Chapter 1040

Although I was shocked by everything in front of me, I had to pretend that I couldn't see anything because our eyes were still blindfolded. Fortunately, after closing the entrance and camouflaged the stairs down, the crab man quickly untied our blindfold. Naturally, I pretended to be very surprised to show something in front of me.

What shocked all of us was not artificial buildings or natural wonders, but an exhibition hall like an animal exposition. There are so many species in the underground that we can't count.

We all have an auxiliary electronic brain, so it is not difficult for us to read a large number of readings. For example, if you grab a handful of rice and sprinkle it on the ground, normal people want to know how many grains of rice are there for half a day. However, we can know the exact number only by looking at it, and we can even tell how many of them have reached a certain proportion according to the requirements. According to the law, we can count the organisms at a glance, but the problem is that there are so many creatures here that I can't see them at a glance. I don't know how many creatures are out of the field of vision, so I can't figure out how many there are. I only know that there are more than 17 million individuals in the visual range.

With so many creatures gathered together, it's like a super zoo. No, it should be said that it's a super Herbarium, because all these creatures are blind and motionless. I couldn't hear their breath and heartbeat, and I couldn't feel them moving. They looked like cars in a parking lot.

Just before we could get over it, the three crab men who took us down came to the edge of three of the empty seats and lined up in the line backward. Just when I was going to ask them what they were going to do, these three guys climbed out of the big crabs' backs together. I was surprised to find that they still had two normal legs below their waist, and the big crabs were as apathetic as the creatures around them after they left.

Rose and I looked at each other in surprise, and we knew from each other's eyes that we had the same guess - these creatures here are all their mounts, or vehicles. I now understand why they are called parasites.

Rose leaned over and whispered, "now I know why the Japanese want to cheat their trust."

I hugged Rose's head in my arms, took the opportunity to whisper in her ear: "if I had seen that I had cheated."

"Yes." Rose pretended to kiss me and whispered in my ear: "I will try to dig them all back. This will be an extreme tactical force, one to one hundred."

"Don't worry, I didn't spit out what was in my mouth."

May came up and yelled, "Hello! Why don't you two be so intimate in front of so many people and bully me for not having a girlfriend

Rose and I looked at may, and then we extended the ring of love together. "See the double heart sign in the middle? The real marriage ring is the only real marriage certificate. What does it matter to you if I kiss my wife (husband)

"OK, OK, can't I disappear?" May flashed to one side.

Rose immediately protested and gave me another kiss. At the same time, she took the opportunity to say in my ear: "it doesn't have to be a person. It's OK to get a manipulation method."

Rose is so smart. In such a short period of time, she thought of the second plan if the first one didn't work. It seems that the way they get into these mounts is a kind of magic ability. If it is not the special magic of the clan, there may be a way to learn. As long as the technology can be brought back, there is no big problem whether the product is finished or not. We can grasp biology ourselves. The key is to learn how to use it.

The three parasitic people immediately came to us after jumping off the big crab. Their height seemed to be much higher than that of human beings. I stood next to him just a little below his chest.

"Come with me. I will take you to our patriarch."

We nodded and followed quickly, and others were watching the strange creatures along the way, while rose and I were busy trying to catch up with them.

Rose made an ignorant girl's appearance and asked, "I see you just took off the half of the crab's body. Is your body just two parts?"

The parasite immediately said with a smile, "it's not my body, it's just a mount. We parasitoids can capture all kinds of creatures and use them as mounts

I quickly cut in and asked, "can you change your mounts when you go out?"

"Of course." The other side complacently replied, "otherwise, do you think there are so many creatures here to look good? There are not so many people in our whole clan. These creatures are used to replace them according to the needs of different missions. However, we usually have our own special mounts. Riding other people's mounts will owe them gratitude. Most of the time, we catch them and use them ourselves. ""Don't you look like tribal heroes Asked the rose.

"Of course." These parasite clan's several are obviously young people, is said by the rose immediately blood boiling. "We are the people in our family who catch the most mount besides berry. In our place, riding is equal to high honor. The bigger the mount is, the more difficult it is to grasp, the more we can show our ability. Similarly, the combat effectiveness of powerful mount in battle is also a great help to us."

