Chapter 1027

The great wheel Hades was completely entangled by the rebellious demons. Other demons were also busy with their own affairs. There was no department in the whole demon hall that could play its due role. Xuanwu and silver snow and I were so swaggering in the mountain where the demon hall was located to look for white tigers and water void. Although we met countless demons along the way, none of them paid attention to us. The so-called military chaos is probably the current situation.

"Strange! They can't evaporate from the world, can they? " After several rounds in the mountain, we almost searched every place in the demon hall, but we couldn't find shuixu and white tiger.

Xuanwu seems a little anxious. After all, such a good opportunity is not often met. If you don't take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to half finish the work and then want to do it again, you will have to pay a hundred times the price!

I thought for a moment and said, "how about this! The three of us will look for shuixu and Baihu separately. They will look for the two pieces of jade. "

"But I don't know what it looks like Silver snow pulled me and asked.

"Here you are." Xuanwu took out a jade the size of a fingernail and handed it to silver snow. "Can you feel the energy on it?"

Silver snow nodded: "very special energy, very strong, very warm!"

"Those two pieces of jade are made of this material. As long as you feel the same energy, no matter what shape it is, don't doubt it." Xuanwu said it seemed to think of something, and then said to me: "you have seen the appearance of the jade pendant, but it is easier to be confused. When you go looking for it later, don't pay attention to the shape. It doesn't necessarily appear as you see in the sky. It can also become very big. Even a living object can be sure whether it is a real target only if it has the same energy. The shape doesn't matter. "

I nodded: "I see. I have experienced the energy characteristics of that jade. It is very special and should be easy to identify. "

"Well, let's look separately now." Xuanwu said.

I added: "remember, whether you find it or not, as soon as the chaos of the demons is under control, we have to leave immediately, and we'll go back to Eisinger and find another way. If anyone finds a piece of jade, he will make a red cloud in the sky; if he finds one, he will make a cloud; if he finds both, he will make two. "

Xuanwu also said: "let's be more detailed. Whoever thinks it is necessary to retreat should create a green cloud in the sky. If anyone finds a white tiger, they will create a golden cloud in the sky. If we need to meet, we will directly shoot a seven color light column into the sky, and we will follow the light column to find the target location."

"No problem. Now we'll split up."

After we've worked out the contact code, we're going to disperse. I don't worry about the safety of Xuanwu and Yinxue. As long as I am not besieged by the demons, even the Hades can still run away with their strength. By contrast, I am the most dangerous. Although only a small part of the demons here are able to deal with me, the problem is that the total number of demons is too large, and there are tens of thousands of them. Besides, what if they attack me?

Think about it or switch to silver moon mode, anyway, there are only a few people in the demons who know my trumpet, so at least don't worry about being recognized. However, the problem also arises - the charm value of this trumpet is so high that it always attracts a group of small demons to be crazy in the back, so I have to burn it all the way to see who dares to get close to it.

The design of the strongholds of the demons is quite strange, and the arrangement of many buildings is not orthodox. The main meeting hall of the demon hall is not in the center of the building complex of the demon hall, and the garrison houses are all over the place. There is no rule at all. After several hours, it was almost dark, but I still couldn't find the place. I met Xuanwu and Yinxue once in the process of searching.

From our meeting we can infer that our search scope should have completely covered the whole demon hall, otherwise it will not collide with each other. But we still haven't found the target. Based on the above, I have made a rough guess. Either the two pieces of jade were put in some secret place, or it was not here at all. But we didn't even find the white tiger, which seems not quite right.

There is only one possibility to think about it - the location of the treasure is so special and hidden that we never notice it.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I was, I could only turn to the military God. Connect rose with the ring of love, and then ask her to help contact the army God. Through the sky mirror in the guild and the satellite function of Babel Tower, we made a general structure model for the demon hall, and then I started to search each area according to the structure model. When I searched all the places again, I still couldn't find the target.

According to the model established by the army God, I have already searched the key positions on the whole mountain, and the army God has also confirmed that I have not missed any places.

"Purple sun." The army God said to me through the rose's ring of love: "here's a suggestion."


"You leave the demon hall first."


