Chapter 3097

"This You'd better not know. " "It's a taboo thing on our side," anubis said. "This time we spent so much energy pumping out the energy in this thing so that it could be destroyed. The energy intensity of this thing is so high that we can't control it, so we have to find a way to export part of the energy before we can destroy it

"Too much energy?" I looked at it with a little surprise and asked, "how powerful is it?"

"How strong?" Anubis thought for a moment and said, "I don't know how to explain to you that the energy of this kind of thing and your energy are not the same concept, but to put it in a way that you can understand, it can release the energy equivalent to the whole energy of one of my great divinities every second."

"This thing can release so much energy every second?" I asked in surprise.

"That's for sure, we've confirmed it before," cohoprah said

I thought for a moment and asked, "can you show me that staff?"

Anubis hesitated a little, but handed it to me.

The length of this staff is not long. Even if the ring on the top is added, it is only about 1.9 meters. Compared with many theocracies, this staff should be regarded as a shorter one, but even if it is short, it is relative to the divine power staff. Among the ordinary staff, this is definitely a huge staff, but the real special thing about this thing is its weight.

Because I could see the size of the staff, I had a rough estimate of its weight before I took it. But when I got the handle, I immediately felt a huge pressure on my arm. If I hadn't responded in time, I would have missed the staff.

"Damn it! Why is this thing so heavy? "

"This staff is made of reinforced refined gold, and some materials we don't know about are added. In short, the density is very high, and the energy intensity inside is terrible. This layer of energy and this material seem to resonate with each other. Before the energy is exhausted, the thing itself is almost indestructible, otherwise we don't have to work so hard

"I have a suggestion about it." I groped for the path of the staff.

Anubis looked at me and asked, "don't say you want to buy it. We will never sell it."

"You are going to destroy it, that is to say, you are not going to keep it. What is the purpose of your refusal to sell it? Are you afraid that someone will find out that you have this thing, or is there something wrong with it? "

Khopra and anubis looked at each other, and anubis said to me, "come on, tell you the truth. It was stolen, but I can't tell you how it was stolen, why it was stolen, and who its original owner was. What I can tell you is that the owner of this thing may come to us recently. Therefore, in order to prevent it from being discovered, we need to destroy it as soon as possible, so as not to worsen the easy to recover relationship between us. "

After hearing anubis' words, I suddenly cocked my mouth and said with a smile, "is this something of some superior God?"

Khopra suddenly rushed to my face, covered my mouth, and then said with fear, "Oh, my little ancestor! Can such words be spoken? Don't make trouble for us

"All right, all right, you don't want to be so exaggerated, OK? Isn't it just a staff? People may not even care. Otherwise, do you think that what the above gods are looking for may not be found until now

Anubis and cohoprah looked at each other when they heard what I said. Although they did not say it, they could see that they had already believed me. The energy intensity of this thing is so high, that is to say, as far as the energy world is concerned, it is a huge radiation source, and strong radiation signals can be received in a large area around it. However, the upper God's ability to sense energy can not be simply described as strong, so this kind of thing can not be hidden at all. But, looking at anubis and khopra, it's probably been here a long time ago. Only recently, when they heard that the superior God was coming, they suddenly remembered that this thing was in a hurry to destroy it.

According to this situation, this thing should not be particularly important. At least the God did not take it seriously. Otherwise, it would be too simple for people to find it.

Since the superior God has never cared about this thing, the possibility that he suddenly thinks of it is very low. In this way, we can know that this thing is not very important to the superior God.

"If that person didn't care, why would he suddenly ask Nu Shen whether we have the habit of petty theft?" Asked cohoprah.

"Did you ask directly?"

Anubis shook his head and said, "we don't know the details, but it seems that the man asked the question directly.""Generally speaking, the probability of this kind of situation is not high, but it is difficult to say, but since that person has not mentioned it before, you can keep silent. As for this thing, I think you can handle it for me. Even if the superior God thinks of this thing, you can put the responsibility on me. So you'll get rid of this thing. What about? What do you think of it? "

Anubis hesitated for a moment and asked, "do you really mean to take the blame?"

"Don't make a mistake. That's the God," he said

I nodded and said, "yes, I'm sure. But the premise is that you can't take the initiative to mention this matter, unless the other Party pursues you, otherwise you are not allowed to disclose this matter

Anubis and khopra thought for a moment, then anubis suddenly said, "I'd better ask the father."

