Chapter 1747

In the end, Japanese players failed to see whether the beam was Matsumoto, but one thing they saw very clearly was that the beam did break through the shield of the transnational transmission array.

The beam that shot into the center of the transmission array was slightly delayed for a second after it touched the ground, followed by an earth shaking bang. The shock wave that spread in an instant blew all the Japanese players who had not come or left on the ground, and even the Dragon close to the sky was overturned by the shock wave in the air.

The strong light and shock wave lasted for more than ten seconds before they gradually disappeared, while the rolling fireball over the transmission array was still slowly rising to the sky. However, Japanese players can not care about shockwave or shockwave now. They all stare at the transnational transmission array without blinking, praying that the next second they can see the collapse of the transmission array.

I don't know whether the final shock was really strong enough or whether the collective prayer of Japanese players played a role. Just after many Japanese players have been staring at the transmission array for more than ten seconds, suddenly, with a not so big sound, one of the huge energy pillars surrounding the transnational transmission array suddenly cracked a crack, and then it seemed as if they got the start signal. The energy pillars around the whole transmission array began to crack and collapse one after another, soon The entire transport array was covered with smoke and dust, and the entire transport array collapsed completely.

Seeing the transmission array collapse, the dragon clan in the sky is also silly, and the Japanese players below recover faster than the dragon clan, after all, it is a surprise rather than a shock for them. As the first player recovered, the Japanese below jumped up and cheered like crazy, and the giant dragons in the sky were shocked by the huge sound waves. Hongyan, who was suddenly awakened by the shock, suddenly called out a few words of dragon language to the dragons around him. Then he saw the dragons in the sky chanting the mantra with the Dragon language one after another. The following Japanese players have not recovered from the cheering, suddenly saw one after another heavy magic in the sky fell down a large number of people. However, this round of magic attack is only Hongyan to cover the retreat and let everyone put it, so after leaving the magic, the dragons all turned around and flew to the high altitude.

Although the Japanese players were caught off guard, they did not intend to chase the dragon people who were flying high into the sky. Despite the successful destruction of the transnational transmission array, Japanese players are in a state of extreme excitement, but after all, the reputation of the dragon clan is still very loud, even if excited, no one 250 wants to pursue the dragon clan in the air.

The Japanese players who were cheering were bombed by Hongyan, and their excitement was calmed down a lot. However, the next second, their last little excitement was frozen in their faces, because the huge broadcast sound that they had just begun to attack the city actually rang again, and the voice was broadcasting a shocking news.

"Warning, the self destruct program of fulcrum city starts, entering the countdown of self destruction in 10 seconds."

Listening to the sound, all the Japanese players almost jumped up at the same time. It's not the first time that fulcrum has exploded. The present fulcrum city is actually the second fulcrum city in history. The first fulcrum city was once captured by the Japanese. Some old players still remember that when we bombed the whole fulcrum city when we were about to evacuate, they suffered heavy casualties. Now as soon as we listen to play this set, those experienced a fulcrum city big explosion of the old players immediately react to take out the portable transmission scroll and start the transmission process. Slow responders react immediately when they see the behavior of the people around them. The problem is that players usually carry ordinary transport scrolls. Although this kind of thing can quickly send people back to the designated city, it is only used as a tool to quickly return to the city, but it is not used to escape, because the whole process from starting to actually passing people away takes about It takes eight to ten seconds. The prompt tone just now said that there is a ten second countdown. If you start the transmission reel at the moment of hearing the sound, there is still hope to leave safely. However, because the reaction is a little slow, many people find that it has been two or three seconds since someone around them started transmitting. That is to say, even if they take out the transmission scroll now, it is useless. There's not enough time for them to start the transport reel.

In those slow reaction half a beat of people panic do not know what to do, but the radio mercilessly entered the three second countdown. "Three, two, one, self destruction."

Hearing the beginning of self destruction, all the Japanese players still in the city are necking, ready to wait for the coming death, but After waiting for five or six seconds, people suddenly realized that nothing had happened. No explosions, no fires, nothing.

"Well? What's going on? Isn't it self destruction? Why didn't it explode? " A group of Japanese players are there. You look at me and I look at you. You can't understand the situation.

