Chapter 3340

"You'd better come down and have a look." Xiaochun's answer made me a little confused, but still turned around and walked to the side of the building and looked down.

On the street, our car was out of trouble, but it didn't leave at this time, but stopped there. Xiaochun is sitting in the car. The night moon is standing on the roof of the car with a high frequency vibration blade. Ling is standing beside the car with our special rifle in his hand.

As they looked forward, three MBTS appeared at the corner in front of the street, but the real threat was not the tanks, but the soldiers standing around the tanks. These men are all covered with bright silver power armor, and there are seven or eight armed mecha and a large number of armed robots behind the team.

After seeing these people, I knew that the scale of the attack could not have been so small, so I looked back. Sure enough, there were three tanks coming out of the three directions of the intersection, saying that our road was completely blocked, and then the mobile troops with the same configuration as the front appeared and completely blocked the back road.

Start the radar scanning function, I instantly found the sky is fast approaching fighters and helicopters. The scale of the interceptor's lineup is not as large as that of the previous group when they fled, but it is much more luxurious. In terms of combat effectiveness, the fighting capacity of these people is definitely much higher than those before. At least, although the number of those in front is large, it does not pose a threat to us, but these people may hurt our existence.

As soon as I had confirmed the enemy information, Nu Wa's voice was connected to my mind network. "Although it doesn't work, I still want to let you know that the killer satellite has moved to the top of your head. You can launch an attack in 30 seconds at most, if you need to..."

"Thank you. I'll use it if I need it."

There are killer satellites in it. Even if the number of these people is 10 times more, it is useless. In front of the weapons of the map gun level, the conventional troops are scum. But I try not to use killer satellites now. Although killer satellites also have low-power focus mode, which is not so exaggerated as to blow up a city every time it is launched, it is of different significance to use it here. This is the capital of the United States. After all, killer satellite is a strategic weapon. If China's strategic weapons attack the US capital, no matter what the target is, once the matter is spread, there will be no way to deal with the aftermath. Moreover, the killer satellite's attack is a high-energy beam from the sky. Whether it is a laser or a proton weapon, it will emit light. When high-speed particles pass through the atmosphere, they will produce a very bright beam. This kind of light beam can be clearly captured by naked eyes within hundreds of kilometers, so it is impossible to conceal information. That is to say, as long as I dare to use killer satellite, it will become a diplomatic event immediately.

In fact, compared with the killer satellite, I hope that "Tianting" can change orbit, because "Tianting" is our exclusive high orbit space station of Longyuan. Although it also carries orbital weapons, the biggest feature of "Tianting" is that it has 108 orbital airborne silos, and each orbital airborne bin is pre loaded with eight "Tianbing 31" orbital airborne types Armed robots. That is to say, if the sky court changes course now, I can let it drop several parachutes to provide tactical support instead of firepower support.

Even though the latter's direct support is not covered up by fire, it will be easier to deal with the latter's tactics if they launch direct support.

Anyway, killer satellite is at least an insurance. As for Tianting The orbit of that thing is a little high now, and it will take time to get down, so I can't expect it in a short time.

"Ling, what do you think of the situation now?"

"This is a premeditated encirclement and annihilation operation, and our best way is to avoid its edge. It's not good for us to engage in a war area set up by the other side, because the other side has targeted tactics and plans, but we are dealing with it temporarily. I suggest trying to get rid of each other, and then it's easy to fight or leave. "

"But it won't be that simple. Let's go." Asked Xiao Chun.

Ye Yue immediately said, "if you can't, just rush out. Can they stop us?"

"Maybe I can." I gave a real-time satellite shot directly into the mind network. From the picture, you can see that one of the other's cars is printed with a sign similar to atomic orbit. The logo represents an organization called "National Bureau of strategic science and technology development and planning". Its main work is to search, plan, research and develop, produce and store various high-tech theories and products. That is to say, as long as Americans master the technology, they have them here, and Generally, it is much more advanced than the technology seen outside. This department is basically the most powerful organization in science and technology in the United States.