Cohoprah shook his head and said, "no, no, no, Osiris had better not know about it."

"Is there anything else about Osiris?"

"It's not just Osiris, I'm afraid." "It's all a silly thing we did when we were young, so don't ask," cohoprah said. Anyway, it's hard to explain. "

I shook my head helplessly and said, "it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I can get this thing. How about anubis? Give me a word. Tell me if you can give it to me? "

After a little hesitation, anubis asked, "what are you going to do with this? If you want to use it with it, I will never promise you. Once it's used, it will produce strong energy fluctuations, and it will be discovered by that person, so you can't use it at all. There is no use value in taking such a thing back. On the contrary, you have to take huge risks for it. I don't think it will be useful for you to take this thing. "

"It's up to me to judge whether it's useful or not. What you have to consider is whether you are willing to give it to me."

"As long as you don't take it out and use it directly, we don't care, and as long as you can keep it from being discovered, then we'll thank you."

"So it is." I thought about it for a while and asked, "in that case, I don't feel like it. Why don't you just give me this thing? I'll help you solve the problem. You send me this thing as a reward. Anyway, you don't want it. Would you like it? "

Anubis and khopra thought for a moment, and then anubis stood up and said, "we still can't completely decide where this thing belongs. I think we'd better ask the Osiris father."

Cohoprah followed: "I need to inform you about Tetu, and La."

"Damn it, is there anyone else in Egypt who doesn't know about it?"

"The lower gods don't know." Khopra's answer was super straightforward, but after that, the guy immediately started to contact the protoss they mentioned.

I don't know if it's really a matter of great concern. Anyway, Osiris and Raj as well as Tetu showed great concern, and Osiris actually ran over directly.

Osiris and I did not meet for the first time, but there was nothing to be ashamed of. After a group of Egyptian Gods arrived here, they began to plot. These guys are obviously Protoss. After discussing a problem, they just like a group of thieves decide how to share the stolen goods. After more than half an hour's discussion, they finally came to a conclusion.

After confirming the incident, their reaction was very strange. Tetu and La and several other gods in contact left here carefully and quickly. They didn't even call me, as if they were afraid that others would know that they had been here.

After all those irrelevant people have run away, the only gods left on the scene are anubis, khopra and Osiris. After all, these three may be directly related to this thing, so they are responsible for the final work.

Osiris is different from anubis and cohoprah. His relationship with me can only be regarded as cooperation. He is not very familiar with me, so his attitude towards me is obviously more business oriented. Osiris, standing in front of me, looked at me very seriously and said, "we have discussed the situation just now. We don't think it's a big problem to give it to you, but some things need to be confirmed before we can decide whether to give it to you or not. "

Since Osiris said so formally, I can't refuse. I can only nod and say, "it doesn't matter. You can say it."

Osiris nodded. "You'd better understand. So let me start with the first question. How do you want it back. That is to say, how do you want to play its value? After all, you can't just put it in the warehouse to dust, can you? "

I nodded and said, "of course, I can't have this thing dusted in the warehouse. I have two purposes. "

"Go ahead.""First. I want to study this thing and analyze its characteristics. I think the scientific research department of frost rose League should be able to get some inspiration from this thing and even directly discover some underlying rules. "

Osiris nodded his head. "It's a good use. Very safe. What about your second destination

"My second goal is to get energy from this thing." I pointed to anubis and said, "anubis and khopra had tried to destroy this thing before, but they found that the energy on it was too strong to destroy it, and after many times of deriving energy, they seemed to have found something special. I've heard that when they're exporting energy, there's energy spillover and the system's overheating leading to meltdown. That is to say, the energy of this thing is not that it can't be led out, but that the energy is too strong, and nothing can bear such a great energy intensity. Besides, since anubis and cohoprah would like to improve their equipment, they have tried it more than once or twice before. If only the energy intensity of this thing is too high, I think you can reduce the energy intensity of this thing to within your control sooner or later as long as you cast a little at a time. But it's clear that neither anubis nor cohoprah has been able to reduce the energy intensity of this thing at all, which represents the possibility that it can recover itself. That's why anubis and cohoprah put so much effort into designing cooling devices so that they can build a device that can release energy for a long time, because once the process of releasing energy stops, it restores energy quickly, so you can only do so. What about? Am I right? "

Anubis nodded and said, "it's worthy that we are specialized in these magic techniques, but we are better than others."

