Chapter 812

Anubis waved, and the five ships all flew over and lined up in front of us. Then the five ships turned in the same way, turned their sides towards us and began to descend. The strange big sails on the side of the ship's bowstring were closed tightly against the ship's side and pointed to the sky. A piece of side board was opened on the side of the ship, and a folding staircase stretched out from above. The five ships didn't land in the end, but kept a gap of a few centimeters with the ground. However, the escalator had touched the ground and could be boarded.

"This is the only boat that can sail on the Styx, the boat of extradition," khopra told us. "Now everyone is on board, and we will take you to the final test site."

This so-called test is really mysterious, not only expelling the audience, but also taking us to an unknown location on the Styx. Anubis tone is not good to urge everyone to get on the boat quickly. Although the players have some doubts, they still get on the boat quickly.

When I got to the ship, I watched it very carefully. The upper deck of the ship is basically the same as that of a wooden sea boat, but since it can fly, it must have a special driving device. Obviously, the two sails on the side of the ship are not real power equipment. In this completely windless environment, the only function of the sail is to act as a resistance plate, and there is no possibility of providing power. I'm sure there must be a lot of Secrets under the deck of this ship.

After we got on board, the ship left the shore and began to fly toward the Styx. Khopra and their gods also got on five ships. Anubis stood at the bow of our ship and said to us, "next we have to wait for a long journey. Among the voyagers, I hope you don't get into trouble. In addition, to those who are full of adventurous spirit, the Styx river is the river of the dead. Its function is to separate the world from the underworld. No one can fly on its own. So don't try to leave the deck area, otherwise we will not care if we fall. "

"Since you are in charge of leading the team, at least you have the responsibility to ensure our safety before the test, don't you? If someone falls down, you should save it? " One player asked.

Anubis held out a finger: "first, as I said, this is the river Styx, on which no one can fly alone, including us gods. Second, I'm not interested in babysitting you, so don't expect me to help. Third, the river Styx is the river of the dead. As long as you adventurers fall down, you will be invaded by evil spirits and die immediately. And even if your souls are recalled by the magicians of the resurrected temple, your souls will be dirty and evil spirits with ten thousand evil values. Oh, by the way, it seems that being touched by the river Styx will erase your experience level. How much is it? " Anubis pretended to be thinking, then suddenly turned around with a smile: "ah! by the way! Grade 30. What about? Have a good time? Ha ha ha

"What does he mean?" A female player asks the people around carefully.

The next player explained: "in our opinion, if you touch the water below, you will die 30 levels immediately, and you will appear as a red name after resurrection, and the evil value will exceed 10000."

"Such a severe punishment? The loss of level 30 is very serious! " The girl was surprised.

Another player said, "it should be level 31! It's impossible to get rid of ten thousand evil points. If you take that evil value, it will be very hard and troublesome. It's better to commit suicide again and directly lose level 31 to practice again. It's faster. "

"Grade 31!" The fourth player sighed. "I've got more than 800 levels now. Dropping 31 levels is like going back to 790 levels again, which is the most difficult bottleneck for me to upgrade!"

With anubis's warning, the people on board were much more honest. Obviously, the level 30 damage plus 10000 evil value was enough to frighten most people. Of course, there are some things that can't be scared. At least I'm one of those who can't be scared. River Styx! Which is more powerful than the sea of silence? In the end, I guess that the composition of the river Styx is the same. Since I fell into the silent sea last time, the water of the Styx should not pose a threat to me. Of course, I'd better stand on the boat when there is no need. The meaningless adventure is not worth it. In addition, last time I was not affected by the sea of silence, I think it may be because my evil value is too high. The sea of silence, full of evil power, regards me as its equivalent substance, so it is not aggressive to me at all. But now under the white washing state, falling down is bound to be finished. Think about it or quickly summon the second. According to the attributes, II can help me to change the attributes of evil and justice at any time. Now, it is better to switch to the attributes of evil.

I found a quiet corner and asked the second to help change the attributes. The process was very simple. As long as I and II were pointing each other with the right index fingers, then the attributes of the two of us suddenly changed. However, according to anubis, I should be replaced with evil attribute, while II has not changed. But now it has happened. After I became evil, II was washed white. The reason is probably because I have too much evil value, which leads to the evolution of II beyond anubis' expectation, so there is an out of range situation.

