Gandalf's voice fell.

Everyone around suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Morgan and Gandalf returned unexpectedly and returned to the expedition alive again.

No one wants to see casualties in the expedition again.


As soon as their faces relaxed, Gandalf, who was examining bolomir's wound, spoke again.

Immediately let everyone focus on him again.

Gandalf took bolomir's wound and didn't speak, but just held out his hand to one side.

Morgan immediately understood, pulled out the dagger pinned to his calf and handed it to him.

Gandalf took the dagger and cut the clothes at the wound. Looking at the skin at the middle wound, it had become as black and rotten as a black arrow.

"But... The arrow is poisonous."

Gandalf said in a deep voice.

At this time, everyone around also saw the terrible situation of bolomir's shoulder wound, and was worried again.

It can make the wound look like this in such a short time. It can be seen that the toxicity of the black arrow is strong and terrible.

"Fortunately, the wound is on the shoulder. If it goes further, bolomir can't be treated at all..."

Gandalf carefully observed bolomir's wound and said to Morgan, "take out what Mrs. galladriel gave you before she left."

"How do you know?"

Morgan gave Gandalf a suspicious look.

Gandalf wasn't there when Galadriel gave him this and said he would use it.

Morgan doesn't ink, and his mind frets.

Next second.

A delicate transparent glass bottle with the length of an index finger appeared in Morgan's hand.

Just as he was about to pass the vial to Gandalf.

Gandalf looked back at bolomir's wound again and said, "get ready."

As soon as Morgan heard this, he immediately knew and opened the bottle.

Then Gandalf pulled the black arrow out of bolomir's wound as fast as he could.


Gandalf just spoke.

Morgan had poured the liquid from the delicate glass bottle into the dark and rotten wound.

I saw a drop of liquid as transparent as water dripping into the wound.



The black blood gushing out of the black corruption wound immediately saw transparent water droplets, as if it poured water into a hot oil pan, and immediately had a violent reaction.

A trace of foul smelling black smoke kept coming out of the wound.

At this time, bolomir, who had completely slept in the past, could not help twitching and groaning in pain.

Look at the violent reaction on the wound.

The crowd around could almost imagine the pain.

But soon, when the reaction of the transparent liquid was completed, the black smoke dispersed.

The originally dark and rotten wound immediately became like flesh without blood.

See the wound look like this.

Gandalf breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Morgan's exquisite glass bottle and said, "it's really useful."

The people around also relaxed a lot.

The arrow on the shoulder was pulled out.

Gandalf's eyes fell again on the wound on bolomir's knee.

Like the wound on the shoulder, the clothes on the knee were cut, and the people saw the dark wound emitting putrefaction again.

With just the experience.

Gandalf, Morgan.

When the transparent liquid drips into the wound on the knee again.

Watching the wound become more normal at the speed visible to the naked eye, the people's mood finally relaxed.

Just Gandalf wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Looking at the pale complexion, it was almost the same as that of the dead. Bolomir turned to the people and said, "as you can see."

"Those two arrows have extremely strong evil poison. Although the evil poison on the two wounds has been removed."

"But the toxicity deep into bolomir's body cannot be easily resolved."

"Although I let him fall into a deep sleep, his condition is very serious. If he can't get better cultivation and treatment in time, bolomir may not wake up or even die."


At this point, Gandalf took a breath, looked at the people and continued, "you need someone to send him to Minas tiris in Gondor as soon as possible. He needs the best treatment there to have a chance to wake up."

Gandalf said that.

Everyone present basically understood Gandalf's meaning.

After a little silence, Aragon was the first to stand up: "I'll go."

"Gandalf and Morgan are back. Without me, I believe they can send Frodo to moldo."

Watch Aragon stand up first.

Neither Morgan nor Gandalf was surprised.

Aragon is the only lineage and orthodox heir to the throne of King Gondor. In terms of identity, polomir, even polomir's father and current Prime Minister denisol of Gondor, are his subordinates and followers.