I laughed and said, "so, since this thing can generate a lot of energy and recover very fast, that means it's a magic battery that can recover energy automatically. Why do you think I don't use such a powerful and almost cost-effective energy battery? "

After hearing what I said, Osiris was stunned for a moment, then after a few seconds, his expression on his face suddenly became quite excited. Then he began to laugh and said, "OK, this is a good way. The magic machine of your guild can absorb and utilize this energy. In this way, the energy of the staff will be absorbed and transformed into other energy situations. Naturally, there will be no external energy radiation. Ha ha, this is a good way. Good. Now that you decide to use this as a source of energy, I promise you. As for your research I only allow you to study in the energy center. Don't take this thing alone, because it's likely to be discovered. "

I promised, "you can rest assured that you don't want to be remembered by that person. Why do I want to cause trouble?"

Osiris nodded, "it's a good idea, but where are you going to put this energy center?"

I hesitated for a moment and said, "I have three plans at present, but I have some concerns."

"Tell me about it." Osiris seems to want me to make sure of this thing.

Since Osiris is so concerned about this issue, I can't refuse it. I can only give him a detailed account.

"There are three trends in my mind. The first is to put this staff in the mobile fortress of Eisinger. "

"Are you going to replace the energy core in Eisinger's mobile fortress with this one?" Asked Osiris.

"How can I remember that Eisinger mobile fortress in your guild is a flying castle?" asked cohopla

"It should be said that it is a flying city. After all, it is a mobile fortress. How can it be as big as a castle?" I explained, "but I'm a little worried about this plan myself."

"I have concerns, too." Osiris said, "your mobile stronghold of eisenegger is obviously a fort of war. This thing is going to fight. If it is sunk, what should be done if it is exposed? There is also a problem, that is, this staff will be quite unstable when releasing energy. In case of reverse energy impact in the process of fighting, it will not be a good thing for us

"Can this thing still be activated?" I asked, looking at Osiris in surprise.

Osiris said in some embarrassment: "in fact, this thing has been sealed after it arrived here. But because the energy flow inside is too strong, our seal can not completely limit its energy. However, although the seal can not completely seal the energy inside, as long as there is no external energy to cooperate with this thing, it will not produce much for us But if you use it on Eisinger's mobile fortress, it will be a disaster for you and for us if it breaks the seal by the elemental tides produced by the powerful magic of war. "

When anubis heard Osiris say this, he also expressed how terrible it would be if this thing ran wild. However, I don't think they are exaggerating. After all, it's something of a higher God, and it's not surprising what happens."Don't you have a choice? Talk about it. If the other two choices are suitable, can't this unsafe option be used? "

"It can't be said that it's not safe, it's just immature." I said, "the second option is to put this thing in the steel city as a power source."

"Steel city?" Anubis and Osiris have obviously never heard of it. After all, steel city is a secret arms production base for our guild. Just as a large part of the military factories in reality are in a state of confidentiality, our steel city claims to be an industrial base. Although many people know that magic machinery is produced here, there are very few people who know about the specific output and types. After all, our guild has been deliberately diluting the information of steel city to prevent other guilds from paying attention to it Inside. Anubis and Osiris are both Protoss, so they don't know much about the guild information of players. Besides, the steel city is not in Egypt, and the relationship with them is even less. Anubis they don't know is the normal situation.

I explained the role of steel city a little, and then said, "steel city is basically an industrial center for our guild. The energy consumption of those large manufacturing plants is very considerable. Almost one third of our guild's magic crystal consumption is used here."

"This place sounds good. You might as well just put it here." Osiris obviously felt that this place was relatively safe. After all, the steel city was a hidden industrial base. It was located in a relatively desolate desert area. Besides, it was surrounded by protective circles, so most people would not come into contact with it. Besides, it was a semi underground fortress city. There was no place safer than this.

Although Osiris said that this place was wrong, I had my consideration. The only condition Osiris considered was safety. However, I was the president of frost rose League. I stood in different positions and had different ways of thinking. For me, although security is one of the issues that need to be considered, it is more important to consider the maximization of economic benefits and interests, so this kind of thing can not be decided simply because of security.

