Chapter 720

"Is it too much for us to lose in this way?" Tanaka is too careful to ask.

Matsumoto shook his head: "the Chinese just want us to be afraid. They want us to be afraid of their guns. They want us to invest our troops carefully. We can't do this. We must let the first attack wave rush up the wall, then we must control the artillery position, and then our large forces will all press close. This is the way we need the most


"No, but." Matsumoto's eyes were fixed on him without blinking. "We have paid too much for it. We can't relax at this time."

"Well said." Shadow dancers with ghost masks appear again beside Matsumoto. "We have to destroy Eisinger."

"At all costs?"

"At all costs."

Matsumoto's direct orders are still very authoritative, especially when the shadow dancers and Russians as external forces, as well as the representative of the divine power of tianzhaofen, all agree with this view. A large number of Japanese troops charged to the strong at no cost, and regarded aisinger's defense as nothing.

What a huge charge line-up of 100000 troops is. What we can see on isinger is a long black barrier approaching us. Fortunately, our artillery is constantly punching holes in this barrier.

"Look at the back, husband." I was watching the Japanese charge on the front line, but rose suddenly pulled me to see the opposite side of aisinger.

I turned my head suspiciously, but I didn't see anything. The eagles also turned back to have a look. Of course, they didn't see anything like me. "What do you see?" I asked Rose in doubt.

"Over there." Rose handed me the telescope. "There's a white track in front of the city's harbor sluices."

"I don't use this." I pushed aside the telescope and used the star pupil to enlarge the field of vision. The eagle and the general nearby all picked up the telescope and looked at it.

"Torpedo the port!" General Wu suddenly called out.

I quickly took out the leaves of the city tree. "Tree of the city, there are torpedoes behind us moving towards the port. Pay attention to defense. Don't make a hole in the wall at this time

The defense facilities on the back of isinger that had not been opened suddenly started up, and then two magic light cannons went up. After two white lights flashed past, two huge incredible jets of water rose above the water.

"This is not a torpedo for a fortress." The eagle saw the door. "This is a super torpedo specially made for us. How can an ordinary torpedo be so powerful? "

The general also nodded: "this is a special Super torpedo. You can't use such a big torpedo to deal with warships and ports. Japan may have put some stones in it."

"It's magic stone." Sumei reminded.

"Yes, it is. Are Japanese rich? Don't you say that magic stone is very expensive? I don't know why they use the magic crystal as the frying medicine. " The general shook his head and could not understand the strange behavior of the Japanese.

"In theory, the investment in weapons and equipment is always very high, but we should also consider the comprehensive value." Rose shook her head: "but Japanese behavior is really strange."

"There are two more No, no, it's eight. " Ah Wei suddenly has a new discovery.

Bailing said: "the Japanese have submarines in the channel ahead, and they are big guys."

"You can't be so passive." I'll inform the city tree again. "Load the depth charge into the projector and fire it at any time at my command."

The defensive weapons on the walls of Eisinger opened fire again, and another burst of random fire intercepted all eight torpedoes. But the torpedo appeared again in the distance. This time I saw the location of the torpedo very clearly. "Target: 1600 meters in front of the No. 16 projector, covering the throw."

The metal locking rods on both sides of the large projectiles on the top of the base layer facing the sea suddenly bounced off to both sides. The huge spoon like projectiles with more than 300 bombs exploded violently and the bomb was thrown out. A large number of bombs in the air formed a dense coverage area, and then in my designated location fell down. After waiting for more than ten seconds, there was a sudden tumbling under the water surface, countless waves rolled up, and then the whole surface of the water rose and then suddenly fell down. However, the water just went down a little bit, and suddenly rose again, and this time it was a complete explosion. The sea water shot up a hundred meters in the air like a fountain. The sea water formed a beautiful rainbow in the air, but only large pieces of broken wood and some dead bodies rolled up on the sea surface.

"Well, the annoying mosquitoes have been solved. Let's take a look at the efficiency of the Japanese regular army here." I looked back at the Japanese troops on the battlefield, but to my surprise, the Japanese had arrived at the coast. "These ninjas are very fast."

"It doesn't matter. Next, they can't get up quickly. That's the target of our bombardment." The eagle looked at the sea and waited for Japan to swim. But it didn't turn out to be the way Eagles wanted to go.

Not all Japanese ninjas will escape, but those who are currently attacking are tolerance soldiers. It has been said before that forbearance is a kind of arms between samurai and ninja. There are few kinds of Ninja that they can learn, and all of them are relatively low-level and simple ninja. Although the level of these Ninja is low, but the ninja of forbearance soldiers are all the types considered for actual combat. One of the first to bear the brunt is the technique of water hiding, which is one of the techniques that forbearance soldiers must learn. It is inevitable that troops need to cross the river and wade in the battle, so it is much easier to have the skill of water escape. So now all of these soldiers can do this.We were all stunned to see more than 100000 soldiers rushing to the shore from the water like they were on land, but soon returned to normal. We have thought of it before. Although we forget it for a while, it's not too surprising.