Just as many Japanese players were looking around to find out why, suddenly the frightening broadcast rang again. "To confirm that the central self destruction system has been damaged, we will start the second emergency plan. The floating Fort Group is cut off. "

This time, the broadcasting efficiency was very high. As soon as the sound was over, we heard a burst of "boom and boom". Then we saw that the chains connecting the ground under the floating fort which was originally suspended in the air were all blown out. Then those floating Fort began to move slowly towards the sea, obviously intending to leave the city.Although the Japanese players below know that the technology above the floating fort is valuable, no one wants to keep these guys. Similar to the previous evacuation of the dragon people, these fort is also armed to the teeth of the guy, let alone occupied, even if you want to close is impossible. Besides, at the beginning of the battle, the Japanese air units had almost been put together. Now, even if they want to deal with the floating fort, there are not so many flying units for them.

The floating Fort Group here has not yet floated out of the city scope, and the radio over there is actually ringing again. "Confirm that the secondary blasting device is in good condition, start the remote control blasting system, cut off the central control room, and blast all important facilities."

With the sound of this broadcast, the city immediately rang out one after another of explosions, at the same time, a fireball also soared from all parts of the city, thick plumes of smoke instantly covered the whole city, the city that had been fighting for several hours without much fire had turned into a sea of fire in a few seconds.

"These damned Chinese people!" Looking at the city that was bombed in a mess, all the Japanese players couldn't help cursing. Although it was our city a few minutes ago, it is now their city for the Japanese, and the important facilities that we finally bombed are their property. How can the Japanese not be angry when they find that their things have been blown up? However, they can't help being angry. Our high-tech products are equipped with self destruction system. Once it is confirmed that the equipment fails and cannot be recycled, it will be directly blasted. Anyway, it is better to blow up than to be obtained by the enemy.

Japanese players are scolding us, suddenly heard a sharp wind ring, because excited, many people at first did not respond to what the sound was, but after seeing someone around them shaking down, they finally understood that it was the sound of shells flying, so these people also had the same kind of learning to fall on the ground. Sure enough, less than two seconds after they fell down, they heard a loud bang. A huge fireball rose directly from the place not far from the ruins of the transnational transmission array. The explosion even lifted the rocks on the ground together, showing the great power.

"Damn it, it's special. The Chinese want to destroy the transnational transmission array equipment! "

The smart people in the vicinity of the city wall understand that the purpose of the teleportation is not to bombard the Japanese.

The transnational transmission array is one of the important strategic equipment of our guild. In fact, in terms of technical value, it is much more important than the whole fulcrum city. Therefore, even if the city is occupied by the Japanese, the transnational transmission array can never be obtained by the Japanese.

Although Matsumoto's last strike successfully destroyed the transnational transmission array, it was not completely destroyed due to the protective cover. What really damaged the transnational transmission array was only the peripheral energy column. As the main body of the transmission array, the energy converter and space stabilization device under the array disk were not damaged, although only by these things We must be able to develop the technology of transnational transmission array, but in case of any accident, we decided to destroy the whole transmission array thoroughly.

The warships stationed in the sea off fulcrum bombarded the transmission array with their main guns for more than half an hour. Only when the shells were used up did they turn around and leave the port. Although the Japanese wanted to sink these warships, the fort of the port had become a ruin due to the self explosion procedure. The caliber of the Japanese siege guns was too low, which made them feel uneasy to bombard the warships As for the Japanese fleet I don't know how many years ago it didn't exist.

Because there was no interference, our warship group not only blasted the transnational transmission array into a piece of debris that could not be broken again, but also collapsed a lot of the remaining buildings in the city. Of course, Japanese players everywhere had to be taken care of by the way.

After the warships had finished their shells, the warships began to turn around and leave the open sea slowly, and they followed the floating fort in the sky at a relatively low speed. At this time, the dragon people who had left the sky also flew back and landed on the floating fort. Thus, the evacuation team composed of dragon clan, floating fort and warship group became more difficult to chew, Moreover, although the Japanese occupied the fulcrum City, their own casualties were relatively heavy. Now it's good to quickly organize the formation and completely control the fulcrum city. If you want to pursue the fleet and the battery group, that's what madmen think.

When our guild fleet left, the battle in fulcrum city was over. However, Japanese players waited until the shadow of the eastern sky turned white before they heard the sound of the system indicating that the fulcrum city was occupied. After a few minutes, the system broadcast all over the world to inform the players of the success of Japan's restoration. When the system announced the news, players all over Japan were boiling. In reality, there were even fireworks on the streets of Japan to celebrate.

When the Japanese side is jubilant, the Chinese side is a dead quiet. However, as we all know, this kind of tranquility is only temporary, and it is not too much to call it the tranquility before the storm.

