Chapter 3372

Although it was very tactful, since he asked us to help him, general Shibuya had to say what he wanted, so we finally understood his intention.

In fact, this thing is very simple. There are so many relics left by the creators on earth, almost all over the world. It is not surprising that there are some in Japan. However, these relics have some very annoying problems, that is, they can not be opened.

Compared with the technology of the earth man, the technology of the creators has reached a fantastic level. Although the crashed spaceships have gone through thousands of years, they are still what they were and what they are now. All the spaceships, except those parts that were broken when they fell out of space, were closed to death. No matter whether they were using electric drills or laser cutting machines, they were almost powerless to these materials. Of course, it's not really impossible to open. Water drops can penetrate rocks, not to mention drills and lasers.

So, the ruins can be opened, but it's too hard. If it's just pure destruction, it might be easier. But the problem is that what people need is the technology inside the ruins, so they can't simply destroy things. To open the solid shell of relics, but not to destroy the things inside, it requires a certain degree of control, so the method of breaking the door must be very careful. In this way, the development of the relics is naturally very slow.

Those relic spaceships are not full of scientific and technological literature, some are just cold technological achievements, which need reverse engineering research to obtain the technology. However, the spaceships of the creators are not all high-tech equipment, such as kitchen, storage room, bedroom, even if they reach the technical level of the creators, they still need to exist. For example, most of the cabins are empty and have little research value. To find a valuable room on the huge wreckage of a spaceship and open it, it is basically like buying a lottery ticket. It is purely by luck.

If we can carry on the research without limitation, then we will slow down, but there is no big problem. However, the country has invested so much manpower and material resources, has been unable to produce results, and no one can support it! Even those leaders also know that this thing is too urgent and will not take the initiative to urge, but if the upper level does not urge, the people below do not want to achieve results? Even if not everyone is a research maniac, but as long as the results are achieved, the rewards are bound to be pile by pile, so no matter whether it is really for research or for reward, in any case, the people who participate in it are all bent on making some achievements as soon as possible.

And now there is a more serious problem - immigration is around the corner.

The immigration will start soon. The volume of these relics is too large to take away. Therefore, if we can't get some achievements as soon as possible, it means that there will be no more discoveries in the future. Under such circumstances, even the national leaders who had been very calm before could not be calm.

The top leaders are not calm and can't study by themselves. Besides, they won't! Therefore, the top urges the middle, the middle urges the bottom, and finally only the group of people directly responsible for research can bear the pressure. But don't they want to be quick? I can't get up soon!

Although they knew that they were going to immigrate soon and these relics could not be taken away, many sites began to use some destructive development methods, but even so, the progress was still very slow, at least much less than expected.

Under such circumstances, the person in charge of the site is naturally worried that he is about to pull out his hair. Although Shibuya general is a bald head, without the 3000 worry silk, it does not mean that he is not worried. As a matter of fact, general Shibuya, like the leaders of all heritage development sites around the world, is worried that he can't sleep all night.

At this time, countries began to unite under pressure, and some of the things that used to be humble now began to be tentatively opened to each other. Even ancient enemies like Japan and China have begun to cooperate.

Of course, technical cooperation or anything has nothing to do with general Shibuya, but he got a message from his internal friends that we can open up the remains of aliens.

Our dragon clan is the creation of the creators, and we don't know why, our genes can be used as passes in all the creator spaceships. This is the case in the fourth special administrative region of our country. The central computer that can operate in the fourth Special Administrative Region accurately identified us as senior officers, and the intelligent system gave us the highest right of use after detecting that the other personnel on the ship were gone. That is to say, in addition to the technical information of the relic spaceship itself, even if we ordered the spacecraft to self explode, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China gave us the highest right of use Computers will execute without hesitation. This authority is equivalent to that of the captain.

It's a pity that we discovered this situation only after my dragon gene was fully awakened in the last two years. Otherwise, if all the hatch doors in special zone 4 were opened decades ago, our technology would be far more than what we are now.

However, although it is a little late, at least all the movable gates and other things in special zone 4 have been opened. Moreover, due to our authority, the central computer will explain to us the function of each cabin and the general working mode, and will actively cooperate with us in some operations. This kind of convenience has undoubtedly accelerated the research progress by several orders of magnitude. After all, it was a blind encounter in the past, but now it is a purposeful attempt after knowing the general principle, which is not a little bit worse.It was from his friends that general Shibuya heard about this, so he imagined that we could help to open the ruins here. However, although it is said that all countries are uniting now, after all, China Japan relations have always been the same before. Suddenly, when it comes to cooperation, how can the people below suddenly change their attitudes? Therefore, general Shibuya didn't expect to invite us to help. Even though he didn't even try, he thought it was impossible. After all, according to the previous situation, both their presence here and our existence were confidential. According to the Chinese government, it is impossible for the Chinese government to let us go to foreign countries, especially Japan, to help. Even if the Chinese side agrees, the Japanese government will definitely not allow foreigners, especially Chinese military personnel, to enter the core secret areas.

Because of these ideas, general Shibuya gave up without even trying, because he knew that such a thing would never succeed.

