Chapter 1556

I asked for his name on the way back to Eisinger. This guy's game is called seal, which sounds very smooth. According to him, the eudemon was not a mission reward for him, nor was it bought by him. I thought he was a rich man. Who knows this guy is poor. After listening to his experience, I know that he is very lucky.

Before, many people thought that it was just luck for me to get such good equipment and so many good demons, but they didn't know that if they went through the things I had experienced, they would not get the same result at all, because my real luck was nothing more than meeting the test of obtaining high-level equipment and high-level magic pets, that is to say, I only got them An opportunity, as for the final reward, it is my strength to fight for. Of course, compared with those who don't even have a chance, I'm really lucky. But compared with the seal, I'm not lucky at all.

Seal is not a player who entered the game at the beginning of the operation of zero. It can be said that he entered the game very late, but because he was late, he got a special system reward as soon as he entered the game.

There is only one way to get a special reward before the game starts, and that is a special account. For example, because my account number was announced before the first day of opening, I got a lot of rewards as soon as I entered the game. In addition to the special reward account specified on the opening day of the service, zero also issued reward accounts in the later period. These accounts are the 10000, 100000, millionth and subsequent accounts in this order. As for the seal, this boy is definitely the illegitimate son of the goddess of fortune, because he just ran into the billionth account when he entered the game. In terms of the current total population of the earth, "zero" will certainly not have the 10 billionth account number, so one billion will be the last special account, and this kid will get it.

If the billionth account itself is nothing, then later things will be more strange. If I am not a Longyuan person, I will think that this guy is the back door opened by the people inside Longyuan. At the beginning of the game, he first won a fruit of experience. After using it, he could gain 100 times of experience in a month. As a result, he went from level 20 to level 800 in one month. That speed was n times faster than I had. After all, my favorite and equipment can't top 100 times of experience bull!

A hundred times experience is scary enough. This guy is not finished. His second lottery result turned out to be a set of super serial missions, and the reward for this mission included the best equipment on him and the eudemon. There was nothing wrong with such a reward. After all, the prize was good, and the task must be more difficult. However, this guy's combat experience was amazing, but he passed all the way by relying on luck. He not only got the top-level equipment, but also got the monster level demons like Eudemons. As for the one I judged before, the monster was upgraded by himself without his master, which is actually due to the luck of the seal. After he got the eudemon, he was also worried about the upgrade of that guy. As a result, he ran into a big boss on the way to practice. The boss was originally a monster that couldn't be done by a cow, but no matter how big the boss was, it couldn't stop the seal's luck. At that time, the monster had just been attacked by a guild. As a result, the guild mission failed. It didn't kill the monster, but it was all dead. However, although they didn't kill the monster, they beat the guy with only a layer of blood skin. Then the eudemon, which was only a level one at that time, killed the hapless boss with only blood skin. Because it was killing monsters over N levels, the experience gained by Eudemons at that time was astronomical. The level of Eudemons increased from level 1 to more than 300 in an instant just like making a rocket. After that, things were relatively simple. Because of the powerful strength of Eudemons, it became very easy to practice. They killed monsters all the way and rose to the current level within a few months. If the seal's magic power was not enough to support the evolution of Eudemons, and his own strength was too low to enter the super monster area, the current eudemon would have risen to more than 800 levels. Think about this guy. How terrible it would be if he was promoted to 800 or 1000?

After learning about the growth experience of this guy seal, I can only say that once a person is lucky, he or she can be knocked down by a fall. However, the boy is lucky to return to the top. After all, his own strength is too poor, so even if the peripheral equipment is excellent, he still belongs to a player of inferior level. Otherwise, according to his equipment and the eudemon, it is not surprising that he will surpass the ice capped Banshee and become the leader of Russian players.

After introducing the experience, we also went to Eisinger. When the seal came out of the transmission array, the first reaction was to shout. "Wow! Is this the real singer? "

I gave him a question mark. "Isn't it true that Eisinger is still fake?"

"No, I exclaimed that I could really come to isinger!" Although the seal was still stubborn before, once he agreed to trade, his thoughts were reversed. In China, this kind of thing is quite incomprehensible, but because I have more contact with foreigners, I don't think there is anything wrong. The way of thinking of the European and American people is very different from that of the Chinese people. Before that, when we were fighting, it was the enemy relationship, so he was extremely stubborn. According to the concept of the Chinese people, it was like having a deep blood feud with me. But when we agreed to a deal, we became a partnership, and he immediately changed his view of me. In the western concept, everything is certain, whether it is black or white. Generally, there is no intermediate and relevance. Unlike Chinese people who like to be ambivalent, many unrelated things can be linked together. Even laws and regulations, which are the standard nature of things, can be adjusted. This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures."Are you happy to be in Eisinger?" I'm a little curious about the seal's performance.

"Of course." The seal answered very simply. "The world forum said that Eisinger is the biggest city in the game at present. I have seen the screenshots before, but because of the relationship between us, I have never had a chance to come and have a look. Seriously, the buildings you have built here are magnificent. Look at the house, it's just like a mountain

Although I feel very proud of the seal's praise of him, he is Russian after all, so it is not convenient for him to visit him during this period. So I patted him and said, "well, don't just look at the architecture. You're not here for sightseeing. Come on, I'll take you to see the fallen devil. " (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!