Chapter 2804

The plow cart with basic structure is actually a very simple siege equipment. In ancient times, this kind of equipment was not even a regular weapon in the army. It was only before the siege that trees were cut down temporarily under the enemy's wall to build on site. From this, we can see how simple the structure of this kind of thing is. With the ancient productivity level, how much technical content can be easily assembled in the field?

Although the plough car itself is not a very complicated thing, but I have these are not ordinary goods. Normally speaking, plow cars should be made temporarily before the siege. Not only is the structure wood, but also because it is a temporary product, it is not intended to be used for a long time. Therefore, its structure will be extremely rough and there will be no complicated structure. However, the plough carts I was carrying with me were engineering samples, which were not used for war, but were used to verify the ancient technical weapons. Therefore, both the structure and the materials used were very exaggerated, especially in the details, many seemingly insignificant but actually very useful changes were made.

For example, there is a row of shovel like things in the front of the plough car I brought. These things are very sharp, and its lower end is close to the ground. It can shovel all the things on the ground that are higher than the ground level, so as to avoid large objects from entering under the car body. There are two purposes of this design. One is to prevent obstacles from entering under the vehicle body, which will affect the vehicle's progress. Twenty, the vehicle will not be blocked because there is a corpse in front of it. The final point is that this method can prevent the enemy from drilling under the vehicle and posing a threat to the personnel behind.

In addition to this blade, our plough car also uses an elastic suspension between the front shield wall and the car body. There is a row of independent support frames behind the shield wall, which is a fixed and immovable structure. However, the front shield wall is not directly installed on this thing, but is connected to the chassis of the car body through the bearing with elastic curved arm at the bottom. The spring structure is used to cushion the pressure between the upper and rear support frames, and the shock absorber similar to that used for motorcycles is used Similar structures cushion the pressure while preventing the front shield from swinging left and right.

This structure is absolutely impossible to see on the original plow, especially the connecting shaft between the shield wall and the chassis below. The complexity of the technology is beyond the imagination of most players. Although this structure looks very simple, it is just a curved arc-shaped metal wall with two bearings connected at both ends, but in fact, the material technology and processing technology are very strict. To exaggerate, the technical content of this thing is not much simpler than that of automobile gearbox. After all, this structure should not only bear the weight of the whole shield wall, but also ensure that it can offset part of the impact force in the fierce impact, and it can not break itself, which requires all parts of the device to be very exaggerated.

In fact, in addition to this structure, there are many other designs on the plow, such as the shield wall on the front of the plow. The shield wall of a real plow car is actually a row of logs placed horizontally. Of course, if the logs are relatively thick, they may be cut open for use. Some of the more demanding ones may also be covered with two layers of cow hide inside and outside, and then a little earth is filled in the center. In this way, the general structure of composite armor can be formed, which can resist the attack of arrows, and after fireproof treatment It's also very difficult.

This kind of design is quite good, but compared with my plough car, it is really different. Because the shield walls of these plough cars are all metal products like the main structure, and the one-piece stamping shield wall is not just a layer of steel plate. The main structure of the weapon is the processed armor steel, which not only has excellent hardness, but also uses the magic crystal penetration technology unique to the guild, which makes the shield wall have super hardness and magic resistance at the same time. In addition, the shield wall itself uses the magic crystalloid penetration technology, so the material itself can make the magic work. Therefore, we also engraved different magic arrays on the inside and outside of the shield wall.

The magic array inside the shield wall is called strong. In fact, the effect is not only to make the car body more solid, but also to prevent corrosion and wear. As for the magic circle outside the shield wall This is more shady. In fact, the magic array outside the shield wall is not an attack magic array, but a kind of buff magic array, called the ring of thorns. The effect of this magic array is to make people close to the front half meter of the shield wall feel as if they are on a cactus. Although it will not really produce a killing effect, this spiritual stimulation will make the attacker afraid of his hands and feet. Therefore, in actual use, it can often play a very exaggerated effect. Of course, today's magic circle is useless. Although there is no formal experiment, the zombies over there don't look like they are afraid of pain. So for this kind of thing, I think the magic array of pure spiritual deterrence is useless.