As soon as rose saw that these guys were ready, she immediately beat the railway while it was hot: "then how do you catch the mount? Are you going to fight it and kill it? "

"Of course not." The leader of the parasitic race said: "if you kill me, you can't ride. You must live, and you must be healthy and strong. If you catch the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, you will only be ridiculed by the people."

"That must be exciting. Tell me about it." Rose continues to play its powerful charm advantage. In fact, there is no need for rose to work hard. Young guys like to show off their abilities in front of girls. When talking about their own specialties, they are more excited than anyone else. If you don't let them say that, they will be angry.

The three guys got caught right away and said, "first of all, you have to choose a creature that you can handle. This is very important. If you choose a creature that is too much more than yourself, it's basically suicide. Of course, if you choose one of these creatures and you succeed unexpectedly, you will undoubtedly become a hero. "

"It's exciting." Rose poured a bucket of oil into the burning nerves of the three guys to help them get more excited.

Those guys scrambled to say, "if you choose a monster, you have to leave it alone, or your capture may be disturbed by its companions. After that, you should be careful to get close to it and remember not to be found. Since you want to catch this mount, it must have some special skills. Unexpectedly, the target mount is very difficult to deal with. Therefore, it must be approached without any precautions. Once it becomes a frontal battle, it will be difficult to do. Of course, if you are strong enough, like us, it's OK to fight head-on. "

"And after that? Are you going straight up to fight? " Rose looked very excited.

"To fight is to fight, but not just to fight. It's mainly about control. To stabilize your target, it's best to be able to climb on its head, because the connection needs to enter their control center from here

"What about climbing up there?"

"After that, it's the hardest part. You have to put your legs on the guy's forehead, and then use the fusion magic to fuse yourself into its head. But you should be careful not to be thrown out in the process, and some creatures can reach their heads. You should be careful not to be caught in the middle and die."

"Is it true that if the fusion is completed, we will catch it?"

"Not really. After that, just like taming a wild horse, ride on it to resist its struggle, and use its own willpower to clean up the other party's willpower, until it has completely wiped out its thoughts

"What if he's fighting hard? For example, their spirit is very strong. What if they kill you in turn? "

"The fusion mantra is not a fake. If you can't erase the other person's mind, it won't be erased. However, once there are creatures that can't be erased, you have to run quickly, because the fusion mantra can paralyze the other party for more than ten seconds after you leave. During this period of time, if you can run away, you will be safe. Of course, we will choose to consider the strength of each other's mental strength before catching them. No one will be stupid enough to catch super creatures whose mental strength surpasses their own by a large part? "

Rose secretly made a V sign to me. These idiots have no sense of self-protection, so we've caught their racial expertise.

Rose continued to work hard and said, "your fusion mantra is really powerful. The person who wrote it must be very great."

"I don't know, but I think so. Most people can't think of such a powerful spell. " The three guys said, "without this magic, our race doesn't know how to be bullied."

Rose is really powerful, easily got the most important information, it seems that this ability is not a racial talent, but a kind of magic, so that everyone can learn, which is very important to us. If this is their ethnic talent, we must win over their whole clan, at least most of them, and can only provide limited help. If it's magic, it's different. We just have to buy up any one of the whole clan who can do this magic. As long as we get the magic and go back, we can teach the whole guild, and the use value will be great More.

As we spoke, we had passed through the place where the creatures were sitting, and down a staircase, as if we had entered another world. Instead of the bare rock world above, it's a green world. The cave is still a cave, but the walls and the top of the cave are completely covered by a kind of luminous green vine, which looks quite fantastic.

"How about it? Isn't it beautiful here? "

We all nodded unconsciously. "It's beautiful. These plants emit their own light. What do they rely on to get their energy? ""Energy? What energy? "

"Don't you understand?" I was surprised. "What about nutrition? Plants need to absorb nutrients, and then through photosynthesis, they can produce enough material. However, there is no sunlight here, and they can also emit light. In this way, the energy loss is too large. What do they rely on to live on? "

"Oh, that's what you're talking about." One parasite said, "they absorb heat, and there's a lava river down here. The vine absorbs the heat of the magma, and then it grows fruit to provide food and light for us

"What a wonderful plant it is!" I quietly pasted it to Rose's ear and whispered, "I'll try to get some seeds to take back later."

As far as we speak, a lot of villagers have gathered nearby. In our opinion, their height is very strange, but in their view, we are also very strange, so both sides regard each other as precious animals.