Eagle a little bit anxious way: "if it goes down like this, they will soon be under the wall?" Eagle asked me to look straight at me, but saw a strange smile on my face. "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh that the Japanese are so naive. Can they just walk on the water?"

"Do you have a way to stop them?" When the general heard what I said, the general turned and asked.

"It's very simple, but I'm not going to use it."


"Because I'm afraid of scaring Japan away. If they can't get on eisenegger, our seven spirit dust clock will be completely useless."

"Yes, it makes sense, but I'd like to hear your way." The generals still want to listen to my strategy.

Rose said with a smile: "in fact, ziri's idea is very simple."

"You know?"

"Yes." Rose said, "we are in the sea now. Although the city can't move, the suspension device is still intact. As long as we raise the city a little bit and then fall down again, the waves caused by light can bring these people back to shore. At the beginning, ziri asked us to insist on rushing into the sea in any case, that is to say, as long as we go into the water, no matter how many troops we can do

"Yes, it is." The eagle touched his head deeply. At first, when Eisinger's thruster was damaged and fell into the sea, the huge waves caused by the two sides' personnel were all immersed in the water. At that time, the eagle was also under, and he was also hit by the tsunami. He had experienced the power of the wave firsthand.

As a result of our deliberate release of water, the Japanese soldiers quickly rushed under the wall. But we can't let them come here intact. Eisinger's defense guns are famous and powerful enough. After they are all loaded with shrapnel, the killing effect is absolutely heart beating.

Only 150000 Japanese soldiers were bombed before they were launched into the water. When they rushed from the coast to the city wall, the number dropped to 100000. However, these ninjas finally rushed to the city wall, and the NPC was not much for this achievement. The Japanese players who were in charge of the on-site command and rushed with the NPC felt that they were dying. There is a legend in Japan, as long as you can braved the gunfire of Eisinger to rush under the wall alive, that is the hero.

The first Japanese player to touch the wall was excited. The two bearded guy touched the sky blue rock on the wall surface and took out the flying claws from the Ninja kit. This thing is a special wall climbing equipment, almost all ninjas have it. But when the players took out their claws, they all looked up at the top of the wall.

All of a sudden, these people found that the height of the wall seemed to exceed the standard, and the flying claws could not be thrown up in any case. The reason why those ninjas acted in the same way just now is that they all received the same training. When they saw the wall, they first took the flying claws. This is the basic training. But when they saw the wall, they realized that some walls could not pass by the flying claws.

A ninja who took the lead looked at the top of the city wall and his own flying claws. Then he looked at the wall and looked at the flying claws. He put the flying claws away and took out the nail palms instead. Seeing this Ninja's reaction, all the Ninjas around understood it. They all changed into nail palms. Nail palm is a kind of glove like tool, but its area is not large. Only the middle part of the palm has a piece of metal belt one inch wide, and there are some steel nails on the metal belt. With this thing, you can knock the nail into the wall, and then you can climb up with this force. This is also a climbing tool of ninja.

The ninja, who first completed the equipment change, rechecked the nail palm on the handle and the nail toe on the toe, and then jumped up. This guy jumped up for more than two meters. When he reached the top of his body and was about to fall, he suddenly slapped at the wall to fix his body. He has not yet photographed the wall, below a large number of ninjas have followed the jump, they are all the same movement to climb up. But the first Ninja slapped a spark on the wall with a slap. Then the Ninja's heart tightened, and the feeling on his hand made him realize that the nail palm didn't get into the wall. The mistake didn't disturb the Ninja's movements. He quickly clapped his other hand.

PA. Another Mars is flying. Ninja's eyes instantly stare at the boss, actually did not hit in. He hastened to kick his feet to the wall at the same time, and the result was in vain to shoot two sparks. This Ninja panicked, his hands hit and tried to hang on the wall, but he couldn't get in at all. Two nail palms brought out a row of sparks on the wall, and the Ninja fell into the sea with a splash. The ability of surface sneaking failed automatically from the moment he left the sea. Now, of course, he fell back into the water. Fortunately, he just jumped up more than two meters, and there was water below. There was no danger to his life. However, the Ninja suffered a great blow in his heart.

