Chapter 2697

Looking back at the injury on his waist side, I felt a little surprised when I saw his back. However, I can understand his current mood. In fact, he and I should be in the same mood now. But really, I have been fighting with this seven night spirit for so long now. My biggest discovery is that this guy's melee ability is really outstanding. I'm sure that this boy has been specially trained in reality, otherwise, many actions will never be made.

In fact, although the game "zero" is fair to everyone in theory, the different way of thinking of each person has seriously affected the balance of the game. The most important feature is that those who have practiced martial arts in reality can often take advantage of those who need to be close to soldiers in the game.

Of course, I don't mean that martial arts practitioners can also play the effect of martial arts fighting in the game. After all, the output of the system of players in the game depends on the attributes, not that you have developed a deep tendon in reality and become Superman in the game. What players really bring into the game is not the physical changes, but the psychological changes and mental changes. Take a simple example. If a martial arts practitioner is kicked in the abdomen by the enemy in a battle, his first reaction is to find a chance to fight back or quickly protect the key points, so as to avoid continuous attacks. However, the first reaction of an ordinary person who has never fought a fight is to cover the abdominal pain and then do not know what to do. The reaction of these two people determines that they will not be hurt the same in the future.

In addition, a common advantage of a martial arts practitioner is to create his own skills. Because "zero" has its own creation skill, if the player plays a certain fighting skill that conforms to certain mechanics rules in the battle, the system will ask if you want to record this skill temporarily. After that, when you finish the battle and have free time, you can go to the skill training center, and then find a room there to study. You can modify and improve according to the coherent attacks recorded in the system. Finally, you can produce a set of your own fighting skills. As long as this skill is created, it is your own skill. After that, the system will judge the damage of your skill according to the calculation of the physical calculus model. According to this judgment result, your skill can get an additional damage value. Moreover, after the skill is created, the player who is the creator will immediately obtain level 10 proficiency. Meanwhile, as the creator, the upper limit of your skill proficiency will not be level 20 of the normal skill limit, but level 21.

Don't underestimate the extra level, because the level of skill and player level is not the same concept. As the level of players increases, the number of strength enhancement at each level is exactly the same. It is only because after the level is higher, they can use more advanced equipment and learn more advanced skills. Therefore, it seems that the player's strength will increase faster than the level. In other words, the combat effectiveness of a player with 1000 levels is definitely more than that of a player of level 1. However, this is only an illusion. As I said, in fact, players get the same promotion at each level. The reason why we feel that senior players are much better than low-level players in the later stage is mainly because the advanced players have better equipment and stronger skills, and it is not entirely because of the increased attributes brought about by high-level players.

On the contrary, the effect of skill improvement is to be more abnormal in the later stage.

General skills have such a rule. Upgrading from level 1 to level 5 is very fast. Basically, a player can upgrade to level 5 or above within three days after learning a skill. In this process, the ability value of the original effect is only increased. For example. A player gains a fireball skill with 50 primary damage, a release rate of three seconds and a cooldown of five seconds. Before upgrading to level 5, all the improvements are based on the existing data, that is, the damage value will continue to increase, the release speed will be accelerated, and the cooling time will be reduced. Moreover, the change process is a constant speed, that is, the change percentage of each level is the same.

However, once a skill rises to level 5 or above, additional effects will begin to appear. For example, fireball will start to show splash damage effect when it reaches level 5. In addition to directly hitting targets, enemies within a certain range will also receive certain damage. And with the improvement of skill level, the power and range of this splash damage will gradually increase Plus.

In fact, the situation of skill adding effect is not fixed. After level 5, most skills will add one or three different effects. This process will continue until level 15. However, the number and intensity of additional effects of different skills are different. And that's what distinguishes skills from good ones. A high-level skill can often achieve two or three levels to chase an effect, and the low-level skills will be like fireball, from level 1 to level 15, only two additional effects will be added to you. There may even be one effect at a level in the skill of Gebiet ox fork. Of course, that level of skill is rare.

The skill change after level 15 is a little unstable. The average skill or the next skill will only increase the percentage of all the previous skills after reaching level 15, instead of pursuing skills. Advanced skills may remain the same level or two as before to give a new effect. This state will be maintained until level 18, but after level 18, all skills including fireball will give you a special effect at each level, that is, level 18, 19, and 20. You can get three additional effects. In addition, these three levels will also increase the percentage of existing effects in front of them at the same time, and it will be improved according to the quality of skills. Bad skills have the same percentage of improvement as before level 18, while good skills may even increase three times faster at the last three levels. For example, for an attack skill, the attack power of each level increased by 500 points or 50% directly, while the last three levels may increase 1500 damage points or 150% damage per level. Anyway, the speed is three times that of the previous level. Of course, triple promotion is not the limit, because I have the follow-up effect of several skills, and my ability to improve is more than five times.Therefore, the higher the skill, the more frightening it will be. Since the self created skill can be upgraded one more level, the final damage output is simply sensational. If your skills are less powerful when they are created, it's better. If they are high damage skills in the first place, they will be against the weather in the later stage. If you have some additional skill level equipment on your body, it's just like a big killer.

