Although fried meat with green pepper can't be done, quickly ripen juqiling grass.

However, Qin Chen can do this by using the star formula himself.

Before, he only slightly operated the star formula, which directly shortened the growth cycle by half.

If it's a little more serious, cast the spell.

According to Qin Chen's estimation, it should be able to increase the growth rate ten times.

That is to say, the original growth cycle of more than 30 days.

It turned into less than three days.

The speed of ripening is simply too ferocious.

That is, Qin Chen can do it, because he now integrates the star holy body.

With the help of the star formula, this can be done easily.

Although Qin Chen can do it, other disciples have more heart than strength.

According to his estimation, it takes a lot of effort to ripen all these hundreds of mu of spiritual grass.

Then after ripening, you need to wait another three days.

This is really a grinding thing.

Instead of ripening the spirit grass here, Qin Chen might as well go back and improve his cultivation.

Now Qin Chen has accumulated enough Qi value, so it's not difficult to break through the later stage of Qi training.

This time, the state is almost consolidated. It's time to break through to new accomplishments.

If you use the cultivation in the later stage of Qi practice to run the star formula

Qin Chen expects to ripen all the lingcao in one day.

It was because of this that Qin Chen didn't continue to delay more in lingcao garden.

This Kung Fu is wasted here. It's not too late to go back and improve the state.

Before leaving, Qin Chen saw that the disciples were not willing, so he encouraged, "come on, all disciples."

"If you can find a fertilizer containing the spirit of heaven and earth, it can also accelerate the growth of spirit grass."

Leaving this, Qin Chen returned to the closed room to meditate and practice.

After Qin Chen left, there was only one kind of disciple who looked at each other in the lingcao garden.

They all heard what the patriarch Qin Chen said just now.

It's just that tiandaozong, which has been abandoned for many years, asks them where to find any fertilizer?

And contain the aura of heaven and earth? Isn't that bullshit

There must be no fertilizer containing the aura of heaven and earth, but fried meat with green pepper puts forward a bold idea.

That is to use their own fertilizer to ripen.

According to the assumption of fried meat with green pepper, this spirit grass is also a kind of crop.

Since all crops can use human fertilizer, why can't spirit grass.

After putting forward this idea of fried meat with green pepper, I intend to demonstrate it myself to see if it can be done.

But before he could test it, the disciples around him quickly stopped him.

Boy, this NIMA is disgusting.

The patriarch Qin Chen also said before that after the spiritual grass is planted, it is necessary to give them to refine pills.

If you let the fried meat with green pepper test like this, won't the pill refined at that time have that taste?

These players strongly disagree.

It's all in the virtual world. How can you do such a disgusting thing.

Moreover, some players have proposed that the fertilizer you produce by frying meat with green pepper has no aura of heaven and earth at all, okay!

It is for this reason that the scheme of fried meat with green pepper.

Before he could test, he was stopped by other players.

Although the scheme of fried meat with green pepper was not successfully implemented, it also opened the brain holes of other players.

Some players put forward that they can let spirit grass seeds listen to music, which should have the effect of ripening.

There happened to be a second-line singer on the scene.

So, the second-line singer sang a song affectionately, "only mother is good in the world."

We don't know whether lingcao has ripened or not, but it has moved us deeply.

When the player finished singing, some players picked up the soil seeds and found that the spirit seed had not grown at all.

On the contrary, there is a trend of withering.

Seeing this, the players around quickly shut the singer's mouth.

Later, I learned that this second-line singer was not a second-line singer at all, but from the 18th line!

Singing doesn't work, and some players quit dancing.

But this method was tested and found to be the same as the previous singing method.

That's soft. No

Just when they were at a loss, someone suddenly stood out in the crowd.

When they saw his ID, they were the late rice field expert just now.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have been planting crops for more than ten years. I think fertilization is the most reliable way!"

Late rice experts say so.

His proposal is not nonsense.

According to his introduction, people know that planting crops on Mercury also needs fertilization to grow up.

And the more high-end fertilizer, the closer it is to the material of feces.

Don't underestimate manure as fertilizer. It's pollution-free and natural fertilizer.

Where manure is used for fertilization, the crops not only grow better.

And the price of the same crop is much higher than that of similar products.

Without him, it is because the crops fertilized with manure have higher nutritional value.

After popularizing science for all players, the late rice field expert said, "however, we can't fertilize with feces."

"Let's not talk about disgusting or disgusting things first. Just what the patriarch said contains aura, our feces can't be satisfied."

Hearing the speech, a player in the crowd couldn't help asking, "so expert, what kind of feces are we better to use?"

These secondary two disciples are like this. One dares to ask and the other dares to answer.

Hearing someone's inquiry, the late rice field expert nodded at him, "I think it should be possible to use lion roe deer dung."

"Because the lion roe deer beast is a monster in the realm of practicing Qi, its fecal fertility should be sufficient, and it also contains the spirit of heaven and earth."

See late rice field experts say so, other players also nod one after another.

Cast a positive eye on the former.

Now that the fertilizer problem has been properly discussed, the new problem ahead is how to collect lion roe deer dung.

Fortunately, there are many lion roe deer animals at the foot of tiandaozong mountain. As long as all the disciples go down the mountain.

I'm sure I can pull back a lot.

I think I can complete the mission of the sect as soon as possible, so as to obtain the contribution points of the sect.

These players are also very hard-working, not too smelly and not afraid of dirt.

Transport lion roe deer dung to the mountain one by one.

The first one to bear the brunt is the fried meat with green pepper.

Other players pack things and transport them to the mountain.

But the fried meat with green pepper was too troublesome. It was pulled directly by hand and then transported to the mountain.

Seeing that fried meat with green pepper is so fierce, other players call good guys.

Of course, not everyone is as afraid of dirt as fried meat with green pepper.

There are also many cleanliness addicts among the 100 players.

For example, the second cousin and the first hot man in full service.

They didn't join the s team.

Anyway, there is more than one way to earn the contribution of the school. They can also earn contribution points when they go down the mountain to kill monsters.