Chapter 961

The melting was completed in an instant, and a brand-new creature appeared very smoothly in the central experimental area.

"It looks good!" Habor made a preliminary comment on it.

This newly synthesized creature is somewhat crocodile like in general. It has a large head, a short neck, a strong body and a short tail. However, there is a barbed bone tumor on the tip, which looks very powerful. His four legs are not too long for his body. I don't think his speed will be too fast. After all, neither the Dragon nor the armored beast can run. However, this guy seems to have inherited a lot from the armored beast. His back is completely covered by huge plate armour. Its thickness is very exaggerated, and you can see that it is very defensive. From the claws, it should be used to attack with claws, because its claws are very big and sharp. As for his mouth, it can swallow an elephant raw, and I have no doubt that he can chew a stone into stone powder like a broad bean.

On the whole, it seems to have strong practicability. He's strong enough, very powerful, highly defensive and offensive. He should be a good fighting creature.

Just as we were very satisfied with the appearance of this thing, a young mage assistant suddenly whispered a word. "Why does this thing have no eyes?"

"Well? No eyes? "

Whoa! Our attention all moved to the head of this thing. In the experimental area, there are many crystal monitors installed at different angles. We can observe the experimental organisms from different angles in the operating room. Although this strange object factory is nearly 40 meters, we have looked his triangular head with huge bone process from left to right, and we have not found any organs that may be eyes.

"No way! How could he have no eyes? " Harper was almost ready to jump. It's hard to make such a perfect creature without eyes. Creatures without vision may not be useless, but they will definitely suffer a lot. If this guy doesn't have eyes, it's a huge flaw!

After searching for a long time, we finally had to make sure that this thing did not have eyes, and even ears and eyes. We found the nostrils, and there were six nostrils, all above his head, under the bone process of flying wings, which were well protected.

We're looking for the guy's eyes here, and the guy's wandering around the lab. He seems to be very strange to his own space. He turns around in the same place for a few times, then goes to the wall to stand and then turns back to the middle area.

After we finally confirmed that the guy really had no eyes, we began to test whether he could move normally without eyes. As the old rule, we put some herbivores in first to see if this guy is an aggressive creature.

A crack was opened in the ground of the experimental area, and a war elephant was lifted up. War elephants are herbivores with the ability to attack. They are about five meters tall, but they are only more than eight meters long. They are not as big as this synthetic creature. We were afraid the prey was too small for him to move, so we sent a big guy in.

This guy's reaction excited us, because as soon as the ground was opened, he responded. The guy jerked back to the corner on the other side of the test area, then turned his head to this side, noticing the cracks in the ground. Whether he relies on sound or vibration, he can respond to changes around him, which shows that he still has hope.

The war elephant was also nervous after being sent up. It faced synthetic creatures and kept retreating. However, our synthetic creature only stopped for a few seconds, then suddenly opened its mouth and gave out a huge roar to this side. The war elephant's legs softened and knelt on the ground. After the roar, the synthetic creature immediately roared and rushed up. With only one bite, the elephant was half short.

A mage who took part in the experiment exclaimed excitedly: "it seems that the desire to attack is very strong, and the bite force is amazing!"

Another mage regretted: "we should have put a pressure stick in the body of the war elephant just now, so that we can calculate his bite and strength."

"If you can bite off the bones of a war elephant, the bite force of this guy will not be less than 15 tons," Harper said

I was surprised and said, "fifteen tons? The bite force of an adult dragon is only about 17 tons! "

"This guy has a big head, and it's normal to have a bit more force."

A mage asked, "do you want to put some fighting creatures into the test of this guy's combat effectiveness?"

The other mages immediately discussed it.

"This guy is so big, what can I put in to fight him?"

"How about a war beast?"

"The war beast has the hand to hand ability of a dragon, won't it kill this synthetic creature?"

"If you want to make another one, do you want to test it first?"