The emergence of equipment from the strategic science and technology development and Planning Bureau shows that there must be more than one high-tech equipment here, and these unconventional weapons pose the greatest threat to us. Because we do not know the characteristics and performance of these weapons, we can not determine how to defend them.

When we hesitated, the other side had already bent into the deployment of troops. Now, after all the team members were in place, the tanks at the intersections on both sides began to move forward slowly, and the troops on both sides also pushed forward a little bit, obviously intending to compress our space for activities.After I looked at the situation on the left and right, I immediately started to assign tasks in the mental network, and after completing the tactical plan, I directly passed it to you. Then the next second, all of us suddenly moved together.

Of course, the first one to move was Xiaochun's car. The output power of the nuclear battery is absolutely high enough, and the monster suddenly starts to rush in furiously. Even though the people on the opposite side have been prepared for it, some of them have not responded. Although the bullets are flying, the small caliber weapons have little impact on the armored vehicles of this level. However, some of the artillery on the tank can not keep up with the speed, and even failed to hit two guns. Instead, the anti tank missile carried by a soldier on the top of the tank started It's moving and shooting right at the car.

With a loud bang, the missile hit the front of the car, and then the speed of the whole car stopped, and the front of the car sank down sharply. Then the rear of the car went up and turned over because of the huge inertia. The whole car turned over and started flying, and then it directly hit the tank in the middle. The people on the top of the tank saw the car crashing over and jumped down from both sides, and the tank took shelter from both sides. However, when our car was about to hit the tank, the door suddenly opened. Xiaochun hooked on the roof and jumped out and got under the car. Then his feet stepped on the top armor of the tank and held the roof with both hands. Suddenly, they were stunned to make the car accelerate forward and roll over the tank After the top of the car, the four wheels landed on the ground smoothly behind the tank. But at the moment when our car hit the ground, the armor plate on the top of the largest part in the rear of the car suddenly expanded to both sides, and the armor plate behind the car body also fell backward.

The sudden expansion of the rear of the car made the surrounding people not respond. Everett directly bounced out of the special fixed frame at the rear of the car. The large caliber machine gun on his arms aimed at the people around him, which was a volley. In an instant, seven or eight people were put down, and the wounded were more than twice the number of dead.

The attack of Everett is not over. Xiaochun, standing on the top of the tank, has punched through the hatch on the top of the tank with a fist, then pulls out his arm and throws a grenade into it. Accompanied by the scream from the tank, Xiaochun has already jumped horizontally to the tank next door.

Xiaochun just landed on the ground, and there was a bang inside the tank behind. The top of the tank suddenly erupted a flame of seven or eight meters high. With all the joints on the tank began to spray fire, the whole tank seemed to turn into new year's fireworks in an instant, and people around him fled one after another.

No matter behind the tank has become a torch, small pure just jumped to this tank has been on a mobile infantry. The power armor on the opponent's body is much heavier than that on the small pure body, but the heaviness is not equal to the strength.

The other party saw small pure jump over, immediately a hand knife cut over. This guy's arm has something like a wrist blade, which can produce considerable lethality. But Xiaochun does not retreat and reverses forward and pastes it in front of him. Then she holds her left hand on her wrist so that her hand knife can't fall off. Then she raises her right hand and the programmable atomic armor instantly converges to shape, turning her wrist into a shining blade. Then, in the other party's astonished eyes, his right hand suddenly chopped down, just like splitting a small wooden root with a big axe. Xiaochun felt that Xiaochun didn't use much force, and the knife went down. In an instant, the guy's right arm was separated from his body, and blood, hydraulic oil and electric spark spattered at the fracture. The mobile infantry also screamed and tumbled down from the top of the tank. Suddenly cut off an arm, not everyone can be as calm as the tough guy on TV to continue to fight. The fact is that this kind of pain often makes people lose the ability to resist in an instant and even directly faint.

