Chapter 2972

The stupefied Russian allied forces confronted our army for half an hour before our battle, and then, as if suddenly reacting from the shock, suddenly began to turn around and run away, and ran out of our attack range in the blink of an eye. Of course, Xin's attack range is certainly enough, but she obviously doesn't want to get involved in such things.

When she let those Siberian Protoss go, Xin once said that she didn't want to involve too much cause and effect. This kind of thing may sound like an excuse to others, but it seems to me that this is a very reliable truth. In the protoss, the existence that can involve both cause and effect is the supreme super Protoss. For example, some low-level Protoss don't have to worry about this thing, because cause and effect involves the law, and the low-level gods have no ability to contact the law, so naturally, they don't have to worry about this kind of thing.

Looking at the Russian players in front of them leading their NPC corps to famine, we did not chase or cheer. Instead, we turned around to look at Xin, still floating in the sky, waiting for her verdict. Although this person's identity is her own, the strength she shows is far from what ordinary people can fight against. So after seeing the Russian side running away, we don't have to ask, naturally we all focus on Xin.

I don't know if we don't want us to chase or for other reasons. Xin just floats there until the Russian players have run out of sight. Then she suddenly turns around and flies back. When passing by me, she suddenly says, "let's all go. Those foreigners are afraid to come back."

I nodded and quickly sent out the command. The players and NPC below acted as if they were suddenly given the thaw command, and I quickly followed up.


"Call me Xin."

"That, Xin. Before you I asked carefully. Although I was a little worried, I knew Xin would not lose her temper because of this kind of thing.

Sure enough, Xin didn't mind my question at all. She said directly, "I think you have a good aptitude, so I love talents. But I can see the situation here. If you don't solve it, you won't be free in a short time."

"Thank you very much." I'm not a fool who doesn't know anything. The meaning of others is obvious. It depends on my good qualifications and wants to teach me some things. However, they are powerful. After a simple inspection, they can understand the situation in Russia through a few words. So she analyzed that people like me must be in charge here. But she didn't want to wait, so she directly defeated all the ideas of Siberian Protoss and Russian players by means of thunder, and directly shattered all their hopes in the form of force majeure. Although people have always had a bad memory, even if it was hurt this time, they will gradually forget, and then they will come back. But it also takes a process, doesn't it? So, after Xin's efforts, it is unlikely that there will be any more news here in a short period of time. After all, there are only four days left before the occupation time, that is, in about 100 hours, this side can accept the formal protection of the heaven court. With the strength of Russian players, when the Siberian Protoss does not participate in the war, it is basically a death act to declare war on us players and the Tianting forces at the same time. As for the Siberian Protoss If they had the courage, they would not dare to die again.

After all, she has done so much for me. Of course, Xin is entitled to be appreciated by me, so she accepted it. After all, after all, the leaders of Aisin have to move back to the meeting hall to deal with the most important tasks for them.

To my surprise, Xin told me that I could bring real red and gold coins with me during our meeting. Of course, I couldn't refuse this kind of good thing. It's a pity that Christina doesn't have the chance. After all, she has a different identity. Although for us, Christina is the cutting-edge force of our guild just like the real red gold coin, but for Xin, this is a foreign nationality. Compared with her own people, Zhenhong and gold coins are more important than their own. What is more important is that they wear national utensils, representing the fate of the country, and are a very important east and West. I guess because of these two sets of Chinese utensils, Xin will let me take them with me.

After we finished, Xin didn't talk nonsense. She just stood up and went out. Of course, we followed immediately.

"Where are we going to train this time?" As soon as I got out of the conference hall, I asked. After all, Xin's speed was not as fast as the transmission array. If you know the location in advance, you can use the transmission array.

Xin probably guessed what I mean. Instead of talking to me about the place, she looked at me and asked, "do you have any need to improve your combat effectiveness?"

Suddenly heard such words, I immediately stupefied for a moment, and then asked: "can we bring more people?"

Xin smiles and nods her head. "I know your value to our country, so strengthening your strength is good for all of us. Anyway, I have planned to train you. One sheep is for driving, and a group of sheep is also for releasing. It is no problem to bring more than one sheep at a time"Did you just..." I mean to ask why Hongyue and Christina didn't say it when they were there. After all, they were all senior leaders of our guild!

