Chapter 2391

"We don't mean to hurt you, it's just something that needs to be dealt with. As long as you don't interfere with our actions, we can be safe, so you don't have to be so resistant to us. Your resistance will only increase unprovoked fighting. "

"This is my territory." The Hanas Banshee finally spoke, which is a good start, at least the other side speak on behalf of can talk.

I nodded and said, "this is your territory, but we don't want to rob you of anything. We just want to find some people."

"Looking for someone?" The Hannas Banshee looked at me in surprise and asked, "are you talking about those noisy guys?"

"I don't know if it's noisy or not, but I have a magic image to show you." Then I showed the image to the Hannas Banshee and said, "the person we're looking for is in this image, but not all of it. It's part of it."

The Hannas Banshee nodded and said, "if it's these people, it's the group I'm talking about."

"Where are these people now

"It's drilling over there." The Hannas Banshee pointed deep into the cave.

"Drilling holes?"

Hanas Banshee nodded: "when their group came, they began to make holes in the wall. They were making a terrible noise. We have attacked them before, but there are still a few more powerful people in their team. We only killed one of them, but we have two sisters injured on our side, so we think these people are not easy to provoke, so we have not touched them for the time being. "

I nodded: "in that case, our interests are the same. Those people are my enemies now, but I need to catch them alive and take them to a place. You happen to find these people annoying, so let's work together to defeat them, and then I'll take them away, and you'll be quiet. "

"Good proposal, but there are two very good guys in the other party's crowd. Can you deal with them?"

"It's my business to deal with it. You just have to lead the way."

"All right." The Hannas Banshee pointed to the king and said, "can I let him go now?"

I just looked at the king, the king immediately put away the weapon, and then returned to my side, while the Hannas Banshee over there waved her wings twice and flew up, then pointed to the front and said, "come with me."

It's obviously more convenient to have a guide. There is not only one Hanas Banshee in this place. Besides, even if there is no Hanas banshee, there are other monsters here. But with a Hannas Banshee leading the way, we have to make the process much easier. The monsters were all dispersed by the Hannas Banshee. As for the others, though they did not show up, we knew they were nearby.

Although this kind of creature of Hanas banshee is more fierce, it is still relatively harmonious within the group. It is one of the few sentimental undead creatures. Of course, this feeling is limited to the inner group.

There are a lot of caverns obviously, but there are more caves than before. After turning a few forks from this side, we can hear the jingling sound coming from the front. It is obvious that someone is knocking on the wall there. It should be the sound of the group of people in the demon camp told us that they are digging holes there.

For general large-scale guilds, the staffing will be relatively complete, for example, there will be some players specialized in auxiliary work. For example, our guild has a special engineering department, in which there are many non combat players. They have a variety of abilities, including earth and rock excavation and other work. However, the demon camp is just a mini guild. It is impossible for a guild with less than 100 people to have any obvious division of labor. It is quite difficult to match the professional system of fighters, let alone assist players. Therefore, their excavation work used the most primitive method. Several people stood there, one with an iron pick and knocked down. When the first group of people were tired, they would change people. In any case, there were always people who were busy working.

"That's the gang you're looking for." The Hannas banshee, who brought us here, pointed to the light not far ahead.

In addition to my pet and me, only the elite king knight is still with us. I have a perfect dark vision, and all my demons have inherited this ability, and the elite king knight itself is a dead creature, and whether it is black or not has no influence on him. Hanas Banshee itself is a creature here, and naturally doesn't care. However, those in the demon camp are not as convenient as ours. Most of them are normal players, they can only see the surrounding environment in the light environment, so there is no way for such a place, they can't see anything without lighting.

Although lighting is needed, these guys are obviously well prepared. They don't use simple torches. It's cheap, but the smoke is too big, and the lighting effect is very bad. If you are not careful, it will explode. Of course, the torch itself will not explode. The key is that there will be methane in the underground cave if it is not done well. It is said that there were players who found natural gas in a natural cave before, and then they unknowingly put up a torch and went into the hole. Finally, it seemed that the cave had become open, and the hill on it had disappeared. So it's very dangerous to use torches in caves where the environment is not clear.These guys don't have torches. The lighting they use is a kind of light magic equipment, which can be used almost unlimited by a small piece of magic stone. After all, the energy used for lighting is relatively small, and ordinary magic stones can also support for a long time.

