Chapter 327

After the shelling, I personally took the players in the meeting into the Japanese warship to clean up the enemies inside. Although most of the enemies were stopped by the blockade just now, a few people still entered the ship. The clean-up work was very smooth. There were not many enemies and they were all knocked out. We solved the battle by two or three times. Hang this warship behind the eternal and drag it along, and the fleet continues to move on to the next city.

Today, we enjoyed ourselves. We fought all night. We spent a whole night at the speed of a city in 30 minutes. The next morning, when the sun rose from the East, the players in the meeting couldn't hold on. This night, the three warships used 95% of their spare ammunition, and all the players couldn't stand it. The former main gun of the eternal is now like a firestick. A group of NPC crew members are watering the outside of the barrel to cool it down. If the cooling measures were not started in advance last night, the tube would be red!

Of course, war can't just destroy. Besides knowing the city clearly, our main task is to support the war with war. The guild equipment warehouse and some precious materials in the city are good things. The cargo holds of the three warships were not big enough, so I had to put them all into my space door. In addition to these little things, we also found five warships that were about to be completed, and we towed them along with us. Rona with red hair stood in the cabin, holding a pile of jewelry and laughing: "ha ha! I'm still in my old business! " Dizzy! These pirates follow me. I don't think they can make it back!

In addition to fighting in the night, I also let the players in the meeting go offline several times. Anyway, the players of Sakura Club live together, and let these players go offline, force the players who stay in the city out of the game, and then ask about the city situation and tell them that the Japanese fleet has gone to China and ask them to prepare early.

At 6:30 a.m., two Japanese warships loaded with booty left Japan and began to return. Behind us are nine smoky city ruins, perhaps only the size of those ruins can show how brilliant they were before. (explain in advance that nine cities in one night and one city in 30 minutes don't conflict. There is always a delay on the way. Cities are not one by one.)

In the process of returning, I didn't let all the players go offline to rest. Who knows if there will be Japanese returning fleet on the way. Anyway, "zero" has an auxiliary sleep function. Let players sleep on the ship first. More than an hour later, we entered the storm zone again. The weather is better this time. Although the storm still exists, the waves are not big, not as exaggerated as last night.

After a while in the wind and waves, a report came from the observation room. "Report! We've got a target right in front. Ship shadow 14, 15, 16 、57、58、…… There's a whole fleet

I quickly got down from the helmsman's position to wake up Chuang Wang. "Get up, combat alert!"

"Ah?" Chuang Wang was still confused. He didn't respond for a moment. I simply grabbed him and shook him violently. "Don't shake, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Put down the king, I quickly pull the alarm: "all attention, all personnel in place, the front found a large fleet."

"What shall we do? Too many, we can't beat it! " King Chuang watched the enemy in front with his observation glass.

The door was suddenly opened and rose stumbled in. "What's the matter?"

Chuang Wang gives her the observation glass, and rose looks at the mouth of the observation glass. "So much?"

"All of Japan's warships with more than 10000 tons are here. There are not many problems." Chuang Wang said worried.

I looked up to the observation room and called, "estimate the number of enemy ships."

NPC observer immediately reported: "the number is more than 400."

"It's more than one to one hundred. It's too big. We'll be finished if we rush through."

Just as I was talking, the NPC operator on the edge of the command room suddenly reported: "the noise of special propeller captured by the hydrophone was found, and it was confirmed that it was a Japanese submarine, more than 50."

"Good fellow, there are a lot of things."

Rose suddenly said, "how about sending out the air force and underwater troops first?"

"Are you going to attack with Guardian beasts?" Rose's opinion startled me.

Rose nodded and said, "there are still many Zha medicines on board. It's a good choice to launch a strong attack from the air and underwater."

"All right." I picked up the loudspeaker and gave orders. "All personnel, fire their rifles and send out steel claws."

There are only more than 100 players on the three ships, and most of the posts are in the charge of NPC, but there is nothing to do now. I put my own space door on the deck and let Fenglong release my demons. Unfortunately, I haven't connected to the server now, so I can't use it now!

Amenas like as two peas on the top of the perpetual mast, and began to use her superillusions. Suddenly there was a constant eternity around the timeless, and then one of the battleships appeared. Our side soon changed from three warships to 300 warships. Although 297 of them were illusions, Japan did not know. Let them play slowly in a while. If you can find the target, you are good. At this time, the distance between the two sides is close to 100 kilometers, which means that we have entered the effective range.