After killing this guy, Xiaochun immediately bent down and aimed at the hatch at the top of the tank with his right hand that had not been deformed, and then he went in. The hand knife passed through the door of the tank and directly penetrated into the top armor. However, before he pulled out his hand and threw a grenade into it, he found that a mobile soldier in the rear rushed on two.

The guy was smart. Standing on the back of the tank, he didn't jump on the turret. He picked up his gun and started to attack.

The caliber of these rifles is about 17.9 mm, but each of them is very powerful, but they can shoot at a high speed.

The guy hit Xiaochun's right shoulder with one shot. Xiaochun's body was tilted backward by the kinetic energy of the bullet, but soon recovered his balance. His left hand stretched forward and his palm opened. The other party's second bullet hit the electromagnetic shield in front of her palm and was instantly blown away. Then she saw that Xiaochun directly pushed the second grenade through the hole on the top of the tank. This time, it seemed to have adjusted the explosion event. As soon as the grenade entered the tank, it jumped with a bang, and then started to spit fire like the one in front of her.

The guy standing behind the tank instantly popped up a large red warning on the electronic screen in front of him. He didn't care about anything, so he jumped out of the car. After the shell inside the tank was killed and exploded, the temperature of the flame was as high as thousands of degrees. Under this temperature, the power armor on his body would be seriously damaged in less than 10 seconds. Moreover, this set of power armor could protect him at most, and it would burn through in more than 20 seconds, and human beings would basically turn into fly ash in this temperature.

Looking at that fellow flustered jump down, small pure but calm from the flame slowly out. Our power armor is a proper black technology, the surface molecules have the ability to absorb heat. This kind of high temperature is a fatal threat to them. To us, it is equivalent to an external energy source. As long as the temperature does not exceed 5000 degrees, it has no impact on us.When Xiaochun calmly solves the two tanks, Everett has disassembled the armed robot behind it into a ground part. At this time, the night moon catches the shell launched by the third tank with one hand, turns around to unload the impact force of the shell and then throws it back. With a loud bang, the tank was directly penetrated by its own shells, but there was no martyrdom. After all, the shells fired by tanks are thrown back, which is not as powerful as direct firing. It is not easy to penetrate armor.

The breakthrough task in the front is given to them, and the latter part can only be done by myself. However, I can't manage so many people by myself, so I'm lazy. When I jumped down from the roof, I deliberately used a lot of strength to bang through the ground and fell into the sewer below.

The urban sewers in the United States are built like air raid shelters. The wires and various pipelines pass through here. Of course, they walk along the wall. With my induction ability, I found the total cable of the regional power grid. This device uses 440V voltage, with four wires in total. The power supply capacity is very strong.

After pulling the cable, I directly grabbed one end of the cable and drilled out from the ground. People outside looked at me and immediately called for guns and bullets. But I was not afraid of holding the cable at all, because the principle of electromagnetic shield is to convert energy into repulsion force to repel attacking objects. Holding the wire in one hand, as long as the substation does not trip, the power on my side is infinite, that is to say, I am basically invincible mode now. Of course, the premise is that the opponent's attack energy can't exceed my energy limit, otherwise I can't stop it. However, I am now holding on to the cable, and the energy limit is the installed capacity of the power plant. Therefore, my energy limit is at least one million kilowatt hours. How can these small guns on the opposite side be higher than the output of the nuclear power plant?

After blocking all the attacks, I directly put the cable on my waist. The strong suction generated by the current made the cable stick to me directly. Then I stretched my hands forward. In an instant, I saw the flood like arc jumping and running around on all the metals in the street. Following the people on the opposite side, I felt numb all over. Many people's power suits A starts to flash an arc and then suddenly starts to smoke. The people in the tank froth and trembled constantly there. The shells on the ammunition rack began to turn red. At last, they were killed. The power armor that followed them smothered and fell to the ground. Even if someone took off the power armor, they were immediately knocked down by the voltage and kept up with the fish on the shore.

