Chapter 1380

"Little five, don't be careless. There are no illustrious scholars under the reputation. Even if the rumors are exaggerated, ziri is after all a battle power list. According to the system settings, guild badges are special equipment protected by the system, which can't be dropped, worn and copied. After all, it's a kind of system setting, which is not within the scope of players' own play, so the system has extremely strict supervision on it. But these people are really gifted. Although they can't copy guild badges, they can make similar ones. In fact, as long as you look carefully, you can find that their fake badges are not the same as ours. The structure and patterns on them are very different. Only because the patterns are similar to our badges, they can easily be confused with our badges if we don't pay attention to them. In order to prevent players from making similar imitations, the system specially limits the structural similarity of various guild badges, but the similarity is not based on human eyes, but calculated by geometric data. These people are stupidly using clay to modify our guild's badge a little bit. They just make them make it look like our guild badge, but the system will not judge them to counterfeit our guild badge. This kind of badge is quite different from our badge in geometric data, but it is easy to be confused by human eyes. This is the difference caused by different thinking modes of digital system and human brain. And these people were stunned to use this fake badge to deceive the NPC heavenly soldiers with human fuzzy thinking mode, so they mixed into the main battlefield of Buddhism and brought my target out one step ahead.

In addition to the badge thing, I also learned from this guy how they got those things ahead of me. Actually, this should be regarded as luck, but I don't know whether it's my luck or their luck. In fact, they used to copy our guild badges, but they only intended to use these badges to bluff and swindle. They didn't really intend to rob me directly. But then there was the war between us and Buddhism, so they keenly found the opportunity. However, they didn't have a clear goal at the beginning. They just estimated that since the two Protoss were at war, they might take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and get something. As for the later removal of the treasure of the goddess of gold and stone, it was a pure accident. At that time, the Virgin Mary ran to the bottom of the altar and found that they were under the altar. According to the mage, when they first entered the chamber of secrets, they saw a pile of neatly arranged balls and a small amount of jewelry. Although they did not know what the balls were, they thought that since the protoss could keep the things in the secret room, they all moved them out. I also know the future development. They ran away all the way, and then I caught up with them. Finally, they had to use the treasure chest prepared in advance.

As a matter of fact, these guys didn't intend to go only once when they entered the space. The boxes they were carrying at that time had special interlayer, under which there was a disposable transmission array. According to the original plan, they will constantly carry materials back and forth, as long as they are not found, they will continue to move. If they are found, they can start the transmission array in the box to pass the treasures in the box back to their nests first. As for whether they can run away, they are not there at all, because they think that even if they are found, they are just one level down I didn't expect that I would have the elixir that can turn high-level players into low-level players.

After understanding the whole plan, I directly killed the mage. Although I didn't give him any medicine, it was a small punishment for him as a tainted witness.

According to the information provided by the mage, the other party's stronghold is not far from where we are now. In the world, their guild also has a small village, right next to the city. Only because their village is so small that they don't even have a transmission array, they have to make a detour to return from here. Otherwise, I guess I won't catch them this time. After all, there are few immigrants in such small villages except their own people.

When I arrived near the small village by night shadow, the other party had obviously entered the state of martial law. The wooden outer wall which looked like the bandit's nest was full of archers, and the only entrance and exit of the whole village had been closed. According to the report of birds in the sky, the village is now five steps a post and ten steps a whistle. Obviously, the other party has guessed that I might I've come after you, but these people are too arrogant, right? Knowing that I would come, I didn't run, but just sealed up the village. I wonder why the other party thinks that such a small village can stop me! (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!