Xin explained it patiently this time. "How many of those people who have just met are hanging out on the battlefield every day? As for that Christina, her qualifications are not bad. I don't think she is a foreigner. After all, I'm not a Terran. I don't care which branch of the Terran she is. It's just that the way her energy works is quite different from mine. I don't know much about her energy running mode, so it's better to let her feel the clues by herself

Hearing Xin's explanation, I understood her good intentions and said, "in that case, I don't know how many people I can take with me."

"It's up to you. I don't mind anyway, but I'd like to state first that the training place will be special. If there are many people, my strength will be scattered and the training time will be shortened. If you can't learn anything, don't blame me. "

"Can you give me some advice? How many people are suitable? "

"Of course, I think the smaller the number is, the better. But the influence of less than ten people on me is not too big. You can decide by yourself."

After listening to Xin's suggestion, I thought for a moment and said, "in that case, let me bring four more people with me? With the three of us, we are seven people, so it should not affect much? "

"The number of people has little effect. Please call someone."

"Well, I don't know where we are going to train?"

"I'll take you when you gather them together." Xin never said where she was going, which made me feel a little headache.

"Well, here it is! The other four people I want to take with me can't be seen traveling together because of their special identities. I want to ask about the place first, then let them go by themselves, and then we can meet there to avoid being found out. "

"So it is." Xin thought for a moment and said, "what is your scope of confidentiality? Is it that no one can know or some people can't? "

"Range?" I thought for a while and said, "the scope is quite large. Anyway, few people in our guild know about it. No one knows outside our guild. "

"Does the court need to hide that day?"

"That's not necessary. We didn't let Tianting know about this, just because it had nothing to do with the heaven. We didn't need to hide anything. Anyway, even if they knew, they would try to hide it for us. "

"No problem. You can let them gather at the south gate. "

"South gate? That's OK. "

There is a special transmission array set up by our guild in the south gate. Although any transmission array can be connected to that transmission array, because of the double restrictions set by our guild and Tianting, there is absolutely no way to transmit it except those who are specially permitted. Besides, we have not spread out the transmission coordinates of the south gate, so there are only a few transmission arrays that can be directly connected to the transmission coordinates.

Since it is to meet at the south gate, it is easy. I got in touch with Matsumoto with the messenger.

"President, what can I do for you?" After Matsumoto got through the signal, he thought it was something he wanted him to do.

"There's a good thing."

"Good thing?" Matsumoto's enthusiasm comes from hearing the good news. "What good thing? Is it a pay rise? "

"Your salary is going up! You will immediately arrange the work with the three of them in August, and hand over all the things you have in hand to others. There is a super God here who wants to take us to do training. I have won four places for you. "

"Shit, that's a good thing." As soon as Matsumoto heard that he was a super God, he immediately knew who it was. After all, almost half of the world's people now know about Xin's crushing of Siberian Protoss. Of course, Matsumoto's people can't have no news at all.

"Well, you're going to be quick. Don't make people wait."

"Oh, yes." After Matsumoto finished, he suddenly remembered that important things had not been asked. He quickly said, "Hey, don't hang up. How long does this training take? If it's a long time, I'll have to arrange more things. And where are we going to meet

"Wait a minute." After I finished, I turned to Xin and asked, "Xin, how long does our training take?"

"It depends on you. At least two days, more than three days. "

"Do you hear me?"

Matsumoto's side immediately said, "yes. What about the meeting place

"After you've finished, go to the transmission Hall of Eisinger's mobile fortress, and then randomly find a transmission array with compartments. Don't go up directly. You can't find the target in the transmission list. First use your frost rose League special identification badge to restart the transmission array, and then do not use voice control. Select the manual menu. There will be a special coordinate option in the transmission list. Click in to use voice control. You can directly set the target of Nantianmen. ""Damn it, this is going to heaven?"

"Just gather over there. I don't know the final goal yet."

"Oh, I see. We'll be there in a minute."