"This is where our patriarch and wizard live together." The crab man who led the way before pointed to a cave beside the main passage and introduced it to us. "Come in with me."

After he entered the cave, he found that the layout inside was very strange. Compared with the dreamy environment full of green outside, it was hell. The walls were full of strange animal skulls. On the ground, some strange symbols were painted with dark red paint. In a word, it looked like a cannibal restaurant.

In the deepest part of the cave, there are two things like doors, but there are only curtains, no door panels. Speaking of this road, I really haven't seen any family with door panels. Maybe the people here are simple and honest, and there are no thieves.

The big man who led the way yelled something inside. The content was not the language of their family, but seemed to be some specific language, so my translation system could not track the translation. The shouting ended and the two curtains were lifted at the same time. From behind the curtain on the left came a super big man half a head taller than the guy leading the way. This guy is also a suit of armor, but the style is completely different from the one who leads the way. It suddenly occurred to me that the equipment of this clan seemed strange. Their people seem to be wearing simple woven fabrics. Obviously, their industrial level is still extremely backward. However, their armor seems to represent a high level of forging technology. However, the problem is that the equipment seems to be very mismatched, and there is almost no duplicate. Based on all this, I can draw a conclusion that their equipment was not made by themselves, but stolen.

Obviously, this giant guy should be the patriarch, but compared with his image, the one from the next door has more characteristics. This guy in a hedgehog robe is less than my height. It's really special to have such a small individual in this giant family. Of course, apart from his height, this guy's clothes and decorations are so different that I can't even determine his gender.

The man who brought us in saluted them and introduced me and rose to them. In the introduction, we finally confirmed that these two are indeed clan leaders and witches.

At the end of the introduction, I was about to get down to business. Suddenly, the wizard pointed at me with his skull wand and yelled some incomprehensible language. Then, in the language of the parasitic tribe, he called out: "he is the source of evil, the devil who comes to enslave us."

At the word of the wizard, the atmosphere immediately became tense. I took a step back with rose and carefully blocked the rose behind me. The guy who brought us in quickly moved to their patriarch, and both of them pulled out their weapons.

Although the atmosphere was tense, I said with a smile: "is the wizard joking? We're just here. You don't have to say that about us, do you? "

As if the wizard didn't hear our words, he danced and sang strange songs in the same place. With those strange pendants on his body, it was like dancing a God. But the guy jumped for a while and then quickly pointed to us and said, "Zuling told me that these people will bring war and death, and the road ahead will be bloody."

"Hello I yelled to the guy who brought us, "we're here to talk about ways to help, not to fight you. Is that your way to lead guests?"

The parasitic people who brought us hesitated for a moment, and then said to the wizard, "great witch mother-in-law, I asked them to help. Is there something wrong?"

As soon as the wizard heard this, he immediately pushed away the guy, and then turned and rushed into the room where he had just come out. After a while, she ran out with a skull sealed in a crystal ball. As soon as the patriarch and the guy who brought us before saw this thing, they immediately knelt down and cried, "Zuling!"

The wizard nervously held the green crystal ball with a skeleton in it and approached me. When she was two meters away from me, the crystal ball suddenly exploded and ignited a raging green flame. At the same time, the light ring of the black magic guide under my feet, which was usually very light, also lit up a dazzling red light, and then I also flashed a loud purple and black flame on my body.

The flames on both sides are burning very big, but after all, I am much bigger than the crystal ball, and the flame is naturally bigger. The wizard holding the crystal ball seemed to be struggling to get close to me, but she couldn't push it any harder. All of a sudden, she bit her finger fiercely and dropped blood on the surface of the crystal ball. The green flame on the crystal ball instantly turned dark red. At the same time, the crystal ball floated up, and there was a layer of green light cover outside."The ancestral spirit came into the world." After that, the wizard suddenly fell back out of the room and spat out a big mouthful of blood. Then he fainted.

The crystal ball suddenly appeared a skull shadow outside, and then hit me fiercely. I sent the rose out, then turned around and crossed my hands in front of me to hold the crystal ball, but the impact force pushed me back four or five meters before I stopped.