In addition to these two magic circles, the front of the plow car actually has a design, that is, the top of its shield wall has a row of platforms for people to stand on. The shield wall in front of the platform will have a backward tilt, so archers or mages can stand on this platform to attack the enemies below. If the other side uses a long-range attack to counter attack, our people just need to squat down. Moreover, even if the opponent uses a large angle to shoot, because the top of the shield wall has a large angle of backward tilt, so if our personnel find that the other side throws long-range ammunition, they just need to squat down and move forward a little bit to get into the interior of the shield wall. In this way, the attack from above the head is useless.Generally speaking, this plow car is a very good siege weapon in addition to its larger tonnage ratio. Moreover, because it is a metal structure, it does not need to be as small as the wooden plow. Therefore, the front width of my plow is very large, and the length of the back is also exaggerated. There are eight rows of positions. If there are ten people standing in a row, the eight rows are 80 people. Such a number of people to push a heavy plow truck should be able to resist the forces of those zombies on the opposite side. What's more, the super long plow cart itself determines the position of the rear. In fact, it doesn't have to be supported by the death guard or the Kirin warrior. Because there is no queue or other problem in this position, I can let my big favorite push the last row of beams. In this way, the propulsion force generated will be greater than that of using a full death guard or Kirin warrior The ranks of Lin warriors are much better.

After thinking about the method, I first got all the plough carts out of the earth gate. I have many of them, but this passage is only 20 meters wide, that is to say, a row can only hold four plough cars, and there will be a gap of less than one meter in the middle. Yes, of course. This gap is actually very easy to handle. After all, the gap of less than one meter in total is not a seam concentrated together, but a collection of three seams in front of four cars and two seams between two cars on the edge and the wall. That is to say, the width less than one meter is actually divided into five gaps, and the width of each gap is barely enough A man forced his way through.

If it's a general plough truck, it may be a little bit troublesome in the face of this situation, because the normal plow car only has the front shield wall and the bottom chassis, so once someone squeezes through the gap, it may threaten the soldiers behind the cart. Of course, under normal circumstances, there are soldiers with short guns standing at both ends of the first row of plough cars in the battle. Their task is to stab the other party to death when someone gets into the crack and there is no way for them to dodge. However, we don't need such preparation, because there are shield walls with more than one person on both sides of my plough car. Except that it is a little lower and thinner, it is almost no different from the front. Therefore, when the enemy forces into this gap, he has to squeeze from the front to the parking space to get out. We have a lot of flat openings between the bodies of the two vehicles. The use of these openings is that when an enemy enters the gap between the two vehicles, people on our side just need to take a sword and poke it through the flat opening. Because the enemy is squeezed between the two vehicles, there is no place to dodge at all, and the other party can't even defend. Because the width is not enough, he blocks his arms or weapons In front of you. As for armor That's impossible at all. In the field, if the match is not good, knights and the like may enter the gap between the two cars, but in this kind of place, the narrow passage determines that people in armor can not enter at all. Although the zombies on the opposite side can barely squeeze into this kind of passage, they have no armor on their bodies, so once they enter this place, they will directly become flesh on the chopping board.

With this invincible design, as long as it is not the opposite enemy's strength is too adverse, there is no problem in theory.

In fact, when Christina saw the plow carts pushed out by the Kirin warrior, they immediately called out, "boss, why didn't you take it out of your hand?"

I know exactly what Christina and Zhenhong mean. It's because the plow is a very useful weapon at this stage, but I never thought of it before. However, I don't blame me for this. The key is that these devices are not designed to fight for me. They are all technical models. They are only left here as stubs. Their functions are similar to those of the early technology products in the technology museum.

It is because this thing itself is not used to fight for me, but let me collect it, so I didn't think about it at first.

In the midst of everyone's chatter, I finally asked the Kirin warrior to push all four cars out and form a horizontal array. When all these plough cars were in place, I found that the problems I had worried about seemed completely unnecessary. Because although the width of our plough car is only close to five meters, in fact, it is less than five meters, but the shield wall in front of the plow car has a section of 10 cm long spines on both sides. This spike is very sharp to the front edge, and because there are such spines on both sides of each car, we estimated that every small gap with a width of about 20 Li has been occupied by these things. If someone tries to squeeze through the spines, there will be nothing left but a pile of meat and mud when the car passes by.

