Chapter 3154

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Some people may wonder, although B cells are not afraid of phagocytic bacteria, but what about those strong acid solutions?

Yes, although B cells are not omnipotent and can also be corroded, B cells will not be eroded instantly like ordinary substances, but have strong resistance to this strong acid solution. As long as the energy is sufficient, B cells can survive in this strong acid solution for dozens of hours, while our whole transformation process will not exceed six hours. During this period, B cells can constantly phagocytize phagocytic bacteria to supplement energy, which means that B cells can completely persist until we drain these solutions after transformation.

After the strong acid solution and macrophages chewed away the body, bones and internal organs of the young lady, what was left was the protected nervous system and brain tissue. Our transformation process is the need to peel off the nervous system, and the human nervous system is like the root system of plants in the body, to use surgery to clean up, it is estimated that it will take at least a few weeks to complete. But it's not the same with this solution. Phagocytic bacteria and strong acid solutions will help us get rid of everything we don't need, and the rest will be all we need.

Although we know that this conversion process is not dangerous, it is still quite frightening to see the young lady eroded in the solution. That is our group of people, if you change a bad psychological quality, you can be directly scared crazy.

About half an hour later, the young lady's body was obviously smaller, her fingers completely disappeared, her palm became a bare spherical structure, and her feet were almost the same. Moreover, the skin of her legs had completely disappeared, and most of her muscles had been gnawed away. Now it seems that her legs have become very thin, just like a stick. Her abdominal cavity has basically disappeared, because she had an operation before, and there was a wound in her abdomen, so the corrosive agent entered the abdominal cavity to accelerate the phagocytosis process. The organs in the whole abdominal cavity have basically disappeared, and the abdominal wall has been corroded clean. Only the spine has blood and flesh connection.

Of course, at this time, there is no circulatory system and so on. Her heart has long stopped beating and her mind has been in a pause. Her brain and nervous system only rely on the energy provided by B cells for dormancy protection.

The divestiture was going on, and I had to wait outside the lab like the rest of the team. There is no need to intervene in the process of stripping. If you want to do something, you can only wait.

After another half an hour, there was no meat on the lady. All that was left was the skeleton, the protected brain tissue and the neural network. At this time, Ling and Xiaochun had all come to my side. We all watched the peeling process inside. For our dragon people, this is similar to the birth of a newborn, so as long as someone is in the process of transformation, people who have nothing will come and watch silently, just like waiting for the birth of their families.

Because bone is more difficult to break down than muscle tissue, this process usually takes a long time, but we're not going to wait slowly today. Although there is no mechanical arm in the adjustment cabin, we are dragon people, and our electromagnetic force field can be operated through the glass. With my permission, pepper, who is best at physical manipulation, first removed the skull from the skeleton.

At this time, the flesh and blood of the eldest lady has disappeared, and the remaining neural network is not entangled with the skeleton, so the separation is actually very simple. The tentacle like neural networks are suspended in the solution and will leave the bone after a little traction, because they are not connected.

As soon as the separated body bones break away from the dead bones, they are crushed into powder by a huge force, and then dispersed into the solution. Although it takes a long time for the complete bone to melt in the stripper, it's not the same when it's ground into powder, and within a few minutes that bone powder disappears completely.

After finishing the skeleton, she also began to be careful. She put her forehead on the glass outside the adjustment cabin, while holding her hands on the glass surface, her eyes were fixed on the skull inside, and then she began to exert force gently. With her efforts, we can see that the first lady's skull gradually decomposes along the natural bone gap, and finally suddenly completely separated into several pieces of bone fragments.

The rest of the dead bone is just brain tissue, and the broken skull is quickly turned into powder. Previously pasted on the brain tissue, pepper did not dare to force, but now separated, naturally it is directly crushed.

After removing the bone, the stripping process can not be finished immediately, because the key point of this process is actually sterilization, so the neural network and brain tissue still need to be immersed in the solution for a short time. Of course, in theory, this process can kill all bacteria and viruses in just a few minutes, but we are not in a hurry, so the final process of most dragon transformation will be extended to more than half an hour.

