When King Elon left.

Gandalf immediately followed.

Sorin oak shield and white bearded Bahrain soon followed.

Almost watching these people repeat the scene in the memory plot, Morgan naturally did not hesitate to keep up.

This kind of iron will certainly increase the progress of systematic world exploration, and Morgan doesn't want to miss any of them.

Seeing Morgan get up and leave, the dwarf groin nearby shouted, "Morgan, your roast sausage is cooked."

"You eat it for me."

Morgan waved without turning back.

Hearing this, groin immediately smiled, "then I'm not polite."

The dwarf looked at the back of the "teacher" Morgan, looked at the dwarves around him and said, "aren't you going to go and have a look?"

"What's good about that? I can't understand anything..."

"No, maybe Gandalf and SOLIN quarreled again later..."

"Gandalf is here, so are SOLIN and Bahrain. It doesn't matter whether we go or not. We might as well eat more roast intestines. In other words, the roast intestines of the elves taste really good..."

"Well, Beaufort, give me five more kebabs..."

"No, I want to do it myself..."

"Ha ha, Beaufort has become smarter..."

As soon as the party left, the dwarfs soon laughed again.

Bilbo looked at Morgan and hesitated. He decided to go and have a look, so he got up and ran to Morgan.

King Elon was very familiar. He walked through a garden and two pavilions.

Soon came to an open open-air viewing platform.

The whole viewing platform is located on the hillside of a tall mountain in ravendale.

It's like a large section of the mountain was dug up.

On the viewing platform, there is nothing but a platform made of transparent crystal and similar to a table.

The front is empty, the surroundings are empty and unobstructed.

On both sides of the viewing platform, two magnificent waterfalls roared down from the sky, running day and night, splashing fog and rising.

In the night sky, the bright and gentle moonlight poured down and shrouded everything.

Morgan followed him to the observation deck.

King Elon just stood in front of the crystal platform and spread out the ancient map on the pale yellow sheepskin roll in his hand.

"The words of these months were written under the new moon on the eve of a Midsummer Festival 200 years ago..."

"It seems that you are destined to come to ravendale..."

"Fate is with you, SOLIN oak shield."

"The same moonlight shines on you and me tonight..."

King Elon looked at the Sorin oak shield and slowly opened his mouth.

Soon after the voice of King Elon fell.

A dark cloud suddenly came from the clean horizon in the distance, which immediately swallowed up most of the original bright full moon and turned into a sharp curved moon.

Then, when the moonlight of the curved moon shines down.

Something strange happened.

On the ancient map on the crystal platform, obscure characters emitting light white light suddenly appeared.

King Elon looked at the changes on the map and began to speak slowly:

"When the thrush standing next to the gray rock began to beat..."

"The setting sun will fall on the keyhole with the last afterglow of the day of Turin..."

King Elon said the information recorded in the words of the moon hidden on the map, but it made SOLIN oak shield and Gandalf Bahrain look sad.

"What is the day of Turin?"

King Elon suddenly asked.

Gandalf opened his mouth and explained, "that's the dwarf's new year. It's the last bright moon in autumn and the first sunrise in winter. It will meet in the air at the same time."

"This is bad news!"

"Summer is over, it's autumn now, and the day of Turin is coming soon."

SOLIN. The oak shield whispered.

"We still have time!"

Standing aside, the fully understood white beard Bahrain suddenly said, "but we must stand in the right place at the right time."

"Then and only then can we open the door!"

Hearing these words and combining the information obtained from the map, King Elon finally understood what the dwarves wanted to do.

King Elon returned the map to SOLIN oak shield and said, "so, this is your purpose. Are you ready to enter that mountain?"

SOLIN oak shield took the map and said calmly, "so what?"

King Elon said in a deep voice: "some people will certainly think that this is not wise."

Gandalf frowned and immediately asked, "who do you mean?"

King elong turned to Gandalf and said seriously, "you are not the only guardian of the Middle Earth world."

King Elon left.

On the viewing platform, SOLIN oak shield, who finally got the information hidden on the map, was happy and worried.

Happiness is naturally the biggest problem of the expedition: he knows the hidden entrance of Gushan.

The worry is that it is early autumn, not long before the day of Turin.

And they still have a long way to go from the lonely mountain.

Sorin oak shield and white bearded Bahrain were talking.

Bilbo was playing soy sauce.

Morgan looked at the dreamy night scene outside the observation platform and said nothing.

Gandalf frowned and pondered the last words of King Elon.

Soon Gandalf was the first to leave the viewing platform.

Sorin oak shield and Bahrain Bilbo also left one after another.

Only Morgan left after enjoying the night view of ravendale on the observation platform for a while.

Out of the viewing platform, Morgan had no intention of meeting the beautiful fairy girl at the beginning.

He went straight to the house the elves had arranged for him.

When we returned to the small garden, the barbecue party of the dwarfs in front of the campfire was still going on.

Morgan glanced at everyone and found that everyone was there except Bilbo and SOLIN oak shield.

He tried to recall the story in his memory.

It was found that in the plot, the two went to ravendale at night and just heard Gandalf and Lord Elon talking about the expedition.

This is also the reason why Sorin oak shield led the team to leave ravendale in advance.

Although the plot has changed to a certain extent.

Morgan won't believe in the plot now, but it's OK to roughly refer to the comparison.

Think of here, Morgan a little restless, because there is world exploration to rub.

"I'm looking for SOLIN. Do you know where he's gone?"

Morgan asked, looking at a line of dwarves.

"Over there, go and spread."

Bahrain pointed in one direction.

Morgan nodded and strode in the direction Bahrain pointed.

Just as he stepped forward, he suddenly stopped.


"The plot doesn't seem to be like this..."

Morgan banged his head and tried to recall the plot of the film.

Then he remembered that there seemed to be two versions of the Hobbit film.

A normal version and an extended version.

In the normal version, the plot is what he just thought.

But in the extended version, the expedition team stayed in ravendale for a long time.

He has seen the extended version and the full version of the plot.

It's just that he watched the normal version more times, which he didn't remember for the moment.

Thinking of this, Morgan immediately turned around and walked back.

I haven't really slept well for more than a month.

I must sleep enough this time.