This kind of light system lighting equipment is relatively large. It looks like the portable kerosene lamp in the past. Now, the portable large flashlight used by security guards on night patrol in some communities is similar to this one. Although this thing is a little bigger and heavier, the lighting effect is still good. It can not only gather the light beam into a beam like a flashlight to illuminate the distant target, but also open the lamp cover and turn it into a lamp bubble state, so as to illuminate a large area nearby.

Now these guys are using the second mode. They open the lampshade and put these things on the ground nearby, so as to form an area with enough light for them to work. Moreover, the light from the peripheral light sources can also play an early warning role. If other creatures enter this area, they can give early warning.

"The other party used the light." Seeing this situation, Ling suddenly made a sound to remind me.

I nodded and said, "I know, it looks like we can take advantage of it."

If the other party uses a light, they need light, but we don't use it. So if we destroy the lighting, we can make each other blind, or at least most of them can't observe.

After I decided on the target, I started to arrange for the demons to prepare to attack. Of course, we can't get close to these lighting devices, otherwise the other party will know who attacked them when they see us. We have to keep hidden, so as to cause psychological shock to each other.

"Victoria, it's up to you."

"I understand."

My favorite has always been short of long-range attack units. Although Victoria is not a professional in this field, her long-range ability has been greatly improved since the first World War of Olympus. Now she is very suitable for this.

After putting her sniper crossbow up, Victoria began to aim at the nearest lighting device. After confirming the aim, her finger moved slightly, and a 20 cm long light cone directly shot out. In an instant, she smashed the device on the ground, and the nearby light source was missing.

"What sound?"

"There are enemies. Be on guard

The light source suddenly disappeared. The people in the demon camp naturally knew that someone had attacked. Just now we used a long-range attack. The speed was too fast. They didn't see anything at all, so they felt that one of the light sources suddenly disappeared. The commander made everyone gather together in a hurry, and then looked out on guard, worried that a monster would suddenly come out from somewhere.

These people are on the alert. Suddenly, there is another sound, and then they can see that another area is dark. It is obvious that the lighting equipment has been destroyed again.

"What is the situation?" The people in the demon camp over there began to be restless, and some people cried out nervously.

They were answered by two simultaneous crackles, two lights in different locations suddenly burst at the same time, and then in an instant two more areas became pitch black.

In fact, although few of my favorites can shoot arrows, I have Avenger sniper crossbows, so I can also carry out long-range attack. It was Victoria and I that killed two lights at the same time.

Although the people in the demon camp put a lot of lighting equipment around, but add a piece of no more than 20. This time, there are four less, and there is a large area of darkness around. Before they could relax a little bit, they suddenly saw one of the lighting devices fly towards the deep cave like lightning, and then in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the tunnel with a bunch of light.

In fact, I asked darts to do it just now. Although the device is not too small, the dart can barely move with it. Even if the speed is reduced a lot, the speed of the dart can not be captured by human eyes. So what those people saw was that one of the lights flew away in an instant.

When we took the device to a dark area they couldn't see, the darts destroyed it and ran back. At this time, we shot again, and shot continuously. In a moment, a large area around us became as dark as before they came here.

"Be careful to protect the remaining magic lights." The people in the demon camp finally realized that we were deliberately destroying their lighting equipment, and they had already guessed that we must be able to move freely in the dark, so they would give priority to the light source, so that when it is completely dark, they will be completely moved. Fighting in a dark cave with a group of people who can see things in the dark is obviously self defeating.

Although these guys have realized the need to protect the light source, we moved so fast that in the blink of an eye, there were only three lights left on the scene, and they were all concentrated around them.

The place where these guys are now gathering is in a passage on the side wall of the natural cave. In fact, the cave outside is very spacious, with a width of more than 30 meters and a top height of more than 10 meters. It can be said that it is a very wide passage. However, the passage they are in is a passage dug by themselves on the side wall of the natural main passage.In order to reduce the workload, their passageway is not wide enough to squeeze three people into a row at most. At present, this passage is more than ten meters deep. There are more than a dozen people inside. There are still a group of people standing at the entrance of the cave. However, there are only three lighting devices left. One of them is held by a player in the hole, and the other two are inside the tunnel they dug out.

The guy standing at the entrance of the cave is now reloading the lampshade of the object, apparently trying to turn the lighting device into a flashlight, which can then be used to illuminate distant targets. But unfortunately, I don't know whether it's nervous or what, this guy slipped his hand and actually dropped the lampshade. Just as he bent down, a light arrow suddenly flew horizontally. With a bang, the lighting equipment in his hand also turned into pieces.