We had planned to wait for more than half an hour this time, but after waiting for about five minutes, the phone in the operation room suddenly rang.

Personal communication equipment is not allowed in the base. Contact can only rely on fixed line telephone.The researcher on the control desk answered the phone quickly, then turned to me and called, "little boss, phone call."

Shao Dongjia is a nickname given to me by some people in the base. It's a joke. In fact, some people like to call me "King" directly, but that's what the dragon people call it.

Doubt went to pick up the phone, just reported the name, the opposite roared. "Where are you now?"


"Don't talk nonsense. The chief knows about Xiao Fei. We are at the entrance of the base and are coming down. Where exactly are you? "

"Ah? Oh, what, we are... " Just wanted to say, I found that I forgot which adjustment room this is. The adjustment rooms under the base are all about the same length. When I brought the eldest lady in, it was in a hurry to help. Do you have time to watch the door number? "Just a moment." I covered the microphone and asked the researcher next to me: "what number of adjustment room is this?"


"Dad, we're in adjustment room 1107."

"I see. We're coming down. "

Dad's side is probably very urgent, so I just finished hanging up. However, I can understand this situation. If you heard that your family was shot and sent to the hospital, you would be in the same mood. Although the No. 1 leader is a national leader, he is also a human being. Naturally, there are seven passions and six desires. What's more, Xiao Fei is one of the most popular leaders in her generation. Now she's suddenly shot, and it's said that she's dying. Do you think the No. 1 chief is not in a hurry?

After waiting for less than five minutes, we heard the door behind us retreat to both sides. Then we saw the No. 1 chief stepping in with the help of a middle-aged man. As soon as the No. 1 chief came in, he saw a middle-aged woman rushing out from his side crying.

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei, where is my Xiao Fei? Where's my Faye? " The woman was obviously out of control. After she came in, she looked around, as if we could put the big lady into her pocket. Oh, forget it. It seems to work now. The eldest lady is now left with only brain tissue and a pile of neural networks.

No. 1 leader didn't care about the crazy woman, but came to me directly with the help of the middle-aged man. After all, he is the head of state. His psychological quality is much better than that of normal people. Although his expression and manner can be seen, he is still nervous, but at least he has not lost his temper. "Shenlin, Xiaofei, she..."

I stepped back and pointed to the brain tissue and neural network suspended in the adjustment chamber behind me. "Where is it?"

No. 1 chief officer didn't see what was going on. He saw that woman rushed over like wind, then looked around and yelled: "where is my Xiao Fei? Xiao Fei? Where's Xiao Fei? "

Compared with the woman, the No. 1 leader and the man who supported him were obviously more rational. Both of them noticed the brain tissue suspended in the solution and looked at me for advice.

Of course, I couldn't sell the point at this time. I nodded directly and explained seriously: "the bullet pierced the spleen and caused internal bleeding. Moreover, I had no way to deal with it at that time. It was too late to send the hospital. The only way I could think of was the transformation of the Dragon nationality. According to the identity of the first lady, it is not too much to get a conversion quota. Although I did not get your consent, I really did not have time to ask for your opinions in that case. Do you understand, chief? "

Chief one and the man looked at me in amazement, then at the brain tissue inside the glass cabinet, and then the man spoke first.

"Xiao Lin, your father and I were comrades in arms in those years, and I was also your uncle. Tell me the truth, that..." The man pointed to the brain and stuttered for a moment, then continued: "that brain is Xiao Fei's?"

Before I could answer, the woman rushed to me, grabbed my shoulder and looked at me like a cannibal. "You said it was small Feifei

Although the other side's expression terror, but I still firmly nodded the head, and then the woman did not say anything, directly fell back on the body a soft. Next to the man instinctively let go of the No. 1 chief and went to help the woman. As a result, the No. 1 chief also staggered back two steps. Fortunately, I was next to him and helped her.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about it. This is the transformation process of the dragon people. There will be no danger. Uncle, you and the chief are both highly educated. We should know that the key to human beings is brain tissue. As long as this part doesn't go wrong, other parts are like transplanting other people's organs. No matter how you change them, you or you will not change. In fact, Xiao Fei's way of doing this is similar to organ transplantation. The difference is that there are more things to change at one time. "

After all, men's psychological quality is better. The chief executive and the man who is obviously the father of the eldest lady can understand these things, so after listening to my narration, although my heart is still not calm, at least I feel at ease.