In this design, we don't have to worry about zombies crowding over. The rest is the cart moving forward.

because Kirin warriors and Konoe are needed to ensure that four cars go hand in hand, we still use the way of death and the Kirin warriors to make up the trolley. And this time we still use the 121 mode, that is, nine rows of cars are pushed in every row of the vehicle, three of them are kylin warriors, and six are death Konoe. Every death guard has at least one Kirin warrior beside him. As long as they follow the steps of the Kirin warrior, they don't have to worry about destroying their balance, while the Kirin warrior doesn't need to worry about the problem of strength. Their task is to ensure that the four cars are always in a straight line. They can't let a single car run in front of them, and they can't let a car fall behind If the overall structure is disordered, the defense line will be finished. But I'm not worried about that. The advantage of plow is that it has a certain defense ability against the side, so even if a certain vehicle runs to the front, as long as it doesn't exceed too much, you don't have to worry about being attacked by the enemy. Unlike the shield array, if there is a slight problem in any place, the whole defense line will collapse immediately.For the front six rows of the cart, I arranged for such a team of nine, while the two rows at the back were in charge of special personnel. The seventh row, or the penultimate row, is all pushed by ring tone knights. Their main role in this position is not to push the cart, but to prevent any emergency and provide support as soon as possible.

The final eighth row of putters was planned for my big pet, so I had two cart summoners for four cars. One of the summoners is a tank and the other is King Kong.

Tank is a magic pet, and it is a magic pet with great power. As a magic pet with special strength, cart is totally meaningless. What's more, we didn't expect these plows to move forward in our original design. Their real role is to ensure that the line of defense doesn't fall back when we are resting. Therefore, the tank doesn't need to push forward. It just needs to be able to withstand the car body and not let it run back. Of course, this work is not difficult, because these plough cars have brakes, so it is not so easy for the enemy to push them backward. After all, it weighs 17.8 tons. In addition, there are so many people standing behind. Once the brake is lowered, it is not easy to return such a thing.

In addition to tanks, another Summoner is King Kong. Although King Kong is not my favorite, but as a spirit controller, the power of King Kong is not to worry about. And King Kong has an advantage, that is, his body shape can be controlled at will. When he needs to be bigger, he can block the whole passage. When he doesn't need to, he can become a little monkey and stand on my head.

With these two Hercules, I don't think there is any problem. However, at this time, I still miss the two titans and demons of my sister ziyue. In fact, they are the real Hercules. Wheelbarrows are absolutely suitable for them to do.

After that, we haven't arranged the top of the plough team. I thought about it for a moment. It seemed that there was no good arrangement in this place, but in the end Christina took the initiative to contract the personnel arrangement of the place.

We didn't know that Christina had the ability to summon, but her attack magic was so good that it covered up her other abilities. After Christina told me to contract the position, she called out a large number of beautiful women in front of me. If it wasn't for all the beautiful women holding all the same sticks, I would have thought that a certain model team had been summoned.

In fact, the beauties Christina calls are not too strange creatures, but a kind of species that is very common in the game - elves. However, although the elves are common five, but the present of these elves is a little bit different.

The elves Christina summoned are actually one of the great categories of elves called "high elves.". In fact, the so-called wood elves, moon elves and dark elves in the elves lineage that players have now are the descendants of high elves, that is to say, the high elves are the ancient species of the existing large elves.

Unlike their descendants, the high elves are almost like the dragon people. They were born with perfect species, and there was little to hinder them if they wanted to. Super physical fitness and super high magic sensing ability make these high elves easy to become masters of magic and swordsmanship, so almost all of these guys are magic and martial arts double cultivation, and their ranks are very high. It's said that the magic swords are invented by many people of this race. It can even be said that as long as they do not voluntarily give up one specialty and specialize in another, most of the High Elves will eventually become swordsmen.

For such an excellent fighting ability, no matter which race gets it, it can produce enough advantages, but in fact, the advantage of high elves is more than that. These guys are all born artists, literature, music, painting, dance, as long as they are connected with art, they are almost proficient in everything, and with a little effort, they can be called master level existence.

In addition to artistic attainments, the high elves also have amazing achievements in forging and mechanical design. These guys seem to have nothing to be bad at. Even the appearance is so exaggerated that the whole race can not find a crooked melon split dates. Modern wood elves, moon elves and other beautiful things? In front of high elves, they can only be regarded as middle and lower level. In fact, high elves are much more beautiful than their own descendants.

However, the high elves are not really good at any attributes, at least these guys have a little bad, that is, personality.

In fact, the characters of modern large elves are extreme, and this is the inheritance of the characteristics of high elves. In fact, the high elves exaggerate in this respect than their descendants, so that almost one third of the high elves have more or less the problem of spirit.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with our current battle, because Christina's summoning of these high elves obviously will not be those with mental problems. However, to say so much is to prove that the high elves are a group of very powerful creatures. They just have to learn and there is nothing they are not good at.Since these high elves are all holding staff, they are all mages. But to be honest, I don't want them to stand on the plough cart to fight. It's not that I'm afraid that these beautiful High Elves will be hurt, or that I'm worried about their combat effectiveness, but because I'm worried that the Kirin warrior below won't be able to concentrate.