Therefore, self created skills are absolutely terrible skills. Once they reach the full level, they are more powerful than ordinary skills. Because of this, those who practice martial arts in real life definitely take advantage of the game. Of course, these are secondary, the most important is your reaction. When

started to run, what many people make complaints about is why a virtual reality game has agile settings. Does a person stand still, as long as he is agile and high, the other party kicks and hits him, but does not stop appearing Miss effect? Isn't this a big deal?

In fact, this is not the case at all. Everyone's conjecture is right, that is, in "zero", the person with high agility really doesn't need to do anything, and it's very difficult for you to hurt him, but it's not what you've guessed before. You obviously hit the other side, and the result is that the other side has miss effect, and then the damage is not calculated. That's a bit too fake.

In fact, the agile setting used in zero is a function called "active intervention assistance". Maybe some smart people can see the name and know how the effect works. Yes, the system helps players operate characters. It's like player skills. As long as you call out the name of your skill, and the release conditions of this skill are met, the system will automatically control your body to move according to the release effect of the skill, so as to complete some actions that you absolutely can't do or have a low success rate. This system assisted control of your body is actually called active intervention assistance. This is how agile attributes are implemented in the game.

When two players fight, even if the player with high agility doesn't respond to the enemy's attack in time, as long as you are agile enough, there will be a certain probability to trigger active dodge. That is to say, the system will help you operate the game characters to dodge, thus realizing the Miss effect.

This kind of active dodge effect is the same as the auxiliary control in skills, which is completed by the system for you. You don't have to participate in it at all. Moreover, there is a set of very smart settings in "zero", that is, intervention assistance is not absolute control, but a kind of control that can be actively intervened. To put it simply, when the system assists in controlling you to perform skill release or dodge actions, as long as you actively intervene with your own thinking, you can make fine adjustments in the action. Even if your intention is completely opposite to the auxiliary action of the system, or the difference is too big, the system will automatically terminate the auxiliary process.

The advantage of this setting is that it will make the auxiliary control more natural and flexible, and not easy to make jokes. For example, there used to be an experimental virtual reality game, in which there was similar skill assistance, that is, the player called out the skill name, and then the body would automatically move to display the skill. As a result, because there was no active intervention mode, many jokes were made in the end. For example, a series of moves, the enemy has dodged in the past, the result is that the player is still there because the skill is not over, and they are still playing in the air. This behavior is obviously quite brain damaged. There is also a player standing on the edge of the cliff to fight with the enemy. The structural enemy punches, and the agility attribute is activated. The system controls the player to dodge back, and he jumps off the cliff. It all sounds quite idiotic, but I have to admit that the system can really do this without the player's own control.

By contrast, "zero" is much better. First of all, the game system in "zero" is relatively smart. It is impossible for the system to control the players to hit the air and jump over the cliff as mentioned before. Secondly, even if there is a situation that the system can not judge, for example, when Matsumoto and I are facing the Japanese players, sometimes I need to pretend to be hit. In this case, the system can't judge, but because "zero" can be controlled actively, I can completely interrupt the Dodge action of the system, and the opposite Matsumoto can also control the power of the skill, so as not to really kill me with a big move.

However, although the agile attribute in "zero" has a powerful auxiliary control effect, the system does not exclude the player's active dodge.

The player with high agility attribute has a high probability of Miss, that is, when the enemy attacks him, the system will frequently intervene to help him dodge the enemy's attack. However, this frequent dodge does not mean 100% dodge. That is to say, not every time the enemy attacks, the system will intervene to help you dodge. The frequency of this intervention depends entirely on the numerical difference between your agility and your opponent's. If your two agility values are exactly the same, then the system's active avoidance and intervention probability is about 15%, that is, if the other party attacks you 100 times, you can get 15 times of active intervention evasion. If your agility is higher than that of the other party, the Dodge probability will continue to rise, but the highest is only 95%. That is to say, even if a level 10 000 skirmish meets a level 20 meat shield warrior, the system will have a 5% probability of not intervening in evasion when the flesh shield warrior attacks the agility war.It can be seen from this point that the intervention avoidance probability of the system is quite unstable, which is completely a matter of luck. However, there is a kind of dodge that does not need to take a chance, that is, the dodge that the player carries out independently.