"Are you successful in this transformation?" Asked chief one.

I shook my head and said, "it's just one of the transformation processes, but the most dangerous part has passed. It's not a big problem to say that it has been successful."After hearing what I said, both of them felt relieved. Then Xiao Fei's father asked, "how long will it take for Xiao Fei to look like this? I mean, when can she be normal? Even lying in the hospital bed is no problem, as long as you can have a human figure on the line. I'm afraid Xiaofei is like this. Her mother will collapse first after a long time. "

I looked at the woman in the man's hand, and then said, "in fact, the transformation process is very fast. Now the brain tissue has been stripped out. Immediately implant the electronic control chip, and then add a protective shell, which is basically completed. After that, the brain tissue can be loaded into the body of the dragon people, and the activity can be immediately lively. But now there's a problem. "

"What trouble? Say it out and we'll help you out. " The man asked nervously.

"Take it easy, it's not that kind of question. The problem I'm talking about is that we don't have the body of Xiao Fei. You may not know that our dragon people's bodies are like clothes, which can be easily replaced, so as long as the electronic brain packaging is completed, the transformation is almost completed. But we didn't plan to turn Xiaofei into a dragon before, so we didn't train her special body. A mechanical endoskeleton can be built immediately, but the living tissue needs to be covered and grown on the mechanical bone, and it needs to grow into a body for her. This process will take about a week. So although Xiaofei can sit with you for dinner at night, this appearance is certainly not the same as before. We don't have her body here

Chief one was relieved to hear that it was just a matter of appearance. "This little thing doesn't matter. As long as Xiao Fei is still that Xiao Fei, the rest is not important. It's just that Xiao Fei did plastic surgery after she was injured."

"But beauty..." The man looked at the woman in his hand and asked the first chief.

No. 1 chief thought for a moment and said, "I'll explain to her here, lady."

I thought about it and said, "actually, there's another way to make it up temporarily."

"Say it."

"as like as two peas, we can use plastic cells to produce a face with a similar appearance, but it is actually a camouflage and no way to attach itself to the real dragon body. So if you really need it, we'll have to use the internal skeletal system without covering the supercells to temporarily get you a robot shaped pheasant. Although the head looks like Xiao Fei, the body is a complete machine. In addition to inside skeleton soldier like skeleton, outside can only use silica gel instead of flesh and blood temporarily camouflage

At this time, my father suddenly came to me and said, "chief, if you just want to comfort your daughter, there is no need for you to be so troublesome. We can make a fake body according to Shenlin's method, and then just say that Xiao Fei has just completed the operation and needs to be rehabilitated in the sterile cabin. Your daughter can only see through the glass outside. If she can't touch it, it is certainly impossible to tell the truth from the appearance. And don't we have the zero? Let Xiaofei and her mother access the game together, and meet in the game. Anyway, Xiao Fei is still that Xiao Fei. It's not fake. You won't see any problems in the game. After a week, Xiao Fei's special body is ready to do this, even if it's gone. "

"Yes, it's a good idea. Do as you say."

After getting the consent of the No.1 chief, we left the matter to Xiaochun. Of course, Xiaofei's father also wanted to follow. Because we had not scanned the appearance of the eldest lady before, we could only restore it according to the photos. In order to prevent any flaws from being seen, we must have someone who is familiar with the first lady to guide and confirm that there is no problem.

First lady, her father and Xiaochun left to make a false head. Xiaofei's mother was also sent to the ward in the base. She was given some sleep promoting medicine temporarily to let her sleep a little longer. We can't make her wake up until we get rid of it.

After arranging these things, the chief executive No. 1 was not in a hurry, so he took a seat and looked around the environment.

"Holy forest. Do you look very similar to the style of the No. 4 SAR? "

"Well, it was built with reference to other people's designs. It's normal to have similar styles. Those alien technology is really much more advanced than ours, there is no harm in learning from others. "

No. 1 nodded his head, then looked at the brain tissue floating in the stripping agent and asked, "how long will it take Xiao Fei to do this?"