Haber patted the table and said, "we use war beast, we can't bear the child, but we must try our best to find his ultimate strength."

With Harper's approval, the war beast was soon sent to the experimental area. The synthetic beast was gnawing at the corpse of the war elephant when he suddenly found a door opened behind him. He turned around immediately, with half of the corpse in his mouth. This guy is really violent.Although war monsters have the physical fighting power of dragons, they are actually quite docile herbivores. The war monsters on the battlefield are all possessed by their masters or specially trained. Otherwise they wouldn't fight with others. However, there is an obvious threat in front of us. Although the beast of war is docile, it still has defensive instinct. He immediately looked at the synthetic creatures here.

This synthetic creature is smaller than the war beast in size. Its body length is less than 40 meters, but this war beast is 57 meters long. Moreover, the war beast is a mammal, and its length does not include its tail. Therefore, in fact, the war beast is much larger than this synthetic creature.

Two giant creatures tightly locked in the target, no movement at all, as if two statues. Just when we thought they were afraid to move because of each other's strength, our synthetic creatures actually launched the first attack. This guy really inherited the ferocious personality of the armored beast. He threw half of the body of the war elephant to one side, and his whole body quickly jumped to the war beast. This guy's small short legs are very explosive, and the starting speed is very amazing. If the war monster on the opposite side is not on alert all the time, he will not be able to react.

As soon as the war beast bowed its head, the synthetic beast bit his T-shaped horn. Then, as soon as the war beast shook its head, the synthetic beast was thrown out directly, hit the wall with a bang and slid down again. I looked at Harper in surprise. "This war beast has been on the battlefield?"

Harper shook his head. "I don't know. The person in charge sent by you helped me find it. I don't know his origin. But it seems that he often fights and has learned to use all kinds of fighting skills! But it's better to test the power of our synthetic beast. "

In the experimental area, the war beast threw the synthetic beast out and immediately rushed up again. It seemed that it was going to smash the synthetic beast against the wall. The synthetic beast reacts quickly, and his body retreats. The war beast hits the wall with a bang and almost sits on the ground. The synthetic gives way to the attack and rushes forward again, biting the side of the war beast's belly. We who watched the experiment shook our heads together. This synthetic beast shows no combat skills. Large carnivores know that to attack an enemy, they should find the mouth under their neck, but this guy is catching where to bite.

War monsters have a layer of white fur on the outside, and their defense is not much worse than Dragon skin, so they have the physical combat power of a giant dragon. However, the mouth of the synthetic animal is too powerful, so he can tear off a large piece of meat. The war behemoth turned around, leaping up, and pressing down on the synthetic beast. He tried his best to bite the synthetic beast with his claws and teeth, but only pulled sparks out of the synthetic beast. This guy's defense is really abnormal. Even if the dragon can't stand the bite of the war beast, he is unhurt.

The synthetic beast rolled on the spot, overturned the war beast, and then turned around and swept its huge tail. We all heard a muscle tear above, and the war beast was hit by a bone tumor on the tail of the synthetic beast, flying out and crashing into a corner. However, he did not catch up with the continuous tool, instead, he arched his back in place.

"What is he going to do?" I instinctively found out that the situation was wrong.

Suddenly, four pieces of the animal's back were wrapped in the middle part of the body, and the animal's back didn't respond. This thing has a crystal channel in the middle and two honeycomb like structures on both sides. I saw that after the thing rose up, there were many purple light spots around and gathered towards the crystal channel.

"It's magic crystal cannon! He's going to launch! " "Open the shield!" Hubble screamed in alarm

In the experimental area, a protective shield was raised to protect the wall. Almost at the same time, a purple light bullet was emitted from the launcher of synthetic beast. With a loud bang, the whole experimental area shook, and several of us were knocked to the ground from our seats, and research materials and various drawing tools rolled all over the ground. There were orders in the experimental area, and nothing could be seen. The huge shock wave rocked the whole island.