"How is it now?"

In Eisinger's guild hall, the main leaders of the guild are gathering here to discuss the next action plan.While demonstrating with stereoscopic pictures and maps, the military God introduced: "this is the situation now. At present, fulcrum city has been completely occupied by Japanese players. All forces in Japan are converging here. After all, there is only one city recognized by the system in Japan. "

"Is fulcrum still recognized by the system?" Red moon asked in surprise, and Christina quickly lowered her head. She and cherry rain god chick fight that big move, but almost destroyed the whole city.

After a pause, Junshen explained: "for the built city, the minimum requirement for the system to preserve its organizational structure is that when the inner city is not obviously damaged, the city wall is not included in the evaluation scope. If the inner city is invaded, at least 30% of the city wall buildings must exist, and more than 30% of the main functional buildings of the city should be retained. Although the city wall of fulcrum city has been broken through, most of the Japanese went over the wall. Only one gate tower was really destroyed. The damage ratio was less than 3%, which naturally did not constitute the requirement for the cancellation of the system. As for the main functional buildings in the city The city hall was underground, hardly damaged, and we didn't blow it up in the end. Although facilities such as professional unions and city shops have been damaged, the injury ratio is very low. The Japanese themselves know that they need these buildings to keep the city in the end, so they deliberately protect these buildings during the attack, so the damage is very low. In summary, although the damage to the city interior is quite serious, it is still far from the requirement for the system to determine the cancellation of the city. "

I nodded and said, "the fulcrum city doesn't matter any more. How about our evacuation troops?"

"The floating Fort group that has been evacuated from the city has joined the fleet and the dragon group formation. Now it is moving towards Misty Island. The floating Fort Group will be fixed on the Misty Island and used as a mobile fortress on the sea. After a basic replenishment on the island, the fleet will return to Eisinger, which is nominally to transport supply soldiers. However, we can delay the delivery progress of soldiers slightly, This should help Matsumoto's plans in Japan. "

"If the fleet does not set out immediately after returning to port, is this a little risky?" The eagle asked, "even if we have to cooperate with Matsumoto's follow-up plan and let others know that our fleet is deliberately dallying at home, it's going to be a scandal."

Without waiting for me to answer the red moon, he asked the eagle, "this time, the important transit station of fulcrum City, do you think that no one will scold us if we send troops immediately?"

Rose also nodded and said: "yes, this time we lost the fulcrum City, the domestic player's public opinion will definitely criticize us."

Su Mei said: "it's not a problem to be scolded. Which government is not scolded by its citizens? Although the frost rose League has not yet played a role as a national government, it has some similarities in practical capabilities. So it's normal for us to be scolded. Even if we don't make any mistakes, there are still groups of people scolding us. The key problem is not to be scolded, but to those with ulterior motives. How about those scattered guilds and free players in China even if they march and demonstrate collectively? Do they dare to attack us directly? The key is that they can't be used by the people who have the intention. Once these people are organized by those who have the intention to interfere with us, that will be the big trouble. "

"Sumei is right." Rose once again said: "the key is the utilization of people who have the intention. However, we still have to grasp the guidance of public opinion, and we can't be completely passive. If we don't explain it, others will take the opportunity to put a hat on us. In the end, no matter whether it is our responsibility or not, all our responsibilities will be imposed on us, so the public opinion still has to be guided. "

I thought about it and said to the red moon, "you have to do the public opinion guidance."

"Why me?" The red moon was obviously surprised.

Rose explained for me: "it's better to say that you are ten good than others. You are the contact person of this guild. It's more useful to contact those guilds that have good relations with us, and let them guide us from the side, which is more useful than our own grievances."

Red moon's eyes turned to understand the key, and then nodded: "no problem, this is for me."

Su Mei suddenly said, "but even with the guidance of public opinion, there will still be people who want to sabotage. Moreover, our country is so big, there must be some short-sighted guys who voluntarily follow others to act as pawns. If they meet these people, I think we have to suppress them by violent means."

Rose agreed: "Sumei's point is very reasonable. If there is such a person, I think we can let the purple sun go. As long as we use thunder to kill a few waves of such people, I believe we can play a role in killing the chicken and warning the monkey. "

I continued: "at present, in addition to the issue of public opinion, what else should we pay attention to?"

