Chapter 2314

The sound of two crisp slaps ended the silence in the warehouse, and people's eyes were also attracted to Matsumoto, who made the sound.

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered, Matsumoto began to say: "Jishou Shinjuku, your behavior makes me feel very shameful, I even want to tear you to pieces."

However, many people who dare not to do such a bad thing in the world dare not say so. In fact, most criminals know that what they have done is wrong. If they are allowed to tell the truth of their crimes in front of many people, most of them will feel ashamed.

Of course, Jishou Shinjuku belongs to the category of most people. He is not so insane that he thinks that what he has done is very right. Therefore, when Matsumoto talks about him in front of the people around him, he can only lower his head and the deeper he is, and he can hardly dig a hole to bury his own head.

After hearing the civil war, Ben Ho said, "I don't feel ashamed to follow benho's words. The Chinese, the Russians, and the Americans are all foreigners and our enemies. Now we are under the gaze of the great powers. If we want to survive, we must ensure our internal unity. The enemies around us are so powerful that if we waste our limited strength on internal friction, then our great Japanese Empire will become the delicious food in other people's dishes. Do you want that? " Matsumoto's last sentence is to look around a few Japanese players said, the meaning is very obvious, is to ask them to think clearly what they want.

Although this kind of question is very sharp, but it is not difficult to judge. People just kept silent for a while and then shook their heads to express that they did not want to.

After all of you have made a statement, Matsumoto said: "since you do not want to see this result, I will issue an official order to you in the name of the leader of the Japanese players. Please forget what you see today. Jishou Xinchang didn't collude with the Russians. The Russians are just a group of robbers who want to play in the autumn. Do you remember all of them? "

"Hi..." Around the Japanese players at the same time a stand at attention and firmly said that they remember the command.

And those players are different, at this time the Jishou Shinichi is a gaping look, looking at Matsumoto Zhenghe, that unbelievable meaning is simply written on the face, is the individual can see.

After Matsumoto told these people, he turned to Jishou Shinjuku and yelled: "don't be surprised. I'm not for you, but for our great Japanese Empire. I'm as eager as anyone else to take you to pieces and feed them to dogs, but for the future of our great Japanese Empire, I can't do that. So, you don't have to thank me. If you really want to be grateful, turn your gratitude into action and always remember that you are a Japanese and a Yamato warrior. The Russians are enemies, they can be used, but they can never be really trusted. In the future, if you dare to do such things again, I promise you will die very ugly

Although Matsumoto Zhenghe's words are not good to listen to, but Jishou Shinjuku is now scolded with tears in his eyes. To tell you the truth, Jishou Xinchang is really moved. Maybe he will still do it for his own benefit in the future. Of course, he is not trying to help him. We must be more active than anyone else. The reason why we want to do this is actually to use Jishou Xinchang to steal Russian intelligence in turn.

Since the last time Russian players invaded China and were driven back, a large number of Russian players are still staying on the Sino Russian border, which means that they have plans to invade again, at least an idea. Because of this tension, it is very difficult for us to get information from the Russians. After all, we are already in a state of military confrontation in essence. In this state, the other party will certainly guard against us like thieves.

The Russians are not stupid. When the invasion failed last time, they realized that we are very powerful and can not be kneaded at will. Therefore, Russian players also think of some other ways. This method is called Jishou Xinchang. Russian players use Jishou Xinchang to deal with us. Therefore, they need to arm them first. Therefore, they will exchange intelligence with Jishou Xinchang and provide support in weapons and other aspects.

It is precisely because the Russians have such an idea of Jishou Xinchang that we have thought of making use of it in turn. What Matsumoto has just done is just the first step. He uses the national righteousness to influence Jishou Shincho and temporarily pulls him into the Japanese camp. With Matsumoto's words before, even if Yoshihiro Matsumoto will still compete with Matsumoto for the position of the leader of Japanese players, he will definitely share the same hatred with Matsumoto. Therefore, Matsumoto can use Yoshihiro Matsumoto to listen to the Russian news, and the Russians have no idea that the message will be delivered to us through Matsumoto, so Russia The rossoners are on guard against our information, but they are totally defenseless against the ghosthands. As long as they are exposed to the information, they are equal to knowing the information. In this way, Jishou Shinjuku has become a spy that we have set up with the Russians. What's more, he doesn't know that he's working as a spy for us. He just thinks he's working hard for the future of the great Japanese Empire.Because of the need for Jishou Shinjuku as a spy, we informed Matsumoto to give up the investigation of this matter before. Now, it is even more unnecessary to worry about such a thing as Shinji Takeuchi's failure to check the effectiveness of weapons of mass destruction. Interrupting the public's criticism of Jishou Shinji, Matsumoto said: "this is not the time to investigate the responsibility. The top priority is to study the principle and effectiveness of weapons of mass destruction provided by the Russians as soon as possible. By the way, Jishou Xinchang, you go and get one and show us. Let's first understand the general performance

"Oh, yes." Matsumoto had forgiven him for colluding with the Russians to attack his own people. Now Jishou shinjima is about to become Matsumoto's admirer. When he heard Matsumoto asked him to take weapons of mass destruction, he immediately asked two players to help him get one.

