Chapter 2524

The fighting power of the demons can not be estimated for the time being, but we know the fighting power of the eight big snakes. Vena alone, they obviously can't make the eight big snakes. Of course, this premise is that he burns the power of faith as much as he did several times before. Otherwise, the eight big snakes are very easy to deal with.

"Dart, come back first."

After calling back the darts, I returned the Yin and Yang diagram to Fahai, and then I started to contact the army God to dispatch troops to fight against the invasion of Baqi snake. To be honest with this invasion, I'm quite baffled.

It is said that the status of the eight Qi serpent is not very good. Just before, they strengthened the protoss body for Jishou Xinchang. Then they were attacked by us. Not only did they lose their face, but more importantly, their power of faith was also greatly damaged by the interference from the distance. Under this kind of internal and external troubles, it is a little strange that the eight big snakes still have the mind to launch a sneak attack on our fulcrum city. It was supposed to be a retaliatory action, but now the situation of the eight big snake is worrying. In order to gamble for a while, he came to attack our city secretly. This seems to be very uneconomical. Moreover, even if the fulcrum city is destroyed, the direct loss to us is just a city, and the eight big snake seems to get no good in the process.

If the eight devils can destroy Eisinger, it can be said that it has paved the way for him to return to China. But what is the matter of pulling out the fulcrum city?

Although we don't know exactly what the eight big snakes think, now it is he who wants to attack us. We have no choice but to resist. Therefore, the first task is to gather troops as soon as possible to prepare for the attack of the eight great snakes.

Considering that there are many demons besides the eight big snakes, we need not only high-end force, but also regular army. After all, the mixed soldiers among the demons are famous. The monsters are all changed by animals and so on, and the breeding ability of animals is always good, so there are more animals and monsters. In the face of the huge number of monsters and miscellaneous soldiers, the regular army of our guild is better at it.

When we are grasping the ten swords to deploy our troops, the Baqi serpent and those monsters are still there. They don't know they've been discovered yet. Maybe when the darts passed over their heads, these demons and eight big snakes noticed the movement of the darts, but they only noticed that there was such a creature as darts passing over their heads. They didn't know that their whereabouts were exposed after only one time.

We can check the enemy's position in advance by using the enemy's ability to detect the enemy's position in advance, because we can use the enemy's ability to detect the enemy's position in advance.

Originally, it was impossible to find a person in such a large area with such a single person detection technique. However, due to the yin-yang diagram locking the target ahead of time, we used the detection technique, which is really accurate. Moreover, because we use the high-end detection magic which is only used in guild war, the opposite party will not be found to be investigated.

Although we can detect the strength of these demons in advance, because of the large number of targets, this detection technique can detect the strength of the enemy at a long distance, but it can only target one target at a time, and we must know the position of the opponent in advance. What's more, the release speed of this spell is a little slow, which takes an average of five or six seconds at a time There are more than a dozen of such players in our guild, but the speed is still not fast enough when we start work together.

However, although we certainly have no time to distinguish the strength of each demon before the enemy attacks, we can at least distinguish some of them. As long as the reconnaissance target will report the results to the army God, and as a computer, the army God has the memory ability that human beings can't match, so as long as you tell him to take over, the army God can clearly remember the strength of each target. Moreover, even if the target broke through the ground and ran around in the battlefield, as long as the army God saw it, he could definitely identify the target precisely, because it is a computer, and its memory mode is different from that of human beings, and there is no situation that can be forgotten by accident.

In fact, the purpose of detecting the enemy's strength in advance is not only to facilitate the distribution of combat effectiveness after a war, but also to find targets for our special weapons.

Baqi serpent and those monsters are hidden in our city defense radius, and this so-called defense radius refers to the range of city defense guns. In other words, Baqi serpent and those monsters are all within the range of our cannons, and these guys don't know that they have been found. They all squat in the same place and wait for a trigger event. Can we bear not to throw something at them when we are within our own range and we know the exact position of each other and the enemy is still unable to move? The answer is clearly impossible.

Based on the above reasons, we are busy placing some special weapons on the city walls. These things are usually not put on the wall, after all, in general, they are not used. However, today's situation is special. There are so many fixed targets in front of us. If we don't pull out all our weapons, we are sorry for our guild funds.

