Chapter 3332

When I returned to that special room, there was already a large group of dragon clan members, many of whom had just arrived by sub rail transport from the local side.

Of course, it's not that we want to occupy people's bases, but that the pilgrims need our help to get them out.

There are many space-time anchors in this strange X-shaped room, and the reason why they are stuck here is that the spatiotemporal wave generated by some kind of principle similar to resonance between the anchors has stuck them in the interval between time and time, and as a result, they can't get out completely.

It's not difficult to solve this problem, because it only needs to remove the anchor. But it's not that these pilgrims have been unable to open the anchor for so many years, not because they are stupid, but because it's like grabbing your hair and lifting yourself up, no matter how strong you are.

These pilgrims are stuck in the crack of time, so they can't touch the anchor at all. If they can, they don't want to release the anchor. This dead circle is inverted. They can't help themselves at all. They have to rely on the help of outsiders to get out.

In fact, space-time anchor is not a kind of entity. It is actually a mixture of gravity wave and dark matter under specific rules. I don't know exactly what it is, but it can stabilize space-time and fix its own time attribute.

To remove the anchor is to destroy it, and to destroy it is very simple. Just destroy its stability. It is possible to inject or extract dark matter, or to increase or decrease the intensity of gravity waves. Of course, because the space-time anchor itself exists across three time slices, there is no way for gravity waves and dark matter to enter the space-time anchor directly. It is necessary to adjust the dark matter or gravity wave to the sub space state before they can have an impact on it.

First of all, Merlin didn't have the ability to communicate with the pilgrims before they could get rid of the anchor. After all, Merlin had no ability to communicate with the pilgrims before they could get rid of the anchor Too lazy to pay attention to them.

By the time I got here, the space-time anchor had been pulled out several times, but there were still many anchor points still existing, so it took a little time to solve it. However, with the previous experience, our people had considerable experience in lifting the space-time anchor, and the speed was obviously faster.

While they were lifting the anchor of time and space, I found the leader of the pilgrims. This guy is definitely senior among the pilgrims, and the reason for this judgment is very simple, because the guy's equipment is different from that of ordinary people. The equipment of ordinary pilgrims is almost the same. Even if there are some minor differences, it should be the reason for different arms. However, this guy's equipment is gorgeous and exaggerated, especially the huge protuberances on the two big horns on both sides of the shoulders. It is really difficult to confuse them with ordinary pilgrims.

"I'm sorry. I communicated with the leader here before. I'm very sorry for the delay." After taking the pilgrim leader aside, I communicated with him through dark matter.

The leader of the pilgrims had no idea. He didn't care about this kind of thing anyway. Besides, my words were mostly polite, and there was nothing to be sorry for. Not entangled with my words, the other side just cut into the subject very directly and asked, "so what do you want to tell me when you call me here?"

"Yes. I want to ask about your future plans. "

"Are you going to?" The leader of the pilgrims seems to have fallen into thinking. After all, this is not a general problem, but a major event directly related to their group of pilgrims in the future. However, although it's a big event, he obviously doesn't like procrastination. He just hesitates and says, "I'd like to know about your technical strength first. If possible, we'd like to get your help so that we can return to the place where our pilgrims live. But to be honest, according to some information we have learned before, it seems that you have not There is such a technology. "

I nodded and said, "yes. Your demand is not that we don't want to help, but that we can't do it at all. What's more, what I uploaded to you during the exchange of information was public content, some of which you didn't know. "

"What must we know?"

"It's about a massive planet." I sketched out about the killer of the solar system and said, "so we're now preparing to escape from other planets, and in terms of our technology, it's almost a gamble! Fortunately, with the technology of you and the creators, we have a good chance of winning. "

"No, you have no chance." The leader of the pilgrim's reply was absolutely certain. I was stunned for a moment. I didn't know why he said such an answer.

"Can you elaborate on why?" I looked at the leader of the Pilgrims and asked, "our technology can basically meet the needs of immigrants. Even if some ships are lost on the way, it is not a problem to send most people to their destinations. As for the issue of the restoration of civilization, I don't think it's too hard? We will bring enough equipment for the rapid restoration of civilization on the primitive planet. As long as one set of equipment can reach the destination, we can fully revive the earth's civilization in 10 to 20 years, and then civilization will start to develop again. I don't think it's a problem? Is our destination a planet that cannot support life? Shouldn't it be possible? We have done some preliminary exploration before. The condition of that planet should be able to support the existence of your ecosystem"I don't know which planet you're going to, and how can I know if it's suitable for you?" "The reason why I say you can't succeed is that you can't reach your destination safely on the way," said the leader of the pilgrims


"Because of Zerg."

"Insects Zerg? " I don't feel well when I hear the leader of the pilgrims. Isn't it a matter of immigration? How can we get Zerg?

Probably knowing I didn't understand, so the leader of the pilgrims began to explain to me. "The message I sent you before contains information about your origin. Do you see this part?"

I nodded. "Yes. Say we were made by you and the creator. "

The leader of the pilgrims nodded and said, "yes, you were created by us pilgrims and creators, but do you remember what the original direction of the creators was? I remember having it communicated to you. "

"It seems that we should develop a kind of combat biota called Zerg, which can rapidly produce a large number of insects with super strong reproductive capacity, and then submerge the enemy with insect sea. Is that what it says? "

The leader of the pilgrims nodded again and added, "in fact, Zerg don't need to be created at all, because they exist."