"It's usually a few minutes, but we usually spend more than half an hour just in case. This process is used to kill bacteria and viruses. As you know, if brain tissue comes into contact with viruses or something, it will be very troublesome. "

As soon as the chief one heard that it was sterilizing, he immediately said that let us soak for a while. I laughed and explained that it was not good to soak too much. After listening to this, the chief executive said with a smile that he was also concerned and confused. Let's follow our own schedule and leave him alone.

Although the No. 1 chief said that we should not care about him, we can't really ignore him, can we? Looking at his restlessness, I knew that chief executive No. 1 was also very anxious, but he didn't say it. Although the sterilization process usually lasts more than half an hour, it is now 20 minutes, which is much longer than the required time. Therefore, it's nothing to start electronic brain assembly now, so I plan to speed up the progress a little bit.I went to the operator and whispered my thoughts to him. The other party immediately nodded and began to operate on the console.

Chief one's mind was completely concentrated on the adjustment cabin. As soon as the level of stripping agent inside began to drop, he stood up excitedly and looked directly at me as if he remembered something. "What is this doing?"

"The stripping process is complete, and we are about to start chip implantation."

"Is this implantation dangerous?"

"We can't say it's completely safe. After all, brain tissue is very fragile, but our success rate is very high. Although I'm not sure it won't be a problem, at least we haven't had an accident at this stage. "

It is said that the success rate is still 100% so far, and the No. 1 chief is relieved. As I said, it's not always a problem, but at least the success rate is very high, isn't it?

The solution in the tank drops rapidly, and then a tube comes down from the top. This tube is so thick that it can cover the whole brain tissue, but it doesn't completely cover the brain tissue of the first lady. Instead, it stops at a short distance above it, and then we all hear a noise of the air pump. Along with the suction in the tube, the brain tissue of the eldest lady began to separate from the falling liquid level and suspended.

In fact, the air floatation system in the whole cabin is very complicated. It is not only one pipe, but other air outlets are edge mounted, so we can not notice it.

With the strong artificial air flow, the brain tissue of the eldest lady was completely sucked out of the water, but it did not enter into the pipe, which always maintained the appropriate air volume to ensure that the brain was suspended but not in contact with it.

The No.1 chief executive was worried and asked me, "what is this doing?"

"This is a separation operation. The solutions that were soaked in before were highly corrosive. Now, because of the protection of B cells outside Xiaofei's brain tissue, it will not be corroded. Instead, it can remove the impurities such as harmful bacteria and virus bodies. But later, when the chip is implanted, it needs to be punctured into the brain tissue. Xiao Fei's brain has not been completely transformed into the brain tissue of our dragon people. Except for the outer protective layer, it can be said that there is no difference between Xiao Fei's brain and human brain. Therefore, if the protective film is punctured, the corrosive fluid will damage the brain tissue inside. In order to avoid this situation, it is necessary to clean the corrosive fluid outside the brain tissue first.

The corrosive solution we use is highly volatile, and the gas that we pass in is at the same temperature as the human body, that is, it has a certain amount of heat. This high volume of warm air is like electric blowing, which can quickly dry the incompletely drained stripper. The residual sites can be removed by B cells themselves. This process will take about 10 minutes, but we will also wait half an hour to make sure that it is absolutely clean. "

No. 1 chief nodded and said, "well, it's better to clean up. It's not too late."

About half an hour later, Xiaochun and they came back first. Mimicry cell formation speed is very fast, small pure directly held a head to come back, the No. 1 chief scared. This head is not only the shape of the face, but also the hair has been made. Except for the eyes, it is basically the same as the human head.

"You did it?" No. 1 chief looks at the head that small pure holds in the hand also don't know is what idea. Although I know this is only a temporary fake, but after all, looking at the head of my granddaughter and being held in my hand is really quite awkward.

Xiaochun didn't notice the response of the No. 1 chief here. She threw the fake head to a researcher nearby. She was so scared that he almost reached for it. After that, I throw them out of other people's pockets. These two eyeballs are not simply spherical, but the structure of an eyeball in front of them, but with a torch like tail behind them.