Standing in the bow of the boat, I draw out the eternal sword and point forward. "Attack!" Boom! The three front mounted cannons fired together and knocked me to the ground. I was so excited just now that I forgot to hide in the cabin! Our fake fleet fired at the same time, only 45 shells actually flew out. The opposite small Japanese fleet suddenly heard the sound of shells flying in the air, and was hit by a pile of shells before reaction. The Japanese warship running in the front was shot in the bow, and the whole bow sank underwater, and the stern of the ship rose up. The huge warship was just hit by a huge shell and turned over.I wanted to have amenis simulate the water column of the shell falling into the water near the other side, but emmenis said it was beyond her ability and it was not easy to maintain such a large illusion.

Until the end of the first round of shelling, the Japanese warships did not find us. Our warships were equipped with super observers bought from Germany. When the weather was good, we could see small sampans within 200 kilometers. The Japanese did not have such huge observation equipment. Their observation limit was only 90 kilometers, which is still unclear. At this time, we are still out of sight, very safe.

The next step was to start the non-stop shelling with the advantage of range. I jumped onto the shoulder belt of night shadow and led the air force to attack. More than 120 spears flew up behind my dragon. We all carried a large number of Zha medicine bags, which were specially used for bombing. XiaoLongNu jumps down from the side of the boat with her steel claws. This is the underwater unit.

Night shadow strides straight in the air, followed by a large air force approaching the fleet at high speed. Japan finally found us, but now it is still far away, they can only look at us for the time being. The speed of the air force was relatively fast, and 100 kilometers passed quickly, and the small Japanese anti air slave guns also began to attack. The three dragons don't throw those catapults at all. They have no power to shoot such high catapults. The tank defense is higher than the dragon, is not worried, Xiaofeng and the prodigal son simply fly to the dragon, with the dragon to help resist the attack. The spear troops followed my birds and swayed away from the crossbows. These guys have incomparable flying skills. The crossbows can't even touch their edges.

When we got close to the Japanese fleet, we really realized the size of the fleet. A large number of warships were moving on the sea with amazing momentum. But I don't have much time to appreciate their momentum. It's our job to send them all to the bottom of the sea.

"Birds. Attack

The bird with the team suddenly pressed its wings to the left and tumbled down. The long gun in the back was followed by a tumbling dive, which was like the collective bombing of Stuka, the German ace dive bomber. After discovering the long spear troops diving, the small Japan's air defense firepower immediately gathered, not only had the crossbow, even the magician all joined the air defense sequence. In order to avoid the attack, the spears could no longer maintain their formation. More than 100 spears rolled and crossed in the air, and a crossbow arrow passed by them with the wind whistling. Pieces of fireballs were shot into the sky by mages, but the speed of these things was not as fast as the crossbow and arrow to dodge.


From 800 meters high, the long spear team diving quickly reached the height of less than 200 meters above the fleet, and the birds suddenly made a strange sound. Ka, he released the Zha medicine hanging under his body and began to pull it up. The long guns in the back looked for their targets respectively, aimed at the warship, dropped the Zha medicine, and then leveled and pulled it up. The diving speed of the spear is too fast, and it is difficult to pull it up in a short time after the bomb is dropped. The height of 200m is dangerous. As a result, more than one hundred spears quickly passed between the warships, and the next warship was immediately filled with gunfire, hoping to shoot down the spears. However, their efforts did not pay off. Only seven spears were hit by shells, and all of them were hit by stray bullets, belonging to the blind cat hitting dead mice.

After the long spear brigade roared through the fleet, the Zha medicine which had been simply packaged came down. There was a roar of explosions, and fireballs rose one by one from the warships. Although Zha is not as powerful as shells, it is not a good thing to be bombarded by so many Zha drugs. As a target, 10 warships immediately caught fire, and many warships nearby were also affected. Although the armored ship is made of metal, this does not mean that it is not afraid of fire. As soon as the rifles returned to flight altitude, there was a loud noise from below. The ammunition depot of the warship marked chimaru on the side of the tower was killed and exploded. The whole warship fell apart and began to sink.