"Because I analyzed the route you took before, combined with the functions of various buildings you described, I made a detailed database of building functions for the demon hall, and found that the demon hall was not complete.""Incomplete? What do you mean

"A base should include at least one set of basic facilities, but the demon hall lacks training area and valuables warehouse, and there is no senior residential area for senior personnel. According to the international practice, the above facilities are necessary. Even if the demon hall is not completely completed, these facilities should be completed first. "

"So? What is your inference? "

"So I speculate that there are underground parts or hidden areas in the demon hall. There are virtual spaces and magic spaces in the game. Part of the demon hall may be covered by such places, or it may be simple underground facilities, but you can't find the entrance."

"I see. I'm going to see if there's anything hidden under the ground."

Fortunately, many of my summoning creatures will make holes. This mountain happens to be a rock mountain with strong structure, so it is very simple for me to search. I got ADINA and rose vine to use echolocation, and tanks and King Kong smashed the ground with heavy hammers to create a stack of shock waves. Depending on the different attack interval, the acoustic wave will interfere, and the reflection of acoustic wave in different strata is also different. The general structure and composition of the ground can be obtained by superposition of multiple waves.

The feedback from rosewood and ADINA is the same. There is no hollow area under the mountain, that is to say, there is no underground building, so there is only one possibility. He took amenis around the mountains again, and the result was still disappointing. Along the way, we found countless camouflages, but none of them was what we were looking for.

Rose and the army God sat at Eisinger to help me find a way. I tried to find my own way here, but in the end, Rose came quickly. Rose said to me through the ring of love: "the army God has just run a behavior simulation program, through the previous situation to simulate the character characteristics of Hades, and then we got a very unexpected result, do you want to try?"

"There's no place to look for it anyway. If you don't try, you have to try it." The chaos of demons is about to subside. If you are not happy, you will have no chance!

Rose said: "according to the simulation results, the great wheel Hades is an extremely conceited person, so according to her character, she hides things in places she thinks others can't think of."

"Where is that place?"

"Entrance to the demon hall."

"Entrance? I've already checked. Even emmetz didn't find anything like camouflage. "

"It's not the entrance of the main hall of the demon hall, but the entrance of the whole mountain area where the demon hall is located, which is where you meet the first people who secretly observe you."

"You mean, the great wheel Hades took that thing out of the mountain?"

"Almost." Rose said, "the army God says that 70% of the things are in the position of the first secret post you meet."

"Well, I'll go out of the mountain to find it."

The big wheel Hades is really, and I don't know how to think about it. He actually hid things in the place where no one is guarding. Does she really think that the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is? Anyway, since it is the conjecture result of the army God, we have to go and have a look!

I ran out of the demon hall with amenis, and before I got to the pass, I began to believe in the judgment of the army God, because I found the body. There are many corpses of demons on the side of the mountain road at the entrance of demon hall, and all of them are killed by one blow. Judging from the location and shape of the wound, the strength of the people who started the attack was a lot higher than these demons, because these demons had no reaction to the end, and many of their faces had already hung up with the expression before they died.

This is the mountain pass. The chaos in the mountain should not have affected here, but there are so many dead bodies here, which can only be done by white tiger and water deficiency. Looks like I'm at least in the right direction.

Follow the tracks of the bodies and soon I'm at the entrance to the mountain. We're starting to see a lot of players here. Now the time is more than seven o'clock in Beijing time, just the time when there are a lot of online players. There are many players practicing. But this is the outside of the mountain, so no one knows that the mountain has been disturbed.

I glided from a tree to a team of players who are training, and then to the pastor mm at the back of the team and said, "excuse me, excuse me."

"What's the matter?" The answer is not the priest mm, but the knight ahead. This guy seems to be the captain here. Seeing someone asking questions, he comes back from the front. It happens that the monster they are fighting is dead.

"I'm looking for someone. I don't know if you've seen it."

A well-dressed sorceress came up and asked, "what kind of person is it? We don't necessarily remember that there were a lot of people at this time. "

"I'm not sure how many of them there are, but three of them should be very distinctive. There was a middle-aged man, about 1.9 meters in height, with exaggerated muscles and wearing a set of Chinese white tiger skin armor. There's an old man in a gray robe. He looks very trivial. The last one is a woman, dressed in red and very hot

A young soldier came up from the front and said, "I have seen it. Are there three more of them? One of them was a young man with a cool look, like an assassin. There's a man in his twenties and forty-five years old. His muscles are as long as rocks. The last one has big eyes, like a monster. ""Yes, they are." What I described before was the appearance of white tiger, silver ballad and water void. This soldier just said the appearance of bituo and qionglin. As for the man with big eyes, it is estimated that he is an old friend of water deficiency. He said he wanted to ask his old friend to help him find out where he was hiding things. "Excuse me, do you see where they are going?"

