Chapter 2203

That, of course, is to frighten.

Our guild is really upgrading the mobile Angel recently. These three mobile angels are indeed the latest five generation mobile angels. Even we have several other types of mobile angels that have not appeared. However, none of this can change the fact that the mobile angels of our guild can't change their clothes in an instant. The old mobile Angel needs to change defense step by step when he is out of active service. It is very dangerous to do a large-scale defense change in such a period of frequent fighting. Secondly, with the continuous progress of mobile Angel technology, although our mobile angel's combat effectiveness is becoming stronger and stronger, the cost and production cycle are also rising.

If you want to think of the kind of rock magic statue without joints that our guild made at the beginning, it was just a pile of mud carved with magic array, and then added some magic guiding materials. Without the labor cost, the cost of a single one is less than 2000 crystal coins. Moreover, a puppet maker can produce one in half a day without any advanced tools. This work is really not long 。 But now? Let's not talk about the five generation mobile angels. At present, the general model of the four generation mobile angels with the most equipment is the one that can fly. The body of this type of mobile angel is made of reinforced alloy. The main part of it is made of steel and mixed with a lot of magic metal. In order to achieve some functional features, the mobile angel's body surface has to move forward with many kinds of magic crystals and magic gems. You should know that the price of these things has never been lower. In fact, this is not the most expensive one. The real trouble is the internal structure. Even if the R & D investment is not considered, the material cost and the price of a four generation mobile angel's kernel system are definitely no less than 100000 crystal coins. With the shell and other messy configurations, a fourth generation mobile angel is only material without considering the R & D cost and labor The material cost is close to 150000 crystal dollars. If the design and development costs are included, the price will reach 200000 crystal dollars. In fact, the real cost of a four generation mobile angel should be around 210000 crystal dollars, including the cost of manufacturing labor, machinery and energy use.

For our guild, 200000 crystal coins are a drop in the ocean. But if you want to form combat effectiveness, you can't just build one. Although with the increase of production, the average cost will continue to decline, but this decline is also limited. At least, the average cost of our guild has never been lower than 200000 crystal coins. At this price, it will cost more than two billion yuan to build one thousand four generation mobile angels. However, the actual number of four generation mobile angels in our guild is far more than that, but several times of this number. In other words, we have at least put in more than one billion crystal coins in this respect.

Such expensive items are only four generation machines, and now the prices of the fifth generation machines have jumped up a lot. Therefore, we can't mass produce them at all. We can only produce a small number of experimental models. In the future, we will consider whether to supplement them according to the actual war damage situation. It is preliminarily estimated that we will produce one for every fourth generation machine lost In this way, after a period of fighting, we can gradually replace part of the fourth generation aircraft. As for the part of the fourth generation aircraft that we have preserved, we do not intend to replace all of them.

Although the combat effectiveness of the fourth generation aircraft is not as good as that of the fifth generation aircraft, it is fully sufficient at present. Just as in rich countries, it is impossible for all soldiers to go to the battlefield with rocket launchers. Small power and cheap weapons such as rifles and pistols are always necessary. The same is true for mobile angels. The combat effectiveness of the fifth generation aircraft is indeed very high, just like the special forces. But it would be a bit exaggerated to replace all the four generation fighters in the guild with the five generation fighters. In reality, there is no ordinary soldier in any country that is not all special forces, is it? Therefore, even if the fifth generation aircraft is produced in large quantities in the future, it will only be used as the backbone force, just like the special arms on the battlefield, and it will not replace all the mobile angels in the whole battlefield with the fifth generation aircraft. That's too much of an exaggeration, and the efficiency improvement won't be obvious.

Because we don't plan to mass produce mobile angels, we don't need to hide them because we can cheat the enemy twice in a row. First of all, we will show our five generations of mobile angels, and then let the ice capped Banshee spread the power of these mobile angels, so that our enemies will be afraid and panic. After that, they have several reactions. The first is the loss of confidence, which leads to a complete decline. The second is to launch a lot of dangerous plans, that is, to force development, and the result is usually counterproductive. When the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony, the Americans deliberately worked out a set of fake Star Wars plans. As a result, the Soviets tried their best to develop space weapons. The final result was that the investment was too large, which caused a huge additional burden on the country. Moreover, because the technical conditions at that time did not actually have the basic conditions for such research, no matter how much investment was made, it would be a waste of money Apart from a bunch of edge technologies that can't be used for the time being, there are no practical things. In fact, such a leap forward research is a meaningless behavior in addition to wasting people's lives and money.

