Chapter 2726

At a time when several Russian players thought that they would be planted here today, and we all thought that today's crisis had passed, the courtyard wall outside the central control room suddenly exploded, and a large hole was opened directly. Then, a dozen bright guys came in from the outside.

There are as many as 17 new players, more than the Russian players here. Moreover, compared with the Russian players here, this group of people here obviously gives people a very popular feeling. Of course, this feeling mainly comes from the equipment of these people. Although the styles and colors of the newly arrived personnel's equipment are different, there is one thing in common in the end, no matter what color and style of clothing they wear, they all have one thing in common, that is, the equipment of these guys all uses mirror treatment, so that even the black part looks shiny.

"What a luxury combination Looking at the sudden emergence of a large group of people, over there are struggling Russian players suddenly sighed, and with his voice, our side of the people is also a sudden reaction, the moment divided into two parts. Some of them continued to attack the Russian players in the middle, while the rest immediately formed a new line of defense against the opened walls.

"Who are you? This is the guild residence of frost rose League. Outsiders are forbidden to enter. Please exit immediately A captain of the guard, who was standing in front of the invaders, said in a cold voice to the group in front of him. Although we know that 80% of these people are reinforcements of the group, it is better not to increase the number of additional enemies at this time.

"You know exactly who we are. Why do you have to ask many times?" There was a leader in the group who rushed in, and said to the people behind, "OK, don't worry about the miscellaneous fish. If you rush in, you'll finish the task."

"If you want to go in, you have to pass me first." Don't know when had already finished several Russian players ladamantis suddenly came out of the defensive team. In any case, ladamantis is a Protoss after all, and it was one of the three giants of the underworld. The Olympus Protoss itself is a fighting Protoss, and the underworld system is one of the most powerful Olympians. As one of the three underworld giants, ladamantis is naturally a super capable type. Even if they are now guild Protoss, their strength has declined a lot, but because of the support of sufficient faith, recently their strength of chaos and order Protoss has recovered a lot, almost catching up with the state of the original heyday. It is also because of this, these several can not be regarded as the top strength of the players in front of them is really not enough to see, three or two were all flattened.

Without the Russian players at the gate, the guards on this side turned all their attention to the enemies on this side, and the 17 newly emerged invaders also set out to fight against ladamantis.

"I didn't expect that the lackeys of frost rose League dare to challenge us real gods." Said the leader of the other group, looking at ladamantis, who was standing up.

Ladamantis was not a very good-natured man. He suddenly wanted to burst out when he heard such words. However, before he could speak, a majestic voice came from outside. "It is impossible for a wild child to understand politeness. Even a core of divine power has not yet been fully formed, dare to come out and flaunt everywhere, and even claim to be a God? Are you also called gods

With the appearance of the sound, a large group of people came into the gate outside the central control room. The first one was actually Hades in black armor, while the one who followed him was Poseidon who had changed into armor. With these two generals on the scene, there is basically no suspense in the battle. Of course, the so-called "no suspense" means that it is impossible for these people to rush into the control room. As for how much damage they will cause to aisinger It's hard to say.

In fact, compared with before, I don't feel relaxed at all. Although I have already known the arrival of Hades and Poseidon from the army God, and ladamantis is already on the scene, I can see the enemy opposite from the mobile angel's eyes, and I happen to know these people.

As a matter of fact, the 17 who just rushed in are not players, but Protoss, real Protoss, not guild Protoss like chaos and order Protoss. In fact, these Protoss should be called Siberian Protoss. They are a new Protoss that filled the vacuum after the Russian Protoss was destroyed. Compared with the old Protoss, the new protoss have more pioneering spirit and dare to take risks for the benefit. However, the new Protoss are new Protoss after all. Compared with those old Protoss, they lack of details, have no steady and down-to-earth spirit, and are more inclined to opportunism.