"Over there." The soldier pointed to a forest on the left.

"Over there?" The direction is a little bit unexpected, because although it takes a big circle to walk from there, it will eventually enter the mountains. If so, why don't white tigers go directly through the mountains before? Why go out first and then go in this way? Although I had some doubts, I finally decided to go in and have a look. "Thank you." I said thanks and turned to the woods.

After entering the forest, the number of players is obviously less, but the players on the open space outside are faster than the monsters. Not far ahead, I found someone following me, and the closer I got. After bypassing a big tree, I leaned directly against the tree and asked emmetz to create an illusion for me to move on, and then put emmetz away. Listening to the rustle of leaves, I can accurately determine the location of each other. Many people have come, at least more than ten.

I was ready to fight, and when the first step reached the trunk where I was hiding, I suddenly flashed out from behind. The other party didn't expect me to be here. He was still staring at the illusion in front of him just now, but he didn't expect that I would suddenly come out of here. Without waiting for him to react, I had already grabbed his neck and turned him in front of me slightly. At the same time, I put my staff under his arm and pointed to others. "Thunder flame ghost meteor."

A blue fireball gushed out from the top of the staff. The enemy in front of him quickly hid behind the tree. However, it was found that these blue fireballs were blocked by countless trees. They easily passed through the tree and sent the seven or eight people in front of them flying out. At the same time, they were rolling all over the ground, and others were suppressing the fire.

Hum. The sound of bowstring vibration. Poof. The guy in front of me had an arrow on his body, and he did his best to finish the shield work. My magic didn't stop. Before that magic was just a kind of suppressing magic, which was not powerful but fast. With the delay of the fireball in front of me, I have completed the really lethal attack magic. "Flame storm." A large flame of sickles whirled out, only a crackling sound was heard, followed by the sound of human screams and the sound of trees breaking. More than a dozen big trees, which were hugged by two people, fell to the ground in a roar. People hiding behind the trees were severely burned. Some people were even cut off by the flame sickle and were crying on the ground.

A voiceless baritone called out: "the other side is a master, be careful. One team goes back and calls people. " With the help of sound, I quickly found the hiding place of the guy. His body was rapidly deformed. The colored armor was completely replaced by the black and gold magic dragon suit. The staff of the sun on my right hand disappeared in the fire. I had entered the purple sun form. It's a pity that the guy I hold as a shield can't recognize me, because he has been shot into a hedgehog by his companion. My right arm guard suddenly bounced up a little, then suddenly stretched forward a section, and two bow arms sprang out with a crash. Avenger enters full power mode. "Don't mess around." The guy is still directing his team with his voice. "Master, hurry up, Archer is ready to press...!" The voice of the guy stopped suddenly. An arrow that went out of the tree trunk was inserted into his temple. The blood flowed down the shaft to the tree trunk and then to the ground.

"The captain's down. Watch out that guy can shoot through the trunk. He He It's purple sun The guy who came out to command instead of the killed captain finally recognized me. When archery, I have changed back to purple sun. Silver moon can only launch magic arrows, and its penetration is not high.

The name of the deputy leader has already made most of the surrounding people sit on the ground, but the reinforcements who follow obviously don't hear the words of the deputy leader in front. An arrow coming from a long distance was accurately aimed at my right eye, but it stopped an inch away from my eyes. The silver shield stuck the arrow feather.

"Don't..." "Go Two opposite orders were called out at the same time, and the commander of those people who arrived later looked at the Deputy captain with some doubts.

"That's purple sun!" The deputy leader's explanation made the later leader of the reinforcements step back two steps.

"Are you crazy? He also told me that when he found a big fish, it was a damn shark. How many heads did you dare to rob him? "

It's a very simple thing for these people. They saw me come out of the forest by myself, and found that I was dressed in the best clothes, and then they naturally associated with robbery. Although the punishment for killing and exploding equipment is very serious, as long as the equipment is good enough, there are still players who will grab it. These people are obviously not the first time to do so, so they are very well organized. Because I was afraid that I would not be easy to deal with, I called for reinforcements to come here. I could only plan but not keep up with the changes.