"This is weapons of mass destruction?"

Jishou Xinchang asked several players to help move back a box. The width is more than one meter, the thickness should be the same as the width, but the length of this thing is quite exaggerated, and the total length may be more than four meters. Hearing Matsumoto's question, Jishou Shinjuku didn't answer. Instead, he went forward with the key to open a row of mechanism locks on the side of the box, and then opened the super long box.


Almost all the things in the box are known by modern people. This is a missile, at least it looks like it should be. The inside of the box is filled with a lot of soft sponge materials. Obviously, this thing can't be collided violently, otherwise it should not be filled with sponge. Because these sponges take up a lot of space, the missiles in the box are not as thick or as long as the boxes. In fact, the length of the missile is only a little more than three meters, and its diameter is only about 60 centimeters. It has a folded tail and a central balance wing. The front end is very strange. It is not hemispherical or conical, but is completely flat. It looks like a cylinder cut from the middle. There is no streamline design. What's more, there is no nozzle at the end of this thing, which is obviously not jet propulsion, at least not a real rocket engine. If it wasn't for the tilt angle of the auxiliary balance wing of this thing, it's not even clear which side is the head and which side is the tail.

"Why doesn't this thing have warheads and jets?" A few players quickly discovered the problem.

"Russian technicians say that the magic array carved in this place can guide and reduce wind resistance during flight," he said

"The combination of magic and arrow?" Benson asked.

"I don't know, you know I'm good at this!" he said

"Well, what about the spout here at the tail? Why does this thing look completely solid? Is this really a missile Matsumoto asked again.

"This is not a missile," he said with a smile

"What? Not a missile? "

"Well, this should be a bomb."

"Bomb?" A guild president nearby exclaimed, "are you not mistaken? Does this need to be carried over the heads of the Chinese and thrown down? You don't have water in your head, do you? Don't you know the spear formation of frost rose League? Do you think there is any hope of fighting them for air supremacy? "

Guishou Xinchang said with a smile: "Hey, you don't know about this. It's a bomb, but we don't have to air drop it. I'm not stupid. Everyone knows the air defense capability of frost rose League. Of course, I also know that it's no use fighting for air control with them. However, this thing has a special launcher that can launch it vertically up to 20000 meters, and then it will dive to the enemy's camp at an angle of 60 degrees, and then detonate it on the other side's head. "

"If it is approaching at a high speed of 60 degrees, it is possible to break through the air defense network of frost rose League, especially if there are enough numbers." Matsumoto said and asked, "but if this thing is intercepted, won't the frost rose League develop its technology?"? As far as I know, frost rose alliance is a very strong technology. If they get this thing, they will not use it on us, will they? If the frost rose League throws this kind of thing, it doesn't even need to launch, just throw it directly from our heads. "

"Of course not." Then he asked everyone to wait for a while, and then asked for help to get two boxes. The size of these two boxes is quite normal. It's about the same size as an ordinary carrying case. After the first box was opened, people found that there was a row of discs like miniature flying saucers. "This is the launcher, which is similar to the transmission array. It is also used to send the weapon of mass destruction into the air by magic, but it is not transmitted. Of course, it does not rely on huge thrust to instantly accelerate it. Instead, it uses a special magic principle to make the missile rise to the height of 20000 meters at a uniform speed. As for the one in the box next to it, it's the countermeasures. "

"What is countermeasures?"

"It's a measure to prevent people from being hurt by mistake." Jishou Xinchang opened the second box directly. The contents inside were flat and flat like the launcher, but they were much smaller. The main body of this kind of thing is the falling object. The thickest middle part is about one centimeter thick. The diameter should be within ten centimeters, which is slightly larger than the area of the palm. In addition to the central disc-shaped main body, the edge part is also connected with four clasps. Jishou Xinchang explained that this ring buckle is convenient to wear, because the device must be hung on the body to work, and it must be placed on the outermost part, not in armor or clothing."This thing can resist the attack of that weapon of mass destruction?" Matsumoto asked, picking up a small plate.

Jishou Xinchang wanted to nod his head, but after thinking about it and not sure, he said, "this is what the Russians said, and I haven't tried it. Anyway, they say that if you take this thing with you and activate it, you can resist that WMD attack. "

"What if I was robbed by the Chinese?"

"It doesn't matter. There is a connection device on it, which can connect everyone's heart beat after starting. Once the wearer dies or this thing falls off, the heartbeat will explode, which can completely eliminate the possibility of being stolen."

