Chapter 2228

Originally, according to the characteristics of ordinary Protoss, there must be precious materials in such a deep secret room, and there must be high-level guards in such places. As a Protoss, the so-called high-level guard, of course, is the high-level existence of the clan. Is there anything more effective than the gods in the protoss? So, if we infer according to the normal situation, this place should have a lot of powerful Olympian Protoss in the first place.

But. Zeus was not a normal God. This guy has a lot of strange behavior and abnormal thinking, basically belongs to a kind of abnormal personality. Because he didn't trust his own people, he didn't dare to use Olympus to guard places he thought was very important. But without guards, he didn't feel at ease, so he finally chose the gladiators, a group of holy warriors in holy armor. Because it is not a Protoss but a holy fighter, it does not pose a threat to Zeus; on the other hand, it is guaranteed that faith will not betray.

Although Zeus's idea has its reasons, it is not the right choice after all, so the final result of this group of guards is to arrange and not to arrange. In the face of such a strong team of us, these warriors can hardly play a blocking role, and they are all put down.

Drag the dead Gladiator to a corner of the room, and the remaining few who are not dead are drawn by the spark, and their souls are interrogated. Faced with the interrogation of the high Protoss, the souls of these guys collapsed after only ten seconds. Then we learned a very important news, that is, this is indeed the storage place of the divine power core, but it was only once.

"What? The core of power is not here? " Suddenly got such an answer, we were all dumbfounded. In order to be able to sneak in secretly, all the Hades departments of Hades sent out, and Eisinger moved the fortress to bombard Olympus mountain. This made such a big noise that the whole Olympus Protoss and our frost rose League were all turned upside down. What's the matter?

"Ask quickly where the core of power is now?" I suddenly responded and said to the spark.

When Starfire heard what I said, it immediately responded and interrogated the souls. The answer was even more amazing than the news that the core of the power was not here. According to these warriors, Zeus actually swallowed up the core of Olympus. That is to say, the core of the Olympian Protoss is now in Zeus.

"Shit, is that cheating?" I almost didn't jump when I heard that answer. The reason why we sneak in secretly is that we hope to make a time difference when Zeus leaves, and then when Zeus comes back, as long as we block him for a while, we can finish the work here. Unfortunately, the result is too unexpected. The core of the divine power is not here, but also swallowed by Zeus. There is no problem of secret sneaking in. If you want to get the power core of Olympus, only snatch is left, but also open robbery is required!

"What are we going to do now?" Asked the peacock.

Vena said directly, "do you need to ask? We have made such a huge plan and invested so much manpower and material resources. In the end, if we don't get anything, how can we explain it to the people in the meeting? "

"You mean we're going to rob Zeus?" Peacock some worry said: "that guy was the main God, now he swallowed the core of Olympus Protoss, the combat effectiveness must be broken. I'm confident to stop him. Isn't it too fanciful to subdue him? "

"Even if it's whimsical, it has to be done." I replied positively: "vena is right. Our efforts should not be in vain. Since we have started, we can't stop. No matter how fierce Zeus is, we must take him down


"When you get to the bridge, you can always find a way. Besides, you have also said that you are confident that you can hold him back, which is enough. If it's a big deal, we'll take all of Zeus's men, and then we'll concentrate on beating him up. I don't believe that there are so many gods in our chaos and order Protoss that we can't get one of them. By the way, we can also call Hera to help. It is said that her strength is no less than Zeus

"It seems that we can only fight in groups." Xinghuo sighed: "it's been a long time since I let go of my hands and feet. But what if there are casualties in a group fight? "

"This is not a problem." I said directly, "all of you should be equipped with ear mounted communicators. I will let the army God command on the spot to ensure that no matter how many people you fight, you will look like one person. We can also arrange several mobile angels for Protoss to use as ambulances, which are specially responsible for sending people to other places. Once we find out who is in danger, we will send two mobile angels to stop Zeus for a while, and the other two will be left behind to drag the wounded out. I just want to note that it is not so easy for Zeus to kill people. "


After confirming the general plan, we began to prepare to leave here. Of course, we took a stroll in the back rooms. It's rare to come in for a while. Even if the core of the power is not there, at least we have to see what there is here.