"Although the steel city is indeed very safe, there is a drawback of the steel city. Although it is a huge energy consumption point, the problem is that its energy consumption only accounts for about one third of the energy consumption of our guild, and it is not the place with the largest energy consumption. In addition, our guild has a very important building called dream pool. This building can absorb energy and convert it into energy liquid. If the energy liquid is directly drunk, it can be used as a magic potion. Moreover, if the magic crystal stone that has run out of energy is put in this pool, the magic crystal will automatically recover its energy, and the speed is very fast. That is to say, as long as the dream pool has energy, it can be used as an energy charger. It can re charge the magic stones we have consumed, and can also produce a lot of magic potions. This is of great significance to us. Although the steel city uses a lot of energy, if we can use the dream pool to recharge the magic crystal, we can use the dream pool to supply the energy consumption of the steel city. As for the energy source of the dream pool itself, we can use this staff. "

"Do you mean to use this staff to charge the dream pool?" Asked Osiris.

"No, the dream pool is a special building in the twin cities of Eisinger, so my third idea is to put this staff in the twin cities as the energy center of the twin cities. In this way, we can not only meet the energy consumption of the twin cities, but also indirectly provide energy for the steel City by using the dream pool. In fact, our guild does not only use magic stones in steel city. Many of our mobile devices use magic stones as power. In this case, if the twin cities of Eisinger have unlimited energy supply, it means that many of our guild's things have energy supply, and the energy supply is almost free. "

Osiris thought for a moment and asked, "are your twin cities of isinger safe?"

"The twin cities of Eisinger is the headquarters city of our frost rose League. Although many people hope to destroy it, it is our old nest for us. Naturally, we will protect it very seriously. In addition, our protection work is in place. Although the twin cities of Eisinger have been attacked many times, there has never been any real occupation Yes

After hearing my explanation, Osiris hesitated a little and said after a while, "first of all, I would like to say that the mobile fortress of Eisinger is not recommended for you to install this thing on it. Steel city should be a good choice, but it seems that you are not very satisfied with the plan. As for the twin cities of isinger, it seems that it is the most appropriate choice Yes. I don't think your frost rose League is a small tree that will fall in one blow. As your foundation, this twin city of Eisinger should also be a very safe place, so I agree with your plan in theory

Hearing Osiris nodding, I immediately gave a smile and said, "thank you for your understanding. As long as we put this thing in the twin cities of eisenegger, we can get almost unlimited free energy, which is absolutely a good thing for our frost rose League."

Osiris suddenly put out a hand to stop me from going on, and then said to himself, "thank you. Although we have decided to use this thing for you, we are not going to transfer it indefinitely."I knew that none of the protoss was a fuel-efficient lamp. Anubis looks fierce, but in fact, he is a straightforward guy with few bad ideas. He belongs to the type who looks very bad but is actually very sincere to people. The guy in cohoprah, though a bit crafty, is actually an honest man and a good old man. Although he is a little fussy, he is not a bad man. However, Osiris is not the same. This guy is more like a politician. Of course, he is not a particularly bad politician, but he knows how to fight for benefits. So even if it is good for them to deal with this thing, Osiris can't really give me a free energy generator.

Although Osiris made such a request, I didn't intend to take advantage of it, so it was not a surprise.

"I don't know what price Osiris thinks I need to pay?"

At this time, anubis and cohoprah both began to help and say, "don't worry, purple sun, we are old friends, of course we won't pit you."

Osiris nodded, "anubis is right. We will not pit you."

"So what are the specific requirements?"

Anubis said with a smile, "is it necessary to ask? That thing, of course. You know that. "

Of course, I know what anubis means by "that thing". It's just the power of faith. The needs of the protoss for the power of faith are just like the needs of ordinary people for food. Although there are abundant materials in modern society and there are many poor people, people in most countries can guarantee the basic food demand except for a few countries. Therefore, most of us don't care too much about eating. However, if the food supply disappears one day, you will understand how important food is. It can be said that it is the basis of all human behavior. Without food or lack of food, people will no longer be human, but will degenerate into wild animals. It is a dream for a country with a long-term food shortage to develop. For a Protoss power, to buy medicine and develop, it must have a large supply of faith, otherwise it will not degenerate.

Of course, the protoss will develop their own believers, and believers to the protoss are like farmland to farmers. Farmers harvest grain after plowing in the fields, and the protoss spread faith among believers, and then reap the power of faith. However, it is slightly different from the food in reality. In fact, there is a limit to the consumption of food. No matter how you eat it, it will be enough if the consumption reaches a certain standard. Even if wine making and breeding will increase the consumption of planting and agriculture, in fact, there is still a limit value for food consumption, which will not exceed too much. But the amount of power that Protoss need to believe in is almost infinite.