It is because there is no inside information, so those who do not know are fearless. Because these guys are all new Protoss, without the existence of the older generation of gods, they naturally do not know how high the day is and how thick the land is. So, these guys actually did a fantastic thing - transnational operations.

For us players, transnational action is a very simple thing, and it is also encouraged by the system. After all, the national war system is specially opened in the game, which can not only kill players from other countries without adding sin value, but also wash the evil value. Moreover, the experience value of killing players from other countries is often many times more than that of players who kill their own countries The higher the hatred value of the two countries, the experience value will also increase. In addition, in addition to these incentives, the system also provides players from all countries with many conveniences to launch national wars, such as opening national channels to facilitate contact wars, or setting up some conflicting tasks, so that countries close to each other can have a reason to fight each other. This is the best proof that the system supports the national war.But all of these things are for players. For the protoss state war, the system gives the opposite opinion.

All gods will be severely punished when they leave their own country. Although all the protoss have their own ways to avoid this punishment, the process is extremely complicated, with a lot of investment, and there is a certain danger. With so many restrictions, it is basically impossible for the protoss to leave their own territory. Besides, a national war cannot be fought by one or two people. Even if a Protoss sends its members out of the country, it can only send a few people. It is conceivable that these people will face the protoss of each other's country after they pass by.

It is because of this situation that the gods will not go abroad easily. It is not only troublesome, but also too unsafe. You know, the gods are NPC, they can't resurrect infinitely like us. Therefore, the gods cherish their lives very much. It is not true that they have to go out. Generally, the protoss will never leave their own territory.

However, although the protoss of all countries will not go abroad easily, the Siberian Protoss in front of them are not afraid to go abroad directly. I think there are three reasons for this situation. First, because there are no old Protoss members, they don't know what kind of systematic punishment is, so they despise the intensity of this punishment. Second, because they are new Protoss, they are all ordinary senior NPCs before they suddenly gain power. The sudden increase in strength makes these guys have a kind of crazy confidence in their combat effectiveness. This kind of arrogance caused by the sudden acquisition of power makes them very arrogant, and even completely ignores everything. Third, and most importantly, these guys are just emerging Protoss, and their core of power has not yet been fully condensed. The result of this kind of semifinished divine power core is that they already have certain Protoss power attributes, but at the same time, they are not completely constrained by the system rules. As for them, they easily run to the land of China. If their divine power core is completely condensed, then don't say what they dare to do. Even if they do, they will not be able to survive. The system will directly activate the power of the rules and kill the gods who want to enter other countries by force.

It is because of these reasons that the scene in front of us is created. These guys are recklessly and directly impulsive to our city.

Although the behavior of these guys is quite idiotic, and they will certainly pay a huge price for it, it is still quite unfavorable for us in the current situation. For nothing else, just because this battlefield is in us, Eisinger.

If war is possible, it's better not to happen in your own country's territory, because no matter whether you win or not, as long as your country becomes a battlefield, it will certainly cause great damage in the end. Therefore, it is better not to carry out a war on the territory of one's own country. Even if it is, it should be completed in no man's land.

Now our battlefield is not just a no man's land, but one of the core areas of Eisinger. Although there is no large-scale energy equipment nearby, the problem is that the control centers of our crystal communication and command system are all concentrated here, and there are many guild buildings nearby. What's more, the belligerents here are both Protoss. Can you imagine how much damage two groups of gods would cause after fighting? So, it's still a very scary thing for frost rose League to fight these Protoss in our guild here. Although I believe that Hades and Poseidon will control the destruction of the battle to a certain extent, they can only say that they try their best not to destroy the city during the battle, but the enemy will not consider these things. In order not to hurt the city, Poseidon will certainly affect the combat effectiveness. When the battle is turned into a stalemate, the destruction will become worse More serious.

A lot of factors come together, which makes me think that aisinger is super unsafe now.

"What are you? How dare you talk to us Siberian Protoss? " The leader of the opposite group of Siberian Protoss saw Hades appear and immediately yelled loudly. This guy doesn't know Hades at all. He may have heard of it, but they haven't met him, and they don't know what Hades looks like.

