Chapter 2087

After all, the queen of piranha offered food rather than poison, so we could not die if we ate it. Of course, no one will really eat if they can, so I'm playing tricks.

There is a saying that "all methods are forced out". I think this is very reasonable, in the face of those difficult to swallow food, I was forced to helpless, so the way out. The first is to categorize food. Most of the piranhas arranged for us were raw seafood. Although it was disgusting, it was still delicious after being cooked. For example, the sea cucumber, which is very expensive in reality, is a huge black maggot full of flesh when it is alive, but it is very delicious and nutritious after it is made, which is very good for people.

In the same way, these things that the piranhas prepare for us will not be too bad if they are cooked. The problem is that they don't cook them. My way of dealing with this problem is to process it by myself.

In the process of my meal, the demons almost completed their respective tasks and directly returned to me by using the characteristics of training space, which made my pets gradually come back to me. When the queen talked to us about business and asked us to have a big meal, I directly summoned Xiaofeng who had returned and served as a maid to feed me temporarily. Although it seems that I am a bit of a show off, considering that there is only one Prometheus on the scene except for the members of the piranhas, I don't care that they doubt my character. Anyway, I don't intend to have in-depth communication with them in the future.

The greatest advantage of having Xiaofeng as a maid feeding me is not the superiority of being served by a beautiful woman, but She can cook things. He is also a Phoenix, playing with fire or something is a basic ability. No matter what kind of fierce seafood, as long as you pass her hand, it immediately becomes cooked food. Although there is no seasoning, but the taste of raw and cooked is not the same, whether it is delicious or not, at least not disgusting.

At first, Prometheus, the fool, did not notice the situation here, until he had gnawed at half a plate of disgusting sea creatures with a sad face, and then he suddenly smelled a smell of meat. Then he turned his head and looked at me in surprise. Then he was surprised by the skill of Xiaofeng. Of course, it's useless to know. Who told him that he didn't have a demon pet who could play with fire. My Phoenix will never be lent to him in any case.

Of course, not everything in that pile of seafood is cooked. Even if some things are cooked, they are very hard to eat, so I thought of another way.

In front of the queen, of course, it's not good to throw away the food given by others. It's not polite to not eat it, but there's no need to really eat it. As long as people think you've eaten, it's OK. So, after thinking of this method, I asked Fenglong to open a space door in my mouth, and then I began to pretend that I was satisfied with the food, and then I took the food and shoved it into my mouth. In fact, I just put something into the Fenglong space through the opening of the mouth. People thought I had eaten those things, but I didn't touch anything.

When we had eaten all our food, the queen immediately asked if we would like more, but before I opened my mouth, Prometheus quickly waved her hand to say no. Joking, I ate a lot of seafood without seasoning and threw a lot of inedible things into the Phoenix dragon space, but he really swallowed it. However, this is the limit. If the queen ends anything again, he will surely spray it out.

The queen didn't care that Prometheus refused so quickly, but they did give up the plan to have more. Anyway, she was just polite and didn't really intend to let us have enough. After a brief and cordial conversation, I finally left here for the sake of urgent completion of the task. Prometheus, of course, followed me out. But as soon as he left the piranhas' hideout and reached the waters outside, Prometheus immediately leaned over to me and said hello to me in a low voice. Then he quickly pulled the scroll back to the city and sent it back.

Prometheus had to say goodbye in a low voice because we were not the only two of us when we came out, but three members of the piranha tribe came out together. Prometheus was afraid that they would hear, so he could only explain the reason to me in a low voice.

In fact, Prometheus left there was no big deal, but he was in a hurry to vomit. Although it is outside the people's territory, there are still three of them around, so it is not convenient to vomit publicly. Besides, it is underwater. Prometheus can breathe normally by virtue of the underwater ventilation function of his helmet. If he wants to spit out the food, he must go ashore, otherwise he can only spit in his helmet, because although the helmet is replaced underwater He can only open the mask first. As for the task, he now knows my strength and knows that it doesn't matter whether he has him, so he doesn't ask to follow me any more.

After watching Prometheus teleport away, I called on three members of the piranha tribe to go and see what happened to the so-called device.

The three men who followed me were a maintenance worker, a guide, and a fighter. The three of them will be responsible for guiding me to the device, and the maintainer will also be responsible for checking the equipment to see if it can still be started, while the fighter's task is to protect from the side. Of course, I originally told them not to send fighters, but the other side's maintainer did not believe in my strength, so without the protection of fighters, he would not come with me at all.In fact, this guy is quite bold, because no one in the entire piranha clan who will maintain the equipment dares to take risks, even if it is to add more accompanying guards. By contrast, this one with only one escort is already quite open.