"The ring of commandments." I clenched my teeth and yelled at the crystal ball. The ring of commandment on the back suddenly bounced out, and then disintegrated in the air. The dark guide aura under my feet also lit up fiercely. The plane black guide aura rapidly became three-dimensional, forming a three-dimensional defense array up and down, left and right, front and back. The eight supporting pillars of the ring of Commandments also flew around me to form a defense line, and a red light was shot fiercely from the heart of the central commandment In the crystal ball, only listen to a crackle sound, crystal ball burst in the air, I took the opportunity to show my hands, the skull in the crystal ball was shot out by me.

The skull didn't land after flying out. It just flew out a few meters and then flew back again. But now that the aura of the Dark Wizard has been fully unfolded, it is not so easy to rush in again. The skeleton suddenly bumped into one of the magic circles one meter away from me, and all the symbols on the magic array lit up, and the skeleton made a scream as if it had been electrocuted.

"Well, it's bad luck for you to bump into the soul sucking array." After the three-dimensional halo of the black demon guide, in addition to the halo above and under my feet, the eight magic arrays around me revolved around me, so it's not sure which one the enemy will hit. Just now, the skeleton was rather moldy. It happened to hit the most powerful soul sucking array. This kind of array can absorb the enemy's power and permanently add it to my body. It belongs to a very vicious evil sect technique. However, what I have under my feet is an evil black demon aura. It's normal to split such a magic array.

With the transmission of energy, I feel something in my body is being squeezed outward, and the phantom seems to be helping the energy in my body to hit this thing. It seems that this is not a good thing, otherwise the phantom will not push outward.

All of a sudden, my chest was loose, and a red crystal ball flew out of my chest and fell to the ground. It was the crystal that Japanese used to seal my magic pet's summoning ability. This damned thing almost caused me great losses. But now it can't affect me any more, because the crystal ball has split in two after leaving me.

The skull, who was trying to break through the barrier, was immediately ejected after the red crystal fell out, and the flame on me was automatically extinguished, and the ring of commandment returned to my back. After the skull was ejected, it did not fly back again. Instead, it fell to the ground and did not move again. The flame on it gradually became smaller and finally completely extinguished. Only a purple flame was still burning in the skull.

The wizard suddenly took a whole body, then jumped up from the ground, pointed to me and yelled: "he is a spirit eater. Don't let him touch the ancestor spirit."

The guy who brought us rushed forward, hugged the skull, threw it back to the wizard, and immediately put himself in a defensive position. "You don't want to touch Zuling."

I took a deep breath and tried to keep the pressure down. Then I said, "make it clear, I don't care about your ancestral spirit. That kind of childish soul is of no use to me. What I need is this." I said, and set the king free. The king was a hero who was killed by the method of refining poisonous insects in the demon array. Its characteristics were similar to those of the ancestor spirit, but the combat effectiveness and murderous spirit were much stronger. Only such a soul was valuable to me. "See? Do you think that if I had such a subordinate, I would still care about your ancestors? "

"Then why did you attack our ancestors?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" I'm laughing at these guys. "Is that paste in your neck? I'm here to talk about cooperation. It's your wizard who starts to fight when he sees me. I'm just defending myself. You ask me what I want to do. I want to know what you want to do? I don't want to waste my time with my nerves

The wizard woke up weak from the ground, pointed to me and said, "we don't trade with the devil."

"Your ancestors are more like demons."

"But you hurt your ancestral spirit, and you still carry such a terrible warrior spirit. His murderous spirit is thousands of times heavier than our ancestor spirit."

"What about the murderous spirit? You enslave so many creatures, and you are no less murderous than us. "

"Those are creatures without wisdom."

"Arrogant guy." I said to the Wizard: "wisdom is not evaluated by who. Compared with me, you can be regarded as a creature without wisdom. Is it reasonable for me to kill you?"

"Don't try to confuse my mind. I won't compromise with the devil. Zuling told me that I believe you will bring bad luck

Obviously, I'm afraid that the two bigwigs in this kind of cult are afraid of me. 1、 Their religion is always right. 2、 When you make a mistake in your religion, you should refer to the first item. These two thought theorems are kept in mind by religious people as the most basic theories. Therefore, no matter how you explain them, they will not believe you, because their judgment of truth is not based on whether they are facts, but whether they are recognized by their own religion. This wizard is obviously a similar person. She only believes what the so-called Zuling said. Even if Zuling pointed to a pile of mud dug out of the sewer and said that it was eight treasure porridge, she would not hesitate to rush to eat it. As for the information from her nose and eyes, she would automatically think that her nose and eyes had deceived her, because in her heart, only Zuling could not deceive herself.Since I can't make it clear, I don't want to say anything to this religious madman. As for the two around her, I don't think it's necessary. In such a small tribe, the status of the wizard is often higher than the clan leader. Since the wizard is a religious madman, it is almost impossible for this clan to be treated politely! But I'm not going to give up the magic of fusion, because it's really valuable.