After hearing the other party's arrogant words, ladamantis immediately wanted to teach him a lesson in front of the mountain, but he was stopped by Hades. Hardy's brain is obviously much better than ladamantis. Although judges also need to use their brains, they can only be regarded as simple brain work. They belong to the skilled type of work. They can understand how to do it as long as they are not stupid. However, compared with Hades, the work of Hades is much more complicated. After all, he is the helmsman of the Hades department. He has to make predictions in the general direction for many things, so he has a high demand for thinking ability.

Because of the need to be in constant contact with these things, Hades is obviously much smarter than ladamantis. In the other side provocation, not only did not get angry, but went to the front of ladamantis to block it, and then began to say slowly: "don't think that you don't know me means I'm a small insignificant role, just want to do, if you know who I am, you will find that if you don't know me, you will find that you are not a good little guy.""You..."

"Don't get excited. I'm not exaggerating. If you don't believe it, you can inquire about my reputation as Hades

"Are you Hades The leader of the Siberian Protoss opposite is finally serious. Although these new protoss have the feeling that they are not afraid of tigers, they are always afraid of the sky and the earth, but Hades's reputation is really too famous. Like anubis, Hades's name is very famous all over the world. This powerful Protoss can frighten people wherever they go. So, even the hairy ones of the protoss, who are almost afraid of nothing, are scared by Hades's name.

Seeing that the other party was frightened, Hades did not directly begin to oppress the other party and choose to surrender. Instead, he began to blow up his glorious history with the other party. To tell you the truth, for the Siberian Protoss, the fighting experience of the old great gods like Hades is just like the idol story. Listening to these guys is a trance. If it wasn't for the current atmosphere, maybe Hades would have said it for three days and three nights, they would not have any complaints. But is it possible that Hades, once a big man, can confidently tell stories to a bunch of kids? The answer is clearly impossible.

The reason why Hades patiently told these guys about his glorious deeds at such a time is not really to show off or to educate them to surrender directly, but because he wanted to Delay time.

Compared with ladamantis, Hades is much more calm. He is very clear about the situation now. Although he and Poseidon are here enough to stop these guys from invading, the problem is that if they do fight here, Eisinger after a large group of protoss fighting will be destroyed, and this situation is definitely not what they want to see. So, Hades has to wait, wait for all the reinforcements that can arrive here, and then force the other party to surrender or escape directly with overwhelming force with the strength of ten times and one hundred times. Even if there is a real fight, as long as there are enough people on our side, we can divide it into two parts: one is for strong attack, the other is for protecting the city below It will be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

In fact, Hades's strategy is exactly what we hope for, so we can see how important it is to have an experienced Protoss in his guild. If you change a hairy boy, even if he is even more powerful than Hades, he will fight the enemy to death, and the other party will be finished, but our city will also be ruined. That is really want to cry without tears!

After I learned that Hades had controlled the situation in the communication, my side also slowed down a little bit, not because I was not in a hurry, but because I didn't want to scare the snake. If people on our side suddenly gathered at a high speed to the battlefield at a high speed, even if the opposite side was not experienced enough, they would notice the situation and reflect that we were in the Deliberately delay time, so what we need to do is to increase personnel to the battlefield area as smoothly as possible, and gradually concentrate senior personnel here, and gradually replace the previous low-level combat units, so as to ensure that the number of our personnel in this field does not change greatly, so as to avoid causing the other Party's vigilance.

My idea was quickly informed to all the fighters through the army God. After knowing about this idea, we all put a little bit of speed into it. As for the ordinary people outside the central control room, they moved out a little bit.

After my orders were given, Christina, gold coins and real red were the first to arrive at the scene, and then the red moon. The four men reached the door carefully, then replaced their positions with the guards over there, and moved a little behind the crowd with the help of the guards in the front row. Although under normal circumstances, this kind of light blocking behavior can't hide from the gods, but the current situation is that the attention of those guys has been attracted by Hades, so as long as the action range is not too large, there will be no problem.