In fact, the positions where the gladiators fight with us are already in the guard room. The furnishings are very simple, and they are basically empty rooms. Directly behind the guard room is a corridor, which stretches forward less than 10 meters, and then splits into a Y-shaped fork road on both sides. On the left side of the road is connected with a suite, which contains a lot of living materials, bedrooms, studies and other things. It feels like a secret residence, and it should be for six people.We estimate that this place should not have been built by Zeus himself, but had already existed. This place may have been the storage place of the holy power core of the Olympus Protoss, but the previous gods were quite normal, so they used the gods of Olympus to guard the divine power core. These six rooms of high standard are probably the residences of the six gods.

The Branch Road on the right side of the passage is more than twice as long as the one on the left side. At the end of the passage is a heavy metal door similar to the door of a bank vault. The light shining on the door shows that at least a dozen kinds of protective magic are added to the door.

Although there is a lot of magic protection here, because we found the key and interrogated the way to unlock the door from the guard outside, the door was just a virtual action for us.

Behind the gate is a spherical room with a diameter of more than ten meters. The gate is not at the bottom of the spherical room, but a little below the equatorial ring. You can see the whole room after entering through the gate. The inner wall of the room is decorated with a circle of framed metal channels. Through several steps, you can step down from the channel to the bottom of the sphere. In that position, there is a small console, on which there is a thin metal pillar supporting a metal ring with a diameter of seven or eight meters. Although this ring is now required to be together, it can be seen that it should be composed of many nested rings. According to Wiener's explanation, this thing should be a force field generator with dual functions of restraint and protection. Its function is to limit the movement of the divine power core and protect it from being damaged by external personnel.

Originally, this ring should have risen to the center of the room, and there is a very complex control system on the console below. It is very difficult to close the force field close to the core of the divine power. But now the core is not here, and the force field generator is not activated.

After examining the two turnouts, we found nothing valuable, so we returned to the vertical well outside, and then went up to Zeus' study.

As soon as I got out of the room, I felt something was wrong in the room. After a closer look, I found that the heads on the wall were missing.

"Why? What about the heads? " I was surprised to see several Kirin warriors around me and asked.

As I expected, a kylin warrior was surprised and replied, "it has been taken into the earth's gate."

"I I'm just asking you to take the valuable things away. What are you doing with those heads? I'm not a pervert. What do I want those heads for? "

"Lord Scott asked us to move it."

"Ah?" When I heard that it was Scott, I had to call him over, but Scott didn't have any doubts about it. He told me that these things were very valuable, so he let people move away. "You say those heads are valuable?"

"I just found it when I was directing the unicorn warrior to move things. Those heads are not dead. Although they have been cut off, they have been sealed by space-time seal. So if we use some special methods, we can actually revive these creatures

I can see what Scott meant when he said that. Although these creatures themselves may not be a big deal, since they can be hung here, they must have something to do with Zeus. Maybe they can get some important information from them. Even now, I've figured out how to revive them. Don't forget that Hades is now a member of the frost rose League. With him, as long as he is not dead, or as long as there is a soul, he can be resurrected.

Now that I know these brains are useful, I don't say anything more. I quickly empty Zeus's house with you, and then withdraw from here. Passing by the garden at the gate, the big dog had been cured before, but it looked very weak. According to Xiaochun, she deliberately stimulated the vitality of the big dog and cured the injury according to my request, but it exhausted the dog's physical strength. So now from a medical point of view, the big dog is very healthy, but he feels as if he has just been running for three days and nights without sleep. He is almost exhausted.

Seeing me appear, the big dog barely opened his eyes and looked at me, then suddenly struggled to stand up. I was a little bit stunned by this move, and then before I could make any response, the big dog fell down again and looked at me with pleading eyes.

Seeing each other's eyes, my brow slightly wrinkled, and then relieved. After summoning the earth gate, the Kirin warrior directly moved him and his puppies in, and installed the metal mirror with suction cup function. It seems that this device should have a special purpose, so you can leave it to the research department to study it.

After finishing all the work, we immediately left Zeus' bedroom and entered the front of the temple area. I don't know if it's the reason why the battle has become more fierce. The temples are almost ghost halls now. We walked all the way from the back, and we didn't even meet a human hair.

After we leave the temples, we do not go down the mountain, we are directly separated from the air. The restricted phalanx was blasted into cannon fodder by an artillery barrage of Eisinger's mobile fortress. In addition, the thing was not external or internal, and it did not restrict personnel to fly away, but was not allowed to fly in.