It took more than ten seconds for the vibration to subside. There were pink clouds all over the experimental area. We started the air extraction device and changed the weather for half a day to make the air clear again. I saw that the things on the synthetic beast's back had been taken back, and the war beast was only left with rotten debris. Just thinking about this guy's fighting characteristics and forgetting to synthesize, there was a magic crystal cannon and two rocket launchers. It seems that the thing on his back is the integration of the three pieces of equipment. The middle one has been proved to be a magic crystal cannon, and the honeycomb structure on both sides of the East and the west is rocket launcher.

As he picked up the papers on the ground, Haber said, "it seems that this thing is not only useless, but also very powerful! They are very aggressive and defensive, and their fighting awareness is a little poor, but they can be trained. The most important thing is that although he has no vision, it doesn't seem to affect his actions. "

Another mage said, "maybe it's just because he feels the vibration. Both of them are too big. If they were small creatures, they might not respond

I have to say that this mage is very reasonable. We made a quick decision and put a few more small creatures in to test. For the sake of efficiency, we decided to put a rabbit in. The rabbit is dishonest and very sensitive. If this guy can accurately catch the rabbit's movement, it shows that he has the ability to cope with most situations.The rabbit was soon sent to the experimental area, but soon our hearts fell to the bottom. The rabbit just looked at the synthetic animal for a few eyes, and didn't fling him at all. He was hopping around the room. And those who lick the bloody ground and don't know what to eat.

"Can't you find out?" I asked in surprise.

Harper shook his head: "not necessarily. Maybe I found it, but I didn't care about it. "

"How can it be confirmed?"

Habor thought for a moment, then started some magic circles and said as he operated. "Thank you for your investment. This equipment is very well built. It has super protective layer and perfect delivery system, and And automatic cleaning machines. " With Haber's words, water suddenly began to spray on the top of the experimental area, while several drains were opened on the bottom edge of the experimental area. Just now, the corpses of the war elephant and the war beast were all blown to pieces, and the meat dregs were washed away by the water, all of which flowed into the hole and were washed away. The room was soon cleaned very clean, and then the water stopped. Several fans sent the wind heated by the flame magic circle into the room, and even the water vapor on the ground was dried. The experimental area was quickly re closed.

Without food to eat, synthetic animals have nothing to be distracted from. What Harper meant was to show the synthetic beast whether he really couldn't find the rabbit. The effect of Haber treatment is obvious. This guy is obviously not full. The ground was full of meat, so he is not interested in the rabbit which is not as big as his teeth, but now the meat is gone. When he was hungry, he could not control the meat and meat. He immediately turned to face the rabbit and quickly climbed over.

After all, the rabbit was too small for him. The little thing was hopping all over the ground. The synthetic animal took a lot of time to catch him. But this process just shows that synthetic animals can accurately locate the rabbit's position, and the accuracy is quite high. It seems that the absence of eyes had no effect on him at all.

This expensive experimental machine is really well-equipped. After confirming that the synthetic beast has the ability of perception, we have done several tests in succession. First, we used a projector to create an optical projection in the room, and the synthetic beast didn't respond at all. The experiment proved that he did not have vision. After that, the magic array on the roof started several more, and the synthetic beast quickly responded. This experiment proved that he had a strong reaction to the magic wave, even the magic wave with extreme smile.

In the third test, we used a thin wire to hang a ball around the test area, and the guy responded quickly. According to the signal captured by the instrument, this guy has the ability to locate by ultrasound, just like a bat. What's more, the huge plate armor on his back is actually a vibration sensor. Because of its huge area, it is very sensitive. In addition, these plates actually replace the function of the ear. Although he has no ears and eyes, they are more sensitive than the ears.