Before, in Aragon's arms, bolomir revealed his true feelings. He not only admitted that he could not resist the temptation of the ring, but also recognized Aragon's identity.

At this time, Aragon would stand up when polomir needed it.

"By the way, Frodo... Where's Frodo?"

When Aragorn mentioned Frodo, Gandalf immediately reacted and asked.

"I asked him to leave early..."

Aragon was stunned when he said this, because he remembered what Frodo had said to him before, which made him a little confused. Then he immediately said, "go, let's go out and talk..."

Frodo, the precept bearer, is very important.

They immediately decided to find Frodo first.

Aragon carried bolomir on his back.

The crowd followed Gandalf and walked quickly towards the Anduin river.

Not long.

When six people appeared by the river.

In addition to the three ferries taken by the people, there was only a pile of fire that had extinguished the open fire, and a group of people's supplies were placed beside the river bank.

"Frodo is not here?"

"Where has he gone?"

"And Sam, he's gone..."

Legolas and Jinli looked around and said.

Morgan looked at the three ferries parked by the river and asked Aragon, "how many ferries were there when you came?"

"Three ships..." Aragon said.

"Then there should be four by the river..."

Morgan frowned, looked up at the other side and said immediately, "look there!"

They immediately looked down Morgan's eyes, and then saw that a ferry was stopping by the river far ahead.

Morgan then walked quickly to the place where the blanket materials were placed, and his eyes quickly swept all the materials on the ground.

People realized Morgan's idea and soon came over.

Morgan looked at the crowd and said, "what belongs to Frodo and Sam is gone."

After all the expedition people had been traveling for so long, Morgan could easily recognize which things and blankets belonged to, and so did others.

"Did they leave alone?" Legolas frowned.

"It seems so now."

Morgan nodded.

"But can they do without our protection?"

"Can two small, weak hobbits really get to Dharma?"

Jinli asked suspiciously.

"This is Frodo's choice."

At this time, Gandalf, who had been silent for a long time, looked at the ferry on the other side of the river in the distance and said in a deep voice, "he must have understood that he must complete the next journey alone."

"Well, you don't have to worry. We have to trust Frodo."

"Let's talk about returning bolomir to Gondor first..."

Looking back from the other side in the distance, Gandalf looked at the sleeping bolomir on Aragon's back and said.

"Since Frodo no longer needs our protection, I'll send polomir back to Gondor with Aragon."

"There are two people on the road. They can take care of them in case of an enemy."

Legolas looked at the crowd and said.

Indeed, if Legolas and Aragon were together, they would certainly go to Gondor much faster and safer.

"What about me..."

Jinli looked at the two partners. They were going to Gondor next and wanted to speak.

Aragorn suddenly looked at Morgan and Gandalf: "what about you? Where are you going next?"

"Now that Merri and Pippin have been captured by the orcs, we can't watch them tortured by Saruman."

Morgan said.

Just down the hill on the way out.

Aragon had already told the crowd, and bolomir told him that meri and Pippin were captured by the strong orcs with white palm marks on their chest.

Gandalf also easily analyzed that there could be no other orcs who could march quickly in the daytime sun and were significantly taller than the new orcs transformed by Saruman in Eisinger.

Gandalf then said, "if it goes well, we should go to" Edoras "(King Rohan capital)."

Aragorn: "I've heard about Rohan. The king has been seriously ill for a long time."

"Yes, and still heart disease!"

Gandalf nodded and continued, "the king's mind is enslaved, and the current situation of Rohan is in danger."

"Saruman is now firmly in control of King Theoden..."

"We must find a way to solve this situation and rescue king Theoden, otherwise we can't imagine the serious situation in the future..."

Gandalf said in a deep voice.

There was a silence.

Aragorn nodded immediately: "you obviously need more people on your next journey. Legolas doesn't have to come with me."

"I can safely deliver bolomir to Minas tiris alone."

"After that, we will hurry to Edoras to find you as soon as possible."

Aragon said that.

Legolas didn't say what he wanted to say.

Compared with Aragon, Gandalf and Morgan have to chase the orcs, save meri and Pippin, and the journey to Edoras, the capital of Rohan, is obviously more dangerous and needs more help.