The last three light sources left only two at a time, and those people were very nervous. Compared with powerful enemies, invisible enemies are actually the most frightening. These guys know that someone attacked them when they see the light source decreasing one by one, but they can't see who is attacking them. This situation makes them very nervous. Now, even if the light is suddenly around, and then let them see thousands of troops blocking there, it is more reassuring than this state.

We did it on purpose because we knew they would be nervous. Looking at the rest of the light source, I began to bring the demons forward. Without the external light source, the hole has become dark, we can get a little closer.

In fact, even if we are standing in the dim light area outside the cave entrance, it is hard for the people inside to see us bigger. Standing in the bright place and looking at the dark place, people's eyes often can't catch the target. Even if the black place is only a little bit darker than the bright place, you can't see clearly. So they have light source now, which adds trouble to themselves. However, they can't turn off the light source or throw the light source over, because once they enter the complete dark environment, they will be even more difficult Add passivity.

Despite their desperate efforts to protect the two light sources, we will still find an opportunity. The two light sources are protected in the hole they dug. There are still several players standing outside. They can't see the light source from the hole, so there is no shooting angle. However, I suddenly found that as long as a little higher, from the top of the front row people can see the light holding in the hands of the people behind.

After confirming the target, I immediately released the sickle. After a simple command, the sickle immediately shoots a spider silk to the cave top. After confirming that the silk is firm, the sickle quickly climbs up the cave top along the silk. In the air, eight scythe like legs were inserted into the rock at the top of the cave to fix the body. Then the sickle aimed directly at the light source in the back of the people, and then the spider silk was sprayed.

The group of people guarding the entrance of the cave nervously saw a white line flash. The person holding the light source suddenly felt light in his hand. He grasped it instinctively. As a result, the whole person was carried forward and flew up. Then he bumped into the backs of several people in the front row. He threw the people in front of him to the ground, and the light source in his hand was pulled out.

Looking at the light source fished out by the scythe with spider silk, Victoria raised her hand to be a light cone, which directly exploded the light source, and instantly became more dark around her.

Experienced people know that in a completely dark environment, artificial light can't shine far. Originally, there were a lot of light sources that were better. After only one of them was beaten, the surrounding area immediately fell into a terrible darkness. Only the lighting equipment that provided lighting for the people digging the cave was still there. Out of its scope of illumination, there was a complete darkness outside.

This kind of tense atmosphere made the players in the demon camp almost nervous, especially those who were knocked down before and those holding the light source. They didn't even know what happened just now.

"What the hell is this?" Someone complained.

"Did those people deliberately harm us?" Someone said it in the back, but there was no response.

I looked outside at the tense crowd inside, then looked for it and found that I couldn't find any route to directly attack the last light source. After a little thought, I called shayezi out directly. As a resentful spirit, shayezi at least maintains the most basic ability to pass through the wall, so she is now the only one suitable for carrying out the sneak attack mission in the past.

After getting my confirmation, shayezi lurked directly from the inside of the rock on the top of the cave. In fact, there is a distance limit for ghosts to cross obstacles. Because shayezi is strong in strength and has absorbed new spirits to strengthen himself, his strength has been greatly improved than before. Only in this way can we ensure that he can penetrate such a long section of rock wall and make a sneak attack in the past.

Carefully lurking to the top of the cave over there, the light source is below, and then shayezi directly pours down from the top of the cave.

The cave was dug by these people themselves. It was only two meters high. So when shayezi attacked, it was only one meter away from the light source. The distance was almost in the blink of an eye. The player guarding the light source only felt a flower in front of him. It seemed to see a white thing flash past, but the next second it was pitch black.The one hit shayezi did not stay any longer. He dived directly into the rock under the ground and came back. However, the hole there was already in chaos.

"Ha ha, these guys are starting to panic!"

Back to my side, shayezi looked back at the cave there. The people inside were touching nervously. The people standing outside even wielded weapons, but they didn't touch anything.

I took a look at the Banshee around me, and then said, "as a temporary ally, is it time for you to perform?"

The Hannas Banshee didn't have any objection to what we said. At the same time, I also saw three or four Hannas banshees flying out of the surrounding caves. They began to lean towards the cave entrance, and then again made the kind of treacherous laughter we heard before.

Originally, because of the sudden loss of sight, those people had already felt a little nervous. Now suddenly, hearing the shrill laughter of Hannas banshee, one by one felt a tingle in their scalp, and all their hair stood up. In that dark environment, people's fear will be put to the limit. At this time, as long as a little psychological hint is given, most people will instinctively start to feel fear.