"Rainbow." With my voice, a beautiful tree appeared behind me, and then I rushed to the enemies around me. In my killing, those people are also killing each other, because they think they saw me rush to them. Rainbow tree demon's specialty is a super large range of magic, dealing with low-level personnel can't be better. I only came and dealt with a third of them, and they cut each other down.I was the one who wanted to be alive. "Ask you again. Do you see the person I'm looking for? " The youth quickly shook his head. "Then you can die." I threw him into the sky and raised my hand to the top to get an arrow, and then the avenger automatically folded back to normal. When I left, the guy's body plopped to the ground, and there was an arrow on his forehead and a half of the arrow sticking out of the back of his head.

Compared with asking for directions, white wave's nose works better. Back to the position of the pass, and then let the white wave smell for a long time, finally found the smell of water deficiency. There are too many people in this place, and the smell is very chaotic. Otherwise, we can find it with white nose.

The smell continued to move out of the mountain until it was about to leave the edge of the forest in the mountain area. The white wave circled a tree for several times, and then said to me, "the smell stops here, but it doesn't go to the tree."

"Then this is probably the entrance." I opened the Phoenix dragon space and let emmetz out. "Is there a disguise here?"

Amenis looked at the tree and darkened it with his hand. The space in front of me was twisted, and a door was revealed on the tree trunk. This door seems to be a part of the trunk, but it was cut off. Otherwise, it would not be judged as a door by the joint between it and the surrounding trunk. The disguise of the great wheel Hades is really thorough. Even with the anti stealth ability, ordinary people would not look at such an ordinary tree in such a forest full of trees. So even with the ability of emmetz, it's hard to find this place without knowing the location in advance.

Let amenis return to Fenglong space first. I studied it on that door. Finally, I still worried about releasing the night moon and little dragon girl. After studying for a long time, XiaoLongNu is sure that the door has been sealed strongly. If it is forced to open, it will destroy the connection between the door and the space passage, and then it will be really impossible to enter.

The place where Hades hid things is not in this tree, nor under it. The door on the tree is just a space entrance. If we destroy the tree, then the passage will not exist. So brute force cracking doesn't work in places like this.

"Is there any way to get in without damaging the passage?" I asked Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu shook her head: "yes, but for us, it's the same as whether we have or not."


"Because this method is to use the normal opening spell through here."

"But we don't have incantations?"

"So we can't make it."

"Shit! This damned big wheel Hades, really want to strangle her

The night moon suddenly said: "in fact, I have a way, that is, I don't know whether the technology of illusion can pass."

"What is it to do with me?" The phantom came off me. "I'm just a spirit, not a space passage."

"Just because you're a mental body, that's possible."


"You can try to collect the mental energy around you. The mental wave when using a spell is like an energy explosion," she said seriously. There will be smoke after the explosion, and there will be residual energy after the spell is used. You are a spiritual body. You should be able to read these energies directly. Maybe you can spell the spell

"Shit, you can come up with such a bad idea!" The phantom complained, "do you know how difficult it is to read residual energy?"

"But it's always the way?"

"Phantom, if you can, help quickly!" I said to the phantom.

"Since the master has spoken, I'll try it!"

"Do you want me to call Bannon Galen out with you and body?" I asked the phantom.

"No. It's not easy to concentrate on multiple people in my body. This kind of thing is time-consuming, it has nothing to do with strength. "

The phantom began to slowly search for the spiritual debris nearby, while I took a branch and waited to record the information he read. After a few minutes, the phantom got something useful. "Yes. I have found the frequency of the residual energy and am analyzing the corresponding text of the signal. Well, there is a word "death."

I quickly wrote a dead word on the ground.

"There is also a word" white. "

I quickly followed and recorded the white word. Mirage seems to be more and more convenient, soon made a pile of words. After I have copied all the words on the ground, the next step is to start playing crossword. The mantra is more than 300 words long, and these words must be coherent. The key lies in how we arrange and combine them. It's too hard to combine by manpower alone. It's more than 300 words, and the possibility of combination is very frightening. We want to finish the arrangement for at least a few days, but we don't have to do it ourselves.

More than 300 words were passed on to the army God. He almost put out the incantation for me when I finished the last word. For a computer, it's nothing more than playing a permutation game. Just bring out the meaningful options in the results is the answer. With the speed of military God's information processing, this kind of topic basically belongs to the category of kindergarten exercises."Whoa ha ha ha! Big wheel Hades, you can't imagine that I have visions that can read spiritual fragments and military gods who can quickly combine words. Come on! Let me see what you're hiding behind this tree

I uttered the mantra, and the door on the tree slid away with the last word, and when the scene behind the door appeared in front of us, we were all stunned. (to be continued, please visit WWW.QIDIAN.COM , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!