After the explanation, I immediately asked Xin to go to the nearby transmission array with us. Unlike Matsumoto, we are full members of the frost rose League. There is no need to hide this identity. Therefore, we can directly use any transmission array in the eisenegger mobile fortress for transmission. Matsumoto is still an outsider in name. Although he can use all the facilities of the guild with his special badge, the problem is that now AI There are so many foreign players in Singh's mobile fortress. In order to avoid being found as a handle, Matsumoto Zhenghe can only use the teleport array in the open public area of the transmission hall. As for us, we don't have so many restrictions. Anyway, the transmission array of the whole city can be used.

Because we don't need to find the transmission array, and we don't need to explain things, so we must be much faster than Matsumoto. When we arrived at the south gate, we waited more than ten minutes before Matsumoto arrived. However, considering the time to find the transmission array, their speed was quite fast.

Seeing Matsumoto and the four of them suddenly came out, Xin obviously frowned, and then she suddenly realized that she looked at me and said, "that's the case. It's strange that you said you should keep it secret. I really looked down on you before. I didn't expect to be able to do this! " Because before the Siberian Protoss came over, the leaders of various guilds came to prepare for the war, so Xin probably knew that Matsumoto was the commander-in-chief of Japan, and their position was very important. But now she knows that after a long time, the General Commander of this Japanese area is actually our people. This news is really a bit explosive.

Although she was a little bit stunned, Xin was soon relieved. After all, this is the commander-in-chief who controls others. It is not that we are controlled by others. Naturally, there is nothing to tangle with.

"Since you are so special, you really need to train well." Shin looked at Matsumoto and they looked up and down, and then said to them, "the strength system of the three of you is also very strange. I don't know much about this aspect, so I can only give you guidance on fighting skills. As for you... " She looked at Matsumoto and looked at it for a while and asked, "are you interested in changing careers?"

"This..." Matsumoto obviously hesitated.

I just slapped his head down and said, "can Xin hurt you? If you want to change it, why do you hesitate? "

Matsumoto's response comes from the fact that people can train us, of course, they hope that our strength will be improved. Therefore, this proposal will only increase his combat effectiveness, but not decrease it. Therefore, this proposal does not need to be considered at all, and it is right to agree to it directly.

When I said this, Matsumoto of course nodded and agreed. Then I turned to Xin and asked, "that's settled. When are we going to start?"

"You can go now, but you need something before you go." After Xin finished, without asking me, she turned to the four heavenly kings at the south gate and said, "go and get me some colorful God's stone powder."

As soon as Xin finished speaking, the four heavenly kings over there directly knelt on the ground. "Grandfather! That colorful stone is a treasure of ancient times. Let's not take it. We haven't seen it before

Xin heard each other's words is a Leng, and then just as if suddenly think of it said: "yes! How can I forget this! " She then waved to the four heavenly kings to leave, then turned to me and asked, "this time is for your training, so you may have to find your own way to pay for the journey."

We thought we could go to the training place soon. We were all in a daze when we heard this. I've seen the multicolored God stone, and our guild does have this thing, but the problem is that it has been used in Eisinger mobile fortress. If you want to take it out, it will affect some functions of Eisinger mobile fortress, and it can't be taken out at all! As for asking the heaven court again Don't even think about this kind of thing, because the value of this thing is very exaggerated, so generally speaking, the heaven court will not give away easily.

"So what Do you really need colorful stone? " I looked at Xin and asked.

Xin probably just understood that the colorful stone is already a scarce resource in modern times, so it's really hard to find it now. "It's not necessary to have colorful stone. It's just that there were a lot of these things in our time, so I'll just say that I didn't expect that these years have become a very popular item."

It's not a colorful stone, but I'm also relieved. "So what can be replaced by this colorful stone?"

Xin slightly raised her head and pointed her chin with one hand to do thinking while thinking: "let me think about it! Besides the skeletons, they can also be fierce beasts. "

"Ferocious animal bones? It's more difficult to find than the colorful stone

"Is there none of it?" Xin was surprised to ask a, and then said: "the heaven and earth iron is OK."

"I haven't even heard of it."

"Tianling banana leaf, do you have this one?""Seems to be extinct!"

"Then go and catch a purple thunder eagle and put some blood on it."

"Can the thunder Eagle replace it?"

"Is it extinct without purple thunder?"