Before the four of them moved to the right position, Pandora and I almost reached the outside of the gate one after another. However, Pandora was held by me and didn't enter the yard. After whispering with her, Pandora immediately turned around and left here, and Aphrodite, who arrived in Da Da, was also called down by me, and then lurked in the big city with me doorway.

With the arrival of Aphrodite, the subsequent chaos and order Protoss began to arrive one by one. After a few minutes, there were chaos and order Protoss standing outside the courtyard wall, and more than 50 people gathered here. You know, this is not a normal NPC guard. These more than 50 people are all high-level Protoss of the first and second line, and their combat effectiveness is all of the highest. Among them, there are more than a dozen of the level of peacock Ming king. If such a large group of people are pulled out, it is basically the same as playing. If I lead the team and there are so many 50 people following us, even if it is the headquarters of one Protoss, we can push it in like a bulldozer. No one can stop us from moving forward.

However, even though there are more than 50 medium and high-level Protoss in our side, I still did not give the order to attack. Instead, a large group of guards who just arrived here began to walk in from the door, while the guards inside were moving outward. It's like changing blood, although it's slow. But we have replaced more than half of the guards inside the walls in just a few minutes.Only the ordinary guild guards were replaced, but they were still at the level of 8900. The reason why the combat effectiveness seems exaggerated is that they are city guards. Before the city is completely captured, they will have the unique attribute bonus of city guards. This kind of bonus can make the city guards show several times the normal combat effectiveness when fighting in their own cities, so that a city guard with a level of 8900 can easily fall down One thousand two hundred advanced players. However, these people against the player is no problem, but to deal with Protoss is not enough. Therefore, I had to transfer all the elite commando teams of the guild to the temporary replacement of the guard team attribute, and then their combat effectiveness was increased several times.

These elite commandos were originally used to guard the city, but their tasks were different from those of the garrison. They were not responsible for fighting in the city, but were specifically responsible for fighting out of the city. Once the guild's city is attacked, these commandos will sneak attacks on the enemy's rear logistics, mages, commanders and other weak units from the periphery of the city.

Don't think that these people are weak because they are specialized in dealing with logistics forces with poor combat effectiveness. On the contrary, these people are in a mess. The logistic combat effectiveness of the other side is indeed very weak, but the problem is that the enemy is not stupid. How can these people who have no ability to fight back sway behind alone? In the regular siege war, we will mix some more powerful personnel into the logistics forces to place the logistics forces under attack. Moreover, before the final stage of the siege, the senior personnel of the siege side will not go to the front line, but will gather their strength in the rear and wait for the city to be broken, and then kill them in one go. It's like that in ancient times, when the great general came out before the war, he would go back and wait. Before the wall was broken, the general would not fight again.

The same is true in this game. Before the city wall was broken, the middle and low-end fighters were fighting. The senior personnel would only go out when the city wall was broken or when their own side was too weak to attack. Before, they all protected the supplies and command units in the rear. Because of this, it is not easy to attack the enemy's back defense. It requires the sneak attack personnel to have super strong attack power and super-high moving speed. They can enter the enemy's weak position in a short time, and then quickly solve a large number of valuable target units before withdrawing quickly. And even if it is found by the other party's senior personnel, it is necessary to have the ability to easily get out of the other party's hands and not be entangled. Otherwise, once surrounded by a large number of other party's personnel, it's really flapping wings, and don't expect to fly out.

It is for these reasons that the units that the captors harass the enemy's defense in the city defense battle are actually the elite of the elite. Not only is the combat effectiveness very terrible, but also the sports ability is super strong. Now we'll be much more relieved to replace the ordinary guards with these people.

Although the range of our movements is actually very large, the other group of people obviously did not pay too much attention to other places. Maybe the people who want to come to our side are not worried, so they don't care about our small movements at all.