I'm a little proud of this situation, and I'll soon release another one that hasn't been summoned before.

Rebecca is a mutated eudemon. She can transform herself into the enemy's fear according to her enemy's fear. And the more the enemy is afraid, the stronger her power will be. Simply speaking, Rebecca's internal power is fear absorption. If the enemy is completely frightened by her, she will have the ability similar to the other party's fear. At this time, for those who are scared by her, she is almost invincible, because in a strong person, it is impossible to defeat the most feared thing in his own heart, unless you can completely eliminate fear and fear nothing.

Although it's dark around, Rebecca's ability is similar to that of magic. It directly acts on the nervous system, even if it's invisible, it doesn't affect the ability to play.

I had just let Rebecca out of the cave when suddenly there was a shrieking voice with a changed tone at the door of the cave. This sound can be heard to be from a man, but it is also a bit like the voice of a woman, and even a bit like the voice of a chicken with its neck pinched. This is not a normal human voice. You can imagine that the guy who made the sound was absolutely scared to the point of breaking down, otherwise it would not be possible to make such a sound.

Although the voice of that guy over there has completely changed its tone, because Rebecca is using magic attacks, we don't know what he saw. From our side, Rebecca is Rebecca. She's standing there, not moving or turning into a monster.

When people lose control of their mind, they can't understand it according to their normal thinking. Normally speaking, it's the right choice to gather together now, but the guy is out of his mind now, so he rushes out of the tunnel directly, and then he looks back at Rebecca from time to time and runs to the deep cave.

In such a dark environment, the guy can't see Rebecca. The reason why he looks back is that Rebecca's magic creates the image of the creature he fears in his mind, so this guy runs so happily.

Listening to the sound of fading away, the leader of the demon camp over there immediately cried: "Damn it, who ran out? Don't move. Get together. Who has a torch? Take it out and put it on. "

This person does not say that many people have forgotten, after all, we have been scared of this situation, so no one thought to go to the ignition torch, after all, the magic lamp was used before, so we could not turn the corner for a moment.

Although the torch is not very safe sometimes, it is still very useful in most cases, and the most important thing is that it is cheap. Therefore, as long as players have space props, they usually bring one or two spare ones with them. Obviously, some of the players here have this kind of equipment, so they quickly take out the torch and intend to light it. Unfortunately, we don't intend to let them regain their sight.

When a guy close to the entrance of the cave hastily took out a torch to light it, he suddenly felt a tight shoulder, and then the whole person flew out in the clouds. Before landing, he suddenly felt a warm thing sticking to his mouth, and he wanted to cry. Unfortunately, it sealed his mouth and could not open his mouth at all When he reacts that he's stuck to that kind of thing, and then he feels like he's caught by a lot of hands and rolls in the air, and then he doesn't know anything.

Different from this guy's doubts, looking at the sharp movements of the scythe on my head, I directly extended my thumb. The guy was actually thrown out by the king's shoulder, but he was covered in the air by a ball of spider silk shot by the scythe. Then, before he could resist, the scythe pulled it from the air to his side with a spider silk. Then he saw the scythe hanging upside down on the top of the cave with a spider silk. Eight feet caught the player and quickly rolled the guy with spider silk They were mummified. From the first spider silk bullet sealed the guy's mouth, to his complete mummy, the whole process did not take three seconds to add a piece, which was too fast to imagine. After the mummy of the living man was completed, the sickle used the huge sting needle on the back of his buttocks to mend the thigh of this guy, which instantly calmed down the guy who was still writhing like a bug.This sting needle is one of the sickle's attack weapons, and can inject a variety of different toxins. Among them, the most commonly used one is this kind of anesthetic toxin. As long as a little bit of it can make people lose their balance. In battle, a little sting can make a fighter become a master of drunken boxing. With a little more dosage, anyone who has no toxin resistance can sleep directly, and as long as the sickle is used No, you don't expect to wake up.

After successfully sealing a guy, the speed of our side continued to accelerate. The king stood at the mouth of the cave one by one and threw all the people inside out. Then the sickle opened his eight feet and made a big net in the air. After catching a man, he immediately packed it and put it on the ground. Soon we were surrounded by white mummies.

"OK, this is the last one." After counting the last mummy, Ling said to me.

"Well, after the collection, let's go back to Ashford. I think Christina and Ashford have finished their task."

"That's right. We've lost a lot of time."