"No, it's evolution. There are two new species in the branch. One is the temple of thunder and the other is the eagle of wind. Both are descendants of purple thunder

"Well! Let's see if there's anything else! I haven't seen these two kinds of things. I don't know if they can work After finishing, Xin went on: "I didn't expect such a big change these years! It seems that animals can't be expected, dead things should not change that much. Let me think about it again. Celestite, Wuyang stone, ningshui ice soul, tiger jade, broken heart stone, Luodan stone, do you have these things

"None of them."

"Then trouble Xin frowned and said, "if there is nothing, I can only go by myself if I can."! I can't take you with you! "

"What, what attributes do you need for these things?" The gold coin suddenly asked, "although many things in the past have disappeared, many new things have emerged in recent years, so as long as you know that what you need is a certain characteristic, in fact, we may not have none."

"There is some truth in that." After finishing, Xin nodded and said, "in fact, it's not necessary to have anything special, it's just a matter that can affect the stability of space-time."

"Affect the stability of time and space?" After a little thought, I suddenly thought of something, and then directly pulled out a black stick from the Phoenix dragon space. "Is this OK?"

Xin took that thing and looked at it. Then she immediately nodded with a smile: "yes, it's quite suitable."

I was relieved to hear that. "How much do we need together?"

"That's enough for you to go back and forth seven or eight times." Said Xin.

"The consumption is so small

"It's not worth money?" Xin asked, looking at the things in her hand.

"This is called Moyu. It's one of the building materials of the transmission array. Although it can't be said that the output is very large, it's definitely not a scarce resource."

"It doesn't matter if it's rare or not. It's enough." Xin said and then said: "things have, need to find a flat ground below, and no one can disturb."

"Just ask them." I pointed to the next four heavenly kings.

The four heavenly kings were watching us all the time. When they heard my words, they immediately took the initiative to say, "there are many places like this. If you need me, please come with us."

Under the leadership of the four heavenly kings, we found an altar like place near the South Gate of heaven. This place is surrounded by an open sea of clouds, with a stone platform in the middle, and only a path connects to this side. It is said that this place is specially used to punish the immortals who make mistakes and throw them into the lower world for reincarnation. Therefore, unless some immortals commit crimes, the utilization rate is very low. Since the establishment of Tianting, it has been used more than ten times in a total of years, not once in one or two hundred years.

After seeing this place, Xin immediately nodded her head and said, "the location is good. Let's start from here."

Hearing that we approved the place, the four heavenly kings left directly. Xin asked us to stand outside and start construction. First, she broke the ink jade in her hand directly, and then she crushed it into jade powder with two pinches. Matsumoto and Masahiro beside her were all sour teeth. I feel that Xin's tender and white hands are not hands at all. They are just the integration of magnetic restrainers outside the 10000 ton hydraulic press. The Siberian Protoss asked her to knead it and knead it into a crystal ball. Although the ink jade is not metal, its hardness is amazing. If it is not too dense and elastic and easy to break, it is estimated that someone must have made armor with this thing. However, it is such a hard thing that people can grind it into powder just like kneading a pot. How much strength is there in this hand?

After grinding the black jade into powder, Xin began to draw pictures on the ground with ink jade powder. From the shape of the periphery, it can be determined that this is a magic array. However, the structure is very strange, and it is not very beautiful. Moreover, it is also asymmetric. It is very different from the magic array area that we often see from any direction.

This magic array is not only asymmetric in structure, but also has many lines. Xin's speed is very fast, but it still takes more than ten minutes to finish. After drawing the magic circle, she just turned around and found that gold coins and I were staring at the magic array on the ground in a daze. Some of them looked at us curiously, and then Xin came over and asked, "what? Can you read it? "

First I nodded, then I quickly shook my head. Xin asked suspiciously, "do you know or can't understand what you nod and shake your head?"

"I can understand it when I'm apart, but I can't understand it when I'm together."

Xin was surprised and asked, "then where don't you understand?"

