Chapter 1874

"Everybody hide, Ares, that bad guy is coming." Victoria is in charge of observing the situation at the outermost part of the encirclement. According to her, her lucky value, if you meet Ares, it may lead to geometric amplification of Ares' bad luck value. To put it simply, Ares can get worse when Victoria is around.

Hearing Victoria's warning, we all tried to lower our bodies and activate various stealth skills. Anyway, the work of surveillance is enough to have ghosts. We don't have to rush to let the other party find us.

We had been lurking for a while, and then we saw Ares and a large group of holy fighters coming up on the road ahead. However, what was more puzzling was that all the people at the front of the team were carrying sticks. It was like sweeping mines and thrusting into the ground. The places they passed were like being hit by shotguns, The ground was covered with potholes of all sizes.

"Victoria, what are the gladiators doing?"

Victoria laughed and said, "Oh, it's a joke from Olympus. It's like Athena and Hera and Aphrodite, the God of love and beauty. Hera said the protoss were smart, but Athena didn't agree. Then Aphrodite said they could come and make a bet to prove who was right

"What does this have to do with Ares' gladiators digging holes in the ground?"

"Of course it does. Do you know what you bet on the three goddesses

I haven't said anything yet, so exquisite that I'm the first to ask, "what kind of gambling?"

Victoria said with a smile: "they dug a big hole in the middle of the road and made a simple camouflage, which is the obvious camouflage, which can be seen by a little attention. Then they put a sign in front of the pit to remind passers-by that there is a big pit in the middle of the road in front of them, so that everyone can step aside. "

"Ares doesn't fall right in there?" I asked in a funny way.

Victoria laughed and nodded, "yes. When Athena and they had everything ready, Apollo came first. He saw the words on the sign and walked over the road. Then Poseidon walked by. He saw the sign. He experimented with a stone and found that there was a hole in the road, so he avoided it. Athena, they fixed the camouflage after Poseidon passed, and Ares appeared. He also saw the sign, but he pointed to the sign angrily and said that it was who was playing a trick on him. After accepting it, he jumped onto the pile of camouflage to prove it to some of his followers. Then ares had a habit when he went out. As long as it wasn't the hard stone ground, he would take something and test whether there was a trap on the road ahead. "

"Is this guy too stupid?" Xiaochun couldn't help asking.

Victoria said: "I can't say that. Ares is the God of war. He represents a disorderly and irrational war, so he always acts impulsive. In fact, I think most of his bad luck has something to do with his impulsive personality

"Shh, Shh, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush Looking at the approaching ares team, I quickly quieted the demons.

Ares's ranks were not in order, not only did they not look like marching troops, but more like a group of bandits wandering around. Of course, it would have been more like it had not been for the group of saints in front of them who were digging holes in the ground with sticks.

Watching the other party gradually walk into the ambush circle, I constantly remind the enchanted pets in the spiritual contact: "don't move, all don't move, wait, don't move, OK, let them walk in again. Don't move the rest. Tanks, emmetz, it's your turn. "

With my warning, the tank and amenis, who used the real mirror image, fired the magic crystal shells at the same time, while ares noticed the magic reaction of suddenly gathering before the shells were fired. However, just as he suddenly turned his attention to the direction of the projectile, I jumped out of the rock and yelled, "do it."

Although ares's attention was attracted by the tank and emmetnis, he quickly turned his attention back by the nearby shouts.

As soon as he found me by his side, Ares immediately took a step back. Meanwhile, with his right hand holding the sword handle hanging on his waist, he pulled it out fiercely to fight me. However, in just a second, Ares showed me his tragic luck. Ares, who retreated a little half step, not only failed to open a distance with me, but was frightened and distracted because he ran into the holy fighter behind him. At the same time, the sword hanging on his waist did not know why something went wrong. He pulled out the sword to fight with me, but he pulled the sword rope off. As a result, the sword was lifted, but the scabbard was not taken off.

When. In an instant, my eternity collided with Ares' sword, and then cut the first half of the scabbard and the sword inside into two pieces. In surprise, Ares insisted on taking a step back when he bumped into a person because he wanted to avoid my attack. However, this step happened to step on a round stone. Then the guy lost his balance tragically. What's more, he tried to catch the holy fighter nearby to stabilize himself before he fell down. The result was not only that he didn't stop, but also he didn't stop He pulled down the saint fighter who was going to protect him and hit him. Now, let alone fight back, he even has a problem getting up.Although ares is really a bad guy, I won't be soft on it. When I saw him fall with the holy fighter, I immediately stepped forward and stabbed the holy fighter on the ground forever. In any case, no one can block it with eternal sharpness. Even though it is separated from the saint fighter, it is absolutely not a problem to poke a hole in ares behind. However, the saint fighter was really cruel enough. After finding out my intention, he jumped forward and bumped into my sword. Then he took my arm and rolled to one side, hoping to hold me down. However, although he succeeded in controlling my right hand, he did not know that I had weapons in both hands.