The piranhas and mermaids are genetically close relatives, so sonar and other families also have them. In order to find the way, I released ADINA immediately after Prometheus left.

Speaking of ADINA, something happened in the middle. Although the fish eaters and I almost stopped fighting each other, I didn't use the strong means to control the fish eaters. However, because of this matter, the two sides have been quarrelling all the time on the way. Obviously, the relationship between the two sides is extremely bad.

In fact, this kind of mood is also very easy to understand. Obviously, they are descendants of mermaids, but piranhas and mermaids are like alien creatures, and the other is incomparably beautiful. Do you think these two sides can live in harmony? Mermaids attach great importance to their own beauty, and at the same time, they look down on the ugly piranhas. However, the piranhas hate these beautiful relatives because of their hatred of the rich. Therefore, the relationship becomes worse and worse when they look down on each other.

Although the relationship is not good, as long as they don't fight, I don't care. Fortunately, ADINA is a demon pet, and she has a body in reality. She knows that the things in the game are only fictional background, so she doesn't take this matter seriously. Although she still looks down on each other in her heart, she is not as extreme as other mermaids. As for the members of the piranha clan opposite, although they also hate ADINA, they are after all ordered by the queen. However, they and the Mermaids just do not match each other and are not yet enemies of life and death. Therefore, under the premise of having a task, they still suppress their emotions and ensure that their work is given priority.

Although the two sides were reluctant, but still effective cooperation, we quickly found the location of the instrument and swam all the way there.

"Strange!" After swimming in the water for more than half an hour, one of the members of the piranha clan, who was responsible for guiding, suddenly murmured in doubt.

Although his voice was not very loud, I still heard him, so I turned my head and asked, "what's wrong?"

The piranha member frowned and thought for a while and then said, "don't you think our journey is too quiet?"

"Quiet?" When I heard this guy's warning, I responded. According to the introduction of the little skull before, the more monsters there should be, the closer we get to the position where the instrument is, the more monsters there are. However, we have already walked more than 80% of the way, and we haven't even met a monster. What kind of situation is this? Did the monsters move? Obviously this is impossible!

After listening to my repetition, the two members of the piranha clan nearby also began to get nervous, because they all felt that something was wrong before, but they had not paid much attention to it. Now, with this reminder, we all understand where their uneasiness comes from.

As the three members of the piranha clan were nervous there, while I was thinking, ADINA suddenly said, "there is only one possibility for this kind of situation."

"Well? What is possible? " One of the members of the piranha tribe habitually asked, and then realized that he should not take the mermaid's words.

ADINA somehow has the existence of the body in reality, and did not take the opportunity to despise each other, but directly replied: "there must be a super strong monster nearby, so scared the shrimp away."

Although "zero" is just a game, but a lot of truth is the same no matter where. For example, in reality, the rich and powerful people usually live in high-grade residential areas with relatively low density of households, while the ancient high-ranking officials and nobles lived in a large area of homestead, which is the specific manifestation of the high-level individual's territorial will. The more powerful the high-level creature is, the larger the scope of his residential area is, and the less other low-level beings are allowed to move in this area. Even if human beings are still social animals, and all have such obvious territorial consciousness, then these wild monsters will naturally have a stronger consciousness. So, if there are no monsters here, there must be a big guy entering this area.

"What are we going to do now? Do you want to go back and hide first? " When their lives were at stake, the members of the piranha tribe did not dare to worry about any further estrangement, so they asked directly. It is better to be afraid of death than to die.

Although ADINA was asked, she was my favorite and naturally gave me the right to decide. In addition, the advantage of demons is that they can't die. Even if they hang up, they can be revived. Unlike those free NPCs who die, they really die. Therefore, they are not as afraid of death as ordinary NPCs.

Seeing ADINA's eyes, I immediately shook my head and said, "no, let's move on. To repair the equipment, sooner or later, you have to meet these monsters. Hiding is not the way. Don't worry. Even if I can't do that monster, there's no problem dragging it to let you go. "My words just finished, the guide who was in charge of leading the way immediately said: "since ziri president you say so, then hurry to block it, we are going to run away!"

"Ah?" I was confused for a moment, did not understand what he meant, but then I found the direction behind the huge pressure.

This is not a false feeling, but a real sense of pressure. After all, it's underwater, not on land. When an object approaches you, it moves the flow of water, so you can feel a significant change in water pressure at a distance. On land, this phenomenon is called wind pressure, which can be used by individual experts to judge the opponent's action in the battle and avoid in advance when they can't see it at all. But in the water, the range of this perception is greatly enlarged, even ordinary people can clearly sense it, and people like me who can feel the wind pressure even on the land are more impressed.