I pointed to one of these areas and said, "this leads the energy to the second circuit, and then I feel like I want to create an open circuit to release the excess energy and stabilize the maximum energy pressure. However, this place is not directly connected to the outer loop. Instead, it takes a big turn in the reverse direction, and then shunt through a series of complex loops, and finally it is connected back to the input side. Do you want to recycle energy to increase output power or to save input energy? I don't understand at all, and will this not lead to energy structure disorder? "Xin was obviously quite surprised at what I said. "You really understand. It seems that I have underestimated you before After finishing speaking, Xin pointed to the magic circle and said, "this is exactly what you said. I want to create an open structure with stable energy intensity and release the surplus energy. However, the direct wiring will intersect with the energy decompression supplement circuit here, so I have to turn the energy lead to the interior, and then divide it through multiple magic array structures Finally, the excess energy is released in the form of thermal radiation. Although this will cause certain interference and increase the control difficulty of the magic array, it can complete the whole structure of the magic array, which is better than that the connection line can't be drawn? "

After listening to Xin's words, I opened my mouth directly, and then I began to ask carefully, "what's that You don't know the virtual connection, do you? "

"Virtual connection? What is that? "

"Sure enough, I don't know." I sighed helplessly, and then said, "this virtual connection is a magic array drawing technology invented by a foreign magician. Its effect is similar to that of magic overpass. Oh, by the way, you don't know what an overpass is. Let me briefly explain that this technology is a technology that allows two magic lines to cross on the plane of a magic array, but they do not interfere with each other's energy flow. "

"What? Can magic circles cross? " Xin's reaction was much bigger than I thought.

"I didn't know at that time, but now it's OK, and it's not really cross. This is how I compare it. In fact, the two magic lines are still independent, which is to use some small hands to make the two cross without interfering with each other. Moreover, the hand-painted magic array you are using is not very common. We usually draw the magic array in advance with the help of auxiliary tools, and then take it out directly when using it. Moreover, the magic array painted by hand can only be one layer, so the structure must be simple, otherwise it will interfere with each other, and it is easy to be affected by the state of landmarks such as wind and water. In contrast, the magic array we have made in advance can not only be very luxurious, but also can realize the three-dimensional crossing of multi-layer magic array. In this way, if there is a cross line, we can directly let one of the magic wires go through the back of the magic array without using the virtual connection method, and then wait to bypass the position of the cross line and then come back. "

The way I'm talking about is actually similar to wiring on a circuit board. If you have paid attention to the internal circuit board of electrical appliances, you will know that because there are so many lines in electronic equipment now, if they are all on the same plane, it is inevitable to cross. Although it is possible to make the lines cross by wire jumping, the problem is that the circuit board is printed, and there is only one layer of circuit on each side, so there is no way to cross. The way to solve this problem is to print lines on both sides of the circuit board. When it is necessary to cross, let one of the cross lines go through the circuit board and go around from the back. After the circuit is bypassed, it can go back to each other.

In fact, the magic array in the game can also use this principle to achieve, and the effect is very good, not only the construction is very simple, but also will not affect the magic array work effect. Because of the existence of this kind of thing, there are many very complicated magic equipments in various guilds. These are completed by using the composite magic array after the magic lines cross. Of course, this is only the primary application, which is the same as the early steam train and electronic tube computer. Although the principle is such a principle, the technology is actually very backward.

For example, the magic array used by mobile angels in our guild is basically a three-dimensional composite magic array composed of hundreds of magic arrays. Not only is the structure and function of the internal magic array extremely complex, but there is also a strengthened protective magic array specially used to protect the magic array itself, which is equivalent to packaging the magic array, so as to protect the inner magic array The structure safety of magic array can also prevent the technology from being cracked, because once the magic array is damaged by strong external force, the outer packaging shell will be forced to automatically boost pressure to resist the invasion of external force. If the external force is too strong and exceeds the protection limit, it will lead to the whole magic array inside the packaging structure to melt down, and it is impossible to identify and copy.

It can be said that the technology used in this magic array drawn by Xin is just like the difference between the first generation transistor computer and the portable electronic devices that we use now. The technology gap between the two is too big.

Xin originally thought that I had never seen anything of her own, but I didn't expect that such a situation would happen, which made her feel quite ashamed. But fortunately, Xin's temper is really OK, so she just blushed a little and began to ask me about the connection of virtual magic array and the superposition of magic array.