When a player is attacked by another player, if you find out the other player's action in advance and manipulate your body to dodge, and you really evade the opponent's attack, of course, the system will not force you to be hit because of your low agility. Zero's system is not that bad.

Of course, because the agility attribute is directly related to your triggering speed, if your agility is really very low, it is possible to see the attack route of the opponent but find that the body can't keep up with its own will, which is totally unavoidable. Besides agility, you also have agility. In addition to the possibility of triggering the system's active intervention evasion when you are attacked, this agility attribute is more likely to trigger an ability called "intrusive assisted locking".

Like intervention avoidance, this intervention lock is the ability of the system to help you target your opponent. Even if you are a cockfight eye and see things with ghosting, the system will actively interfere with your attack action according to your Agility attribute, and help you to aim at your target. That's why any player in the game can use the complicated weapon of bow and arrow. Although the shooting accuracy of players who are not professional archers is certainly very bad, at least each player can shoot the arrow in the specified direction as long as they pick up a bow, which is for sure. And if it's in reality Think of the game of archery! Don't say you hit the target. When you let go of the bowstring, you will find that the arrow is still in your hand. As for those who shoot arrows into the sky or fly behind Well, this is really a common phenomenon.

In any case, the system will take the initiative to intervene in our attack actions in the game, so that you can make a lot of actions that you actually need a lot of practice to do in reality.

However, defensive intervention has trigger probability, while aggressive intervention has intervention scope. That is to say, if your agility is not high enough, even if the system lets you shoot the arrow, it doesn't mean that it is as simple as where to hit. There are many other things in the process.

However, if you are an archer, and you can almost hit a hundred, then in the game, do you think the system will take the initiative to let you aim at a good arrow randomly fly away from the target? Obviously not. Therefore, even if the X-ray player's agility is not high enough in the system, the accuracy rate of his bow and arrow is quite amazing, but because the lethality of the archer's arrows in the game is also linked with agility, if such players don't improve their agility, their arrows can be accurate, but their power after hitting may be very low. Of course, this is what I described as an extreme request for payment. Under normal circumstances, if a player who knows how to shoot in real life chooses the archer profession, he will definitely strengthen his agility attribute in the game, and then cooperate with his own shooting skills. Naturally, he is much more powerful than ordinary Archer players.

As far as I know, the more famous archer players in the game are almost all real archers. After all, the advantages are too obvious.

In the same way, if a warrior is a martial arts practitioner, then in the game, your dodge ability must be better than ordinary people. Even if the system does not take the initiative to intervene in Dodge, you can also dodge by yourself. As long as your agility is not too much lower than the opponent's, in most cases, martial arts practitioners can actively dodge the other side's attack and counter attack. That's why a lot of players find me super hard to deal with. Because I'm a dragon, my reflex nerves are different from those of human beings. My natural reaction is n times faster than that of all human beings. In addition, I have studied military gladiator in the Middle School of reality, and later learned some Taijiquan. Although I haven't practiced it for a long time, it is even more powerful than most of the so-called Taiji masters who have practiced Taijiquan for 20 or 30 years because of their strong learning ability.

With such a foundation, plus my own agility attribute, it's quite exaggerated. Therefore, as long as I'm serious in the game, the enemy can't touch me at all. Except for those who use long-range weapons like the gun god, because the speed is too fast, no matter how fast I'm agile, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to dodge. Or the mage players like Kristina will attack with tracking and flashing Also can't flash, otherwise, the general player is really take me to have no method at all. Let's not say whether we can get close. Even if we are close, they can't touch me with my dodge ability.

Seven night's recollection this guy and I had a close fight process before eating the body, in this process I found out. Not only can I practice martial arts, but this guy seems to know me very well. Many of his moves look ordinary, but in fact, they are all designed according to my fighting habits. It can be said that after many of his moves are done, I will bump into them myself. Unless this guy can be foretold, I can only think that this guy has done special training on my attack style, so that he can make a certain degree of advance prediction because he is too familiar with my movements.