I don't worry about death guards and ringtone knights, because death guards are magical creatures and have no emotions and desires. Ringtone knights are undead creatures, and their demands for certain aspects are almost zero. However, Kirin warriors are flesh and blood, and they are human. They have a great interest in human body structure. And now those high elves who are called out by Christina are all beautiful women with long legs. What's more, the costume design of these high elves is so connotative.

Just a little bit more rural than the hips, and the petticoat that is a little longer than the skirt a, these high-level elf girls wear are almost the best of the miniskirts, which are comparable to the tennis skirts. Wearing such a miniskirt, standing on a row of crossbars more than two meters above the ground, this standing on the bottom of the cart as long as it is male, and physiological function is normal, which has no reaction? What's more, these girls don't always stand up and shoot honestly. There must be times when they need to squat down. And if you can barely rely on clamping your legs to protect the mysterious absolute field while standing, then when you squat Anyway, I really can't look directly!

"So what Are they too cool in their clothes? " I watched the high elves and couldn't help but talk to Christina.

I didn't think of it, but I didn't think of it! Make sure that when they stand up, the soldiers below will be ten times more enthusiastic. "

"There must be enthusiasm. I'm worried that some people will burst their blood vessels if they can't resist it!"

"Ha ha ha, don't worry. It won't be."

Christina and we had a good fight and assigned all the high elves to it. After the long-range arms were in place, we began to formally test whether the plow was really so good.

With my nod, Scott roared, "go ahead." At the same time, all the soldiers pushing the cart and my favorite worked hard at the same time. The huge and heavy plow cart finally moved forward like a wall. Before the loss of those in front of us, because of the invisible barrier, they could not get through. Now our car moved and they immediately jumped up.

The first group of zombies who were going to attack our plough car soon came into contact with the plough car, but to their surprise, it was not the shield in front of them, but the shovel below. In fact, these shovels are not only able to remove bodies and obstacles on the ground, but also have the ability to block the enemy's approach to the plow so that they can't stop the plow.

As soon as the front row of zombies arrived in front of the plow car, they were first scraped off their legs by the row of shovels protruding from the bottom of the plow car, and then fell in the direction of the plow car. At this time, although they hit the plow car, they did not have legs to support the ground, so they did not have much effect at all. People in the back row will have the same problem when they wait for the person in front of them. Because the lifting point is at the height of the ankle, normal people can't keep their balance at all. Even if there is a person in front of him who cushions under and doesn't have to worry about his feet being cut off, he will fall down on the shovel in front of the plow for losing his center of gravity, and there is no way to exert force. This strange design ensures that, in fact, the real resistance of the plow will not come from the enemy in the first row, and they will not be able to use their strength unless they use something like a pole to hold the plow in front of them at a long distance.

Sure enough, the first row of zombies and the second row of zombies have been pushed down one after another. Although the rear zombies are struggling to push forward, most of the losses caused by crowding each other have consumed most of them. Therefore, in fact, the plow car is not under the same pressure as the previous shield array. In addition, there are six rows of death guards and Kirin warriors, plus the ringtone knight and my favorite There have been great changes in the cart and the power before, so the progress of the team has hardly been affected. The four plough carts actually started to move forward after a brief shaking. Moreover, the two of my favorites in the back said that they had not used much energy.

"I didn't expect it to work so well." They were very excited to see the plow, the gold coin and Christina, which moved slowly forward without our help.

I was also very happy to see the plow moving slowly in front of me. Originally, I just wanted to make these plows a transitional existence when we were resting. I didn't expect that they could advance on their own now, and it seems that my plow has not been damaged much.

In fact, the plow itself will lose its durability in this kind of operation, but my soldiers are protected by it. Because the plow itself is a siege equipment, its durability and player's blood volume are not of the same order of magnitude. If the player's blood volume is equivalent to that of a small monster on the roadside, then almost all the blood bars of siege equipment are of the level of big boss, and it is likely to be the level of powerful big boss.Because the endurance of siege equipment is very exaggerated, these things are often difficult to destroy. For example, our guild's mobile angel is designed as siege equipment, so other guild players have always said that our mobile angel's defense is abnormal. In fact, it's all because the siege equipment has no blood, it's just a credit for durability.