"Don't get excited. Listen to me." After pacifying me, the leader of the pilgrim continued, "Zerg actually existed a long time ago. This race entered space much earlier than us and its creators. As for when they entered space, we are not very clear. Anyway, the cosmic civilization we have contacted is later than that of Zerg, which means that Zerg may be the first race in the universe to conquer space. "

"Is this race so strong? How did you develop? In this case, isn't the universe full of insects? "

"No, on the contrary. Although there are many Zerg in the universe, and their footprints cover almost all the planets in the universe, they do not show a strong destructive effect on the natural environment. On the contrary, this race is very good at blending with nature. We still don't know how Zerg can judge whether the life and environment on the planet is beneficial to the biosphere of the planet. Anyway, they will take the initiative to maintain the ecological balance. All the Zerg we've seen have very low intelligence, so we don't think their behavior should be judged by themselves. However, we do not rule out that this race has some natural instinct to restrict them to maintain the natural balance, but we prefer the existence of individuals with high intelligence quotient among Zerg

"What is the individual combat power of this race?" I suddenly realized a problem.

The leader of the pilgrims said, "very strong. There are so many species of Zerg that we haven't completely confirmed yet. They will adapt to various environments, so there are so many species that we can't calculate them at all. However, generally speaking, there are several main types of this race. Most of the individuals are the products of these major types of directional variation. However, the mutated individuals are highly similar to the basic samples. You only need to take a look at them to know what the original changes are. There are about 50 kinds of these main types of insects. Among them, the most common soldiers among our pilgrims can fight three at a time. But the strongest of them can single out our large fleet groups, and the combat effectiveness is extremely fierce. "

"What is the combat effectiveness of your basic arms?"

"Much weaker than you." The leader of the pilgrims said, "you don't have the necessary equipment now. If you put on the special combat equipment designed for you, your combat effectiveness will be about three to five times as much as mine, and I can defeat hundreds of ordinary soldiers of my family without injury."

"Are we so strong?" I looked at my hands in surprise.

The leader of the pilgrim shook his head and said, "I'm talking about the combat effectiveness after wearing special equipment. It's good if you can single out more than ten ordinary soldiers of our nationality, let alone fight with me. It's absolutely three or two strokes that will subdue you. In combat, your thinking is the key, but equipment is the amplifier of combat thinking. Calculate in the most basic way. You are the multiplier, the weapon is the multiplier, and the product is the combat effectiveness. Without proper weapons, even if your base is very high, but the magnification is too low, there is still no combat effectiveness. I'm different. This suit of my clan's governor's special combat suit is incomparable. You can't beat me empty handed. "

I nodded to pull the topic back and said, "so Zerg are so strong, why didn't they occupy the whole universe?"

"There are three reasons." The leader of the pilgrims said: "first, most of the individuals of this race are characterized by a lack of brain. As long as some simple strategies are used, they can be easily put into a disadvantageous situation and greatly limit their combat effectiveness. Because of this situation, every time we fight the Zerg head-on, we will try to create an environment in which they can't play well and put them at a disadvantage. Moreover, in fact, we are not the only ones who will take the initiative to kill Zerg. Almost all civilizations in the universe will take the initiative to kill Zerg, because this race is so powerful that everyone is afraid"What about the other two reasons?" I asked seriously.

"One of them is what I told you before. They will take the initiative to maintain ecological balance, so the number of insects in a certain area will not be too high. Because they can not form a local advantage, they have been slaughtered by various civilizations."

"And there's another reason?"

"Another reason is that Zerg are clustered. When a population reaches a certain level, it will be divided into a part to form a new population, and then two unused populations will fight each other if they meet. To tell you the truth, although civilizations all over the world are strangling Zerg, the number of Zerg killed by internal fighting is far higher than that of our civilizations. "

"That is to say, Zerg themselves limit their own population?"

"Yes. Because of their internal fighting, their population can not be increased. Although these insects have a strong fighting capacity, they are not invincible. Therefore, they can not have much impact on us without forming a quantitative advantage. "

"Why does that affect our immigrants?" To be honest, this is what I care about most.

"The Zerg are a highly evolved race, although they don't have technology Maybe they have technology, but we don't know it. Anyway, the low-level Zerg don't show any intelligence, so let's just say they don't have technology. Although this race has no technological power, its own degree of evolution is very high. There is a special detection unit in the swarm that can detect subtle changes in gravity waves. If you stay on the surface or orbit of the planet, the giant gravitational waves of the planet will block the gravitational waves generated by you. Zerg cannot detect any activity on the surface of the planet or in the orbit nearby. But what you're going to do is StarCraft migration, which means you're going to have a long, deep space voyage.

For Zerg, any moving object that is more than 50 light seconds away from the stars can be detected by them. If the Zerg pays attention to the object and the object shows signs of dynamic navigation, the Zerg will immediately determine that it is not a meteorite, but a living one, and then they will start hunting. "

"Didn't you say Zerg would protect the ecosystem? Why are you talking about them now as if they were very bloodthirsty? "

"It's not contradictory." The leader of the pilgrim said: "Zerg protect the ecosystem on the surface of the planet, and the creatures sailing in the universe will be regarded as other insect swarms invading their territory, so the swarm will kill all the creatures close to their control star field. When they judge the objects in the universe, the basis is to see whether you have power. If you only rely on inertial flight, No If you change your attitude, they won't pay attention to you, but as soon as your engine lights up, you're done. "

"What a terrible race! Fortunately, you told us in advance I was afraid to say. If there's no advance warning from pilgrims, in case there's a Zerg Think of my cold sweat coming down! , the fastest update of the webnovel!