This kind of speculation can be said to be quite bold, because although I am the first in the world's combat effectiveness list, I specially design a set of combat skills for me, and I also specially practice hard. This is obviously not something that normal people can do. Because it's like a person's whole life doing nothing and thinking about how to make another person's life unhappy. Although it is possible for him to achieve his own goals, his own life has actually been destroyed, because the starting point of all his actions is to pit the person he is trying to hurt. He has never considered himself. How can such a person have a future and a life?What this seven night spirit does in the game is obviously the same as the guy I mentioned before. Everything in the game seems to be designed specifically for me. His fighting power is totally for restraining me. This extreme practice is obviously not something that normal people can do. So, I infer that this guy must be someone I knew before, and this guy must have a big feud with me. Maybe he was killed by me, deleted his number, and then changed another character to come out of the novice village.

If this is the case, we can understand why he aimed at me so much. Moreover, when the ghost hand shinchou, the iron arm steel bear and the mummy were still alive, the seven night spirit had a very emotional state. At that time, I felt that this guy had some subjective disgust or hatred towards me, which was obviously not the emotion that a normal person should have. Therefore, after I have this speculation, I am even more emotional Add to confirm the previous judgment.

This guy is a player I killed before, and he must be a character who has been deleted and practiced again.

But even though I thought about the possibility, I couldn't remember who this guy was.

The reason why I can't remember is not that I have a bad memory, but for two reasons. First of all, I can get to this point today. I must have offended a lot of people. a person in a high position is liable to be attacked. I am the world's top combat power list, and lead the world's first guild frost rose League, in the world can be said to be a top figure. This kind of existence says no one hates who believes it? When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. A hundred people can have a hundred ideas. Some people hate one person without any reason. He may not even have seen you, because he has simply heard or seen some of your behavior reported or reported to his head, and then he will hate you or even hate you because of his own values and personal likes and dislikes.

This is actually a very normal situation. For example, someone is kind-hearted and willing to help others, and has never had conflicts with others. One day, he was stabbed by someone inexplicably. Finally, the police caught the guy who stabbed him for interrogation. The reason was that he had refused many girls' courtship before. The man himself looks handsome, the family conditions are superior, plus a good person, no obvious shortcomings, naturally popular with girls. But this guy is very single-minded. After finding a girlfriend, he always refuses to take the initiative to make love to other girls. He never plays with others. It seems that this is quite right. There is nothing wrong with it. However, the guy who stabbed him is not pleasing to his eyes, because there are always so many girls chasing after him, and he still refuses to be followed by others. However, this guy goes after other girls by himself, and the family still ignores him. As a result, he is out of balance when compared with his psychology. Finally, he gets a little bit of stimulation and directly stabs people with a knife.

At first glance, this kind of reason seems ridiculous, but you have to admit that there are many such people in reality. One or two of them will pop up every three to five. You can't understand the theory of the mentally handicapped. If you can understand it, I can only say that you are either disillusioned with the world or are going to be abnormal.

Considering that there are so many wonderful people in the world, it's ok if you are a low-key ordinary people, because you are not famous, and there are not many people who know you, so the probability of conflict and inexplicable hatred is not high. But, like me, how can I hide myself? There are so many people who know me, they can certainly find some wonderful people like the one mentioned before, and the reasons why they hate me may be various.

Besides, even if I don't consider those people, even if I follow the logic of normal people, my enemies are absolutely too many to frighten people to death.

First of all, I am the number one in the world's combat power list, so Hu has blocked many people's dream of becoming the number one. Although they are still a certain distance away from my strength, they still feel dissatisfied with being inferior to others, so I become the target of hatred.

Secondly, the frost rose League has become the world's first guild. Naturally, the process of its development and growth cannot be silent.

To put it bluntly, frost rose League is a kind of armed group. Its development naturally needs to grow up in the battle. We have defeated so many guilds and robbed so many resources. Some of these things are natural resources, which we directly occupy, but there are still some that were discovered by guilds or individuals. We snatched them from them in various battles, so we must hurt the interests of those people. Of course, many of them will bear a grudge against us and then produce them Revenge our psychology. Not to mention anything else, Japan is a place where you can find millions of my enemies. Do you think that under such circumstances, it's strange that there is an existence that takes revenge on me as the goal of life?

Based on the above theory, it can be said that the seven night spirit is the kind of person who specially asks for trouble for me, and his skill setting and various abilities are all designed specifically for my ability.

