It was noon.

It's sunny.

A cloud of light hung high in the sky.

The winter sun shines on the body only warm.

Facing the cool wind.

The four man team walking in ravendale valley became more and more relaxed.

"Gandalf, are we going to stay here until spring this time?"

Bilbo, walking down the hill, suddenly asked.

"Yes, we agreed."

Gandalf looked back at Bilbo with a cigarette stick in his mouth and smiled.

"What's the matter? Are you homesick, Bilbo?"

At this time, Morgan, who heard the conversation between the two, began to laugh.

"Of course, no, no..."

"I'm just confirming with you once. We agreed to leave the valley and go to shire in spring, right?"

Bilbo shook his head and asked, looking at Gandalf in front and Morgan behind him.

"Of course, we agreed."

Morgan smiled and nodded.

He could see that although Bilbo didn't say it, he should be homesick.

At this time, Gandalf at the front of the team suddenly said in a slow voice: "Bilbo, Morgan, you know I've always done more..."

Gandalf's words immediately alerted the two people behind him.

"What do you want to say?"

Bilbo immediately asked.

"I want to say that next spring, you go first. I may go to the North First, and then go to shire to find you..."

Gandalf weighed his words.

Morgan and bill Blitzer said in unison, "no!"

"No, we agreed when we were in the lonely mountain, Gandalf."

Bilbo looked determined and shook his head.

"Yes, I can testify."

"You can't fail to keep your promise, Gandalf."

Morgan raised his hand and said immediately.

Looking at the expressions of the two behind him, Gandalf had to wave his hand and say with a smile, "Okay, okay."

The team moved on.

Morgan looked at Bilbo's back in front and suddenly remembered: in the memory of the plot, Bilbo returned to his hometown shire after the war of the five armies in Gushan.

Because it disappeared for too long, the property of the family was almost auctioned to the villagers by the relatives who had been coveting his property in their hometown.

"Would you like to remind Bilbo now?"

Morgan, who suddenly thought of it, immediately came up with the idea.

But soon, the idea was pushed down by Morgan.

If he reminded Bilbo now of Bilbo's attachment to his own family.

I'm afraid we have to change our destination and go back to shire now, not ravendale.

"Forget it, Bilbo is rich now..."

"Moreover, Bilbo seems to have been away from home for more than ten months."

"But in fact, it is only about five months since the expedition left shire."

"The time is not right. It should be all right..."

Thinking of this, Morgan decided not to remind Bilbo.

Speaking of, the day after the dwarf Carnival a month ago.

SOLIN oak shield kept his promise to the surviving residents of Changhu town while lying in bed.

Carts of various gold treasures were transported to Valley town, which made bud and a group of Valley town residents smile and see the hope of rebuilding Valley town.

On the same day, SOLIN oak shield also fulfilled his contract with Morgan and Bilbo.

Just for Morgan and Bilbo.

One in fifteen of the isolated mountain treasures is too much.

Morgan is better because he has a dimensional ring.

Even if he fills the whole space, it is far less than one fifteenth of the treasure of Gushan.

Bilbo is miserable.

Because he can't take so much gold and treasure.

Since Bilbo's home in shire was already rich, he was not so interested in gold and treasure.

So, at Morgan's suggestion.

Sorin oak shield promised Morgan and Bilbo the idea of going to the treasure house to find their favorite treasure.

Finally, Bilbo chose a box of his favorite treasures.

The box is not big. It is placed in the Morgan dimensional ring at this time.

Morgan has seen that Bilbo's treasures include knives, forks, spoons, wine glasses and gem necklaces.

Although it's miscellaneous, it's all Bilbo's interest.

Morgan is obviously different. Most of the treasures he selects are gemstones of various colors with high quality and the highest value, as well as some exquisite and expensive necklace jewelry.

Compared to Bilbo's future, almost predictable life.

Morgan can't imagine his future at all.

Therefore, he is not hypocritical when he has the opportunity to obtain a lot of wealth.

Therefore, in his dimensional ring space, a box of high-quality gemstones and several pieces of precious jewelry were added.

Although I couldn't find any treasure comparable to Arken gem or starlight white gem necklace.

But take the property value in Morgan's dimensional ring.

If nothing happens, it will be enough for him to live for a long time.


The golden sun is warm.

All kinds of birds fly in the sky.

The rainbow crosses the valley.

When the team of four stepped on the long bridge, walked through the surging Xiangshui River and stood on the huge square at the foot of ravendale mountain.

The eldron elf Lord and several elves have been waiting there.

The 31st day after leaving the lonely mountain.

The four of the team finally arrived at ravendale, the capital of elves.


Wearing a dark cyan robe, eldron came up with a smile on his face.

"Lord eldron..."

Gandalf immediately saluted slightly, handed the reins to Bilbo next to him, and then greeted him with a smile.

They hugged and let go.

Eldron opened his mouth and said with a smile, "I thought you didn't come so soon this time..."

"The last time I stayed was too short. I haven't had enough wine..."

"Ha ha, you can stay longer this time. There's absolutely enough wine..."

After a brief chat with two old friends of countless years.

Eldron refused Gandalf's introduction and quickly looked aside to the nearest hobbit.

"Brave Bilbo Baggins..."

"Welcome to ravendale."

Eldron looked at the little hobbit and smiled.

The battle of Gushan has been over for a month. Naturally, he has learned a lot of inside information.

The conversation with Bilbo is over.

Eldron immediately looked at the human beside Bilbo.

Seeing Lord Elon looking over, Morgan nodded and saluted to show his respect.


"Morgan the Dragon Slayer..."

"You really surprised me..."

"Thank you for killing the dragon and doing everything for Middle Earth..."

Eldron looked at Morgan and exclaimed, appreciating the words.

"It is the responsibility of all civilized races to fight against darkness and evil!"

Facing Lord Elon's praise, Morgan smiled and responded firmly: "it's also my responsibility."

Just then, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded.

"Father, the banquet is ready..."