Because the right hand was held and unable to continue to attack, I immediately took my left hand to the front of the body, with a crash, three blade claws sprang out, followed by a fierce downward stab. It's a pity that Ares, though he was born with bad luck, had a solid fighting skill. By the second the holy fighter held my right hand, he had pulled a dagger from his waist to replace the main weapon that had been cut off.

When. Because it doesn't cover eternity, the blade and claw are not sharp enough to cut off the dagger in ares's hand. After all, it can be carried by Ares. It should be at least a high-level artifact.

When I failed to hit the target, I quickly withdrew and turned into an eight claw sharp blade in my hand. In an instant, I opened a big hole in the chest of the saint fighter who was entangled in my hand, and then with the strength of my retreat, I easily threw the corpse out.

Although the Gladiator didn't do me any harm, his self sacrifice saved ares at least. Ares, who got up again, threw the dagger as a flying knife, but I easily pushed it away with my claws. However, he also took this opportunity to pull a ten foot long golden gun out of the void.

"If you dare to kill me, die for me." Ares roared, raised his gun and stabbed, and I immediately crossed my sword. Only listen to a Ding sound, eternal and the gun tip of the gun collide together, the result is only a piece of Mars, can not cut off the long gun. It seems that the gun in ares's hand is not ordinary. It can block the eternal weapons. It can be regarded as the artifact of artifact.

After shooting off ares's spear, I let go and threw eternity up. With a low shoulder, the whole body bent down and rushed under the lance handed by Ares. Both hands and claws were ejected at the same time, and they were thrust into Ares' chest. Ares hastily took the gun and held my cross claws with the tail of the gun. Then, with a violent twist, I was forced to turn in place and turn into a posture of head, foot and foot. While I was still spinning, he suddenly kicked the tip of his gun, just turned to the bottom of the gun tip, suddenly bounced forward, and flew directly to my throat. I quickly put my arms on the gun, and the whole person turned around in the air. My legs naturally extended and I pushed him fiercely against his shoulder. Ares immediately stepped back three steps. Until he inserted his golden gun into the ground, he was able to control the slide of his body.

"I can't believe it's pretty good." After landing again, I found that ares had not been pushed far, so I began to praise him.

Ares is not polite to reply: "anyway, to deal with you is enough." Then he suddenly drew the golden gun and rushed towards me again.

Looking at the guy rushing like a siege tank, I immediately set up my posture and prepared for the attack. However, just as I was ready to fight, Ares's sad luck broke out again. Ares, who was rushing well, actually stepped on the handle of a weapon that came from nowhere. As a result, he slipped and began to fall forward. Originally, with ares's skill, he could regain his balance only by running a few steps, which might increase his attack power. However, when he was speeding up, he just stepped on the ditch left on the ground when he kicked his golden gun. As a result, his feet were blocked by mud. Not only did he not regain his balance, but also he looked like superman It flew forward.

Surprised to see Ares fly past me and head into a huge rock, I don't know what to say. But the worst is yet to come. That guy's head hit the stone is even, but he was unlucky to break the stone, the falling rock not only hit him hard, but also hit his head into the two rock cracks below, and then Ares was very tragically stuck.

"Unfortunately, you're a brave man to survive." After a sigh, I didn't let Ares off because I respected him. On the contrary, I showed my respect in a more violent way as soon as I finished. "Now you can faint." I turned eternity into a huge hammer, hitting Ares' stuck head with a hammer. In the shaking of the earth, Ares's head was smashed into the ground by me. As for the rocks before, they are now directly turned into lime powder.

Looking at ares with a big red envelope on his back, I didn't give him any face. I grabbed one of his ankles and pulled him face down from the hole that had just been smashed.

When Ares was knocked unconscious, the gladiators lost their confidence in fighting. Some of them wanted to rush to rescue him, while others who were more resourceful ran out to ask for help. However, no matter who ran out to report the news or rushed to my side for rescue, they were all put down without exception. Except for a few of the diehards who were killed directly, most of the gladiators were arrested.Protoss are all treasures. If you kill them, it will be too wasteful. Whether you take them back and try to persuade them to surrender and turn them into their own, or they can be processed into something else, it is more cost-effective than killing them directly.