I took Zha medicine from Fenglong space to equip the spears for the second time. One bombing is far from our target. The long guns supplemented with Zha medicine began to circle. After all the guns were equipped, the second bombing began immediately. There is no way for Japanese warships to bomb us. The speed of long guns is too fast, especially the diving speed. The anti-aircraft catapult is not a threat to them at all. Even a network of mages doesn't work.

Just after our second bombing, two flying dragons suddenly appeared on a large warship behind the fleet. I saw that it was a flying dragon carrier from Japan. "Crystal, plague. Go down and smash the aircraft carrier to me. The tank and the third will go there. There is another one. "

The four big guys were ordered to attack immediately. The aircraft carriers were all behind the fleet, which brought us a lot of convenience in our attack. They're very close to the air defense from the front. They're very safe from the rear. After the plague dodged several magic missiles, it rushed to the flying dragon which was preparing to take off. The flying dragon just left the ground was trampled back to the ground by the plague from above. Before it could resist, the plague bit its neck. Crystal more ruthless, her side of the dragon was directly trampled to death by her. The two dragons quickly rushed to the bridge in the middle of the ship. The warship nearby was afraid of hitting his own people and did not dare to fire. The two dragons rushed to the bridge without any hindrance. When the plague opened a hatch, there was a dragon burning inside. All the places on the ship that reached the hole began to burst into flames, and the deck of the warship began to soften. The crystal tore the deck apart with the plague, but the warship nearby suddenly opened fire. Maybe they realized that the carrier couldn't hold on. They wanted to pull a cushion, so they opened fire one after another. The two dragons flew up cleverly, and Japan's own shell blew up his aircraft carrier to pieces.The tank side is more simple, he directly used his scythe to pull off the command tower of the aircraft carrier, and then cut off the take-off deck. The lower three poured a dragon into the crack and the whole ship was declared scrapped. After all, flying dragon is a magic pet, and it can't be produced in large quantities, so there are only two aircraft carriers in this fleet. If the air force of the other side is solved, there is no need to worry about it. The long guns can bomb with confidence.

When the longguns completed the third group of bombing, the steel claw team led by XiaoLongNu finally met the submarine forces. In fact, the submarines we build are not submarines, at best they are ships that can run underwater. The main reason is the lack of two key technologies. One is that there is no way to produce oxygen, and 20 cannot produce torpedoes. The combination of submarine and torpedo is the submarine in modern war. The submarine without torpedo can only be diving ship. We, Eisinger, bought a large number of oxygen making machines from Atlantis, barely solved the problem of oxygen supply for long-term underwater operation, and the waterproof partition door of Atlantis also solved the water seepage problem easily. But we can't build torpedoes, so we can't attack underwater. Japan is worse than us. They have to float for air and drain the water from the propeller part every time, so it can't be regarded as a real submarine. The steel claw door is in contact with these submarines underwater. There is no threat to these submarines. No submarine will attack underwater.

The Dragon girl took the lead to rush up, and the steel claws followed one after another. Each submarine opened a few big holes on the Dodge, seriously flooded submarine will sink itself. The task of the steel claws is not a submarine, but a warship. They quickly approach the enemy fleet and begin to move. Each steel claw has several large bundles of Zha medicine wrapped in waterproof package, and there are sticky attachments on the outside of the package. When we got to the bottom of the warship, the steel claws turned and sucked on the bottom of the ship. Remove the Zha medicine from the body, stick it near the waterline of the ship, and then leave quickly. When it's all set up, Bruce Lee informs me that it's finished.

After receiving the notice, I took out the detonating crystal prepared by crystal chocolate from my body, and after slightly inputting magic power, the crystal was bright. There was a sudden explosion in the fleet below. A battleship with a displacement of 50000 tons suddenly shook, then began to lean from, and gradually lost its balance and began to capsize. Next to the warship, the bow suddenly lifted and smashed back to the water, and then saw the poor warship burst into the sea with bubbles. There are always warships capsizing and sinking in the rear, which makes little Japan in a mess.

I looked at the fire fleet below and nodded with satisfaction. Zha's medicine was almost enough. She quickly gathered home to return to the warship. At this time, the distance between the two fleets was less than 60 kilometers. Our warships never stopped shelling, and the Japanese warships were scared by our fleet. Emmenis's vision is copied from the eternal, so the entire fleet of warships are giant warships. Little Japan thought it was really a huge Chinese fleet and ran to the side to make way for us.