Feeling the huge change of water pressure, I immediately turned to the past, and just saw a very ugly, and ferocious looking monster rushed towards me.

"Shit, don't you have anything that looks a little bit like the life of the earth?"

The monster in front of us is another extremely strange shape. Its body looks like a caterpillar with many legs, and its legs are not the legs of arthropods, but the legs of mammals, and there are hook claws similar to Eagle claws at the tip of the legs.

The main body of this creature is a long meat bug. Its body surface is obviously yellowish brown with large green patches. It looks like camouflage, but it has no camouflage effect in this water area. In addition, this guy's head has a circle of red eyes. Although I don't count them, it looks like at least 30. These eyes just form a fairly standard circle around a hollow area like anus, but I know that once the small hole is opened, it will be bigger than this guy's body. After all, it looks like a mollusk, and its body extension must be exaggerated.

Sure enough, while I saw the shape of this guy, the monster who had rushed to the front opened its anus like hole, and then instantly expanded the small hole into a tunnel that allows you to drive the aircraft carrier into. Moreover, the inner wall of the tunnel was covered with circles of bright white, at least two Sharp teeth as long as meters.

It's a fuckin 'mutant leech, and it's super giant. Because of the sudden expansion of its oral part, it expanded dozens of times, thus forming a vacuum inside its mouth. As a result, the surrounding water and us in the water were sucked into the guy's mouth like ants in front of a vacuum cleaner. And as soon as we got into the guy's mouth, his mouth began to contract back, apparently ready to swallow us all in one bite.

Because of the sudden event, the three members of the piranha clan were completely shocked. Although ADINA reacted, she was not high-level and had no other ability except self-protection. Of course, I didn't expect ADINA to help me fight. Her main job was to assist, not to attack.


Hum A pale gold cover suddenly appeared beside us, and Victoria was in it. As soon as she appeared, Victoria pulled out her new variant crossbow directly from behind, and then a rain of golden arrows swept out on her head.

Because we are now basically in the mouth of the monster, it is impossible to shoot. Almost all the gold arrows launched hit the target, and this continuous firing mode can increase the power. The big bug outside was hit by hundreds of arrows in an instant, and the attribute on his body was instantly brushed to less than half of the standard attribute. Then I threw the eternity up. The spherical eternity broke down into twelve double headed swords and began to spin. In the twinkling of an eye, the twelve double headed swords turned into twelve rotating sword wheels, and then they scattered and hit the monster cavity around us.

At this time, the monster is closing its mouth and contracting its muscles, trying to crush, grind and crush us with its teeth. However, the retracted teeth first hit the sword wheel and were immediately smashed. Then the sword wheel attached to the monster's flesh wall with a rotating round surface. Then, like a high-speed rotating drill bit, all the flesh and blood were crushed in an instant, and then all the way into the meat and continued to protrude outward.

The monster who thought the food was in his mouth suddenly gave a puff. Then he heard a series of popping noises. The monster's body suddenly pierced with twelve whirling sword wheels and left a circle of twelve blood holes in the monster's head. However, although the diameter of the twelve holes is more than one meter, enough for a person not to walk out of it, it is not very large relative to the volume of the monster. Therefore, although the pain is very painful, it will not be fatal.

However, the twelve sword wheels did not stop there. After flying out of the monster's body surface, the twelve sword wheels suddenly came across, pointed the thin side at the monster's body, followed the twelve sword wheels to rotate and fly back at high speed, and accurately hit a circle area on the monster's body at the same distance from the head, and immediately cut into the flesh. In fact, the twelve sword wheels are not just cut in, they not only rotate and cut in, but also revolve around the monster at a high speed, and shrink the rotation radius while rotating. It's like twelve sword wheels that are getting tighter and tighter. In a blink of an eye, a red cutting line is left on the monster's body surface, and a large amount of red blood gushes out. And the monster is also struggling desperately to get rid of these sword wheels. However, no matter how it struggles, the cutting of the sword wheel has never changed, and it is still deepening inward.Finally, more than ten seconds later, twelve sword wheels suddenly emerged from the inner wall of the monster's body cavity at the same time, and after walking around the inner wall of the monster's body cavity, they suddenly accelerated and flew to my raised palm. Then, in the daze of the three piranhas, they hit each other directly on my hands and finally melted into a ball and fell into my hand.

When I take back eternity calmly, the monster's head just takes off from the body and sinks to the bottom. Due to the cutting of twelve sword wheels, the head of this monster has been completely separated from its body. Even if it is strong in life, it will be just a pile of meat after death.

No, that's a little wrong. In fact, the strength of this monster is still very strong. The reason why I killed it so simply was because I met with a nemesis.