"It's OK not to cooperate with us." I looked at the wizard and said, "how about a deal? As long as you promise, I can forgive you for the offence

"No The wizard's answer surprised me.


"Because Zuling said he could not trade with you."

"Well, we're talking about your lives. If you don't agree to the deal, you'll die. Even if trading with us will bring bad luck, it will be something later. If you don't trade, you will not die now. Which one do you think is more cost-effective? "

"We don't trade anyway." Well, the old witch is a madman, and has no communication value.

I turned my head and looked at the tall patriarch. "As a clan leader, you bear the important responsibility of protecting the life of the whole clan. I don't think you want to see your whole family die in a terrible way?"

The patriarch immediately said to me, "the wizard said that trading will bring bad luck. We will never trade with you. Even if we are killed, we will return to our ancestors and enjoy eternal happiness. We will not fear death

I have to admit that superstition can seriously hinder the development of society, but it is really suitable for training dead people. These guys just don't eat hard and soft. I really have no idea.

Rose suddenly said to the patriarch, "you are the patriarch. You are so cowardly."

"Where am I weak?" Rose's words immediately angered the big man.

Rose deliberately said in a strange voice: "according to the instructions of your ancestors, trading with us will bring serious misfortune, which even scares you more than death. But if you don't trade with us, you'll soon be slaughtered for our anger. As you can see, even your ancestors are not our opponents, so you can't resist. Since you are a villager, you are not willing to be killed, but you are not a coward? "

"I'm not a coward. What can I do to save everyone?" I have recognized the meaning of rose words, but the patriarch obviously has not understood, and has stepped into this big trap.

Rose immediately said, "as long as we get your fusion magic, we won't care about your sudden attack on us before. Therefore, you just have to sacrifice yourself and tell us the magic. In this way, you are the only one who can trade with us, and the bad luck will only come to you. Although you will suffer misfortune, but your people are proud to keep it. Do you dare to do such a heroic thing? "

"I dare." Before the patriarch spoke, the young parasite, who brought us in, could not help crying. "I'll tell you the magic and bear the doom as long as you let go of our people."

"We always keep our word." My answer is very sincere, in fact, my heart has already laughed over. This kind of primitive tribe people are really easy to cheat. A simple method of arousal will be used to deal with it.

Of course, the patriarch would not let the younger generation look down on him. He immediately rushed up to open the young man and handed me a book. "This is the learning book of fusion magic of our family. I have given it to you. Please let go of our people."

While I was looking through the book and preparing to say something to comfort this guy, the old witch suddenly got up from the ground and rushed to my side to rob the book. But she was just a wizard profession, and of course she couldn't be as agile as me. I gently turned half a circle to let go, the old witch did not stop, directly fell out of the cave and flew to the main passage outside.

The guild players and parasitic clan members standing outside waiting for news were frightened by the sudden situation. Before they could react, rose and I lifted the curtain and ran out. The old witch lying on the ground suddenly pointed to me and yelled, "they have hurt the ancestors."

This is a great cry, all the people of the whole clan immediately focus on us, and our guild members also react quickly, draw out weapons and gather around us.

Rose and I quickly moved to our own people, and the king who had been summoned by me also took out his weapons to guard. We quickly moved towards the entrance of the village. Being surrounded by the crowd here is not conducive to our combat effectiveness. It is better to withdraw from the crowd first.

We were moving out, and the patriarch and the young man came out. The wizard was helped up by the crowd, and then glared at us fiercely. The situation became tense and could fight at any time.

Rose patted me: "husband, isn't your calling ability liberated?"

"Well, yes! I'm pissed off by these guys. " I quickly expand the Phoenix dragon space, the tank immediately jumped out of it. There are tanks in front of this narrow passage, no matter how many people are afraid.Just when I thought the other party would retreat because of the size of the tank, the burly patriarch suddenly did something that surprised us. (to be continued, please visit , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!