Time passed slowly.

When the dwarf's snoring became louder.

When the light in the cave gets darker and darker.

Suddenly, small grooves appeared on the ground full of fine sand and dust.

Sand and dust began to fall.

The slight rustle can hide from the sleeping dwarfs and the dozing bofo sitting in front of the cave.

But it's not too early to hide Morgan, who is preparing to close his eyes and pretend to sleep.


Sensing the movement, Morgan immediately opened his eyes.

He saw the sand and dust falling down from the ground under the people.

Morgan pulled out the spirit sword and shouted, "wake up!"

The voice fell, and even if they slept deeply, the dwarf people reacted quickly.

Morgan almost woke up with a loud drink.

"What's the matter..."

"What happened..."

"Are the orcs coming..."

Before Morgan could answer, the rustle suddenly increased.

Then, a crowd heard a strange vibration from the thick gravel under their feet.

SOLIN oak shield reacted the fastest. He immediately realized that the situation was serious and shouted: "be careful!"

The voice just fell.

"Click click..."

Something was opened.

Next second.

The ground of the whole cave seemed to sink, and all of a sudden it collapsed.

At this moment, gravel, dust and a group of dwarfs immediately fell down.

Even Morgan, who is prepared, and Sorin oak shield, who has responded.

In the roar of opening the mechanism, they fell down together.

Morgan, who had been waiting for this moment, was not in the least flustered by the dwarfs.

When he fell, he had raised the elf sword in his hand.

And the moment the members of an expedition fell down the slope passage below.

Morgan suddenly thrust his sword deep into the sand and stone of the slope channel.

"Ah ah..."

The dwarfs screamed and immediately rolled down the ramp.

Only Morgan stabbed the elf sword into the sand of the channel, which was nailed in the slope channel.

Didn't roll down with the expedition.


Morgan took a breath and held the hilt tightly. Looking at the surrounding channel environment, he couldn't help but rejoice secretly.

"Fortunately, I didn't use a short sword just now, but a long sword."

"Such sand and stone, the depth of the dagger is not enough to hang the weight of your body."

"If you really want to use a short sword, I'm afraid you are surrounded by countless Goblins who rush up like the dwarves."

"Okay, okay..."

After taking a few deep breaths, Morgan slowly climbed up from the passage and stood up straight.

Although this passage is a steep slope dug out.

But as long as you don't fall and walk carefully, there's no problem at all.

The reason why the rest of the expedition kept rolling all the way was that they had just fallen down with great inertia.

They can't stop at all.

It's surrounded by sand and stone. It's a excavated channel.

This is the only channel that can always be below the channel.

Morgan walked carefully in the dark passage with an elf sword and walked slowly down.

"Ah ah..."

The screams of the members of the expedition were still echoing.

Through the echo of the sound, Morgan estimated that the passage would not be short.

Morgan went on and quickly entered a tunnel hollowed out in the middle.

Morgan walked into the dark tunnel and started a large group of bats flying around.

Thanks to the previous adventure, there are also reasons to strengthen the four attributes of the body.

Morgan's night vision is much better than before. He can barely see the dark tunnel in front of him.

Morgan went on.

There was a constant cry from below.

But with a burst of noise, angry scolding, strange barking and fighting.

Morgan knew that the other expedition members should have fallen completely and had a battle with the goblin monsters below.

Morgan, move on carefully.

Just then, a stone stepped on by his feet suddenly loosened and rolled away.

Morgan's body was crooked, and his other foot stepped on the dark passage that was already steep, and he immediately couldn't stand stably.


Morgan vomited fragrance, and the whole man immediately fell to the ground.

Then his whole body rolled straight down the passage.

Morgan held the long sword in his hand and tried to be the same as before, but the long sword was too long and his body rolled too fast.

In the great turbulence, Morgan knew he was going to roll to the end like the rest of the expedition.

So he gave up struggling, tried to hold his head and let himself roll down in the dark channel.

A few minutes ago, at the exit below the passage.

With the loud screams and a dozen figures falling from the sky, they fell into a huge bowl cage.

Waiting around, a large group of goblin monsters with all kinds of weapons, short, ugly, dirty, twisted and ferocious facial features, and some of the orcs rushed up madly.

"There's new food again..."

"Catch them!"

"These guys are really ugly, uglier than us..."

"Wow, this is a dwarf!"

"I heard that the dwarves have thick and juicy meat and eat very hard..."

"Just too much hair on the body, unlike us..."

"Catch them!"

Ugly goblins swarmed up, roaring and yelling in high spirits.

"Go away, you dirty things..."

"Let go of me..."

"Damn it, what monsters are these..."

"Let go of me, get away..."

"Go away, you monsters..."

"You will pay the price..."

Before the dwarves could react, they had been thrown seven meat and eight vegetables and felt pain all over.

Now it is attacked by a swarm of goblin monsters.

The huge cage was small and crowded, and a group of dwarves were packed like sardine cans, and there was no room for resistance.

Before long, a group of dwarves were disarmed one by one, bound with their hands and taken away by the goblins.

The dwarves swearing, bending and depressed, but there was nothing they could do.

Goblin monsters come and go.

The dwarves were taken away and the place was soon empty.

At this time.

A sound rushed out of the passage above the cage.

Then a tall figure fell from the passage into the empty cage.


Morgan fell heavily into the cage.

But at this time, there was no goblin monster around.

Looking around the empty, Morgan breathed a sigh of relief.

"After so long preparation, I finally fell down..."


Morgan took a few breaths and couldn't help feeling depressed.

"But fortunately, the results are the same..."

After lying down for a while, I realized that I had no other injuries except some skin injuries.

Morgan got up.

Just as soon as he got out of the huge cage, he saw that in front of the only road, two monsters with ugly appearance and some half orcs, and short stature compared with some dwarves were coming here.

Seeing the human Morgan who also missed the net, he immediately rushed to Morgan with a rusty dagger and dagger in his hand.

Morgan took no time to put away his sword and reached out to take off the long bow and arrow on his back.

When two goblin monsters rushed forward, Morgan had stretched his bow and set up his arrows.

Seems to realize that human beings are not easy to mess with.

Two goblin monsters unexpectedly stopped, turned in panic and ran back.

Releasing these two goblins will only bring more goblins.

Morgan wouldn't make such a simple mistake. His fingers are loose.

Two arrows darted out, right in the center of the two goblin's back.

The arrow was so powerful that it directly pierced two goblins, and the arrow came out of the chest.

Morgan stepped forward quickly, reached out and pulled out the arrows from two goblin bodies.

Then he rubbed the arrows on the two bodies, and then re inserted them into the arrow bags behind him.

There's no place to add arrows in the wild. Morgan always does that.

After recovering the arrows, he kicked the two bodies one by one into the dark pit.

Morgan just walked along the drawbridge and walked carefully forward.