Of course, when we install weapons on the wall of the city on such a large scale, they must know about the eight big snakes on the opposite side. Since they are within our defensive radius, that is to say, they are not far away from the city wall. Naturally, there are many ways to know our general situation with their strength. But we don't care, because they don't even think that these weapons are for them.As I said before, the city of fulcrum is basically a huge ruin when fighting every day during this period of time. Therefore, urban renovation work is a daily must for fulcrum city. Moreover, unlike ordinary cities, because of the frequent fighting in the fulcrum City, we will not completely stop the process of repairing the city even in the process of fighting. At most, if there is a war outside the city, we will first repair the parts of the city that will not be affected by the battlefield. Anyway, the repair work can't be stopped.

Since we can't stop repairing the city even in battle, wouldn't it be even more strange if our repair work stopped when no one came to attack at all? So we put weapons on the walls of the city. They would not suspect it. At most, they thought that the progress of our repair seemed to be accelerating. Moreover, with the help of the process of transporting weapons to the city wall, our reinforcements have been mixed up one after another.

If we suddenly send more troops to the city wall, the other party will certainly know what we have discovered, or at least be alert. But our reinforcements all pretended to be workers and were busy on the wall, so they couldn't tell. After all, they are cats in the underground. Even if they can find out our general situation, it is impossible to be very clear, so it is very simple to confuse the past.

Taking advantage of the surge, I asked the military God to help me contact Matsumoto to congratulate them. After a brief inquiry, knowing that they and Jishou Xinchang had been separated, I said to him, "fulcrum city seems to be in trouble here."

"What's the matter?" Matsumoto asked suspiciously, "when we separated, were we still good? Besides, I've restrained the players on my side and told them not to touch the fulcrum city for the time being. The ghost hand Xinchang just left, won't you go to the fulcrum city to make trouble so soon? "

"I don't know if it's the part of Jishou Xinchang. Anyway, Baqi snake is here."

"Eight big snakes? How did he run to fulcrum Matsumoto was also shocked to hear such a thing. After all, it was a little strange.

After a little silence on the opposite side of the communicator, the voice of August smoke suddenly appeared in the communicator. "President, I think it is reasonable for the eight big snakes to attack the fulcrum city."

"What do you say?"

August Xun thought for a moment and said, "I didn't think about the specific situation, but I have a general idea. Isn't the video before the Japanese players making a big fuss? I think the eight big snake must want to use the action of pulling out the fulcrum city to brush its reputation. In any case, fulcrum city is a thorn in the throat for Japanese players. As long as eight big snakes can destroy fulcrum City, then Japanese players will not care much about his previous behavior in terms of his contribution to Japan. In fact, that video is just a few angry words. Once this kind of thing is publicized by the people who are interested in it, it is useless for you to explain it under the excitement of the crowd. However, as long as you have an opportunity to calm down a little, you can explain and clarify it later. After all, it's normal to say a few words of anger. As long as you can calm down and think about it, you won't care about it. "

Listening to August fuming's explanation, I nodded and said, "there is some truth. And if this is the case, it can also explain why the Baqi serpent started fighting at this time, and why his helpers are all demons. "

"What? Do you have a helper

"Or do you think he came alone? I admit that Baqi serpent is really powerful when he burns his faith, even so powerful that we can't touch his film at all. However, his power of belief is not endless. This time, he is just playing with prestige. I think his stingy character is definitely unable to exchange the power of faith for prestige. "


"Well, Matsumoto Zhenghe, you and August Xun are going to run for me now. First, make sure that Jishou Xinchang knows about this matter, and then try to find out if we can hold down the Baqi snake and stop him from attacking the fulcrum city. Although we are not afraid of him on our side, the fulcrum city is ours after all, and we suffer a lot in this kind of battle. "

In fact, it's better to fight war in other people's homes. What is destroyed is other people's things. I don't care. Although fulcrum city is now built in Japan, according to the rules of the game, this place has been occupied by us and has passed the protection time. Therefore, from the rules of the game, the territory of fulcrum city and its surrounding cities are all Chinese territory. Therefore, we all try not to fight in fulcrum city.

Matsumoto Masahiro, after listening to my words, they began to separate operations to investigate the situation, as for the solution I don't expect them to help at all. After all, there are professional think tanks in our guild. Of course, it is more appropriate for us to leave such brain burning matters to them.

Professional things really need professional talents to do. Matsumoto is the head of the region. They are really good at investigating intelligence and so on. It took me less than half an hour to cut off the communication. They contacted me again to report the situation.