"What about creatures that don't have a heartbeat?"

The game is not reality, here is not everyone has a heartbeat. There are four elemental families, vampires, zombies and all kinds of undead in the players. These races don't have heartbeat. Of course, there are construct creatures. For these creatures that don't have a heartbeat, is a heartbeat detector just a device.

"Don't worry about this. There are two styles of this kind of thing. Most of them are standard models, which rely on heartbeat detection to confirm whether the owner is still there. There is another one that is telepathic, which is more complicated and expensive. Therefore, it is better to keep those races without heartbeat close to the battlefield. This is better. If you have to go in, you can consider carrying this type of protector. "

Matsumoto wanted to think about it and said: "the protective ability of the protector and the offensive ability of WMD are all what the Russians say, and they must be tested. Do you know how this thing works

Guishou Xinchang shook his head and said, "I didn't ask. After all, you know that I'm not good at this aspect, and I can't understand it. Besides, even if they would give me weapons of mass destruction, they would never tell me how to make them. "

Matsumoto frowned: "even if you don't know the principle, you should at least know how this thing works? Do you know what the killing process is like? What's the impact on the terrain? Will that area be inaccessible for some time after being used like nuclear weapons? "

Hearing this, Jishou Xinchang quickly turned around and ran to an independent safety door at the edge of the warehouse and began to open the door. The safety door was built in the inside of the secret warehouse. It can be seen that there should be extremely confidential things in it. It took a long time to open the door. After entering, he ran out again and had a crystal ball in his hand.

"I have this." Everyone knows the crystal ball of memory. Matsumoto wants to open it after he takes it. It turns out that it is encrypted and needs a special spell to open it. Jishou Xinchang took back the crystal fairway: "I'll do it."

Use a special spell to open the crystal ball and input the magic power. The crystal ball immediately projects a piece of picture recorded in it. The content of this picture is the launch test picture of this kind of weapon of mass destruction. Before, Jishou Xinchang did not test this weapon himself. Because he had seen this video, he felt that there should be no need to test it again.

The location in the picture should be in Russia, but it is not sure. After all, there is a large ice sheet in the picture, and nothing can be seen except a piece of white.

Two Russian players quickly set up the discus launcher on the ground, and then the other two lifted the missile like object and stood on the launcher. After fixing the weapon of mass destruction, several people did not leave, so they touched the base directly, and then there was no sound and light effect. They saw that the weapon of mass destruction was directly detached from the base, and then they began to look into the sky, and the speed was faster and faster. It only took more than three minutes, and the object finally rose to 20000 meters. Obviously, the person who took the picture also used some kind of flight mode to follow the shooting, so the picture has not been separated.

When that thing reaches the rated altitude, it starts to turn over, then the ailerons expand, and then it dives toward the ground at a great angle of 60 degrees.

Because this thing is vertical rise, dive angle is 60 degrees, so its glide distance is exactly half of the height, that is 10000 meters. Of course, this is only a rough figure, because this thing can be guided automatically, so its strike distance may be deviated, but it can hit the target correctly.

Although the 60 degree oblique fall is not a free fall, but the speed is quite fast, and soon the object reaches the target area. Many experimental objects were placed on the ground of this place artificially, including several big trees of different heights, and some Warcraft caged or chained. Then there are several houses here, and there are also Warcraft in the houses. Then there are many players standing in a row, all wearing armor. According to Jishou Shinjuku's explanation, these people are all Russian testers. Although this weapon of mass destruction will kill them, the players in the game can revive anyway. In order to test this important weapon, it is not a big deal to let several players die once.

In addition to some players wearing various attributes of armor, there are several players obviously hanging that kind of protection device, which is obviously testing the protection effect at the same time.After landing at a height of more than eight meters, they didn't use the weapon of mass destruction near the ground.

There was no big fireball and no flash. The effect of the explosion of the WMD was like a big fireworks, which directly burst out ten thousand stars. After the explosion of this thing, a large number of orange red light clusters were diffused around. Each of these light clusters was as big as peanuts, and the number was so large that it could be described as dense. The entire radius of 2000 meters around the explosion point is covered by these photoelectricity, and the distribution is quite uniform. However, what is more strange is that the explosion does not form a spherical diffusion range, but a plane diffusion range. That is to say, although these light spots spread out a circular coverage area with a radius of 2000 meters, it is flat. All the light spots are concentrated at the height of 800 meters above the ground, and the difference between the highest photoelectric and the lowest altitude of flying is not more than one meter.

These photons eventually make up a huge light cake, and after a second in the air, the pancake suddenly starts to fall like snow and sprinkle the broad spots. Except for the bright orange, the scene looks like snow. However, when these light spots landed on the ground, the beautiful scenery turned into a nightmare. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!