Xiuluo Ziyi immediately said: "what you said before is public opinion outside the guild, but what about our internal? Matsumoto is one of our people. The secret is only known to the people present. What will the rest of our guild think? It doesn't matter if the foreign nationals of our guild arrive. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them. But frost rose League is a Chinese guild after all, and most of our members are Chinese. What should they do about their mood? "

"I don't think there is anything to worry about," said the red moonSu Mei also said, "yes. The guild players are very clear about the scheduling of the whole campaign. Because of the arrangement we made before, the guild players will feel that we have tried our best. Even if they are dissatisfied with the battle failure, that is to say, they have a little knot in their heart and will not really care about this matter. And in my opinion, they may not even have pimples. When we joined the association, we emphasized that the quality of members is more important than their attributes. People with poor attributes can be improved by training, doing tasks and external equipment. However, people with bad character and low quality are basically in the hopeless range. It is estimated that less than one percent of the members of the guild will blame us for their reasonable character. Even if they feel uncomfortable, they will not take action. At most, they are good at it for a while. "

Su Mei said so, most of the people in the meeting agreed. The requirements of the guild members are indeed very high. Not only are there various psychological tests before joining the guild, but also there is a period of reserve membership period after joining the guild for in-depth observation of their personality characteristics. All those who have obvious psychological defects and may become ant nests on the levee are all kicked out. Therefore, the members who can stay in the guild are basically of character All of them are better. Not to mention that all the people in our guild can reach the level of gentleman's country, at least it is a real civilized society.

After listening to Su Mei's explanation, Xiuluo purple clothes said: "since there is no need to explain in the guild, what about the outside? Do we need to inform the presidents and vice presidents of large guilds such as the Northern Alliance? After all, we have to ask them to help us in guiding public opinion. If they think that our defeat was caused by our mistakes, it will be difficult. "

"That's a problem." I thought about it and said to the red moon, "your task is slightly changed. Don't go to those guild presidents to help us guide public opinion. Go and invite them all to Eisinger. I will take them to talk with Matsumoto, which is much more convincing than what you explain to them."

"That will save me time." Red moon responds with a smile.

I thought about it for a while and then said, "that's all for the domestic aftermath of the defeat. Does anyone want to add?" After waiting for a while, no one spoke, and I went on to say, "well, after studying domestic problems, it's time for foreign problems. At this stage, we still have two big things to deal with. First, what should we do about the follow-up fighting in Japan? Second, whether or not to fight the war on Russia's side? Do you have any good ideas

Rose said: "we'd better discuss the problems in Japan first. After all, this side is imminent. Japan has just won the war, and the Japanese must be very excited. At this time, even if Matsumoto wants to suppress it, he will not be able to suppress their actions. Moreover, it will damage the image of Matsumoto in the eyes of the Japanese, which we have so hard to establish. It is not cost-effective. Therefore, Japan must solve the problem as soon as possible. "

Red moon raised her head and asked, "didn't you have any plans before the war in Japan?"

The army God replied, "it's not no, it's not detailed. We can predict the trend of certain events according to the logic principle, but war is such a thing that accidents happen so easily that we can't determine the detailed plan before the end of the fulcrum campaign. Fortunately, the battle is over now, and it seems that our previous preparation plan is not too deviated. "

"What is the preparation plan Red moon asked: "before the war, you showed us a general intention. How to operate it in the end?"

"Yes, yes! How to operate it They all joined in.

I looked up and said, "Junshen, explain the draft plan to them."

"Just a moment." The overhead projector soon showed a map of Japan in the center of the conference hall, and then marked out the forces and distribution of both sides with a lot of notes. "Look, everybody. On the map, the red area is occupied by the Japanese, while the green one is ours, and the yellow one is occupied by other Chinese guilds. At present, there is only one fulcrum city in the Japanese actual control area, but you can see that the Japanese troops are not less than the people we lost in Japan. On the contrary, their forces are much more than ours. "

Red moon nodded and said, "well, as you said before, in order to facilitate future plans, all or most of China's troops in Japan will be transferred back to China in advance with the defense war against Russia. Therefore, China's military forces in Japan are almost empty now."

The army God continued: "it's not necessarily a vacuum. Please pay attention to this. " A small area was enlarged on the map, and then Junshen explained: "this is the front-line troops that participated in the war against Japan, that is, an elite combat group of our guild and some elite players supported by the Northern Alliance. Although there are not many people in this force, its combat effectiveness is still considerable. What's more, the most important thing is that they have the ability to attack large cities. If this force is allowed to run around the land of Japan, the Japanese plan to recover the whole territory of Japan will not fail, but there will certainly be many twists and turns. "


"So our plan is to give this unit to Matsumoto Masahiro."

