Qin Nian and Qin Yin nodded.

Then he sat down and watched TV.

Luo ran then brought two mobile phones and handed them to them, "this is a mobile phone. Think about it yourself."

Qin Nian and Qin Yin nodded lightly and played with their mobile phones. After half an hour, several robots came out of the kitchen and brought many dishes.

Everyone took their seats.

Qin Chen, Luo ran, Qin dad, Su Wan, Luo Shihan, Luo Xiaoyu, Qin fan, Qin Nian, Qin Yin, Liu Xue and Jiang Xiaohe have a table.

As for the grandchildren, they are alone at the same table.

There are two tables altogether.

After the meal, the people talked for a while. The practice of practice is to play what should be played.

As for Qin Nian and Qin Yin, they have no mind to practice. Now they just want to figure out the world.

In the bedroom, I turned on the TV, then took a bath and enjoyed the lightness brought by modern technology.

After more than 20 minutes, after taking a bath and changing into pajamas, Qin Nian went to Qin Yin's bedroom and the two talked.

"Now there are so many relatives in the family. It's really a little uncomfortable, but everyone in the family is very good," Qin Nian said.

Qin Yin said in a loud voice, "it's very good. Maybe we're not very familiar with it. It'll be much better when we're familiar with it, but my parents are really. It's not fun at all."

Qin Nian sighed, "maybe this is the disadvantage of long life. Maybe we will become like this one day."

Qin Yin, "anyway, it's not like this now. I want to play everything now. I'm wondering where to go tomorrow?"

Qin Nian thought for a moment and said, "but we have to let our sister take us to play. We go out by ourselves and don't know the way."

Qin Yin thought for a moment and said, "will it be too troublesome, sister? Otherwise, we'll walk around the manor and get familiar with it slowly?"

"OK," Qin Nian nodded.

They talked for a long time. Qin Nian went back to his room to sleep. He felt that the bed was a little uncomfortable, but it was very comfortable.

I used to sleep in a hard bed, but I felt very comfortable with a thick quilt.

One night, I fell asleep in a comfortable state. The next morning, I got up, brushed my teeth and went to the toilet. After experiencing everything, I felt special novelty.

Qin Yin, too, felt very strange.

After washing, he went downstairs. There was no one downstairs.

Qin Yin said to Qin Nian, "after dinner last night, my brothers, sisters, grandparents, they all left. We are the only two in this house?"

"Mom and dad are still there, but why didn't they get up?" Qin Nian wondered.

"Cook first." Qin Yin went to a robot. She knew that the robot was voice controlled. She pondered for a while, looked at the robot and said, "can you make breakfast?"

"Yes, what would you like to eat?" the robot asked.

"Rice porridge, fried dough sticks, steamed stuffed buns?" Qin Yin.

"Good little master." the robot said and turned into the kitchen.

Qin Yin and Qin Nian looked at each other. It's really convenient to have this robot. It's better than a slave.

Fifteen minutes later, the robot made breakfast and brought it to the table.

Qin Yin is still upstairs, knocking on the bedroom door.

Just listen to a voice from the bedroom, "you eat first, and I'll sleep with your mother."

"Oh." Qin Yin was a little confused. Her parents didn't sleep in before. How can they sleep in now?

Qin Yin went downstairs. Qin Nian asked, "where are your parents?"

"Mom and dad are sleeping in," Qin Yin said. "Let's eat first."

Qin Nian nodded. After breakfast, the robot took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Qin Nian said to Qin Yin, "let's go out for a walk?"

"OK." Qin Yin.

They walked out of the villa. The manor was empty. The former female security guard had long disappeared. Now they use robots to guard the house.

They strolled around the manor. There were fat dogs, fat cats and fat parrots.

Although the manor is large, it lacks popularity.

After walking around, Qin Nian suggested, "let's go around the manor? According to my sister, there is a qinluo manor near the manor, where my parents live. Let's go and have a look?"

"OK." Qin Yin said that they would go. After they went out, they strolled around the neighborhood. It was very strange to see people coming and going vehicles and electric cars on the nearby roads.

"We also have this kind of electric car at home, and this kind of car. What can we learn to ride?" Qin Yin suggested.

"OK, go and see where my parents live first." Qin Nian said.

"Yes." Qin Yin.

Qinluo manor is not far from Ningluo manor. It takes ten minutes to walk there. After arriving, Qin Yin looked at it for a while and said, "this qinluo manor, my father's surname is Qin and my mother's surname is Luo. It's qinluo. My father's and mother's feelings are really unusual."

"Don't parents always have a good relationship?" Qin Nian said, looking at qinluo manor and saying to Qin Yin, "qinluo manor is more than half smaller than Ningluo manor."

Qin Yin nodded, "it's not good to be too big. There's no warmth of home. It's better to be small."

Qin Nianqing said with some emotion, "I have lived in the original place for 18 years. Now I suddenly come here and miss my hometown."

"Well." Qin Yin said softly, "I don't have many friends in my hometown. The place worth remembering is the pork stall and home, but there's a saying that as long as my family and friends are there, it's home wherever I go?"

Qin Nian nodded lightly, "too."

"Go inside?" Qin Yin looked at the manor and suggested.

"The door is closed. How can I get in?" Qin Nian asked.

"Climb in." Qin Yin pulled Qin Nian to the gate. Just before the gate, a robot came out. The robot glanced at Qin Nian and Qin Yin, and then said, "welcome home."

After that, the gate opened automatically.

Qin Nian and Qin Yin looked at each other. Does the robot know them?

Although they were a little confused, they didn't think much. Everything used one reason. The world here can't be treated according to common sense.

They went to qinluo manor and looked around. After looking around, Qin Nian said to Qin Yin, "there are bicycles here. Let's ride?"

"OK." Qin Yin nodded and was moved. The bike was rode by two people. According to her sister, this is an electric car that couples can ride, because it's romantic to ride an electric car.

Qin Nian sat in the front and Qin Yin sat in the back. As soon as they stepped on it, their bike tilted and almost fell.

Qin Yin wondered, "how did those people ride so steadily? We almost fell together."

Qin Nian thought for a moment and said, "maybe we're not skilled. Take your time."

"Yes." Qin Yin.

They tried cycling for many times and found that they still couldn't. finally, they gave up. After riding a bike for two hours, Qin Yin was able to ride more than ten meters away.

Qin Yin smiled happily, "I can ride."