After the exchange, I took back the second. Then I saw that no one was paying attention to me, so I began to move carefully towards the cabin entrance. This is a spaceship. If we can get its core technology, it will have a great effect on our guild. Now the anti gravity devices are too energy-consuming. It would be great if there were gods who could drive them with the magic of a mage.I carefully moved to the door and confirmed the positions of several spirits on board. Fortunately, they are all in the bow. I am here at the stern, which is relatively safe. While the people around me did not pay attention, I suddenly opened the cabin door and flashed in.

This is just the entrance room of the lower cabin. There is no one in it. Only a few barrels are piled up. In the middle of the room, there was a staircase down. I didn't step on the stairs. I just slid down the handrail. This is the cabin area. At first glance, there are some rooms, probably crew warehouses. Continue down the stairs, and the result is the same cabin area. I went down another level, and as soon as I went in, I found that the situation was different from that above.

There's a sound ahead. I dodged behind a huge pillar on the side, and two death Legion soldiers who looked like anubis climbed up the stairs and almost saw me. After they went up, I stretched out my head to have a look. This floor is full of thick pillars, no room, and looks like a cargo hold. But in the middle of the cabin, there was light. There are so many pillars that I can't see anything in the center. I just see a strong light source over there.

Carefully moving between the pillars, gradually closer to the center, I soon found the secret hidden in the middle. There is a golden ball of light floating there. There is nothing around it. It just floats there by itself, spinning slowly and emitting a bright golden light.

"Ah yo, the energy is not enough. Please call the third class to change people." A voice came from opposite the light ball.

"I see. I'll stop. You'd better." Another voice came up, and then a guy who looked like a priest came out from the opposite side, and I hid behind the post in a hurry. The guy went up the stairs I had come down, and I ran to the farther post. Not long after I hid it, the guy came down to the other person.

When the men came to the ball of light, one of the skinheads said, "OK, we're starting the relay. You're ready to pull out."

"OK, we're ready." The opposite voice replied.

As soon as the bald head waved his hand, several people with him chanted the incantation together, and then suddenly raised their hands at the same time. Each person's palms shot a golden light belt and connected it to the golden light ball. Then the light band connecting the group of people and the light ball disappeared automatically, and then all the people came out.

"Really, I'm so tired. Well, let's go and have a rest. " The leader of the group left with them, while the new comers continued to put yellow light into the light ball. These are obviously the ship's controllers, and they are all very high-level mages, maybe even some very low-level gods. The light ball in the middle should be the power plant of the ship, but it seems that it is not easy to steal it. First of all, I'm not sure if this thing is a drive. Second, what if I take this thing and the ship sinks? I don't care about the water of the Styx, but it's very troublesome to get lost in such a place.

After thinking about it or decided to give up the theft plan. The target value is uncertain, the danger is uncertain, and it may offend the gods. The overall analysis result is very uneconomical. Carefully follow the original way back, but when we got to the second cabin, I heard the sound of opening the door above. It was obvious that someone was coming down. Here is a straight passage, there is no place for Tibetans. In a hurry, I ran to the nearest cabin and pushed the door, which was locked. Hurry to change the opposite door. Fortunately, this side is not locked. After entering, I quickly closed the door and glanced at the situation in the room.

Cargo hold. How lucky! wait. Cargo hold? What will the gods deliver? treasure?

There were more than 30 boxes piled up in the cabin. I carefully went to one of the boxes to have a look. The box is locked, and the structure is very complex. It seems that there is a layer of light red light wandering outside the box, probably with a magic seal.

Open the Phoenix dragon space and call Ling out. "Hush, don't make a sound. Can you open the magic protection on this one for me?"

Ling just simply looked at it and said, "this is a very strong seal, but not external."

"What do you mean?"

"If you don't want to seal this box, you don't want to seal it. Its function is to prevent the contents in the box from opening by themselves. There should be something very dangerous in it. Moreover, this kind of thing has self-consciousness. At least there is some supervisor's thinking. Otherwise, there is no need to add such a seal. "

"Which means it's dangerous, isn't it?"

Ling nodded, but then shook his head. "Not necessarily. The dark temple has done the same thing before, putting such seals on the outside of the storage of important treasures to deceive some knowledgeable people. With such a seal, the more skilled they are, the more afraid they are to move. "

Ling has a good point. A heavily armed soldier will be frightened by a heavy machine gun, but the primitive man will not. This does not mean that the primitive man is more powerful than the soldier, only that the soldier is higher. Such seals have the same effect. Only the master can recognize how powerful the seal is, and the more you understand the seal, the more afraid you dare to move it. But even though I knew it was possible, I was really scared. If that seal is not used to confuse people, but really seal something that should not be released, then I am not going to suffer?"Ling, do other boxes have the same seal?"