Because of our super efficiency in capturing these demon camp players, the Hannas banshees over there have shown great respect for us. These guys were not afraid of us before, just because they didn't know, but they were not stupid. After seeing our strength, they gave up their resistance. Besides, there was no conflict between us.

After a simple farewell, we left the territory of Hannas Banshee under the leadership of the elite king knight. When we left, the Hannas banshees had to give me some gifts, but I was very embarrassed to accept their gifts. But to tell you the truth, this gift is really unbearable, because this so-called gift is actually a kind of skin tissue left after the death of cave creatures. It seems that Hannas banshees like it very much. Unfortunately, I am not interested in it at all, but in order not to offend others, I have to put it away first.

After leaving the cemetery group under the leadership of the elite King knights, I immediately returned to the mission site. To my surprise, I came back the latest. Other people's movements are faster than me, but they are not much faster than me, when I come back, they are just in place.

"Ziri, have you caught all of them?" Seeing me back, Ashford immediately welcomed me. This is his task, so of course he is most concerned about the completion of the task.

Instead of answering Ashford's question, I opened the door of the earth and poured out the cocoons. But after getting these guys out of the way, I had a problem.

"That Ashford, I just seemed to think of a problem. It seems that we may be in a bit of trouble

"Ah? What trouble? " Ashford was very happy to see that everyone had brought back all the people they wanted to arrest, but suddenly he was so cold that he was worried.

I'm not the only one who thinks about the trouble. As a matter of fact, Christina thought of it, and Christina thought of it for the same reason as I did, because of the gate of the earth that I called when I just released those cocooned creatures.

The difficulty of Ashford's task was just ordinary. The main reason why it has become so difficult is to limit the space ability except for the transmission everywhere. I used to use the earth gate to bring these guys back, but the problem is that we will enter the mission area further from here. Once we enter, we will not only lose the ability of summoning, but also can't open the space door. Moreover, because of the limited number of people in this mission, we can't summon the demons in advance.

Originally, it's no big deal if we don't summon the demons because of the difficulty of the mission. But the problem is that we've got more than 50 players back, and all of them are tied up like zongzi by us. There are only eight people here. Even if one person carries two people, we can only carry 16 people, but there are more than 50 prisoners. How can we move them?

"Honey, I think I know what our trouble is." Ashford's wife, Alice, noticed the problem, which seemed to be unsolved.

In terms of combat effectiveness, eight of us can easily handle tens of thousands of ordinary players, but the problem is, no matter how strong you are, you are also a person. Even if you have infinite strength, can you carry more than ten people at a time? It's not that you can't carry it, but you can't carry it at all!

"What is the problem?" Ashford still didn't understand.

Christina saw that he still didn't understand, so she made a voice to explain to him, and then Ashford suddenly lost his head. "Oh, how can I forget this matter?"

"I said," can we just take a dozen commanders from the other side to go there? " The son of the night suggested.

"We don't know the attitude of the dwarfs. What if they want everyone?" Asked Christina.

I nodded my head and said, "even if we arrest these people now, they are temporary. There is no basis at all. We are not sure whether these people can eliminate the anger of those NPCs. What if they don't listen to our explanation?"Christina thought for a moment and said, "we still don't want to discuss broader issues now. The most urgent thing is to figure out how to get these people through. Anyway, these people are our way. No one can guarantee that we will succeed, but we can't guarantee that we will fail. We have to try something. As for the failure of the method, let's wait until it really fails. "

In fact, Christina's idea is the only way we can think of it. Anyway, we don't know what attitude the cave man race really is. It's meaningless for us to speculate about our gains and losses here. We might as well send these people in our hands first. No matter whether it's useful or not, we can at least try it. How many opportunities are there?

However, although it is said to be an opportunity, the problem turns around and comes back to the origin. How can we get these people in?

The son of the night thought for a moment: "if I use the teleportation ability to bring people, I can actually bring eight people, regardless of the magic consumption."

"We have eight people here, each with eight, and it's more than enough to get rid of them all." Said Ashford, suddenly excited.

I shook my head and said, "the son of the night is a special case. I asked you to take eight people with me. Would you try?"

When I asked him that, Ashford was dumbfounded. For Christina and I, they're just here to help. We've all done our best to help, even if it's human. But it is not so for Ashford. The success or failure of the mission is related to their vital interests, so he is most anxious now.

"What if we hire people?" Said Cristina suddenly.