According to my understanding of the system, it seems that the "zero" system will take the initiative to create some incidents. For example, if two lines compete with each other, the system will usually design some situations for them to facilitate their fight, and in the process, the system will deliberately tilt the weaker side. The benefit of this is obvious: it makes it more frequent and more intense. Because the system takes the initiative to create trouble and stir up a fight, the guild which was originally just fighting each other secretly started to fight directly. Because the system helps to strengthen the weak side, the one-sided battle becomes a close match, at least at the same level. Naturally, the result is that the battle becomes more severe, and the game becomes more heated and noisy.Of course, although the system will create trouble and strengthen the strength of the weak side, it is a kind of hidden assistance. Generally, it will not let you find any trace, and it will not be very obvious. After all, if the strong are always deliberately weakened by the system, who has the motivation to strengthen themselves? So, this change is just a change in details, the purpose is to make the game world more war-torn. After all, "zero" is still a fighting world. If the world is peaceful, how can we play it?

Although now I have roughly known the situation of the seven night return, the problem to be solved now is how to control this guy. At least you have to get rid of it first.

The fight between us just now has made both of us suffer a little bit, which shows that this guy has become quite powerful. More than half of his tests have been completed here, because he has confirmed that his ability to devour corpses is really powerful, so I don't need this guy to survive now. However, it seems that he ate so many corpses that I can't control the scene. But Now that I've made up my mind to kill this guy, I'm going to do my best. As long as you're in full mode, I believe this guy should be easy to handle.

After I realized that, I didn't have to delay, and I immediately started to move again, but this time I didn't use a big trick, but suddenly threw a ball out.

On the other side of the seventh night, when I saw the ball thrown by me, my instinct was to roll to the side. After landing, I immediately accelerated to rush towards me. I didn't mean to dodge at all when I saw the seven night spirits rushing by like a bull. Instead, I squatted down with my head and put my shield in front of me. The guy saw my action and immediately looked back at the ball I threw out. However, the knowledge that he saw exploded into crystal powder on the ground. There was no danger at all situation.

After seeing that this thing did not explode violently or release any corrosive poison gas, the soul of the seventh night immediately realized that he had been cheated. When he turned back, he saw that I had rushed to him and stabbed his throat with a sword from bottom to top. There was no time to dodge between the storage of the seven night soul, only one side of the head to avoid the blade, and then stretched out that huge ghost claw, a pinch to the eternal blade.

For ordinary people, holding the blade of eternity with your hand is almost like putting your hand into a blender. But this guy's rough skin and thick flesh I have learned before, so when he caught him, I decisively let go of eternity, and then kneel down on the ground and leaned back. The whole person slipped directly under him. Then before this guy reacts, I directly turn over and stand up, jump up and directly onto the guy's back.

Feeling that I was on his back, seven night's soul immediately raised his hand to throw the eternity that had just been pinched out, and then stretched out his hand and patted behind his back to try to get me down. However, I was much faster than him. When he reached out, I jumped directly on his head. Then he reached out into the air. The thrown eternity immediately flashed back. I held it in my hand, turned the blade of the sword and stabbed it directly at his heavenly cover.

When With the sound of gold and iron hitting each other, accompanied by sparks, eternity suddenly skidded and tilted to one side. I was almost taken a somersault when I lost my balance. Fortunately, this guy had two horns, so I could hold it and finally stabilized my body. However, although my eternity did not pierce into it, this seven night return is also a dizzy head, the whole person staggered forward two steps and then knelt down on the ground.

After confirming that this guy had lost his ability to move, I made a clean patch on the back of his head, followed the whole person into the air, and flew with one wing.

The reason to use a thump to bring this guy down is because I want to get away from this guy. The agility he showed before was too exaggerated. I'm afraid that the 1.5-second interval for using Shenyu fitness will be used by him. Therefore, the best way is to knock him dizzy with a heavy blow, so that he will have a short pause time, so that I can easily open up the distance and try my best. Once in full mode, this guy's combat skills are completely useless.

In fact, his fighting skills are not as good as mine. No matter how he practices, he is also a human. His reaction nerves are not as good as ours. No matter how he practices, he can not break through the racial restrictions. The reason why he looks like he has the same fighting skills as me is that he has done targeted training before. All the movements seem to be made according to my rhythm. Each move is one step faster than me. It is completely like fighting with me in the prophet mode. In this case, his slightly lower reaction speed and slightly poor skills are naturally covered up. That's why he and I have been locked up for so long. As for his attributes Originally it was not as good as mine, but now after eating so many corpses, his attribute has obviously improved, at least at the same level as me. That's why he can't stand with me.

However, this state of his is just equal to my normal state, after all, I still have the whole mode useless. As an animal trainer, fighting alone is not my strong point. Whether it's to summon demons to assist in combat or to integrate their attributes into my own body, it's all my strength performance. So, it's true from now on."The realm of God -- combination."

After I started the ultimate form at a distance, to my surprise, the next seven night's soul suddenly moved, and - he also started a super skill. , the fastest update of the webnovel!