We just hope that the Russians and others who are hostile to us or hostile to us will be tense, so that they may enter a state of advanced research, just like the Soviet Union did in those years. As a result, they will slow down their own development speed.In fact, in addition to advanced research in the game, there is a similar situation of excessive challenge. For example, some difficult tasks, under normal circumstances, we all know that it is too difficult to take risks, but we hope to wait until the strength is enhanced enough to ensure safety. However, because of the stimulation of our guilds, these hostile guilds may lose their cool because of our existence. Many people will take risks to try some tasks that are beyond their ability. As a result, the gains outweigh the losses. If the tasks fail, the personnel will be demoted, drugs will be lost, and a large amount of mission time will be put in. All of these will seriously affect the development of a guild 。 Therefore, it is easy for us to make the enemy flustered and misjudge us if we show our strength excessively.

Of course, although in most cases our actions will bring us favorable results, we can not rule out special cases. For example, if the United States and the Soviet Union made a fake plan and the Soviet Union really came up with a practical space war system, then the Americans would be like lifting stones and hitting their own feet. Because the Americans did not have any space war capability at that time, the Soviet Union suddenly produced a space weapon, and the Americans would have to wait for the bombing, because the strategic balance did not exist 。 However, just like what happened in the end, the probability of this kind of accident is very low and almost impossible to happen.

Those guilds will misjudge the strength of our guild from the information sent by ice capped banshee, and choose to take risks to develop their own strength. It is also possible for them to complete some tasks that are beyond the scope of their strength, but how much benefit can one or two person tasks bring? In order to catch up with us, they have to constantly challenge these extreme tasks. There is a certain probability that a person who jumps down from a high-rise building without any protection will not die. But if you jump three times a day and you still don't die for a month, you will definitely encounter a supernatural event. Even if these guilds can complete several tasks beyond their level, they can not complete all of them. As long as the proportion of completed tasks is less than one third of the total tasks, then the loss is definitely more than the investment. In fact, even if they are lucky to complete some super difficult tasks, the total proportion will not exceed one percent, let alone one third.

Because of the above reasons, we deliberately arranged this exhibition to let the ice capped Banshee personally experience the powerful strength of our guild's five generation mobile angels. When the time comes, let those guilds against us go to work hard for such mobile angels that we can't even mass produce, and we just have to sit at home and wait for jokes.

Although the plan is already vicious, it is not the whole plan. This plan comes from the rose, and like the gold coin's evaluation, the rose plan has never been the most poisonous, only more poisonous.

Although the five generations of mobile angels have been completed, we will not let them appear in public soon in future battles, and there will be a limit to fight only when it is certain that they will not be exposed. The advantage of this is that the enemy will only hear that there is such a mobile angel, but never see it. After those guilds have paid for it, we will use the five generations of mobile angels as a gimmick to encroach on the interests of those guilds in an empty city. In the early stage, there must be some benefits, but later guilds will inevitably resist. Once they resist, they will realize that the five generation mobile angels of our guild do not exist, because we have never shown such mobile angels in front of them. The only source of this news is the ice capped Banshee. Those guilds who have suffered losses will guess that we have no five generation mobile angels at all, and the news of ice capped banshees will be accused of false news, thus reducing the trust of ice capped banshees among those guilds that are hostile to us. It's like separating ice banshees from the guilds that are hostile to us.

This is actually the second step of the plan. The first step is to intimidate the guilds, put pressure on them, force them to take risks and bear the loss of failure. The second step is to split the hostile forces. Even if they realize that this is our plot, they will not be able to cooperate as before. Suspecting this kind of thing is like weeds. Once it takes root, it is not so easy to remove it.

As for the third part of the plan, this part is relatively simple. When there is a rift between the ice capped Banshee and those guilds, and those guilds think that there is no five generation mobile angel at all, we can use this situation to select a most valuable target and send all five generation mobile angels out at one time, so that they can be completely exposed. By the time the guild sees the five generations of mobile angels and realizes they've been tricked, we've made enough money, and they've got nothing but regret.

Looking at the ice capped Banshee who confronts the mobile angels of Santai and Wudai, Hongyue is very happy with her smile. After the war, the project, called the three steps of confusion, will be officially launched. As for how much damage can be done to those who are hostile to us in the end, it depends on their luck. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!