Holding the eyes, Xiaochun who came to me directly raised one of the eyes. "Al67, al68, which one?"

"68. It looks more realistic. "

"Then 68." Xiaochun directly reaches for the researcher over there, and the other party throws his head back. After catching it, Xiaochun opens the cover behind the skull from the reverse side, and then inserts the eyeball into it from the reverse side.

The head with eyes looks more realistic. Small pure one hand holding the head, the other hand from the back of the neck out of the universal data port, and then click a click from the position of the cervical spine under the head into, and then the No. 1 chief was surprised to see the head began to move. First of all, the eyes blinked a few times, then the mouth opened and closed, and then actually began to count, and used the voice of the eldest lady.

"Is this thing still active?"

"Of course, this is our dragon edge thing." Xiaochun then pulled out the cable and said, "this is done. I left the body to amenis After that, Xiaochun looked at the situation in the eye culture tank and said, "has dehydration begun? Does it look like it's almost done? "

"If you don't come, we're ready to start implanting chips.""Is the speed good?"

A researcher came up to me and handed me a controller and said, "are you coming?"

I thought about it and gave it to Ling. "You come."

Ling nodded and took the controller and went to the side of the adjustment cabin. Then she inserted the controller from a circular part on the side of the adjustment cabin. Then she pressed at the end of the controller, and suddenly a small blue light like octopus sprang up inside the adjustment cabin.

This thing is obviously drilled out of the controller. The plug-in port just now is the entrance, which can send this small thing inside the controller that has been sealed in advance into the adjustment cabin.

The little thing did not fall on the ground after entering, but swam in the air as if in the water. It quickly moved to the side of the big miss's brain, and then turned around the brain for two times. Then, with Ling's operation, all the tentacles suddenly opened, and all the tentacles jumped on the big girl's brain. Those tentacles covered the brain tissue instantly In addition, a lot of transparent silk threads thinner than hair are separated from them. These silk threads quickly insert into important parts of the brain as if they are alive. Then the "octopus head" suddenly unfolds like a flower, and then accurately and rapidly penetrates into the gap between the big brain and the cerebellum.

The whole process took about three minutes to complete, and by this time, the little Octopus like thing had completely covered the head of the eldest lady. It looked as if there was an extra layer of metal mesh on the top of her brain. In addition, there was a petal shaped device in the gap between the back of the brain and the cerebellum, with a blue light spot on it Flash.

"Whoa, it's done." Ling song opened the controller and said with a sigh of relief. The process of this kind of chip implantation seems simple, but it is actually very complicated. The reason why Ling is so fast just now is that Ling is a dragon, and her brain computing speed is thousands of times that of human beings, so it will be so fast. If an ordinary surgeon completes this process, it will take at least two or three days, and it can not guarantee such a high success rate.

After hearing Ling said that he had finished, the expression of No.1 chief officer was obviously relaxed a lot, and I quickly took over the position of Ling, and then manipulated the console nearby to start the final packaging process. I saw a robot arm descending from the top of the cabin, and there was a metal brain shaped thing in its lower part. This is the shell of the electronic brain.

After the robot arm lowered the shell, a circle of manipulator was immediately ejected from the other side. The brain that completed the chip implantation was accurately and dexterously put into the open brain shaped metal container. Then the shell was closed. Two syringes began to inject a special solvent with blue fluorescence at the interface position. The solvent will be good when it meets the metal shell It seeps in like water from a sponge, but the opening on the outside is completely invisible.

is actually a kind of metal glue that is just smeared. But unlike chemical gels, it is the product of real quantum technology. It itself is activated metal particles. When they contact the metal, they will start releasing the internal electrons. When the electrons are released, the energy will disappear, and the quantized metal ions will return to the ordinary gold quickly. The state of the genus. In the process of quantum transformation, it will produce a certain assimilation effect on the nearby metals, so when the metal quantum is fully materialized, the original two pieces of metal will be completely fused into one piece, even if it is cast at one time, and there is almost no gap. Its structural strength is also as good as that of a metal block formed by one casting.