"Ah?" On time, the rice pot directly stood up from his seat and yelled, "although Matsumoto has joined our guild, we can't give him command of our troops! What will the people in that army think then? ""I didn't expect you to be reliable." I made fun of the big pot first, and then I said in a serious way: "if I give it to commander Matsumoto, it doesn't mean that he will direct the command! We just need to connect the command system of this unit to Matsumoto's. the order is still transferred through the crystal communication system on the side of Junshen, but the initial command was sent by Matsumoto. "

Red moon nodded her head and said, "I think I understand what you mean."

"It's really dark to use this army to eradicate dissidents for Matsumoto Masahiro." Purple moon also said.

In fact, the plan is simple. Before the war, the Japanese mixed up with Matsumoto himself, which was full of twists and turns. Although Matsumoto was very eye-catching after our packaging in the battle of fulcrum City, we could almost conclude that there were Japanese guilds that wanted to set up their own mountain and work alone, and there must be a lot of them. If these people just don't listen to Matsumoto's message, they can still ignore it, but people like Jishou Shincho will certainly pull up a group of forces belonging to them. Not only will these people not listen to Matsumoto's words, but they will have to confront Matsumoto in nine cases.

The purpose of Seiko Matsumoto's recovery of Japan is to hold Japan firmly in his hand, not to send Japan out. Therefore, we must not allow the existence of forces created by people like Jishou Shinjuku. At this time, the powerful force we lost in Japan will have a place to play.

If this powerful force stays in Japan, it will certainly cause trouble to the Japanese, and it is even more impossible to withdraw directly. After all, there are too few people who know that Matsumoto is a spy. The army of our guild doesn't know the truth. If we withdraw our troops instead when it's too late to increase troops, it's hard to say. Therefore, the ultimate way for these people to return to the battlefield is to return to the battlefield and revive. Since we want them to die and return home, it is certainly not worthwhile to fight with Matsumoto's forces. The most appropriate way is to fight with the people of Jishou Shinjuku. In this way, we can avoid disorderly command and just let the army fight to the end. At that time, even if those people died and returned home, they would not have other thoughts. At most, they just felt that they had lost the battle and would not doubt our command.

"Even if the army's problems are solved, what about other cities?" Asked the eagle.

The military God replied: "there are no soldiers in other cities. As long as we don't reinforce them, it's only a matter of time before they fall."

"But that's the point." "Now the fulcrum city is lost. We know it's part of the plan, so we're calm. But if we want to be realistic, we'll have to look like we've lost an important city. According to the general rule, shouldn't we rush to increase troops to Japan in order to stabilize the war situation?"

"It's not possible to increase troops." Junshen explained: "since we were able to build up our forces in Japan from scratch, it means that our fighting capacity is enough to capture Japan. Therefore, if we really increase our troops, even if the Japanese have recovered the whole territory of Japan, they will certainly not be able to resist it. So the surge is definitely not going to work. "

"But how can you explain to the guild members and other Chinese players if you don't increase troops? Isn't that just telling people that we and Matsumoto are wearing the same pants? "

"This is naturally to be avoided." Jun Shendao: "what we mean by not increasing troops is not to increase troops in real terms, not absolutely not. The face project still needs to be done, and it must be done with great fanfare, so that all Chinese players can see our determination to recapture Japan. "

"But how to do it?" Asked the eagle.

"The method is simple." The army God showed an image of a very neat formation. In fact, this force is not a pure player force, but is made up of all the personnel of the national special military force. At the beginning, the military once sent a group of people into the game and put their names under our guild for various simulation training. Because these people are all from the army, in order to give full play to their strengths, we specially equipped them with unified equipment, and deliberately ensured that their attributes are roughly on a baseline. In this way, forces with relatively balanced strength can often give play to the combat effectiveness of formations composed of ordinary players, because on one hand, the discipline of ordinary players is not as good as that of soldiers, and on the other hand, there are more or less problems in cooperation. By contrast, this pure military player team is much more powerful.

In fact, the greatest advantage of this force is not its combat effectiveness, but its reliability. For example, Matsumoto Zhenghe is the news that we should be responsible for. At first, we only dared to tell a few top leaders of the guild. Later, we relaxed a little, but we only relaxed to the level of the chief commander of the guild. However, we still dare not let ordinary members know the news, for nothing else, we are afraid of divulging secrets.