Although the Siberian Protoss on the other side didn't care about our actions, Hades did not relax his observation of the surrounding situation for a moment. After confirming that the preparations for our side had been completed, he suddenly cut off the previous boasting and said to the Siberian Protoss over there: "what's up? You know what I'm good at? If you understand the strength gap between us, surrender. Our chaos and order Protoss is actually not long established, and we hope to absorb a large number of useful talents. Although your strength is not good, but the potential is good. If you can join our chaos and order Protoss, I guarantee that your current strength will be increased by more than 50% in less than two months. If you're willing to work hard, it's not impossible to double it. "

Hades's words are not bragging. They are supported by a lot of faith. The protoss in our guild are the most comfortable among all the Protoss. While other protoss forces are still trying to improve the utilization rate of the power of faith and generate the most energy with the least force of belief, our guild group is in chaos and order. However, the protoss are thinking about how to put more faith into their souls to absorb it, because they have been waiting for the power of faith to be put into the pot every day, just like other gods Chaos and order: the protoss has suddenly become a nouveau riche. It's really a panic to see the power of so many beliefs.

Although this is not a big story, Hades deliberately weakens a large part of it, that is, he is afraid that the Gang opposite him will not believe it because things are too good. As a result, the Siberian Protoss did not believe it.

"BAM, you cheat the ghost?" A Siberian Protoss exclaimed, "50% increase in strength in two months? What about the chaos and order of your Protoss, whose power of faith is too much to use up? "

Although the chaos and order of our side, the protoss would like to nod and say, "it's really too much to use. Even the containers are full and there's no place to put them." However, this kind of words can not be said, even if you say it Will anyone believe it?

No one on our side was able to answer. The Siberian Protoss over there immediately thought we were speechless. Then one of the leaders pointed to Hades and said, "we admire you as an old man. As long as you don't stop us from completing the task, we won't care about you. We will respect you in the future, but if you have to fight against us, don't blame us for being rude"Don't these guys know how to write dead characters? Talk to Hades like this Big round peacock Ming Wang stood by my side and almost didn't dislocate his chin when he heard the words from the guy inside. Although the peacock thinks that he is also a very cattle fork character, but that kind of words she also dare not collect! Although she didn't really fight hardis, according to the observation of each other, they should be in a state of half a dozen. In terms of combat effectiveness, hadith may be slightly weaker, but Hades is a command plus control field type, and its combat effectiveness is basically equal to that of peacock, which is frightening enough.

As for peacock, I didn't go to pick it up, because the situation inside is turning into a downward trend. The Siberian Protoss over there must have been listening to stories before. Now Hades doesn't tell those heroic stories. Naturally, they are no longer polite. In a word, if they don't speculate, they will fight directly.

Seeing that all the staff on our side had arrived, Hades stopped dealing with each other and said directly, "since you are not willing to cooperate, you can't blame us. Pandora, do it. "

With Hades's cry, the Siberian Protoss on the opposite side are instinctively looking around to see what kind of backhand we have arranged. However, they did not see people, but found that a large number of purple light particles suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and then they were panic stricken to find that their divine power could not be mobilized.

"Shit, what's going on here?" A Siberian Protoss screamed in alarm. After they became gods, they were able to get the way, and it was the time for them to be domineering. But now their domineering dependence has suddenly disappeared. How can they accept such a huge contrast?

While most Siberian Protoss are frightened by the sudden change, not everyone is. One of the guys said calmly, "no! Have we not become gods? I've heard of the forbidden magic realm, but I haven't heard of the forbidden God realm? "

"You haven't heard of it because you haven't seen it. Don't think that what you haven't heard of doesn't exist." At this time, with a large group of chaos and order, the protoss swaggered in from the door. Those guys on the opposite side have all become gods without divine power. In addition to their physical fitness, they have become ordinary people. Seventeen ordinary people face one or two thousand people on our side. What do you think will happen? So I don't worry about these guys' counterattack at all. They are basically finished now.