After the bonding is complete, the next part is simple. After passing through a special pressure chamber, the metallized brain is sent out like an object ejected from a vending machine.

No. 1 chief saw that I actually took that brain out, and immediately looked at me in surprise and asked, "this is the end of the matter?"

"Not yet, but most of them are finished. Now the protective shell has been completely sealed. It can be said that this thing is indestructible. However, because the brain tissue of the eldest lady has not been completely transformed, the resistance of souyi to concussion is still not high, but at least bacteria and other things can not be worried about. This thing has been completely sealed. "

"What else is to be done?"

"Just put this on." As I said, I took a metal ant without abdomen from the technician next to me. I put the electronic brain and this thing together, and the two were automatically connected. At this time, this can be said to be a complete dragon electronic brain.

"Is that done?" Asked chief one.

I nodded: "this is the completed dragon electronic brain, but it has not been activated. In addition, this thing has not been completely transformed. Xiao Fei's brain is still a human structure, and complete transformation will take some time, but as long as the energy is sufficient, the transformation speed is still relatively fast, and the complete transformation can be completed within one month at most. "

Chief one nodded and said, "when can we talk to her?"

"Just activate it now."

"Is this the way to talk?" It's strange that chief one can communicate with a brain like thing.I explained, "now that you have all the basic structures of a creature, so you can talk. But now Xiao Fei is still sleeping. We need to activate her first, that is to wake her up. "

"How to do it?"

"It's very simple. Just a moment." As I said this, I pulled out the universal interface from the back of my head, and then plugged it into the interface behind the electronic brain of the eldest lady. When the neural circuit was established, I immediately saw a lot of information pouring into my eyes. Of course, these are the memory signals of the eldest lady, not really.

The screen flickers very fast because I don't want to pry into privacy, so I didn't pay attention to the information, just let it pass quickly. Then when the picture returned to the first nerve signal before the birth of the eldest daughter, I immediately began to record the signal, and then output a signal with the same waveform in reverse.

For a moment, the electronic brain of the eldest lady seemed to have cramps. The mechanical insect like thing below stirred her eight legs and then returned to normal soon.

"I am Grandfather

"Feifei?" Chief one's tears came down in an instant. "Xiao Fei, how do you feel?"

"Feeling Feeling Why can't I feel my limbs? " The first lady obviously found her own problem. She began to manipulate the mechanical legs on the electronic brain in a bit of confusion, but she was not used to these things, so the road was crooked. But after all, eight legs are relatively stable structure, so they will not fall down even though they are crooked.

After twisting on the ground for a while, the first lady focused on us again, then looked at us and asked in surprise, "what's wrong with me? Why am I so small? "

I looked left and right, and then I reached out and a metal plate on the edge of the wall suddenly flew over. The surface of the metal plate is mirror treated and can barely be used as a mirror.

After seeing her shadow on the mirror steel plate, the first lady was dumbfounded, then she screamed and finally got up. But she soon let out her emotions, and then crawled back to us.

"What's the matter with me now?"

"You are a dragon now." I said.

"I became a dragon?" Miss, I still can't turn the corner. "But I..."

"Your parasitism is very successful, so you should not have any damage to your memory. Do you remember what happened to you before? "

As soon as I reminded her, she immediately responded. "Yes! I seem to have been hurt by Jia Hongjian, that bastard! Am I dead

"You didn't die, but you almost died. The bullet hit the spleen and it all broke. I can't stop bleeding completely, so I can only transform you into a dragon, or you will hang up before the ambulance arrives. "

"In the beginning, shouldn't dragon people look the same as human beings? What's the matter with me? "

"You are the core of the dragon clan, and we all have this structure in our heads. The body is like clothes to us. Our brains are the same as you are now, and then we put them into the outer shell

"So you dragon people are like this?"

"Not you, but us." Ling suddenly cut in and said, "you are a member of the dragon clan now."

"Sorry, I can't turn around in a short time."