In fact, he was not the only one who was hit. The Ninjas around him realized that his companion had fallen down. However, he had already taken off and had no choice but to continue to do the same thing. The result is of course the same, these ninjas fell into the sea like the next dumpling.Eisinger's shell is made of mending stone waste residue. Although its hardness is not as good as that of the original stone, it is after all something refined by Nuwa, which is harder than steel. It's impossible for these guys to hit the nail into the wall with the light on their hands, so the nail paw doesn't work at all. These guys all slide into the sea without exception.

After the first row of ninjas fell into the water, they made up the water one after another. The standing Ninja climbed onto the water again, but they were all drowned. Just a moment ago, the confident and slow Ninja was all dumbfounded. Such a towering city wall stands like a mountain in front of it. The iron claws can't be thrown on the top of the city, and the nail palms can't gnaw the shell of the wall. How can we get up there?

Tanaka is in the rear, with a telescope, looking under the walls of Eisinger. The Ninjas in the back row blocked his view, so he didn't know what was going on in front of him. But Tanaka can see a large number of ninjas rushed to the wall below, but did not start climbing the wall, but all stood there, do not know what to do.

Those presidents standing behind Tanaka and Matsumoto also noticed that the situation was wrong.

"What are they doing? Why didn't it move? "

Matsumoto took a telescope and looked at it for half a day. He said, "it seems that because of something, I can't move forward. I feel I'm under the wall!"

"No, I can't see clearly here." The shadow dancer with the ghost mask called for a flying horse and rode up to the high place.

"See anything?" Matsumoto asked below.

Tanaka also asked, "is it Eisinger's shield blocking the way?"

"No The shadow dancer looked through the telescope and said, "it seems that they have passed through the protective shield. They are under the wall. Some people from the vanguard army are trying to climb the wall, but they always slide down."

"Climbing a wall?" Matsumoto himself is also a ninja, he certainly knows the basic method of climbing the wall. "Strange? Why climb the wall? Oh too bad! Forget the most important thing

"What's the matter?" Tanaka, they haven't figured out what's going on.

Matsumoto shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "what do you think the Ninjas are going to do there?"

"On the wall, of course."


"Throw a rope...!" Tanaka's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he himself also responded. "Forget the height of the city wall! It's so high that no Ninja can throw the flying claws up

The water depth of aisinger near the coast is only more than 40 meters. The height of the wall is more than 400 meters. The Ninja standing on the water is nearly 400 meters high from the top of the wall. First consider how high the Ninja can throw the flying claws. Even if they can throw the flying claws into space to hook up the satellite, it's useless because the flying claws are designed to deal with ordinary city walls, and the rope behind it is only about 80 meters long. Even if a Super Ninja threw the flying claws on the top of the wall and caught it, there would be more than 300 meters under the rope from the sea, and the Ninjas would still be unable to get on.

Ikeda li man said: "the rope can't be thrown up. Isn't there nail claw? It's said that Ninja's wall climbing skills are very high? "

Matsumoto was dejected and said, "didn't you listen to the ghost? Our people are climbing the wall, but they always fall into the water. I'm afraid that damned wall is not ordinary. That strange blue, I think, is more than just camouflage. It must be a very strong material. Its hardness may be similar to that of steel, and the nail palms probably can't be penetrated. "

Tian Zhao, who has been silent for a long time, suddenly says, "isn't it possible for a high-level Ninja to climb a wall with his bare hands relying on his sorcery?"

Matsumoto Zhenghe carefully said: "but those are the soldiers of forbearance, senior Ninja will not! Among the adventurers (players) who lead the team, there are some experts. But judging from their slow and quiet appearance, the top players probably didn't rush to the wall at all. "

"What about that? Let our people just stand under the wall? The Chinese will surely drop bombs in a while, and so many people gathered there will surely be wiped out in groups. " Xintian Zhizuo asked.

"Order the armored troops to move forward and send out the Miyagi equipment team." Matsumoto gave the order decisively.

"Siege equipment?" Rose standing on top of Eisinger holds a telescope and looks at the movement of the Japanese side, only to see that the Japanese army has opened a large number of huge equipment.

"Is little Japan crazy? Is it useful to open up these things? " Wei looked at me suspiciously: "these things can't touch the sea water, probably all to blow up."

"Don't underestimate the Japanese." The eagle said: "those motorcades are arranged in accordance with the law. All the equipment is protected by a shield wall car. From this perspective, we can only see the shield car, but we can't see the equipment at all."

"Shield car? Is that going to stop the shells? " Sumei asked.

The general said: "the shield car is a kind of siege equipment developed in ancient China. It was originally designed to block arrows. Putting heavy shields on wheels improves mobility and makes them larger and thicker. If the material used in the Japanese shield is reasonable, the structural strength may really be able to block the shell. ""I didn't know until I tried." I ordered again: "city tree, don't mind the group of ninjas under the city wall, blow up those big guys in the distance for me."

