Chapter 809

It's a little strange that death's spokesmen can even joke. Fortunately, our psychological endurance is not bad.

Anubis went on to say to us, "the joke is over, and now reward. You should have received the Scarab reward, but mine is more affordable. Take it

With the voice of Anubis, a black crystal appeared in front of me. I reached out to catch this crystal stone. After checking the properties, I found that it belonged to a type of magic pet egg like angel crystal. This crystal is sealed with some kind of creature. It should be used as a magic pet egg. The reward of magic pet egg is the best reward in any task. I didn't expect anubis to be so generous.

"What kind of creature is this?" ABIS asked, looking at the crystal.

"If you want to know, just drop a drop of blood and see for yourself." Anubis's voice was full of anticipation.

I nodded, then put the crystal on the ground, cut my finger and dropped a drop of blood. It should have been a very prudent thing to accept demons, but since this is a gift from anubis, it should not be too bad, so I ventured to gamble this time.

As soon as the blood drops onto the crystal, it immediately seeps in, and then with a bang, the crystal actually blows up. I didn't know what was going on. A black gas suddenly escaped from the burst crystal. The black air quickly condensed in front of me and gathered into a small mummy. The mummy seems to be a mummy made after the death of a child. Standing on the ground, it is less than one meter tall, and the whole body is in tatters. I can't think of any other words to describe this little thing except "weak.".

"What is this?" Ling looked at the little mummy wrinkled and didn't ask.

Small pure is more direct remind me: "look at the attributes, maybe just look weaker."

We all think that anubis's action will not be rubbish, but just now anubis made a bad joke on us, and we are not very good now. After opening the properties, I was completely stupid. Prompt information shows that this thing is called the guardian mummy. I have read all the attributes and none of them are qualified. He is still in the state of 898, so it is very difficult to defeat a monster of level 50. Even the white skeletons that I got from the Black Temple blackmailed by the summoning skill are more powerful than this guy. What's more, he is still a fighting creature without auxiliary ability. After reading the attributes, I only had one idea in my mind - I was fooled.

"Your Highness anubis." I try to keep my temper under control. "Can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

"Explain?" Anubis's voice was full of pride. "Is there anything to explain?"

"The pet you gave me is rubbish."

"Did I say how powerful my pet is to you? I just told you that the prize was a favorite. As for accepting him, it was your own will. I didn't force you to accept it. "

I now understand why anubis is the spokesman of death. His character is really too evil, except for death's spokesman, no one can have such a bad character. Fortunately, I have a lot of pets to carry. Even if I waste a place, it won't be a big problem. Besides, although the mummy is small, it is still defined as a human shaped one, and it has two more, so it's not too bad.

As I was gnashing my teeth against anubis, anubis' voice suddenly rang again. "Angry?"

"I'm not angry because it doesn't make any sense." I replied calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's not bad. You are my favorite. You passed the examination. "

"Ah? What kind of assessment? "

Anubis's voice carefully explained: "to give you a prize is actually to conduct the third stage of the test. After the second stage tests your psychological endurance ability, you can relax your psychological vigilance in the name of reward, and then give you a major blow, and assess your crisis response and rational thinking ability."

"You mean it's all about testing me?"


"Can you return this little one?"

Anubis's voice swept away the joke just now, and said with great dignity: "don't underestimate this thing. He's not really strong, but that's because you didn't really activate him. Other people can use it as an ordinary demon pet, but I think you will never be inferior to the Dragon if you use it. "

"How to start it?"

"Just use skill transfer."

"Transfer?" I opened my list of skills and looked at it. "I don't have this skill!"

"As long as it is his master, he will naturally have this skill, but it is a recessive skill. You can't feel it. Just start it directly."

"You're not fooling me again, are you?" Anubis's behavior is so terrible that I don't know what is true and what is false.

"Of course it's not a trick. Try it quickly."

At the urging of Anubis, I finally opened this skill. I didn't expect that it was clearly not in the list, but it really started when I called out. Boom, I suddenly burst out of my body more than a meter high hell fire. There was a sudden thunderbolt in the sky, and then large dark clouds began to gather above me. These dark clouds gathered together and began to rotate clockwise. Under the clouds, a faint whirlwind was gradually formed. At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker. The desert, which was just as hot as the sun, suddenly turned dark, just like the night."What happened?" I suddenly found that the evil dragon guard ring could not help but start, and a lot of evil fog began to spread in the surrounding space. The energy level, which had been reduced because of the problem of light, is now much lower. Purple mist is scattered around, the sky is thick clouds, here is almost like hell.

Just at this time, I suddenly heard a kind of cry like the general voice, the sound seems to come from many people, and there are men and women. My favorite people brush, all eyes focused on my body, I quickly shake hands: "I did not call."

Ling ran over and listened to me with her ears on my chest. "The sound seems to come from within you."

The night moon said: "is this the kind of voice that the ghost cries in the legend?"

Ling nodded: "and the dark temple before the ghost prison voice almost."

With that strange cry more and more loud, my body's hell flame also began to beat up gradually. The beating flame is becoming more and more restless. Suddenly, the flame begins to twist violently, which seems to form a horrible face. The face was crying with his mouth open. The image was very frightening. At the same time, the ghost cry became more and more loud.

The twisted face formed by the fire suddenly disappeared after howling for a while, but the flame did not return to calm, but moved more fiercely. The whole flame turned into countless halflings and seemed to be about to come out of me. These guys are just the upper half of their bodies, and the second half is connected to the fire, while the first half is trying to struggle to get out of the fire.

Anubis's voice broke in. "I didn't expect that you have so many evil spirits. This time you are well-developed."

Before I could understand what anubis meant, my head suddenly flashed, and a blue and purple light column went straight up into the sky. A few seconds later, another light column of the same color was shot down from the sky, hitting the little mummy.

There was a warning in my ear: "transmission begins. Please try not to go offline or use any skills. "

All the flames on my body rolled up along the column of light, and the whirlwind in the sky began to strengthen gradually, and the prototype of tornado could be seen. The human figures struggling in the Hellfire of my body all rolled up with the flame, shot up the sky along the beam of light, and then howled down from the other side of the light column and fell into the body of the little mummy.

Almost every soul rushed into the mummy, he would shake for a while, and because there were so many wronged souls falling down, he shook very fast, as if he had been electrocuted. But with the entry of each soul, he would grow up. I can even see that his body is gradually enriching and no longer shriveled and broken.

A number composed of red flame suddenly appeared around the little mummy, but the number was not stable. It was rolling like a horse watch, and the number was getting bigger and bigger. I quickly guessed that it showed the number of souls the mummy had absorbed, and I could see it beating wildly. The mummy is gradually stretching out from the ground with the beat of the numbers. He is growing higher and higher, and all the rags on his body are broken, but there is a layer of black armor under the cloth.

When the mummy had grown to my age, he stopped growing, but the beam of light was still feeding the ghost into his body. Anubis, after the mummy had grown to my size, said in surprise, "how many people have you killed? How can there be so many ghosts? It's not in line with the forecast! " (to be continued, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!