This is also the case with our plough cars. Although the plow cars on the front line are constantly being attacked, the durability is indeed falling down. However, there is a case that the plow itself is used to rush forward against the enemy's attack. That is to say, the original purpose of the design is to be beaten. Therefore, the durability of this thing is It's not very tall. Except for the wall, it's a little bit less durable than the siege hammer.

Such a hard thing, combined with the high durability of metal materials, plus we have magic array to offset part of the damage, so the actual durability loss of these plough cars is very, very low. In this case, I estimate that even if these plows keep going forward at this speed, they will at least persist for several miles before being destroyed, and we must have replaced them before that. Don't forget that my plough cars are not only four. In fact, I have a total of more than a dozen of them in the gate of the earth, which can be rotated three times. In addition, it seems that we can repair them. There is a blacksmith in Zhenhong's vice occupation. She can repair this kind of siege equipment directly. Moreover, Zhenhong's blacksmith seems to have high skills, so the repair speed must be very fast. After calculation, it seems that it is not impossible to push these plows from head to tail.

Of course. Considering the length of the passage and the speed of the plow car, we can't really push the plow car all the way. Even if it can ensure absolute safety, we can't wait for time!

The test results of plough cars were better than expected, so we stopped the test after driving these plows for more than 100 meters, and this is the time for us to really start to explore this channel. The previous ones are just preparations, not our real propulsion speed.

At my command, the high elves, who had been standing on the top of the plow, finally began to take power. These high elves had been silent because they had received the command. When they got the order to fire, they immediately began to clean up the zombies in front of the plow. With their magic, the zombie team in front of them immediately appeared a gap. This gap undoubtedly reduced the resistance of the plow car forward, so our team's forward speed began to increase immediately The range has accelerated.

In fact, the speed of the team is still an advantage, that is, once the weight of the plow is fast running, its impact force will be greatly increased. Even if we encounter strong resistance from the enemy at a certain position, we can mostly rush through with the impact force generated by this inertia. So, in fact, the faster the plow is, the less likely it is to be stopped.

Looking at the death guards and Kirin warriors, who gradually changed from slow walking to trotting, I felt that this push was more than I thought. After seeing the speed of the team continue to rise, I finally began to order Kristina to join the battle.

In the past, the mixed formation composed of death guards and Kirin warriors needed to push the plow cart to resist the resistance of the zombies in front of them, so the propulsion speed was naturally not fast. However, as the fire power of the high elves opened, the zombies in front of them became sparse, and the mixed guard composed of death guards and Kirin warriors needed to resist positively The power is much smaller, and the speed is naturally greatly improved. After discovering this phenomenon, I decided to let the four players take turns to participate in the war, ready to further strengthen the speed of propulsion.

In fact, our original design was like this: first of all, Christina and the three of them went forward to fight with the zombies, and then let my summoned creatures clean up the individual zombies that we missed out. Then there is the kind of shield array I said, which forms a defense line at the end to ensure that there are no zombies in our rear. In this way, Christina and I need to kill them all the way. The zombies along the way must try not to stay. Even if my favorites can make up for the leak, we still need to be careful not to let go of too many fish, so we have a lot of pressure.

However, the performance of the plough front is so good that we don't have to open the way for the plough cars at all. They can make a breakthrough by themselves. In this case, there is no need for four people to rush forward together.

After a brief talk with Christina, they finally decided that it would be nice for everyone to come in shifts, one person at a time, and then move forward. Besides, this person doesn't need to kill all the zombies in front of him. As long as he cleans up most of the zombies so that the plow car behind can speed up the progress, anyway, a small number of zombies will be knocked down after being hit by the plow car, and then they will be ground by the shovel under the plow, and then nothing will be left.

For this mode, we can say that we are very handy. In the previous large-scale battle, we senior personnel basically did this. Our senior personnel will disperse the enemy's formation in front of us, and then the regular army following us will rush forward in a neat line to produce the maximum killing effect and the fastest advancing speed. It can be said that we are the tip of the drill bit, and the plough cart or soldier behind is the main body behind the drill bit.After determining the tactics, the first one to rush out is, of course, real red. In fact, she couldn't wait any longer, but she didn't rush forward because she knew that we needed to test the cooperation between the plow truck and those arms.

With my permission, Zhenhong stepped on the head of the tank and jumped onto the beam at the top of the plow car in front of her. Then she jumped out with a little light on the beam. As soon as the zombies below saw someone coming down, they immediately stretched their claws to catch the delicious food. Unfortunately, they didn't wait for any food, but a super comet.