The reason why the chaos and order of the frost rose alliance is that the power of belief of the protoss cannot be used up is not that their consumption is very small, but that the number of the power of belief produced by the underworld on the side of the heaven is too large, and the number of the chaos and order Protoss themselves is relatively small, which can not be compared with those local Protoss. Naturally, the power of faith cannot be used The situation. However, this is a very individual case, not a common situation. For most of the protoss forces, the power of faith is the more the better, and no matter how much more, Dodd is not disgusted.

"If you want the power of faith, just say it. Although we don't have a lot of faith power collected by frost rose League, we can still squeeze out some if it is used to exchange this staff that can provide unlimited energy." I'm not a fool. Even though we have so much faith in frost rose league that I don't know how to use it, I can't tell people directly! If those local Protoss really want to know that our frost rose alliance's faith power is too much to use, then they will not trade with us, but directly rush to rob us. Occasionally crying for poverty can not only prevent others from thinking about us, but also change people's perception of us. After all, other Protoss now think that the power of faith we trade in is hard to squeeze out. If they get a little bit of power of faith, they will be grateful to us. Conversely, if they know that our faith power is too much to use up Even if we give ten times more, maybe a bunch of protoss think we are stingy.

Osiris was in a good mood when he saw that I did not shy away from trading the power of faith. "Since you have said that, chairman ziri, we are not polite." After Osiris had said that, he turned around and held out a finger with anubis and cohoprah and said, "we want this number."

"The power of a million units of faith?" I nodded calmly and said, "that's OK. I can make sure now."

"No, no, No Osiris shook his head as soon as I said a million units of faith. "Not a million units. It's 100 million units of faith."

"How much do you say?"

"100 million." Osiris said without blinking.

"Are you kidding?" With a look of surprise, I asked, "are you sure you're really going to exchange?"

Osiris suddenly changed his expression and said with a very embarrassed expression: "we also know that the price is a little high, but we have no way. Recently, we have encountered some problems, just need a lot of faith to solve the problem, so we really need the power of faith.""That doesn't hurt me either." I reluctantly said: "our guild has 100 million units of faith power, but my faith power is not from the strong wind!"

"What? Do you really have one? " Osiris, listen to me, we have 100 million units of faith, and immediately jumped up.

Seeing Osiris's reaction, I was surprised and asked, "didn't you know that we have so much power of faith? Do you really want to sell at such a high price? "

"No, it's not." Anubis quickly grabbed Osiris and stood up and explained, "it's not that we don't want to sell, it's that we need a lot of faith now, and we don't intend to let you really put forward 100 million units of faith power! Don't we want to pay back on the spot

"You are so...!" After shaking my head helplessly, I said, "if you need the power of faith, I can provide more than 100 million units."

"What? Can you provide us with more than 100 million units of faith? " This time even cohoprah is not calm. Although khopra is usually very calm, but suddenly heard so much of the power of faith, even the old Protoss are a little overwhelmed.

After a little appeasement, I said, "our guild really has more than 100 million units of faith power reserves, and the actual reserves may be more than twice this."

"What?" This time, the three Protoss, khopra, anubis and Osiris, called together. They were surprised to hear that we had more than 100 million units of faith. As soon as I turned around, I doubled the number. It was like throwing a heavy bomb in their heads and stung all three Protoss.

"Do you really have more than 200 million units of faith?" Asked Osiris.

Anubis, more direct than his father, came up, took my shoulder and said, "come on, what do you want us to do? As long as you give us all the power of faith, you can do anything you want us to do. "

"Hello, Hello, you are Protoss! A little bit of discipline, will you? " After taking off anubis' paw, I said, "I have more than 200 million units of faith, but it's easy for us to accumulate, so we can't give you all for one staff. After all, it's a hot item among all Protoss. As long as I yell, I'll make sure that all the protoss in the world can rush to our guild and shout for change. "

"But you've come to us, which means you've decided to trade with us, haven't you?" Osiris is a very smart guy.

"You have a good head." I looked at Osiris and said, "well, I'll tell you the truth! What we need is really simple, but the key is how much you can give. "

"Just say it." Said cohoprah.