"Boss, we've already investigated. Jishou Xinchang should not know about this matter, but we can't ask him himself, just from the collected please newspaper, he should not know. Moreover, Jishou Xinchang himself is now practicing with several of his confidants. If he really knows this, I don't think he is likely to run to practice at this time. "I nodded and said, "in this way, the ghost hand Xinchang is really not aware of this matter."

"What are we going to do now?" Matsumoto asked: "we have been thinking for a long time, but we still don't know how to stop the eight big snakes. No one can dissuade him from his existence. Even if Japanese players hate Baqi snake now, it's impossible to have a full-scale war with Baqi snake. Besides, we had a hard time finding a way to suppress the contradiction between the eight big snakes and the Japanese players. Now that we have just released the news from here, if we suddenly do it in reverse, we will not have been all busy before? "

"I've got a solution to this problem from the think tank."

"Is there a way? It's the best think tank. " Matsumoto asked excitedly, "what is the way? Is there anything we need to do? "

"I want you to do something, of course. According to the present situation, this is the case. Baqi serpent tried to wash away the negative effects of his previous angry words by attacking fulcrum city. We also do not want the civil strife in Japan now, so we can't let Baqi snake town fall into disrepute. So we need to help Baqi recover its credibility, but we don't want him to attack fulcrum

"Don't you contradict yourself, boss?" Blazing fire Longji asked: "the eight big snake wants to attack the fulcrum city to restore its credibility, but you don't want him to attack the fulcrum city and ask him to restore order. Isn't this a dead end?"

"It's not a knot. Just use other methods to clarify the eight Qi snake I said: "Baqi serpent's angry words are nothing to do with elegance. It's only because they are pushed by the Russian behind the scenes to make such a big noise. At this time, as long as there is a person trusted by Japanese players to help clarify and explain, this matter is still very easy to solve. "

"You mean let's go?" Matsumoto's reaction came to me. I'm talking about them. After all, in addition to Matsumoto, the leader of the Japanese players, there are only Jishou Shincho left. And the reputation of Jishou Shincho is also very problematic. Except for his gang of loyal followers, most Japanese players actually don't trust him.

"Boss, we can clarify this clarification, but how can we clarify it?" August smoked a voice to ask.

"About this matter, you are like this So... "

After some explanation, I finally let Matsumoto Zhenghe understand what I mean. Then I quickly cut off the communication, and then began to concentrate on gathering troops on the wall. As for Matsumoto and August fumigation, they were on their way to Jishou Shinjuku's stronghold.

"Stop." Walking to the gate of Guishou League headquarters where Guishou Xinchang is, two players suddenly reach out and stop Matsumoto Zhenghe and August fumigation who are going in.

Matsumoto was staring at the player, and then asked with a overcast face: "if you want to die, just say so. Don't delay our time. Your life is not enough to buy our time."


"Well, don't be angry." A Japanese player suddenly ran out of it, grabbed the guy who was about to get angry and pushed it aside. Then he said to Matsumoto, "I didn't expect it was Mr. Matsumoto. I really offended him. I don't know what you've come to us all of a sudden This guy is obviously a lot smoother than that guy. Although all the people who still follow Jishou Shinichi are the iron powder of Jishou Shinichi, so they must not be at peace with Matsumoto, but this person knows how to endure, but the guy just wrote everything on his face.

"We have something to do with Jishou Xinchang. Is he in there? If you are here, please let me know. Our business is urgent and none of you can afford to delay it. If you don't, I won't delay you

Matsumoto Zhenghe at this time to the ghost hand Shinjuku to carry out, those people immediately is hesitant for a moment. People who can work with him are not afraid of Matsumoto, but what Matsumoto means in his words is that this matter is also very important to Jishou Shinjuku. They are all the iron powder of Jishou Shinjuku, and they can't afford to delay the event. Therefore, Matsumoto said that they are not as identified as before.

Here a few people are still there hesitating whether to relax or not. Ben is congratulating them to go in, but suddenly there is a ghost hand Xinchang's voice. "Don't stop. Let them in. It happens that I have something to talk to Matsumoto

Several people at the door heard the voice of Jishou Xinchang, where they hesitated, immediately let them to the side and made a gesture of invitation. Matsumoto Zhenghe and they did not look at them, they directly walked in, fiery dragon Ji passed by the several people who also demonstrated shaking her fist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!