With all the enemies over there lying dead, the thunderstorm in the street suddenly disappeared. It felt as if the light intensity around had dropped a lot. The jumping arcs just like the little sun lit up the whole block. But now this kind of power-off phenomenon is not that I stop discharging, but my cable is dead. Just played too Hi, did not pay attention to the current consumption, the result of excessive power consumption led to substation trip.

After the current on the cable disappeared, the cable immediately lost its adsorption power and fell down. On the screen in front of me, the original red discharge mode suddenly turned into the green battery power supply mode. Then I saw that the power schedule showed 200% and was still falling rapidly. Finally, it stopped at 130% to stabilize.

Anyway, there are not a few active here, and I have no time to control their life and death. I directly turn around and catch up with the other side.

Ling and Xiaochun have successfully broken through the blockade line in front of them. The planes in the sky haven't caught up. When we quickly crossed the blockade line, their car had just started. Most of the people in charge of intercepting have been killed and injured. The rest of them have no heavy weapons in their hands, which does not pose any threat to us. I didn't get in the car, but directly started the propeller and flew up. So I squatted on the roof of the car. Xiaochun stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the car rushed out again.

The monster was hit by an anti tank missile in front of the blockade line, but we were lucky that the engine of the car was not in the front of the car, but at the bottom of the car. The motors are all in the wheels, and the nuclear batteries are in the bottom of the car. The engine compartment in front of us is actually a weapon compartment. However, we can't expect to use any weapons now. They are all scrap iron.

Our car was fast, so we soon got rid of the pursuers behind us. The plane in the sky caught up with us, but on the way, we were driven away by a plane flying from another direction. I know that the later group of aircraft should be controlled by the United States government. As for the former ones, they should be as racist as those who intercepted us.

I said earlier that this may not be an American problem, but our problem. That's why. These people should be the forces controlled by some guests in the former villa.

Obviously, our presentation made all the guests realize that we are powerful. However, the reaction of the guests after realizing this point is completely two extremes.

Most of the guests decided to entrust the future of mankind to us after they realized our strong advantages, as we had guessed before, because it is very difficult for human beings to complete such interstellar migration on their own, and with our help, the success rate will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

However, some people have different ideas. This part may believe in conspiracy theory more, that is to say, everything should be considered as bad and that all the contents publicized or displayed by others must be deliberately concealed with premeditation, and the purpose must be different from that of propaganda. We show our ability and preach that we can lead humans through immigration, and what these people understand is that we want to seduce people into believing in us, and then take advantage of immigration to exterminate humans and replace them.I can guess there are such people, but I can't understand what they think.

The end of the day is coming. If we want to replace human beings, we should leave the earth directly and start immigration ahead of time. In any case, without our help, human beings can't immigrate independently. Even if it is possible, the population that can be taken away will definitely be reduced by half. If we really want to replace human beings, why do we have to jump up and down so hard? As things stand, the best way to exterminate humans is to do nothing. But these people don't know what to think, they think it must be our plot.

Therefore, for the sake of the future of mankind, these people raised the banner of morality and tried to wipe out the common enemies of mankind with the posture of Savior. Of course, the Savior is their own imagination, anyway, I and most of the country's actual controllers do not think of these people as saviors, but think that they are more like a group of idiots.

After the U.S. government responded, our pursuers were quickly blocked. Although these men are well equipped, it is a pity that the troops controlled by the U.S. government are well equipped, and there are many people.

As we drove into the white house gate, people nearby couldn't help but stare at us. They don't respect us, of course, but because they are surprised. Our car was hit by a missile in the front, and it was blasted by weapons of various calibres. I don't know hundreds of bullets. Now, we can hardly find a good place on the body. The front of the car is like a burst chrysanthemum. There are bullet holes in the side and rear of the car. The right rear wheel is still leaning out, as if it will fall down at any time. But although it looked shabby, it was finally driven to the place.

"Well, it's the place. It's a hard way to go , the fastest update of the webnovel!