After Zhenhong landed, she immediately hit the ground with a fist. All the zombies within a radius of five meters around her were lifted to the ground, and even farther away, they fell backward. Not waiting for those zombies to react, Zhenhong immediately jumped up from the ground, and then directly rushed to the front. Lifting his hand, he hit the corpse in front of him. Then the zombie flew forward like a bowling ball in the final sprint, and the dead body behind was naturally smashed and scattered like a bowling pin. Zhenhong just simply waved a fist and opened a seven to eight meter long road ahead of us. Of course, the channel can not be 20 meters wide, but after all, it is very difficult to open a seven or eight meters channel with one punch in such a dense sea of zombies. You know, Zhenhong just used a simple ordinary attack, which is not a skill.

In fact, we really underestimated Zhenhong's patience. We thought she was going to save energy and magic by punching a zombie out of a tunnel before. Then we thought she was going to save energy and magic by this method, and then open the way for us a little bit. Who knows why Zhenhong forced the zombies around her to make another channel, which was completely prepared for the big moves in the back 。

After the zombies around were pushed away by her, Zhenhong directly sank into her waist and immediately stood up, and then roared: "the ultimate ultimate mystery of the first move of the great Wei Tianlong Boxing - wan Dragon Break Day

I have to say that Zhenhong's move is really frightening. I have only seen her use this trick once before, but the effect this time saw is a shrunken version, but the shock actually is bigger than last time. Because last time it was an open space, but this time it was in a straight closed passage.

With Zhenhong's roar, a huge golden magic array suddenly appeared in front of her, and after Zhenhong smashed her fist on it, we immediately saw ten thousand dragon rushing out of the magic array, and then pushed it forward as if it were a flash flood. If the previous attack opened a channel in front of it, then this attack can't go up, which is to blow all the zombies in front of you.

Zhenhong's move directly extended more than two kilometers and continued to move forward, but its power began to decline obviously. Those zombies that were encountered began to appear whole corpses, but they were still dead when they were touched and mutilated next to each other. Finally, this move left a 2.5 km long no man's land in front of him. All the zombies along the way were blasted to pieces, and there was no residue left.

The efficiency of this method is really not said, but the consumption is also amazing. True red is this will be their magic to consume a 7788, and then directly jump back. I didn't have time to take care of the situation in Zhenhong. I said to Scotts, "push now, now!"

There are no man's land in front of me. How can I give up such a good chance? So I let my demons anthropomorphize and join the ranks of wheelbarrows. Then I saw four plow carts rushing forward like crazy. In a blink of an eye, they ran through the no man's land of 2.5 kilometers, and then ran into the zombies on the opposite side. However, the speed has been improved before So even if the zombies are knocked down, the zombies, who have been beaten up in the real red trick, don't actually play a blocking role. Our plow was only a little bit slower, and then it continued to move forward until it was 500 meters before it returned to normal speed.

It can be said that Zhenhong's attack almost gave us a three kilometer advance distance, and the price was that her magic power was at the bottom.

Although the real red method is very fast, in fact, I don't want it to be used, because if we change the method, Zhenhong can actually open up more distance for us. Of course, time will also increase a lot.

After Zhenhong came down, it was not me and the gold coin that went up the second, but Christina. In fact, Christina's magic power has not yet fully recovered, but Christina still chooses the second way, because she has already thought that if the magic power is not enough, she will directly take drugs. The reason for this choice is actually because there are not too many drugs, so we need to maximize the value of drugs. Therefore, compared with the magic value of us is not high, all the drugs used on Christina is actually the greatest play to the value of these drugs.

As a spell, Christina certainly can't rush forward to fight like real red, and she doesn't need to. Christina just stood on the plow with the high elves she had summoned and started her performance.Yes, Christina's magic attack is like a performance rather than a battle. She has raised the magic to the height of art. She has momentum when there are a large group of high elves standing beside her.

"Attention, everyone, page two, sequence three, one preparation." Christina stood in the middle of the high elves and said something like this. We don't know what she meant. But the high elves obviously knew that they had begun to gather magic power after Christina finished, and the magic wave of those high elves was exactly the same.

Just as we were guessing what Christina was going to do, Christina showed us her purpose with her actions. I had no idea that Christina would use a small group of high elves to release her army level magic in such a place. of course. This may not be called Legion level magic, because the power of this magic is obviously not so exaggerated, and the actual use requirements of Legion level magic are not so simple. At least the high elves here can't support Christina to complete a legion level magic. Even if the Legion needs a few hundred mana tanks, it may be better for us to use a few hundred magic tanks for the Legion? , the fastest update of the webnovel!