Glide all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. After finding our aircraft, we quickly start and leave this side and return to the direction of Eisinger's mobile fortress. In less than five minutes, we saw a large and terrifying battlefield.This is not a general battlefield, because it is three-dimensional. Apart from the crowd fighting on the ground, there is almost no blank area in the whole area from low altitude to high altitude. All kinds of fighters fight with each other, which is a scene of Shura hell. However, although it seems that the fight is very miserable, in fact, the casualties are basically from the Olympian side. Because of the existence of the God of war, the wounded can always get timely protection from the nearby personnel, and then there are special rescue teams to help the wounded escape from the battlefield. Therefore, there are many more injured people on our side than on the Olympus side, but even the other side is dead Less than a fifth of the dead.

"It looks terrible." Because I'm in control of my own people, I've removed the stealth function of the ghost aircraft. In the case of invisibility, all personnel can see the situation outside, instead of using only a few observation mirrors in stealth mode.

When I heard the spark, I contacted the army God directly. After the army God reported the situation, I felt relieved.

I asked the mobile angel to fly the aircraft around the battlefield and landed on the mobile fortress of Eisinger. Then the three of them ran to support the front line, while I went to the army God to tell him about the current situation.

Rose and the think tank are all here at this time. They all think about what I have said, and the final conclusion is similar to what we thought out in a hurry. This battle is impossible to return empty handed, and the core of power is in Zeus' stomach, which determines that we must put Zeus down, or we will not be able to contact the core of Olympus. So the way I thought of is almost inevitable. What think tanks can do is to deal with the details.

"If you want to fight Zeus in a group, you may not have to kill all the existence of Zeus in Olympus first." Rose said, "let's not say whether your plan can be completed. If it is feasible, we will kill all the Olympus Gods that might have been transformed into gods, and finally hurt the power of Hera's new Olympus Protoss. This is not conducive to our plan, so we can't eradicate those Olympus Gods first. Besides, the number of these people is too large. Your planned war will last at least three days. The Russians and Jishou Shinji are plotting to attack us. The reason why I agreed to attack the Olympus Protoss this time is to make a sudden attack and withdraw immediately after getting the benefits. Once the war develops into a protracted war, Russia will surely see the opportunity and take advantage of it. The Northern League and the red blood league are indeed ready in advance, but without us as the backbone to support the whole front, the battle will cause large-scale damage to our players, which is not in our interests. "

"Then what is the feasible way?" I know rose must have a way to say that. Because I know she doesn't want to give up more than I do, and if there is no better way, even if my plan will hurt the interests of the guild, rose will bite her teeth.

Sure enough, rose heard me and said, "remember our arena system?"

I nodded and said, "isn't it something that players use to compete with each other?"

Rose said: "because our guild has recently flooded into a large number of protoss, and these Protoss sometimes want to have a fight. But you also know that Protoss are NPC, and their life is only once. In case of casualties, it is very troublesome, but if they do not fight with all their strength, they can not show the effect of the contest. Therefore, in response to the requirements of the chaos and order Protoss, our guild research department analyzed the limited magic patterns of the fighting field, and thus produced a new open fighting field. This fighting field can set up a certain area outside the city as a fighting field and temporarily close this area. There is no way to get in and out of the area in any way until the restrictions are lifted. In addition, there was a bug in the fighting field during the experiment, that is, when the fighting field space is generated, it will not expel the personnel in the space. That is to say, if we can set the location of Zeus as a fighting area, then Zeus will be sealed in the area. Of course, for the system, Zeus is not actually a member of the fighting competition, so he does not enjoy immortal protection. Of course, he can also kill our people, because he and our people are not the opponents of fair fight, so they do not enjoy the system protection. "

I understand the meaning of rose. According to rose, when a competition area is created in this arena, other people will be trapped in. However, those who are trapped can not get out and those outside can not enter. So we can actually create a closed area where we can beat Zeus around, and he can't run. If other Olympian Protoss couldn't get in, they couldn't help, so we got to the goal of besieging Zeus.

"That sounds good, but does it come at a price?" I asked.

Rose nodded: "it takes energy to activate this thing. A lot of energy. It costs about 1000 crystal coins per minute to convert it into magic crystal stone and then to purchase price. "

"I don't think that's too much." It sounds like a thousand crystal coins a minute is quite expensive, but this is a guild action, not a personal action, so we don't have much to share. In general, the number of shells fired by the fleet every minute is more than that in a big sea battle. We still have to fight for several hours, and we haven't seen any financial shortage in our guild, have we? So the price is not high. Zeus again ox fork, so many of us beat him up, I don't believe he can support a day and a night.Rose said: "money is not really a problem. The key is that you all go in and attack Zeus, and the Olympus Protoss outside will have some trouble. We may not have enough people. " (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!