Chapter 2556

Maybe it was the reason that I helped them clear a large area of the surrounding rioters. The guards there regarded me as supporting them. When I got to their position, the guards automatically gave me a way out.

I was a little stunned by their behavior, but I quickly reacted and quickly entered the rear of their position. A player quickly ran to me and asked me, "are you the president of ziri? I don't know you... "

"I've come to ask your president something. Is he there?"

The player did not hesitate to point back: "over there, the tallest building to the right, can you see the clock tower?" I nodded. The other side continued: "on the right side of the bell tower, there is a line of defense which is the main attack direction of the enemy. The president is there to support the fight. Don't hold the meeting. The head office is not there. "

I nodded and jumped onto the night shadow's back. After thinking about it, I asked the player to reach out and hand over a can like thing to him. Then I took out another one myself and said, "watch it." Then he turned the two ends of the can like thing in his hand by 180 degrees in reverse direction. Then he pulled it out and made a click. The middle of the thing stretched out, revealing a silver white metal structure. After this thing came out, I immediately turned it and threw it into the crowd of rioters in the rear. Two seconds later, with a bang, a small mushroom cloud rose, and the riot players there were cleared like wheat harvesters. "Understand how to use it?"

The guy holding the bomb looked stupidly at the rising mushroom cloud and nodded, then turned his eyes back with dementia. I laughed, waved, and ran in the direction he pointed.

Because the central square is under the protection of multiple defense lines, it is the safest. Basically, there are some logistics players here, and there is no fighting. It may be because neither side has an air force, so the battle is not a three-dimensional one, but a positional battle on the ground.

Through the huge central square, I saw the defense line on the right side of the bell tower. To tell you the truth, the defense line looks like it is about to break down. Of course, this is not entirely because the rioters took this side as the main attack direction. I think the more reason is that the intersection is too wide.

I hastened to enter the direction should be a branch road in the city, and this is located next to the clock tower is the main road. The broad road is said to be one road, in fact, it should be regarded as two roads. In the middle of the road, there is an isolation zone that is enough for three vehicles to run in parallel. This isolation zone is full of flowers and plants, and the terrain is very complex. It is impossible to form a battle line defense line. However, the enemy can run through it. Now the players of the heaven earth society rely on the superior combat effectiveness of high-end players in this area to defend the central isolation zone. On the ground with regular roads on both sides, as I came over there, heavy armour soldiers were defending. Of course, there are many mages and archers in the back, but it seems that there are not many players in the two professions, and the support to the front line is not enough to suppress those rioters on the opposite side. Besides, the people over there are not all close combat. There are mages and archers over there, so the long-range support on both sides can be said to be ineffective.

When I arrived here, some players noticed my presence. They looked at me with a little surprise and then looked at the direction of my coming. They didn't find out which side was broken. They felt a little relieved. They noticed that I didn't have a weapon, so they were not too nervous.

I bypassed the mages and the archers, went straight to the back of the battle line over there, and then went up to the isolation zone. As I passed by several players who had retired to rest, I grabbed one of them and asked, "who is your president?"

The guy saw that I was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. His eyes were staring at me. Then he pointed to the front with a little nervousness. "The one with red armor in the center."

I looked up. There is a very fierce player in the middle of the isolation belt wearing a bright red armor, and the players around are basically variegated armor, which should not be mistaken.

After understanding the target, I directly let go of the player and walked forward, while another player immediately approached the one who was released by me and asked, "nine soldiers, isn't that the purple day of the frost rose League?"

The guy I asked nodded mechanically and said, "I think so! That guy has such a strong breath that my legs are all weak! "

The guy next to him didn't care what he said behind him. Instead, he grabbed his arm and asked, "what did he ask you?"

"He asked which was the president."

"Did you tell him?" Asked the man next to him in surprise.

The guy nodded. "What else?"

"You idiot The player left the player and immediately stood up and chased after me. Unfortunately, this place is the front line, that is to say, it is not far away from their president. At this time, I have come to their president.

"Hello, are you the president of the society of heaven and earth?"

The chairman of the society of heaven and earth was fighting with the enemy when he suddenly felt his shoulder pressed. He looked back at me in surprise, and then remembered that there were enemies in front of him, but before he started, he felt a hot face, and a bloody smell instantly penetrated his nostrils. He turned his head in surprise and found that he didn't know when there was a soldier with black armor in front of him. The soldier was standing in front of him to help him resist the enemy in front of him, which was different from his own fighting situation. He is just in the low-grade enemy's advance, and then a small meeting can kill an enemy, while the black armour soldier in front of him seems to be chopping a watermelon, one knife on the left and one knife on the left. Each time he goes down, an enemy will fall down beside him, and he can't see the second one. It's more efficient than he is.Because of the presence of the soldiers in front of me, this guy finally realized my horror. From my performance, I can see that the black armour soldier in front of me is my subordinate, at least lower than me, because it is me who inquires and the soldier who works. But now this soldier is strong to this degree, my strength naturally also need not ask.

After thinking about this, the guy stepped back and looked at me from both sides. Just because he killed red eyes in the battle, he didn't pay attention to my appearance features for a moment. He would be scared by the fierce appearance of the soldiers in front of him. Then he reexamined my appearance.

"You, you, you Are you ziri, the president of frost rose League , the fastest update of the webnovel!