We were all stunned to hear Christina's proposal. It seems that this method is feasible. Ashford's mission changed not the restrictions on the mission map, but on those of us who participated in the mission. For example, the setting of the annoying closed space ability. There are seven people here who have been closed to that space ability, but aurelia, who just joined, is not affected. It seems that she can easily open her own space equipment, because she is not the mission personnel set in the mission. This mission space allows other players who are not included in the mission area to appear in the mission area, but these people can't be counted as mission personnel. There are some things they can't do.

Of course, even if olethia can open the space equipment, it is useless, because she is not a member of frost rose League. Even if I am the president of frost rose League, she can be approved to join the club at any time, but the guild welfare still needs to be collected from Eisinger. At present, Olesia does not have the standard equipment of our guild, that is, the space on her body Props are just the space props before her.

I already knew that Olesia was very poor when I talked with her before. Her space equipment was still picked up from other players. Moreover, the space equipment she picked up was not high-grade goods. There was only a space less than one cubic meter, in which medicine and other things could not be put at most. Like our frost rose League, if we catch anything, we will pack it into Fenglong space. Only our guild will have it. For most players at present, space equipment is still in great demand, and even if there is, it is not a high-grade product.

"If you hire someone to help, I can make a counter-offer for you." Aurelia expressed her ability as a local villain.

"The price is not a problem," Ashford said. "It's ok if we can get people there, but we'd better hurry up."

"Do you still have a time limit for this task?" Although it was olethia who asked the question, Christina and I, as well as the son of the night, looked at Ashford. It seems that there is no mention of time in the task scroll he gave us before?

Ashford also knew that we didn't know about it, so he explained it to us. "It is true that there is no time limit for this task, but the task itself is limited in time. From the moment we started the mission, the monsters in another place were constantly refreshing. As you know, we've tried this task many times before, so we all know something about that place. The monsters there will start to refresh every time we try a task. If the task fails, the monster will be cleared automatically. Next time we receive the task, we will start to refresh again. Moreover, until we reach that position, the refresh speed will not slow down. That is to say, the later we go, the more monsters we will face. "

"What kind of monster is it?" Christina asked, "if only the lower monsters, with our strength, would have pushed them directly. With me and ziri there, nothing can really stop us? "

Christina's words, though a little arrogant, are also true. Christina was a whole crew of cannons, and she was able to hold a single artillery position, not to mention me. When you can summon a demon pet, it's basically a person who can take over a legion. Even if you can't summon a demon pet, my personal combat effectiveness is definitely at the level of the great demon king. Therefore, with the two of us fighting together, normally speaking, we can't be restrained by the number of monsters alone.Ashford, hearing Christina's words, said directly, "do you think I don't know you're good? But you don't know the monsters there

Seeing Ashford getting a little excited, Alice next to him reached out and patted him on the back to calm him down. Then she explained, "the monsters there are really relatively low-level monsters, but they have just been refreshed."

"Will those monsters not only refresh, but also upgrade automatically?" Asked Christina.

Alice shook her head and said, "no, the monsters there don't upgrade at all, but they have an ability called racial cohesion. This monster is a biological community of a single race. When they first came out, it was a 100 level monster. Its combat effectiveness was not as good as the lowest level white bone skeleton. However, these monsters seem to have the characteristics of the poisonous insects in China. When you kill a monster, although the individual is dead, the strength of the group will not decrease. The strength of the disappeared individual will be evenly distributed to all monsters in the group

When Christina heard this answer, she was surprised and said, "your consciousness is that if there are 10000 individuals in this group, and each individual's fighting capacity is one, then when they die, the fighting capacity of this individual will become 10000?"

Ashford nodded and took it and said, "you're right. These monsters have this ability. Our previous missions did not encounter a situation where cavemen were hostile to us, but went directly to the place where the monster was born. Those monsters have a matrix, and she's going to lay eggs, just like the one in the movie. When we get there, the mother stops spawning because she's in combat mode, so the earlier we go, the fewer monsters. "

"Well, how many monsters did you meet when you went before?" I asked if I want to calculate the specific combat effectiveness of the monster. Even if the estimation is not accurate, at least I can work out a rough estimate.

Ashford thought for a moment and said, "the fastest time we met about 3000 monsters. At that time, the strength of the last monster was about 1000 level monsters, which was easily killed by us. However, the slowest time before that, we directly met more than 20000 monsters. In the end, the other two monsters were more than 3000 levels, so we were directly given to Ko. That mission was finished there and failed at all. "

"Is our task time longer or shorter than your slowest one?" Christina asked the crux of the question. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!