"That's not how vampires play." Wendell looks at Teresa as a director, producer, producer, screenwriter and everything.

Old Lori immediately replied: "I know, vampires yearn for light, like warm light, right?"

Teresa is very excited to have mastered the important information about the habits of vampires, which shows that she is not talking about ghosts, but has really had an in-depth investigation of vampires, so she wrote a book about vampires!

Different from old Laurie.

When Lott heard Wendell's words, he became nervous.

Vampires like warm lights or something. He is blind according to miss Issa's preference. Now, there is such an old monster with the same age as her. It's amazing.

After all, wolf king's understanding of vampire habits is not clear.

"Vampires like warm lights?"

Wendell was surprised. In the questioning eyes around him, he crossed his arms and bowed his head. If you remember correctly, that guy likes luminous things, warm lights count.

Thinking of this, he looked up and said, "yes, vampires like warm lights!"

"Oh ~" everyone was relieved.

But Lott was deeply relieved, quickly stroked the pigeon in his arms, and suddenly realized that the guy's understanding of vampires would not stay with Ms. Issa, too?

"Vampires not only like warm lights, they also like water!" Wendell couldn't help boasting.


There was a sound of doubt from the people around him. Lott shook his head after searching his mind about the understanding of the early generation of Miss Issa.

Can't a vampire touch water? To be exact, you can't touch the flowing water.

At least Miss Issa has never taken a bath. She has an automatic cleaning system.

Since some experts say that vampires like water, now the two allied vampires have to play in the water to celebrate, right?

But it's inland in the plain. Where can we find water for them?

"How about an inflatable pool?" Someone suggested, but then Wendell turned back with a cannibal look

What do you want? Want to peek at my daughter's bath?! I dig your eyes!

The other side shut up in a hurry.

What can we do?

In the original novel, two people drink pigeon blood, and then meet to go to the mountain to pick wild fruit to eat.

Although I don't know what Lori thought at the beginning, but at present, they have no choice but to pick the wild fruit.

"Use a water gun instead." Lott suggested, "let them put a raincoat on the outside and take it off after the water gun, so they won't get wet."

"Ah! This is good! " Wendell agreed on the spot, and then swept around fiercely: who dares not agree to stand up for me!

No one dares to speak.

Among the two leading actresses, longtaomeizi said that it doesn't matter. She only makes films for a box lunch, and gets a little salary by the way - the film industry is just starting, and the actor's salary is just a day's income of an ordinary assembly line employee.

Fiona protested that the change in the novel had greatly exceeded her expectations.

Teresa, author and screenwriter, looks down and thinks:

It seems a little unreliable to let two vampires go up the mountain to pick fruit. I didn't think so much when I wrote.

Now that we know that vampires like both sunshine and water, we have to show it to let people know that I know vampires better than anyone else!

"That's it. Emily, get two pairs of raincoats and water guns Teresa clapped on the spot.

On hearing this, the little witch suddenly showed a reluctant expression: "you want me to go..."

"I'll stay with you." Alice volunteered to go together, which made Emily feel better.

Soon, the raincoat and the water gun were bought.

Fiona put on her raincoat and muttered, "do you need to wear this when a vampire is playing with water?"

"It's all for your own good." Wendell crossed his arms and said angrily. Just as Fiona's eyes were horizontal and she was about to retort, the wolf king added: "if you still want me to agree with you to continue playing this family game, then listen to me!"

If you don't listen, I have a hundred ways to stop you from filming!Fiona was silent. Then she turned around and continued to put on her raincoat. She thought of putting the old man on the ground and stepping on ten thousand feet.

Wendell turned to Lott and cracked his mouth and said, "well, my daughter is very clever and sensible, isn't she?"


Lott did not say anything, silently turned to look at Fiona with a water gun away from the back, the heart immediately respected her.

Two vampires in raincoats are standing on the green prairie, listlessly shooting each other with water guns.

Since some politically correct evil forces joined in, Fiona suddenly lost her passion for filming. At this time, she felt like a puppet, letting others swing at will... Letting some damned monster swing.

The filming over there is still going on as usual.

At this time, Lott received a message from the goblin:

"My Lord, it's a big deal! The youngest daughter of the speaker of the Birdman is missing and is now being searched all over the city! "


Lott was a little misty, and then silently looked down at the little pigeon sleeping soundly in her pink dress.

The youngest daughter of the Birdman speaker?

The young pigeon in her arms is a birdman... Isn't it such a coincidence?

Lott quickly turned away from the camera crew and came to the back. "Is that the one in my arms?" he asked in a low voice

Vickers: "just a moment. I'll pass them the pictures."

After a while, a group of people with several magicians quickly appeared on the grassland. The staff of the photography team focused on the front and did not find MP and several fat men in suits not far behind.

"Peggy, my poor child!" As soon as one of the fat old men saw the pigeon in Lott's arms, he came running with a low cry, and then took it carefully from Lott's hands.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Lord. I don't know how to repay you."

The old man kept bending over Lott, and Lott also held each other normally, and then said something like what should be done.

The old man sighed for a long time and left with the little guy in his arms.

Lott's thinking about it was over.

After a while, the old speaker appeared again with a warlock in his arms. At the same time, he was holding a little guy with pure white hair, wearing a pink dress and thick bloomers, who looked like a puppet.

She's about the same age as Laurie.

As soon as he saw Lott, he immediately stretched out his hands and asked for a hug.

Ah, another Lori has it.