However, what happened today is that he overturned all his previous understandings, because just a few hours ago, a few national departments that were in charge of him sent a notice to him one after another, telling him that we would come to him in the afternoon and ask him to hand over the aliens he had captured to us. This news, however, shocked general Shibuya. What he would not believe before killing him actually happened.

The secrets that are extremely important to Japan - those extraterrestrials, which are absolutely unknown to most senior government officials, actually agreed to hand them over to us. General Shibuya can't think of such a thing. What's more exaggerated is that they send them out, but we come to pick them up directly. That is to say, the above default allows us to enter the base. If anyone had told him that this would happen before, he would have spit on the other side, but now it has happened.

Although he had just heard the news, he was so surprised that he took off the phone receiver, but after reaction, he was suddenly ecstatic.

Originally, he had fantasized that we would help him, but he rejected it before he started. But now what is the situation? We came to the door voluntarily. This kind of good thing makes Shibuya almost jump up, but he calms down later.

Although we came, we didn't promise to do anything for them. As for the handover of aliens Since the above has agreed, it means that there has been an exchange of interests. In other words, they can't use this as a threat to let us do something more. This is equivalent to that we have paid in advance before, but this time we are only here to get the goods. They can't let us pay twice for one thing. However, it is not appropriate to let go of such a good opportunity. Therefore, he finally decided to put forward the plan, but he should not let us work empty mouthed. After all, we have no friendship.

Before we came here, general Shibuya racked his brains for a long time, and finally came up with some means and exchange conditions. This abnormal enthusiasm is one of them. The so-called people who stretch out their hands but don't smile feel that there is nothing wrong with stuttering our relationship first. If the relationship gets closer, it will be easier to talk about it later. However, after all, general Shibuya is a high-tech man. He was born as a researcher and was regarded as a scientist. Although the director who can mix here is more or less knowledgeable about the world than ordinary scientists, he is still not as good as the politicians. It wasn't long after I met us that I got directly into the theme.

When I heard general Shibuya's request, I looked at him in a funny way. Then I asked directly, "since it's a request from us, what would you like to reward us with?"

The night moon also immediately interposed a way: "is, work always must give wages?"

Shibuya general said with a smile: "of course you will not be busy in vain. I don't think so. This matter is my private decision, so there is no funding above, of course, no money can be given. So my idea is, why don't we just cooperate? "

"Cooperation?" I looked at him in surprise and asked, "how do you plan to cooperate?"

"The ruins are there, but if you can't get in there, you can't get anything. Therefore, if you don't help us, the relics are of no value to us. However, it is not appropriate to take all of them for you. After all, the things are here, which are our property. So, my idea is, please help to open these relics. If there is anything that can be moved in it, we will divide them equally according to the number and types. As for the things on the ship that can't be moved, they will naturally be ours. What do you think of this plan? "

"You have a good abacus." I said with a smile: "I have seen it on the way here. All the warships that fall here are warships. There is no transport ship. That is to say, the hull itself is the most important thing. You only let us take through the things that can be moved inside, and only half of them are. Is your abacus too sophisticated? "

Shibuya general said with a smile: "I just give a proposal. If you don't think it's appropriate, you can say a way, and we don't play a virtual game. As long as I think it's appropriate, we can make a decision on the spot and do not bargain with you."I didn't expect that Shibuya general was quite courageous. I can say all these words. But I understand his mind. Immediately after the immigration started, these things are no different from garbage. If we can't persuade us to help, they can't get any money. If we are willing to help, how much research can be done now can be regarded as extra income. Naturally, he will not be distressed for this, otherwise he would not be so generous.

Although I understand general Shibuya's mind, I didn't intend to make a big opening for the lion. After all, the ship still really can't take it away. This is also a helpless thing. As for the things in the boat It's all luck. God knows what's on board. It's also normal for bad luck to have nothing left except a pile of bones, so we can't rely on this condition alone.

After a little balance, I said, "now this matter is both beneficial and beneficial, so I also want to help. After all, you will not let me do it in vain, that is, the problem of more benefits and less benefits. However, it's not good to suffer too much. I can't explain it when I go back. It is not known how many things can move in these spaceships for the time being. They may not have any of them, or they may be very precious, so we can't simply take a chance. "

"What do you mean..."

"So. In fact, we can roughly distinguish some of the things in the spaceship. When we open the spaceship, no matter what we see, we will make a general evaluation, and then divide them according to the evaluation. We don't want half of it. Four makes it. In addition, after we take the things back, we will send observers to each other to study with each other. As long as the relevant achievements are obtained from the relics, we will share the achievements with the other party. In this way, we can not only get the maximum benefits, but also carry out technological complementarity, so as to maximize the value of the things in this relic. "

After hearing this, general Shibuya frowned and said, "this method is good, but I don't mean to send observers to each other! Or you wait a moment, and I'll ask for instructions? "

I nodded and said, "yes, you can ask for instructions. I think the people on your side should agree. After all, both sides are beneficial. Oh, by the way, we only need 40% to return, and let us choose the things first. Is that all right? "


General Shibuya was very quick, and the Japanese government responded very quickly. Within five minutes, general Shibuya ran back with a smile on his face and said excitedly, "OK, it's agreed. When do you think we'll start? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!