"It's all the same."

"OK, I see." Open the Phoenix dragon space, let Ling first in, and then I carefully go to the gate to listen to the sound outside. The people who came down just now should have gone down to the cabin. There is no sound outside. I carefully opened a seam, took a look at the outside situation, OK, there is no problem. He opened the door and quickly flashed outside. As expected, there was no one. I ran to the side of the stairs and quickly climbed to the upper entrance chamber. First, I opened a crack. Then I looked at the situation outside and confirmed that no one was paying attention to this side before I got out. As if nothing had happened, slowly swayed out, and then walked to the side of the ship, and then moved to the bow a little bit. No one seemed to notice my action.

This damned ship is so mysterious. It's depressing to find a special power plant and strange boxes, but none of them dare to move.

The ship sailed over the Styx for nearly an hour before it finally reached its destination. There's a big difference between this side and the boat. The ground here is not rock, but sand. From here, you can see the boundless desert, as if returning to the surface world. There is also a difference here, that is, the roof is very high, or there is no roof at all. Anyway, there is only a darkness on the top of the cave, and nothing can be seen at all.

The spaceship landed on the edge of the desert and let us all down, and the gods came down. When we were all down, cohoprah stood on the boat and said to us below, "this is where you're going to start testing. Now get the pointer from your gods."

When khopra said that, the gods began to give small things to their responsible players, and anubis gave one to each of us. It's a little golden ball. I don't know what it's for.

"What you have in your hand is a needle pointing to the end point. In the next test, you have to rely on him to identify the direction. When you need to know the direction of the target, just take it out and recite the word "road sign" in your mind, and it will show you the direction. Your task is simple. Move in the direction of the needle. At the end, you can see a teleport array. Go up and teleport back, and the test is done. There are no restrictions on the number of people involved in the test. Everyone here will take part in the test together. In the test, you can use props or summon creatures to help you. You can ride a magic pet and pass the whole race. If you think it is necessary, we will not attack other participants. In short, it's up to you to decide, as long as you can send it back from the delivery point within the time limit, it's qualified. " A huge hourglass suddenly rose from the sand. "This is the timer, and your pointing ball can also help you see the rest of the time by reciting the word time. Your time limit is six hours. You have to finish before that, or you will be eliminated. Well, is there anything else the other gods need to add? "

Anubis went up to cohoprah and said to us, "remember, we allow each other to attack, but we don't encourage each other to attack each other. We are not responsible for your delay in completing the test. What's more, there are many difficulties along the way. We don't want to test your moving speed. Don't think you can run fast. Let me remind you that the desert in front of you is not as simple as it seems, so be careful. So, the test starts now. "

With anubis's words, the huge hourglass turned over, and the gravel began to flow down, but slowly, and six hours later, when it was all finished, the test was over.

Here, more than 1000 players saw the hourglass turned over, and they all started pointing ball in a hurry, and I was no exception. Each of us has a golden arrow in front of us, and the arrow points to the same direction, towards the deep desert ahead.

A impatient player is the first to summon a mount to step up. The speckled creature ran into trouble as soon as he ran 20 meters. The desert is full of quicksand. No wonder anubis said the desert was not as simple as it seemed. That player's Mount rushes too fast, discovered the situation is not right, has no time to turn back, soon fell into half. Fortunately, this guy is more intelligent and jumps out on his mount. His mount was swallowed up by quicksand, but he jumped out.

With this lesson from the past, the people behind me have learned to be good. A player called out a Pegasus, and then rode up to fly out triumphantly, but he just flew to the place where the player suffered, but the Pegasus suddenly carried it down. The Pegasus that fell into the quicksand encountered the same situation as the previous mounts. In the sand, they could not move at all, and quickly sank down. His master jumped out the same way, but the mount was finished.

A few clever mage players released magic condensed creatures in the past, and the results showed that there was no air field above the quicksand, and nothing could fly here. A large group of players gathered at the junction of quicksand and solid sand to search back and forth anxiously. The results showed that the quicksand seemed to extend to both sides infinitely, and there was no place to go around.

