When the golden autumn sun begins to sink to the West.

The bright sky began to dim.

The giant Eagles carrying the expedition flew over mountains, rivers, forests and clouds.

It flew from noon to evening.

Finally it fell on the top of an open mountain.

One by one, the members of the expedition descended safely from the eagle's back to the ground.

When Morgan jumped off the back of the giant eagle, he turned back and politely said to the giant eagle carrying him all the way, "thank you, brother eagle."

Then he turned and left, but a voice came from behind: "nothing, as long as it is against the dark and evil Orcs, they are all friends of our family."

A slightly cold voice suddenly sounded, and Morgan's footsteps were immediately shocked.

He turned his head in surprise. In front of him, except for a giant eagle standing on the edge of the mountain, there were thousands of feet high.

There was no one except the giant eagle in front of us.

"Don't look, it's me."

The giant eagle continued, his voice cold.

Morgan saw the giant eagle speak with his own eyes.

I just think that a group of low-level and dirty goblin monsters in the underground kingdom can speak.

It's no wonder that the intelligent creature at the level of giant eagle can speak.

Although an eagle opens its curved sharp beak and spits out human words, it looks strange.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. Morgan immediately straightened his mind and said with an apology, "sorry, I didn't..."

Morgan apologized for his rude behavior, but was interrupted by the Giant Eagle: "it's nothing. You're not the first or the last."

The giant eagle shook his huge eagle head and said in a relaxed tone.

Obviously, I've seen more than one person who made the same mistakes as Morgan.

"I'm Morgan. Nice to meet you."

Seeing the other party's tone ease, Morgan smiled and said that it's no harm to know the giant eagle family.

"Tobias, nice to meet you too, human... Morgan."

The giant eagle continued to say, "I saw you today. You shot Bacaro of azog. You are very brave."


Morgan asked suspiciously when he heard the words of the giant eagle Tobias.

"That's the white wolf."

"Our family has been committed to eradicating evil for many years, and we know more about the orcs."

"Bacaro is the king of the gang Da Ba wolf family. His name was taken by the orc leader azog..."

Morgan didn't understand when he saw the human in front of him, explained Tobias, the giant eagle.

He appreciated the man with outstanding archery and wanted to know him.

"I see..."

Morgan nodded and began to talk to Tobias, the giant eagle.

But it's too late to talk.

After a brief acquaintance, Tobias said goodbye to Morgan and flew high into the sky.

On the other side of the open mountain.

Gandalf was also saying goodbye to a giant eagle with a very handsome body.

"Landlova, say hello to your patriarch for me and thank you for your help."

"I must have two more drinks with him next time I meet..."

Gandalf looked at the giant eagle in front of him and smiled.

"Gandalf, thank you enough."

"Fighting evil has always been the unshirkable common responsibility of the free races in China, and my family is no exception."

"If you really want to thank us, come to our wilderness often. Our patriarch talked about you not long ago..."

"That's it. It's getting late. We should go..."

Shenjun Eagle opened his mouth and said with a smile. Obviously, he had known Gandalf for a long time and had a good relationship.

Gandalf knew it was late and didn't talk much.

The giant eagle named landvalo quickly turned and spread its wings and flew away into the air.

Gandalf stood on the mountain with a group of expedition members, waving goodbye to the distant giant eagles.

The autumn sun was sinking in the west, and the last golden sunset hung on the horizon.

When the giant eagles are gone.

When they looked back, they saw that SOLIN oak shield was looking at a towering mountain rising from the plain in the distance.

Balin, the dwarf with white beard, came forward and stood beside SOLIN oak shield. He also looked at the towering lonely peak in the distance and couldn't help sighing: "finally, it's far away..."

The voice of Bahrain fell.

In the expedition, several dwarves, who were older and had experienced the lonely mountain battle for 60 years, looked at the mountain peak in the distance with deep eyes and felt the same.

Most other dwarves grew up in blue mountains.

Although I haven't experienced that war, I have heard people talk about the isolated mountain countless times, and I have never seen the isolated mountain.

At present, seeing the eyes of SOLIN, Bahrain and devalin, the smart one has reacted.

I didn't react, but I didn't dare to ask more.

At this time, Bilbo, who had some speculation but was not sure, went to white beard Bahrain and asked softly, "where is it?"

Before Bahrain could speak, he heard SOLIN oak shield answer: "yes, as you think, there is a lonely mountain."

"It's the place we're going to, and it's also our hometown!"


At night, on the edge of the lush forest, the fire is faint.

"Pop... Pop..."

The oil stains attached to the dry wood crackled in the fire.

In front of the exuberant bonfire, a dozen figures are sitting around eating and drinking.

Naturally, this group was an expedition rescued by the giant eagle after several wars.

The wine, dry food and even utensils such as pots and pans brought out from ravendale were basically taken away by goblin monsters when the underground kingdom was captured by traps.

But it's not hard for the expedition that took the field as its home early.

The members of the expedition had extraordinary strength. They set out together and captured a lot of prey in a short time.

Plus Morgan easily hit an adult male spotted deer with the last arrow.

The food for the expedition dinner was very rich.

Although there is less salt, spices and other seasonings used in peacetime.

But hunger has always been the best seasoning.

A full barbecue.

Let a group of expedition members who have long been hungry to panic feel great satisfaction.

Finish eating and drinking.

People chatted around the campfire.

Dory, the dwarf with the most questions, suddenly asked Gandalf, "can we ask those giant eagles to take us directly to the lonely mountain?"

The voice fell, and everyone in the expedition was silent at once.

Although dolly has always been bored and asked a lot of questions, this time he asked the point.

It seems that they are aware of the feasibility of this problem. In addition to white beard Bahrain, almost all the dwarves, including SOLIN oak shield, brightened their eyes and looked at Gandalf together.

Morgan was also stunned. He had thought about it, but he knew it must not be so simple.

So he also looked at Gandalf.

Seeing the crowd looking at him, Gandalf didn't panic at all. After smoking his last cigarette, he shook his head and said, "it's impossible."

"The eagle king will not let them near any place where human beings gather, because human purple shirt and wooden bow will hurt them..."

Gandalf explained briefly.

The dwarfs sighed together.

Balin, a dwarf with white beard, smiled and said, "it's good. The giant Eagles sent us over the misty mountains. We won't be too far from the lonely mountain..."

The bonfire meeting didn't last long.

The expedition soon fell asleep.

The next morning.

The expedition finished the barbecue left over from yesterday and went on its way.

Maybe it took all the bad luck the first two days.

On the next journey.

The expedition team went well and had a fairly peaceful journey.

Until, half a month late