All the guns that are adjusting their firing angles have started to pull back. Just now, the city tree has put these big guns into the sky. They are completely used as mortars. They let the shells fly up first and then fall freely. In this way, they can attack the enemies under the wall with exaggerated ballistics. Otherwise, those people are shooting in dead corners and can't directly aim at them.

This time all the guns were leveled and heavy weapons began to speak again. Boom. A huge fire erupted from the muzzle of a heavy gun, and the shells also flew out with the flame and rushed towards the Japanese shield car. The fat shell soon reached the front of a shield car. At the moment when it was about to contact with the shield car, a colorful light curtain suddenly appeared in front of the shield car.

"Oh? Shield? " I looked at the glittering shield lanes: "I don't know where Matsumoto's son has come from to collect such high-end goods."

On the battlefield, the shell that hit the shield did not explode, it was stuck on the shield and rotated in place. The shell launched by the rifled gun will rotate forward in the air, which is conducive to stabilizing the trajectory. Although the shield blocked the warhead's progress, the warhead was still spinning. The eerie picture pauses for about a second, and then suddenly the warhead explodes. The flame and smoke and dust spread in an instant, and a stream of air collided with the shield in front of the shield and made a bell. All the people pushing the shield car behind the shield car were shaken out more than a meter, but they quickly got up and pushed the car forward again.

"What a strong defense The eagle sighed.

"How do I think that shield is like our country's product?" Su Mei looked at the shield and asked.

When she said that, everyone felt like it. Rose said: "it seems to be the style of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Look at the shape of the tiger head on the shield, is it completely Chinese style? And the short dragon sign on the corner of the shield, that's what our country has

"Little Japan also has dragons." Bailing reminded.

"But their dragons don't have this short and thick type. This style of dragon only existed before the Qin Dynasty in our country, and later became the shape of the Dragon now. At that time, the dragon was more like an alligator than a dragon. "

"Are you saying that these shields are from our country?" Asked the general.

Rose said, "not necessarily. Maybe it was Japan who bought it in China, or they found a third party to transfer it. They might even have robbed it. Of course, it may also be that there are traitors who provide weapons for the Japanese against us. However, this possibility is relatively small. The Chinese should have no reason to help the Japanese fight us. "

Eisinger's side is discussing, Matsumoto's side is cheering.

"Ha ha ha ha. Face ghost, these things you sent are so good that they can resist the bombardment of cannons. " Tanaka was smiling like a shadow dancer.

Matsumoto Zhenghe also said: "what kind of car is this? Can you still buy it? We want to buy more. With this thing, eisenegger's cannons will not threaten us

The shadow dancer said with a smile: "this is what our guild spent a lot of effort to buy. The place for sale is the NPC siege Equipment Institute in a special city. Only my people know the location of that place, and they can continue to buy it in the future. However, the output there is not high, and they may not be able to provide you with large quantities. If I didn't know you were going to fight ziri this time, I wouldn't have given you so much. That purple sun made me lose face. I must let him pay the price. "

"Good. Get up where you fall. This purple day let you suffer a loss, you must ask for it from him. We black dragon will support you. "

Shinoda Zhizuo also followed: "our guild in Japan will support you."

"Ha ha, happy cooperation." Shadow dancers and Matsumoto are laughing as they watch the shield car troops continue to cover the siege equipment unit.

On Eisinger, I watched as the advancing shield cars picked up the leaves of the city tree. "Change the way you fight. Don't use shotguns. For armour piercing incendiary

The cannon roared again, and a shell of different shapes flew out. The Japanese over there were happy. Suddenly a shell hit the shield of the shield car. The shell of the shell was jammed on the shield, but the warhead suddenly opened. A smaller shell flew out and hit the front shield of the shield car.

When a sound, the shell into the shield car's front shield, stuck in the middle, but the warhead has penetrated a little bit. Boom. The small warhead suddenly exploded, and a large flame swept the whole car in an instant. The fire immediately ignited the wooden structure of the whole shield car. Although the front of the car is made of steel, in order to reduce the weight, it still uses a lot of wood structure, which is a small but big loss. The flame set the car on fire. There were dozens of people coming out of the back of the car with the open body and the fire. After them, there are also some Warcraft like cattle, which were originally used as the main power, but now they also run out because of the fire.

The bull on fire hit the middle of the crowd and knocked down the shield car next to it. I didn't expect that the effect of the incendiary bomb was so good that it confused the Japanese army's shield vehicle array.If you like this book, please come to the starting point Chinese website , more chapters, support authors, support legitimate reading! , the fastest update of the webnovel!