The first lady talked with us a lot later. She felt that she had no resistance to becoming a dragon race. This reassured me and the No. 1 chief executive. Before the transformation, because the eldest lady has fainted, so there is no way to ask for my opinion, so I have been worried that she will not accept. This is, after all, abandoning the human identity and becoming a different kind of creature. Although there is not much change in appearance, it is after all a change of race. Some people can't even change their faith or nationality, let alone the whole species?

But now it seems that I'm worried about Bai. The eldest lady doesn't have so many worries. She seems to be very happy to become a dragon.

I'm not surprised by the response of the eldest lady. After all, it's a matter of common sense. Although the dragon people are different from human beings, they are much better than human beings in many aspects, so generally speaking, as long as they are not the kind of people who like to be sharp witted, most people will not have too much resistance. Besides, the first lady is a technician, so the resistance to this kind of things is even less.

After chatting for a while, the No.1 chief left because he had something to do. His father and his entourage all followed him, but Xiao Fei's parents stayed. Her mother is still lying in the hospital bed. Maybe she has used too much tranquilizer, and there is no sign of waking up. His father has to take care of two women now, and naturally he can't leave.

After the first chief left, the first lady began to ask me, "don't you all have bodies? Why didn't I? "

"Dragon transformation is generally planned months in advance, so after the plan is made, we will first cultivate a special body for us, but this is an emergency, so we did not prepare a special body for you.""Can I use your ones? I thought I heard you say that each of you has more than one body? "

"You can use it. The interface between the electronic brain and the body is universal. But because your mother as like as two peas or not, you are now in the same way, so we are going to make you a body that looks exactly the same as before, otherwise I would expect your mother to collapse.

"That's what I said! My mother's mental endurance has always been bad, something will collapse. However, even if you want to fool my mother, at least give me a body to move

"You don't have to worry about it. It's ready for you." I said, let Ling they will be ready to prepare the body and the imitation of the head have been brought over.

When she saw this head, she was shocked. She almost thought who had cut off her head and put it here. Of course, because it's metal inside, it's easy to see through. But this kind of insight is actually based on the premise that this thing is not installed on the body. As long as the docking is good, the hole in the neck will not be seen, so it is easier to confuse the real with the fake.

After checking the head for a long time, the eldest lady was still quite satisfied. Although there is a big gap between this imitation and our real body, the first lady has not used the real body so far, so she does not reject our temporary body.

After we've got this head, we've got our bodies back. The body is much rougher than the head. In fact, this body is using an obsolete internal skeleton as the main support frame, so as to make a general human shape on the premise of ensuring that the eldest lady can still have certain movement ability.

Of course, the internal skeleton alone is not good. The whole thing is a skeleton frame. If the eldest lady's mother sees it, she must faint. However, we have agreed to use the excuse of isolation to prevent her from directly contacting the eldest lady, so we don't need too complicated design. In the outside of this mechanical skeleton, use white iron to make the approximate thickness of muscle tissue, and then put on a wide medical suit. Anyway, at that time, the eldest lady was lying in the isolation room in the sick clothes, and only her head, hands and feet could be seen outside. If she is afraid that her mother's eyesight is too good to see the flaw, we can even make the glass of the isolation cabin foggy, as long as we get some steam, it is impossible to see clearly.

After the plan was made, even the first lady felt that this method was extremely useful, but during this period, she could only lie down here.

The eldest lady is obviously that kind of extremely cheerful disposition, moreover does not have the leisure. As soon as her mother's problem was solved, her attention completely jumped to the ability of our dragon people. Before, because I wanted to take a picture of herself, I used the electromagnetic force field to get a metal plate to our side. At that time, because of the emotional instability, the eldest lady did not pay attention to it. She remembered it.

"We dragon people seem to have super ability, right? I saw you use it. Teach me. I want to try. When I was a child, I adored the superheroes in the comics. I didn't expect that one day I could become a superhero. Ha ha ha ha, just think about it

"I'm sorry about what you said about superpowers. You don't seem to be able to use them for the time being." I am a basin of cold water directly to the eldest lady, as to whether she will be angry or not, I have no control.

"Why? Why don't I have superpowers? " The eldest lady is really angry. (the novel "from scratch" will have more new content on the official wechat platform, and 100% raffle gift will be given to you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and speed it up! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!