In fact, I'm not a cartographer, and I'm just a half baked person. So I can explain it. Finally, I told Xin: "there are people in our guild who specialize in this field. I just saw some of them during my inspection in the past, so I remember them because of my good memory. If you want to learn, I'll take you back to them to learn and make sure you are satisfied. "

Xin also knew that this was not the right time, so she looked at me and said, "forget it, this thing will not be in a hurry for a while. I'd better start training you first."Because the magic array painted by Xin is made of powder, the structure is quite unstable. Thanks to the fact that there is no wind in the sky, the powder in this place will be blown away before Xin finishes painting. However, even if there is no wind, we should be careful, because the wind brought by our feet when we enter may cause the particles to disperse. These things have the same effect on magic energy as copper wire and electricity. They are good conductors. In case of short circuit, it's nothing to burn the magic array. We are afraid that it will send us to unknown places, That would be a lot of trouble. So the ancient magic circle is really quite unreliable, just like the car without a shell. It's too dangerous.

Although this magic array is not reliable, Xin's ability is still very good, so even this kind of magic array can be used very stably. After we carefully entered the magic array, Xin directly started the magic array, and then the scene around us suddenly began to rotate, and the speed was faster and faster. Sakura rain god chick is the first to have a problem. Suddenly, she bends down to support her flaming dragon girl. However, her face is not very good-looking, which is obviously a feeling of nausea.

In fact, in addition to Xin and I, others were more or less dizzy. It was just a matter of degree. After all, the crazy rotation itself was not tolerated by ordinary people. They were not pilots and had no professional training. It was normal for them to faint. As for me, because the dragon people are different from human beings, this feeling almost has no effect on me. Xin couldn't, after all, she made it herself.

The rotation started to slow down after a while, but although the surrounding environment is still unclear, it is obvious that it is not the same as before. Before we entered here, it was a sea of clouds, almost white. Now, although we still can't see the outside situation clearly, the purpose of entering is a piece of green, which clearly is not the color of the original environment. It seems that Xin sent us to some strange place with this temporary transmission array.

"Well, here we are." After the magic circle completely stopped, we finally determined the surrounding environment. This place was not really in the sky, but somewhere in the top of a mountain. In the visible range of our naked eyes, in addition to the blue sky overhead, there is only endless green.

"Damn it, where is this?" Zhenhong looked around and found that there was nothing that could be used as a reference.

August Xun also frowned: "the map coordinates are not shown. We're all black here except where we are. "

"It's not covered by our guild map?" I want to be surprised at the August smoked flower, because all the public maps of our guild should have been covered in all parts of China, but the problem is that this place is not marked on the map, and it is surrounded by black, which means that this is an unexplored area, and no one in our guild has ever been to.

"It looks like it should be replica space." Cherry rain god chick wiped the corner of her mouth and said, she just stopped completely in the magic circle, or did not resist spitting out.

We are discussing the position problem here, but the gold coin suddenly exclaimed: "I'll go! The free energy concentration of this place is more than 1300 times that of the normal map! "

"What? Isn't it that self charging can happen anywhere? " As I spoke, I directly felt a pale pink stone from my body. This is actually a piece of red line magic stone, but because the energy is almost exhausted, so the color becomes light pink, and it will become completely transparent after a period of time. Of course, I can't really use up all the energy in it, because the red stripe crystal can be recharged. As long as you don't use up the energy and cause the crystal to break, you can recharge again and again, and there won't be such broken problems as energy memory that are often found in real batteries.

The purpose of taking out this energy deficient rhodopyrite is to test the energy concentration here, because the process of charging is actually an energy absorption process. Generally speaking, the higher the external energy concentration, the faster the charging speed of the red stripe magic crystal. Once the external energy intensity reaches the same state as the red stripe magic crystal's own energy intensity, the red stripe magic crystal will not absorb the energy again. If the external energy is related to the energy density of the red stripe magic stone, the red stripe magic stone will start to release energy. In fact, just like atmospheric pressure, energy has pressure, and it will automatically flow from high pressure to low pressure.

The red stripe magic stone in my hand is a very common one. If it is in normal space, it will not self charge. It needs special equipment to supplement its magic power. However, just after I took out this piece of red striped magic stone, it actually lit up in my hand, and then I saw that its color was gradually changing from pink to rose red at the speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became a complete red.

"Damn it, I can really charge the magic crystal stone! What the hell is this place? What a high energy density? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!