After all the saints and Ares were packed and bound together, they were wrapped into cocoons with sickles and spider webs, and then all of them were petrified by the night moon. Finally, I sealed and engraved who was sealed inside. After that, I put all these Protoss into the Phoenix dragon space and let them go with Pandora and ladamantis.

After dealing with that group of protoss, the next step is to clean up the battlefield and create false battle traces. Finally, some traces of Christian Protoss visiting here will be left. The rest will be speculated by Olympus themselves. As for us, of course I went straight to the road.

Last time I hid near Olympus because I know that Olympus Protoss can't exaggerate because of an uncertain missing case, so it's very safe to hide in the hotel by using the principle of dark under the light. However, this time is different. The disappearance of Ares shows that there are a group of powerful attackers in Greece. The Olympus can not finish things carelessly even though they know that the country is not safe. Therefore, they will certainly go all out to search around. In this kind of high-density carpet search, it is obviously impossible for us to keep hiding in Greece. So I'm going to leave here for a while to do the task of mother earth. When I get back, I think the search for Olympus Protoss will return to normal. As for ditans, I don't think the Olympians have time to harass them, so I don't think I'm breaking the contract. After that, I'll come back and continue to sabotage.

In fact, after the attack on Ares, I wanted to capture Persephone's team, but Victoria's words soon made me give up the plan. According to Victoria, I think ares is so easy to deal with because of that guy's strange luck, but Persephone is not the same. Although she is not good at fighting, but after all, her position is there. It can be imagined that her strength is not really poor. Besides, for her safety, all the holy fighters around him were arranged by Hades himself. These gladiators are much more difficult than Ares. After all, they don't have to work with Ares. They can also get the powerful auxiliary magic assistance of Persephone. With the addition and subtraction, the team against Persephone is more than ten times more complicated than that against Ares. After the attack on Ares, if the patrol points do not see them, they will report to the upper level of the Olympian Protoss soon. Then a large number of Olympians will return to the country together. Once we delay too much time in attacking Persephone's team, it will be troublesome. By then, the people of Persephone would have seen us. Whether we stayed or left, we would have revealed our identity, and my plan would have been ruined. That's what I didn't want to see. So I finally gave up my plan to attack Persephone.

After leaving Greece, I didn't rush to do the task. Instead, I went to the city of commandments and released all the Olympians I caught. Not to give them freedom, of course, but to put them in a cell converted from a secret warehouse under the ring of commandment. This place is just below the ring of commandments. Above its head is the super seal array jointly arranged by the protoss of various countries to ban all excessive energy. Therefore, in this prison, no matter who you are, as long as you come in, you can only become ordinary people. No matter whether your original power is magic, magic or sorcery, or your own physical strength, when you arrive here, you will be suppressed and eventually become an ordinary person. All kinds of magic and mana will fail, and the physical strength will be reduced to only a little stronger than ordinary people. In this state, even a handcuff made of harder wood can easily lock the existence of God level.

However, this seal is not for ordinary people to fight in groups, it is to protect the ring of commandments. Therefore, although people who enter here will be blocked by extra strength, there is an exception, that is, people with guards' badges can not be suppressed. In this way, any intruder can be deterred. After all, other people come in and become ordinary people, but the guards can still maintain their original strength. Who can attack in such a state?

Although this guard badge is prepared for the guards, unfortunately, as the actual owner of the city of commandments, I happen to have one, so I am not suppressed here.

"Ah..." Ares, who had just been released to remove the petrifaction, rushed up at me at the first time, but it turned out that with a sound of dangling, he immediately covered his fist and jumped there. Ares, whose body has been weakened to the strength of ordinary people, smashed me with his fist in this armor which is even harder than steel. Does that hurt? In fact, he should be more grateful to the seal array for weakening his strength. Not only with his own normal strength, but also with his fist, it is estimated that his fist will become flesh and mud. Moreover, if it was not for the reason that his current strength was too low to trigger the revenge attribute of Dragon Armor, he would be swept by all the revenge attributes of my whole body if he could not make this fist well.

Pandora and ladamantis are much calmer than the reckless Ares. As soon as they came out, they found that their power was suppressed, so they chose the gentleman's mouth without hesitation."Who are you? Why did you bring us here? " Pandora, as the highest status of normal intelligence personnel here, is duty bound to stand up as a representative of the conversation. She didn't know me because she was not the LORD God, had never been to the city of commandments, and she couldn't see my photos through the forum like a player. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!