More people, more ideas. At a time when everyone was at a loss, suddenly a player made a strange move. This soldier, like me, had two big shields. He was very clever and threw one of them on the quicksand. As a result, he found that the shield did not sink, so he stood up carefully. The shield sank a little bit, but it did not sink. He immediately spread another shield in front of this shield, then stepped on the shield in front of him, then turned back and took the one to the front and jumped on it. In this way, he laid the shield alternately.Quicksand is easy to let things sink in, but its essence is the same as soft snow. As long as you know how to disperse the pressure, you won't get trapped. This soldier's method is a little slow, but it is also feasible.

Inspired by this person, there are a large number of players following suit, but not all of them. The class with shield is only divided into soldiers and knights. Moreover, not every knight and warrior will carry two shields, so this method can be used in a limited range. However, the three cobblers can hold up Zhuge Liang. There are more than 1000 people here, which means hundreds of Zhuge Liang. New methods will soon come out.

This is a mage professional player. He lies awkwardly on the edge of quicksand, and then tries to roll around. The result is that he doesn't sink in. So he rolls forward and quickly catches up with those people who cushion the shield in front of him. It's very troublesome to move the two shields back and forth. Naturally, the speed is not fast. Rolling on the ground is much faster than them, and this method is not elegant enough, but it is very simple, it is a personal city. So in an instant, there are more than 1000 players rolling forward along the ground in the desert. The scene is really spectacular.

Although most people adopt the simple and convenient method of rolling, it is not all of them. There were only a dozen people left, and three of them gave up because they thought it was uncivilized. The thinking of girls is really different from that of men. The rest of them showed their powers. One of them actually took out a strange big package, and then summoned a toad like demon pet to help him blow. After a while, the package completely unfolded and turned into a huge ball.

I've seen it in real life. Many amusement parks have it. It is made up of two layers of transparent spheres filled with air, and then people get into the middle of one layer inside. You can walk in any quicksand, snow or even water with this device, and you can dive in and jump off a cliff without falling. Special forces also seem to be equipped with this device for rapid detachment from special mountainous terrain. I didn't expect that the player actually had this kind of thing in the game, but it was obviously more crude than the one in the display. It seemed that it was sewn out with some animal's air bag. Anyway, it's more comfortable than rolling, and it's very fast. The guy got in and started to run forward quickly, and the ball rolled forward under the influence of the people inside. The huge sphere disperses the pressure and doesn't react at all in the sand. He was like a hamster in a hamster ball and ran away with the ball. He was much faster than the other two methods.

"The players are getting better and better now. I didn't expect to bring such tools," anubis told cohopla

"I hope we can choose the right person, otherwise things will not be easy after that," cohoprah said

When I saw the guy run out, I looked at the man who was still standing, and I started to laugh. The rest of us are almost all magic masters. It seems that our profession is indeed promising. The middle demons' beloved masters summoned their own demons one after another. One of the guys called out a giant water spider, which could walk on the water, not to mention quicksand, with its huge foot partial pressure structure. Another guy actually summoned a sand scorpion, which is the prince of quicksand. The demons of the master's demons appeared one by one, and finally came to me.

When the pioneer's huge body appeared, the people around him were scared. Although the size was not graded, the large-scale demons were generally not too bad. Because my attributes have been exchanged with II, the pioneers have also changed back to black.

At my command, the huge body of the pioneer slid like a snake into the quicksand, revealing only a long strip at the top of his back. I went to the pioneer's head, there is a relatively flat place, suitable for standing.

"Well, move on."

The huge body of the pioneers is like a centipede on the quicksand. Although the volume is huge, the pressure on the surface of the quicksand is not as high as that of human beings, so there is no need to worry about sinking into it. At my command, the pioneers ran forward. Although he was only responsible for drilling holes, in fact, the speed of the pioneers was not slow. This time, he thoroughly showed me and the people around him what a real desert ark was. Oh, No. He is not a desert ark, but a desert speedboat.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the pioneers galloped across the desert like an arrow, and the gravel on both sides was beaten up like water spray, forming two killing waves, while a large sand ditch was left behind the pioneers. I stood on the trailblazer's back as if I were playing a skateboard, directing him all the way forward, and within a few minutes everyone was lost. I was proud to look back at the other players who had disappeared. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration under my feet. At the same time, the sound of boom in front of me made me fly out by inertia. (to be continued, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!