It's not that we have spies in our guild. The spies in our guild do exist, and we all know who they are, and occasionally take the initiative to use these spies to release false information to deceive their opponents. It is easy for such spies to cheat them. After all, the spies whose identities are leaked are not threatening at all. What we really worry about is the mood of the members.For example, if a person who is very close to you wants to pretend to be dead because of something, but you know that he is not dead at all. Even if you don't say so, you can still see it. Because with your relationship, if the person is really dead, you must be sad, but you are happy every day, which is obviously abnormal. Even if people can't think of the reason, it is a hidden danger after all.

Although members of our guild are unlikely to take the initiative to divulge secrets, if the news is released in the whole guild, then it is clear that we have lost the battle, but the people in the guild are not sad at all. Isn't it clear that people in the guild are suspicious? So even if we trust our members, we are afraid to tell them.

However, the fact that we dare not tell the general members does not mean that we dare not inform these soldiers. Because the military sent these people to train their military skills, not to play games, so the activities of these people are different from those of ordinary players. Moreover, in order to cover up the military characteristics of these people, I usually put this unit aside for training, and rarely let them appear in the eyes of other members. In the eyes of other members of our guild, these soldiers are a mysterious elite army, and the general members of the guild do not know what special abilities they have.

It is precisely because this unit is almost out of touch with the general members of the guild, and their identity is elite, we can use this excuse to send them to Japan.

The military God explained to the eagle, "for some special reason, the loyalty of these people can be absolutely assured, so we can tell them the fact that Matsumoto is our man. After that, we can mobilize the high-level NPC in the guild, mobile angels and these elite players who know the truth to form a luxurious reinforcement force. So that others will not doubt our actions. "

But even if they were sent to reinforce them, what should we do after that? They have such a strong fighting capacity. Once they arrive in Japan, I'm afraid it can't be used to deal with the residual forces of Jishou Xinchang? If Matsumoto is allowed to fight against them, will it not be their own consumption of strength? "

"So we didn't plan to get them to Japan at all." The military God did not wait for the eagle to continue to ask, "because the transnational transmission array was destroyed, the only way to send a large number of troops to Japan now is by ship. During this period, we have set up a powerful small fleet for Matsumoto, and the commanders of the warships in this fleet are all girls from the original Sakura club, and the crew is composed of NPC. It can be said that this fleet fully understands our relationship with Matsumoto. After that, we can let this fleet and our troop transport fleet have a performance naval battle on the sea. Finally, we can solve the problem of increasing troops by declaring that our troop transport ships have sunk in the war. "

"What will happen to these" sunk "warships and those who have" sacrificed " The eagle asked again.

"Isn't that easy?" This time, even Hongyue couldn't help interrupting: "the warship directly drives back to Misty Island, but there are no players there, only NPC. After that, the warship will be slightly modified and repainted into the fleet according to the new warship. As for the personnel, if they die overseas, they will be revived at home. Just let them return home quietly. "

"It is feasible to say so, but this method can only be delayed for a while." Eagle continued: "it is impossible that the reinforcement plan will not be launched all the time. Even if there is a lesson of failure, the domestic government may ease up for a little while, but we still have to organize a second reinforcement? What shall we do then? Is it another time that the fleet is completely destroyed? "

"It depends on the performance of our old neighbor." I opened my mouth and answered.

"Old neighbor?" The eagle obviously didn't understand what my riddle meant.

Seeing the eagle's greeting, rose couldn't help explaining: "the old neighbor mentioned by ziri is a Russian."


"That's right." I explained: "although the Russian invasion of our country this time is now driven back out of our country, we can not but avenge this revenge. Moreover, we can conduct public opinion guidance and attribute the loss of Japanese occupied area to the two line attack of Russian and Japanese."

The eagle immediately nodded his head and said, "it doesn't need to be guided. From the appearance, it seems that we lost the fulcrum city because the invasion of the Russians attracted our main force. They can't throw away this shit pot in any case."

I said with a smile, "so. Since the Russians are fighting in, the so-called "coming without going" is indecent. As a country of rites, we will naturally fight back. It's just that we can take advantage of the failure of the reinforcement of Japan to promote the theory of concentrating our efforts on fighting one side first, and at the same time, we can put facts to reason, so that we can see that the cost of attacking Japan first is huge and the effect is low. As long as we see the real interests, I believe it is absolutely not a problem to attract the attention of Chinese players to Russia. So we don't have to reinforce Japan? "

After listening to my explanation, the eagle clapped his hands and said, "it's really a good plan." (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!