I nodded and said, "you know, we're at war, and we're in a bit of trouble, so we need troops now."

"You want to buy soldiers from us?" Osiris responded immediately, then turned to anubis.

Anubis is not a fool. On the contrary, this guy is very smart. As soon as he saw his father's eyes, he immediately came up to him and asked, "my death guard can sell you. How many reports do you want?"

"I want more than death guards." I looked at anubis and said, "I need a lot of things. Besides death guards, I need a lot of scarabs."

"What do you want the Scarab for?" Asked cohoprah, looking at me.

Khopra is the God of beetles, and the Scarab is actually his people. Suddenly, I heard that I wanted the scarab. Khopra was obviously very surprised, because although the Scarab can play a great role in the battle, the Scarab is not actually a kind of arms. That's why cohoprah doesn't understand why I'm buying scarabs.

"You don't care what I want the Scarab to do. Anyway, what I need is the Scarab and the guards of death. In addition, I also need a very special kind of arms."

"What else?"

"I need a lot of mummies."

"Mummy?" Anubis was stunned when he heard the answer, not because he couldn't provide it, but because it was too simple. Who is anubis? He is the God of mummies. Although his mummies can't be compared with those of death guards who can be made wirelessly, this thing is not too rare, so there are many mummies under anubis. I thought I would need some special exaggerated arms, but I didn't expect that I would say the mummy in a single mouth, which is the same as the miscellaneous arms for anubis.

"I can make decisions for anubis. You can have a mummy." Osiris said quickly.

Anubis also made a quick statement. "I have so many mummies. How many do you want? It's too much to say. A few hundred million dollars is no problem. "

"Not so much. Besides, if I really want so much, you won't change it on the strength of this belief? "Anubis laughed when he heard this. Unfortunately, his dog's head was super infiltrative when he laughed. Thanks to my indifference, ordinary people were scared to death.

"Chairman ziri, since you want these three kinds of arms and need the staff, can you give me a specific exchange price?"

I thought for a moment and said, "first of all, I can only exchange that staff with the power of five million units of faith. Do you have different opinions on this? "

Do you intend to interrupt the two units of Osiris

I nodded and said, "yes, it's all used up. Except for the staff, the rest should be changed to soldiers. "

Osiris made the decision as soon as he heard it. "No problem. The staff is five million units. How do you want to change the rest?"

I thought for a moment and said, "the first thing I need is a mummy. I'm going to exchange 50 million mummies with you with 100 million units of faith. I wonder if it's ok? "

Anubis hesitated a little, but after glancing at Osiris's eyes, he immediately nodded and said, "if you promise to spend all the power of faith in your hands on us, 50 million will be 50 million. I will sell it to you. 100 million units of faith. We need to add something else as value compensation. "

I know that this is a system limitation. After all, the power of faith is too much for us, and the system will not let us use unlimited force. Of course, because the power of faith is a kind of resource developed by our own efforts, it is certainly not a problem for us to use the power of faith to compensate for part of the value, but we can never use the power of faith completely.

"As long as you say so." I said directly, "the power of 100 million units of faith remains unchanged, plus a million crystal coins. What do you think?"

Anubis shook his head and said, "five million crystal coins, this is the bottom line."

I know that's the bottom line of the system, so I didn't embarrass anubis. "OK, five million crystal coins plus 100 million units of faith for 50 million mummies. But don't fool me with mummies that walk like grandfathers

Anubis clenched his teeth and said, "all for you to use the Pharaonic guard, this is no problem?"


"What about the rest of the power of faith?" Asked cohoprah.

We just talked about the power of more than 200 million units of faith, and we only traded 105 million units of power of faith. There is no trading target under me, so cohoprah asked anxiously.

I thought for a moment and said, "besides mummies, I need scarabs. Cohoprah, since you are here, I think you should be in charge of this? "

Cohoprah nodded. "I am the God of the beetle. Of course, I can control the scarab at will. However, the Scarab has never been listed on the trading list before, so I'm not sure how to price this price

I thought for a moment and said, "is there a problem with 100 million units of faith for 2 billion scarabs?"

After listening to my offer, khopra hesitated and said, "is this price too low? If the power of 100 million faith is exchanged for 2 billion scarabs, on average, 20 scarabs can be exchanged for the power of one belief. Is it too cheap for my people? Although the Scarab is small in size and can't be compared with mummies, its combat effectiveness is not much weaker! "

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