In fact, this monster is very powerful. First of all, its underwater speed is extremely high. In addition, when it is close to the target, the mouth will suddenly expand and cause a local vacuum, so that the target organism will be inhaled into the mouth. Basically, there is no solution. Unless you can exceed its oral volume, it is inevitable to be swallowed. However, considering the space in its mouth that can run an aircraft carrier, there are not many creatures that can get stuck in its mouth and not be swallowed.

Part two, once you're sucked in, you're going to face a muscle channel full of sharp teeth. It's true that the monster's teeth are not only around the mouth, but also extending from the edge of the mouth to the inside, which is 50 meters long. In this range, it's full of teeth, and it's very dense. As long as it contracts the muscles to make these teeth close to the center, it can easily crush and grind the prey to death. You know, the muscle strength of this monster is extremely exaggerated. The size of the monster at home is so large that the amount of muscle is naturally exaggerated. Even if it's a solid ship, it's easy to swallow up its muscles, even if it's strong enough to be squeezed together. In addition, this tooth passage actually has the effect of a whale's whisker board. When it chews you, it can spit out the water it inhales, but you will never get out.

In the third part, even if you resist the crushing and grinding of the tusk channel, you will be pushed into its abdominal cavity by its muscle wriggling. Here, it's the monster's digestive system. This digestive system is filled with super strong gastric juice, an extremely terrifying digestive juice similar to the corrosive water made by alchemists. This kind of liquid can not only corrode the solid material, but also corrode the energy. Therefore, even if you wear magic armor, it can only last for a period of time. Once the magic on the armor is corroded, the armor itself will start to corrode, and then your body. So, as long as you can't run out in a short time, you'll have to wait for it to corrode. what? Why don't you dig out the hole? You can think of this method, but the problem is that the surface of the monster's digestive tract is covered with a slippery, extremely soft, but extremely tough soft tissue protective membrane. This kind of membrane is extremely soft and very slippery, so it is hardly stressed. If you insert a sword into its structure, you just press it into a pit. As soon as your sword is pulled out, it will bounce up and will not be cut at all. And even if you cut it out, it will heal in a very short time, so unless you have a way to get it through at once, you can't get out at all.

For the above reasons, this monster had few enemies in this area before. Ordinary creatures can't run away from it, and can't avoid its phagocytosis. After being swallowed, most of those creatures can't withstand the crushing and grinding of their tusks. Even if they do, the digestive tract is their final destination. After all, the flexible protective film with magic barrier is too difficult to deal with. So the creatures that are swallowed have to wait to die.

However, it's a pity that it met me today. Its first move worked, and I couldn't get out of it even if I did it again. But the next step was unfortunate. My eternity has the law of cutting, as long as it is not something with the power of the law, it can basically be cut like tofu. As a result, this guy's proud muscles, strong teeth and flexible protective film were all useless in front of me, and they were cut into a pile of rotten meat.

Looking at the two sections of the monster gradually sinking to the bottom of the water, the three members of the piranha clan are still in a daze. I don't know whether they are scared by the monster or by me. But I don't have time to stay with them in a daze, so I went and photographed them.

"Hey, don't be afraid. The monster has been killed."

After I said that, the three guys were still looking at me stupidly, until ADINA reminded them again that they suddenly reacted. One of them, a member of the piranha clan, who was responsible for protecting the other two, immediately called to me, "you killed it? You killed it? "

"What's the matter? Can't that thing be killed? "

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean." "I'm so excited," the member of the piranha clan said in a somewhat incoherent voice. How strong was that thing until just now? As far as I know, there have been 29 large-scale human losses in the past 10 years since I became a member of the supplementary hunting team. Seventeen of them were due to the kind of thing just happened to me. Every time the hunting team meets this guy, our team will lose at least two-thirds of its staff. This is because we will run separately every time, so that it can't catch everyone, otherwise it will be totally destroyed. But you killed it! My sea god! Are you taking care of your people again? "After that, the guy didn't know what he was talking about, but I understood his mood. It's like a small country that is always bullied by its neighbors. One morning, it suddenly finds that its neighbors have been exterminated. What do you think they are in?

"Hello, Hello, can you guys not be so excited?" Watching these guys dancing, I couldn't help shouting again.

While jumping, the guard said excitedly, "ha ha, we can rest assured that we can hunt after this guy is dead. Why are we not happy?"

At this time, ADINA finally couldn't help saying, "you want a reason, don't you? Look back. There are many reasons. "

"Well?" The three of them didn't react to ADINA's words at first, but when they looked back, they were completely stupid. Because, just in the direction behind them, more than a dozen huge black shadows are slowly emerging, and looking at the outline, this is clearly the same kind of creature just now. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!