Jinli had no idea of going to Gondor with Allah.

"Time is urgent, so I'll start."

Aragon said, tightening bolomir behind him, and then walked towards a ferry by the river.

Here we have reached the northern border of Gondor.

Down the Anduin River, you can reach the white city of Minas tiris, the capital of Gondor.

However, the next section of water to avoid laros falls in front is not easy to walk. After this distance, it will be much easier to walk behind.

Several people helped move the blankets, dry food, drinks and supplies of Aragon and bolomir to bolomir's Ferry.

With the help of several people, Aragon quickly set out on the road in a ferry.

Look at the figure of Aragon.

Morgan took back his eyes and said, "we should go, too. Those orcs can march in the sun, but they won't be slow."

"When they arrive at Essinger, we'll be in trouble if we want to save merry and Pippin."


Gandalf nodded, "I'm afraid those two little guys are frightened now."


Four people clean up.

Before long, when the ferry by the river was carried ashore to hide, the campfire went out and everything was cleaned up.

The four man team immediately drilled into the forest behind them and soon disappeared.


"Bang Bang..."

In the warm sun.

It is located in a wide dry river at the foot of the amundhan mountains.

A ferocious and ugly Orc army in black armor is walking quickly in the river and running towards the front.

"Bang Bang..."

The orc army kept running forward.

In the team, two were bound by the orcs and carried on the backs of two tall Orc soldiers. Small men of different shapes and clothes were sleeping.

This Orc force, of course, attacked the expedition on the amundhan mountains next to lalos falls two days ago, and took away the two little hobbits, meri and Pippin, from the Uruk strong Orc force of Eisinger.

At this time, one of the hobbits woke up with his hands tightly tied and carried on the back of a tall ORC.

The little hobbit who saw himself and the situation around him did not panic, but shouted that another little hobbit treated the same as him not far away.



Pippin tried to keep her voice down and called to the unconscious merry again and again.

Just then.

The orc troops ahead suddenly slowed down and then stopped directly.


Pippin continues to call her little friend Merry carefully.

At this point, the team is at the forefront.

Another team of orcs with worse shape, size and even equipment than the strong orc forces from Eisinger blocked the road.

"Why did you come so slowly?"

"Our master has been impatient with waiting."

The little Orc leader in the way from Mordor looked at the little Orc leader of Uruk strong and said discontentedly, "hand over those short bastards of shire. Our master wants them now!"

As soon as he heard this, the little leader of the strong ORC was immediately unhappy. He looked at the orc half shorter than him and said loudly, "I won't listen to your orders."

"The dwarf of the shire is Saruman's booty. No one wants to take it away."

"We will deliver it to Saruman in person!"

The orc leader said coldly, raised his axe, looked at the short Orc leader in front of him, and roared, "now, get away!"

"Otherwise, I'll kill you as dry food!"

The little leader of the strong Orc roared with a ferocious face. Around, behind him, a group of strong Orc soldiers immediately followed the coax, waved weapons and roared.

The little Orc leader from moldo changed his face and had to give way.

At this time, a strong Orc warrior suddenly sucked his nose.

The orc leader immediately turned to look at each other and asked, "what do you smell?"

"It smells human..."

Said the orc warrior at once.

"Human taste... The difficult companions of the orcs may catch up."

"Let's go and speed up!"

The little leader of the strong orcs roared, and the troops moved quickly again.

In the middle of the team, Pippin, who heard the strong Orc dialogue ahead, immediately thought of who the human in the other party's mouth was.


Pippin's face was silent, but her mouth held the green leaf button of the elf cloak in front of her chest and tore it hard.

After a while.

When the green leaf button was bitten off, Pippin immediately vomited to the ground.

The moment the pin fell to the ground, it was stepped into the ground by the strong orcs behind.

The orc team continues to move forward.

In the rear, at the foot of the amundhan mountains, above the starting section of the dry river.

Four figures of different heights are running fast along the Bank of the river towards the front.