The Japanese are scared because they think we have 300 warships like the eternal, but we know we only have three! So we didn't plan to chase them. The Japanese made way for us to drive past. Both sides shot each other and passed by. It was very strange.

The precise simulation of emmenis makes each phantom warship have its own posture, and after being hit by the enemy, it will simulate explosions and fireworks. Apart from the sound simulation, everything is the same. The Japanese never know that only three of these 300 warships are real. The whole fleet is the same. Another advantage is that the other side can't find the flagship. All the warships look similar. No one knows which one is the flagship, so they can't concentrate their firepower on us.

Just as the two sides were about to pass by, I suddenly found that the Japanese fleet was followed by 11 giant ships, which were unarmed. Judging from the draught of those ships, it can be judged that these 11 ships are fully loaded. It is impossible for little Japan to make trouble in our country and return empty handed. Then these ships must be carrying booty.

Hey, hey! There is no precedent for what I see to run away. "All ships, take care of the tugboat in front of the 11 cargo ships."

The three warships immediately adjusted the angle of their guns to fire. Those tugboats suffered immediately, and the shells that the warships could not block were a nightmare for the tugboat. The 11 freighters did not have enough power to provide them with enough speed. As soon as the tugboat sank, the cargo ship slowed down immediately. The small Japanese fleet ahead found out our intention and turned around immediately. I ordered the eternal to let go of the ships that were trailing behind and rushed out. The other two warships were immediately deterred. Emmenis also created a large column of water near the cargo ships, as if the phantoms were also firing. It may be that Japan didn't think it was worth sacrificing the entire fleet for these 11 cargo ships. They finally gave up the rescue and turned away reluctantly. But a fire broke out on the freighter. These small Japanese would rather burn the ship than give it to us! Unfortunately, we were fully equipped. The three warships were equipped with water spray equipment. With Xiao Longnu's rainstorm technique, the fire was soon extinguished.

When little Japan went far away, we boarded those cargo ships to have a look. Good guy, all kinds of personnel, equipment and valuables are piled up in 10 ships. The rest of the most ridiculous, the lower cabin is full of magic stones, the upper cabin is more than you can imagine - NPC. Little Japan actually caught a lot of free NPC to the ship, although the majority of women, but also men, and each beautiful. Free NPC is used to simulate the residents in the city. Otherwise, if the map is too large, many cities will appear empty. These free NPCs have no attack power and no level display. If they recruit workers in the city, they will consciously sign up to participate in the transformation into NPC workers or farmers and so on. Now there are thousands of beautiful free NPCs in the cabin. These little Japanese will not sell people part-time, will they? Besides, these NPCs have no combat effectiveness. I really don't know what they are going to do after catching these NPCs! You don't want to open a brothel, do you? The system seems to allow such buildings in Japan, but it is illegal in China.Anyway, first of all, let go of these strapped NPCs, and I found a few of them who were quick to speak and asked about the situation. It turned out that the Japanese fleet began to attack the Chinese port city yesterday afternoon. The Japanese fleet was divided into three groups and attacked separately. The fleet of Chinese Guilds concentrated on intercepting two of them and sinking more than 100 Japanese warships. The rest escaped. The loss of Chinese warships was about 200, but the result was acceptable. Don't look at how much we have lost. In fact, Japan has suffered more. All of them came over big guys of over 10000 tons. We sank small boats, and most of them were wooden ships. In this way, we still took advantage of them. The only pity is that the Chinese fleet, which was responsible for intercepting the last Japanese fleet, failed to find the target, which was not as good as the Japanese fleet! The Japanese warship team attacked the Chinese port of Lvping, and then went all the way north. Eight coastal cities were looted and almost all of them were destroyed. Although eight cities were destroyed, they resisted tenaciously. The Japanese army also paid the price of 27 warships in order to loot the cities. In other words, the Japanese army lost nearly 200 warships in the attack. In addition to the encounter we just had, the Japanese army lost nearly 100 warships. All of a sudden, the Japanese fleet lost about 250 warships.

Japan has demolished eight of our cities and nine of them. Besides, we also made a lot of money in vain. We copied back all the things they robbed, which made Japan lose a lot. Originally, this time I was going to cover the sea dragon's Beach snatching, but I didn't expect it turned into robbery! It's called planning not keeping up with change. , the fastest update of the webnovel!