After testing all afternoon, we finally got this guy's data. His power is very strong, we let him out of the experimental time, relying on luck, a dragon can not control him, we must help the plague. And as soon as he was out of the experimental area, he planned to attack my lucky call with magic light gun, but he was stopped. Fortunately, he had high intelligence, so he went straight up and pushed the transmitter back into his body so that he could not launch it. The intelligence of this synthetic beast is still at the level of beast. At most, it is the intelligence level of general Warcraft. We tested his defense and found that he was even stronger than the dragon. The claws and teeth of the Dragon could hardly hurt him. However, we found that plate armour was completely covered only on his tail and head. His body only had plate armor on his back and some scales on his stomach. Although his defense was not low, he was less than half of the plate armor, which can be said to be a great weakness.

His running speed is as we expected, not very fast, endurance is not very good, but strong explosive force, within 1000 meters speed is very fast, out of this range immediately slow down. In addition, in addition to ultrasonic and hearing, he seems to be very impressed by heat. As long as the temperature is over 20 degrees, he has obvious reaction, especially for things with temperature and moving. As soon as he finds out, he wants to attack. This guy's predatory desire is very strong, even if he is not hungry, he can't help but attack everything that feels like food.

After our analysis, it is probably impossible for this thing to be popularized in guilds. At most, it is sent to powerful players as magic pets. His aggressiveness is too strong, to ordinary players, if not good control will cause trouble. Too strong strength is also very troublesome! In particular, this kind of powerful, yet completely brain free creatures.

This big guy was finally temporarily anesthetized and sent to Eisinger to deal with the red moon, and I went to do the next experiment with Harper. It's dark now, but I don't have to sleep anyway. Habor and they are in the mood. They don't mean to stop. There is still a lot of time before the next guild competition, enough time for us to make another synthetic biology.

I took Harper and said, "have you ever tried anything before?"

"You mean synthetic body?" Harper looked at me in surprise.

I explained, "that's what I thought of. Like this thing just now, his body has actually surpassed the dragon. But if it's really a fight, a giant dragon can handle a dozen of them. What's the problem? "

"Intelligence." Habor is really engaged in research, and thought about it. Just now, the attack defense of this synthetic beast is higher than that of the dragon. Although its agility is slightly lower, it has super weapons, so it can be leveled off. In addition to the perfect attack system at home, he should be more powerful than the dragon. But because he had no brain, many of his fighting methods were not suitable, and the weapon on his back was also. The best proof is that lucky pressed his weapon back when he wanted to use it. Luck beat him with his brain. In fact, as long as his super weapon is launched, luck can't beat him at all. It's a pity that such a good fighting creature has reduced its power because of its bad brain.A mage said, "it's not that we haven't thought about experimenting with people. We are not hypocritical people and don't think there is any moral problem in experimenting with prisoners or anything. But we always have a worry, that is, what if the prisoners still have the memory of their lives and resist US? "

"Have you ever considered using volunteers?"

"Even if there are volunteers, it won't be too many. And no way to mass production of products, no matter how good is in vain. " Said Harper.

I nodded: "sure. But why should we use volunteers to mass produce synthetic organisms? "

"What do you mean?"

"Volunteers are only used to experiment with success or failure. If the synthesis result is perfect, then others will take the initiative to accept the modification. At that time, it will be a proven and reliable technology, not an experiment. The recipients of the transformation are the beneficiaries of the technology. Of course, no one will object to it. What people really worry about is the risk of synthetic failure, so volunteers are needed at this time. "

My concept of volunteering confused these people, who had never thought of such a use before. But soon Haber reacted. "According to your opinion, there must be emphasis in the process of synthesis, and it can't be pieced together, right?"

"Of course. Your current synthesis method is completely by chance. It is not clear which part of each synthetic product will be used. This is not possible. We must make sure that the human brain becomes the brain of the synthetic organism when it is synthesized, and transplant the memory together without any problem. In terms of appearance, it's better not to change the appearance of human beings. If it's not good, you should at least make sure it looks beautiful. You can't make it into a disgusting monster. Otherwise, even if it's very powerful after the synthesis, no one will be willing to use this technology. " (to be continued, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!