's not the same. The robot using the hydraulic joint system will not collapse after losing power, but will become hard as if it is rusted to death. It can be said that when the robot loses power, it will be shaped like what it will be, and it will be fixed completely. Of course, if the hydraulic system is broken through and pressure relief occurs, then the robot of the hydraulic joint must also be soft.

However, the current situation of this power armor is slightly different. The reason why it hardens is not that the hydraulic joint valve closes after losing power, but that it locks itself after it is shut down.

Just like when the computer is shut down, the system will control the components in the computer to save data in a certain order and gradually shut down the equipment. When the power armor is shut down, it will first save the data, and then automatically enter the upright state. All joints will stay at the preset position, and then the locking device will pop up to lock the joints completely. This is a design for convenient transportation and maintenance However, the soft collapse of power armor is not convenient for handling or maintenance. If it's a damaged power armor, even if it can't move, the locking device should be opened, but all the locking devices of the power armor are in the locked position, which clearly means that it automatically shut down.

In fact, compared with automatic locking, what is more strange is that the front armor plate of the power armor is actually opened. When we saw this guy, we directly found the dead Sith soldier inside, and the power armor on the outside was fully unfolded, and the opponent could step out from the inside in one step. But the strange thing is that the Sith soldier did not come out, but died in the power armor.

"What is the situation?" Looking at the strange power armor in front of me, I can only ask the pilgrim leaders and new compatriots on the psychic network, who know more about Sith fighters than I do.

The leader of the pilgrims said seriously: "we have studied the power armor of the Sith Empire. After the power armor is shut down, if the external environment can support the survival of life, the armor shell will open by default, which can also be set by the operator. But it doesn't look like the armor is turned on after the default shutdown. "

"What is that?" I asked.

The leader of the pilgrim warned, "see the black marks at the seams of the armor plate? That's the mark of a high-pressure explosion. The design purpose of this kind of explosion point is that when the power armor cannot open the cabin due to accident, the explosion power can be used to directly explode the shell fixing device to let the people inside out. The power of the explosion is precisely set, which will not hurt the personnel inside, and will not damage the armor after the explosion. It will just separate the connecting device of the outer armor. Normally, these connections should be unlocked by an electromagnetic drive and the hydraulic support system will open the armor plate. Only when there is a problem with the power armor that the electromagnetic drive can not unlock the fixed device normally, the blasting device will be used. But the joint system of this power armor is obviously self-locking, that is to say, it is normally shut down. If this is the case, there is no reason why the shell can not be opened! "

Our new compatriots suddenly said, "I think of a possibility. But the probability is very small, but it can explain the situation

"Tell me about it."

"The opponent's power armor may not be turned off by the driver, but automatically shut down due to the exhaustion of energy. But the other party, like us, has been buried underground for a long time. The technology of the Sith Empire is not as good as that of our alliance, so their power system may not be as stable as it was in the past years. After the system shut down automatically, the power to unlock the fixed device was lost. The pilot inside can only activate the emergency system because the door is not opened, so the armor will burst open. If my guess is correct, it means that the other party's material resources may be very tight. Look at the Sith warrior inside. If my guess is correct, he may have died of starvationAlthough the power armor of this Sith warrior has been opened, he still has a hard spacesuit on him. He is not wearing ordinary power armor, but some kind of heavy power armor. The outer shell is very large. He does not only wear personal clothes, but also a layer of spacesuit.

When I got close, I tapped on the guy's spacesuit helmet and pulled it off with a twist and pull.

In front of me is a guy who is almost becoming a skeleton. If the relationship between the appearance and age of the Sith Empire people is similar to that of the earth people, then this guy should not be very old, but he looks like an old man now, because his facial skin is all crumpled together, and his whole body is almost dry There's no moisture. This is typical of people who starve to death, and this guy is definitely not caused by sudden hunger, but by long-term malnutrition caused by a long-term lack of food.

"I really starved to death!" The night moon looked at the corpse in front of her and said.

"That makes sense." Ling said.

"What do you mean?" Asked the leader of the pilgrims.

"I think the Sith Empire warship has just been connected with this destroyer. They should have been separated before. Maybe it was the earthquake that caused the two to connect together. The main power system of the Sith Empire warship should have been damaged in the process of crash. Otherwise, with the power of the spaceship, it should be able to break free and not be buried in the ground. Because the other party lost the main power system, it could only rely on the battery power supply, so it could only let most people into sleep to save energy, leaving one or two people to stay.

When these people were starving to death, the earthquake happened. Then the two ships collided with each other because of the squeeze. The remaining Sith soldiers found the warship here, and their own energy was almost exhausted. So I just put all my eggs in one basket and woke up all the people and rushed to take over the ship.

What we are seeing now is probably the left behind personnel. Because they have no sleep, they have to rely on a small amount of food for a long time to survive and become hungry. As for others, they are all right because they have been sleeping.

We found so many Sith soldiers' bodies all the way before, but the robot loss here is only so small. This is not in line with the combat effectiveness of the Sith soldiers, and the explanation is that the other side's energy is exhausted, and the energy weapons on the power armor no longer have much energy. It's because there's no extra energy to launch weapons, that's why they lose so much. "

"Your analysis is really a good explanation of the previous situation." Said the leader of the pilgrims.

As they were talking, a question came to me. "Shit, no! Come on, keep up with me. Big things are going to happen! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!