After hearing what I said, the Siberian Protoss, who had previously denied the realm of forbidden gods, immediately asked, "is there really such a realm in this world?"

I nodded to Persephone over there, and then polsefune went to Hades and faced the Siberian gods and said, "you haven't heard of it because this forbidden area is a very rare large-scale divinity. To release it requires at least 20 gods to participate in at the same time, but this kind of divinity can only seal the gods who are less than half of the participants In other words, in the case of the same strength, two gods are required to seal a deity, and the sum of the powers of the two gods must be more than twice that of that one. Moreover, once the divinity is launched, before it is released, the two gods will be in a state of complete loss of divine power as the sealed gods

"That is to say, you have lost your power now?"

"Yes. But there are more than 34 Protoss in chaos and order on our side. There are only 17 of you. There are twice as many people in our side, that is, 34 gods are needed to seal you completely. However, we have a large number of people, so we used 50 gods to use the forbidden God field at one time. But even if you sacrifice 50 gods temporarily to seal your power, there are at least six gods on our side who can fight. And This divinity will not react to anything other than divine power. "

"You, you, you You mean... " The Siberian Protoss, alarmed, pointed to Christina and me who were approaching and asked, "do you say they

"That's right." Polcervogne said with a smile, "their magic and fighting spirit can still be used. What is sealed is just divine power. I've been able to use magic and some other energy even when the protoss lose their power, but our Protoss' call is based on divine power. So you can't use magic at all now. The only thing you can use is the attributes of your equipment and your physical fitness. Oh, yes. One more thing I forgot to remind you about. After the divine power is sealed, the physical quality of the gods will not be as strong as usual, because our bodies are actually strengthened by the divine power. Once the divine power is sealed, although the physical quality will not immediately become ordinary people, it is a little bit in degradation, and the speed is very fast. You should now have at most half your usual strength. "

"What?" As soon as the Siberian Protoss heard that only half of their physical strength was left, and they were still in the process of continuous decline, they immediately made a panic test. The result was really the same as what polsefunne said. They found that their strength had dropped very much, and now they have no half of their usual strength."Damn it, I'll fight with you!" A Siberian Protoss finally couldn't stand the oppressive feeling and roared up, but it turned out to be pinched by two mobile angels, one left and one right, and then put their backhands on the ground and handcuffed.

The handcuffs are not ordinary things. They are handcuffs with special divine power. Although handcuffs are only made of ordinary stones, they have the function of sealing the magic power because of this engraving. As long as they are not super gods, ordinary gods will become ordinary people's state as long as they wear this thing, let alone resist, and walk Hard work. After all, physical strength and divine power are sealed together. Only normal people with physical strength need to wear a pair of stone handcuffs of more than 10 jin. It's strange that this action can be convenient.

Looking at our companions being dragged away, the rest of the staff there were not calm, they rushed up one after another, but the guards on our side went out one after another, just like catching chickens, they all caught those guys and pushed them to the ground. Then one by one, the magic shackles were brought up, and those guys became lambs to be slaughtered in an instant.

"Well, Pandora, we're OK." After seeing the last Siberian protoss being handcuffed, Hades informed Pandora to withdraw the previous seal. Although this thing is made by ourselves, the effect of this thing is actually very uncomfortable for the gods. It's like a high fever and a weak body. Think about it. When you are in a vigorous state, you suddenly find that only one percent of your strength is deprived. Isn't it just like being ill and being anointed? Because of this, protoss hate this state very much. This time, if it wasn't for the protection of isinger, Hades, they said they wouldn't use this magic. However, they are also lucky, because the magic is very poor in practical use, so they can hardly use it.

Listen to polcerfunne's explanation before, you can see that the exertion of this divine art requires twice the strength of the other party to restrain the other party. If there is really so much power, it's better to go directly to deal with the other party. Why spend so much effort? We want to protect the city from being affected. We don't want to use this ability in the wild or in the enemy's territory. Again. Even if it is conditional, we will not use this ability. After all, once we use it, our gods will lose their power and become ordinary people. We are on the guild's territory this time, and there are a large group of protective personnel nearby, so we can use it. But if we are on someone else's territory, if we are attacked and killed one or two gods while using this magic technique, we will have no place to cry. So we can't use this skill easily.

"Well, it's done. I thought something would happen this time! " Aphrodite came to see the Siberian Protoss who were crushed on the ground, and then said to me, "president, how did these guys come to our country? Aren't they the protoss of Russia? "

Before I could explain, Hades said, "these are all new Protoss. Their core of power has not been fully condensed, so many rules don't work for them." After that, Hades turned to me and said, "president, I think this is a wake-up call. These Siberian protoss have just completed the transition from mortal to Protoss. They can be said to be the existence of half human and half god. They have the ability of gods, but there is no God's bondage. This is the time when the restrictions are the least. This is because we have heavy troops in Eisinger. If the Siberian Protoss goes to other places to do damage next time, we will lose a lot

Christina and Hongyue also came to express their opinions at this time, saying that such a situation is really worth noting.

I reluctantly said: "although I understand what you mean, people have to use Protoss as terrorists. What do you want me to do? If the enemy's general defense is settled, we'll arrange the defense points randomly. But this is God! Even if it is just transformed, its strength is not so strong, but ordinary guards can't withstand it! "

"Don't our guild use mobile angels for Protoss?" Asked Persephone.

"This is not like that! What our guild relies on for Protoss with mobile angels is actually the shards of God stone. Because the divine stone has the function of suppressing divine power, and the mobile angel for Protoss can cause higher damage to Protoss after equipped with divine stone fragments. At the same time, we will carry out quality control on these mobile angels for Protoss, strengthen their attributes in all aspects, and spare no effort to strengthen them to the limit state that the current technology can reach, so that we have those mobile angels for Protoss. But frankly, they still rely on the stone fragments to defeat the Protoss. But you know the fragment of the stone. The quantity of that thing is really... "

In fact, many laymen don't know that although there are many models of mobile angels for Protoss in our guild, each model is divided into two AB models. Among them, model a is the real mobile angel for Protoss. They are equipped with God stone fragments, which can cause great damage to gods. So basically, one or two mobile angels for Protoss can handle a deity. However, the number of this type a mobile angel for Protoss is very rare. Despite the fact that our guild has arranged many mobile angels around the world, it is actually a gimmick. On the one hand, with the help of the powerful image of mobile angel to frighten the enemy, on the other hand, it can provide strong combat effectiveness support. It's all aimed at ordinary people. Those B-type mobile angels for Protoss are not equipped with Shenshi fragments at all. Although the other structures are the same, it is estimated that seven or eight units may not be able to handle a deity if they really want to use mobile angels against Protoss to fight Protoss.Although Persephone is a guild Protoss of our guild, she is not in charge of this matter. This thing is originally a secret. How can we talk about it freely. Even if we don't keep secrets from our own people, we can't take the initiative to inform them, right? In fact, we don't know how to use the mobile angel of Sabor.

"Well, there are no mobile angels for Protoss. What are we going to use to defend the Siberian Protoss?" Persephone asked earnestly after he knew the truth.

To tell you the truth, Persephone really asked us all. Our guild's stalls are too large, and there are our forces everywhere. If there are experts to defend everywhere, it is obviously impossible. However, if the enemy attacks a certain place, it will be a problem if we do not have time to reinforce. Anyway, it seems that we really have no good way.

"Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves?" Red moon suddenly said: "since can't prevent, simply kill that thief."

"Well?" All of a sudden, all the people on our side focused their eyes on the red moon, and then all of a sudden they called out: "yes! Since we can't prevent it, we'd better take their old nest once and for all. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!