Lott really arranged the whole venue according to the arrangement of the United Nations.

Curtis was present on behalf of Elinor forces. The foreign policy makers sitting behind him were all representatives sent by the Lords of various cities on Elinor's mainland. After all, they were all from the same land, so they had to come forward naturally.

The closest thing to Curtis is the bird Messenger - still with a pretty young face - and all the forces here are present in human form.

Around the circle, there are 21 representatives of various parties, representing 21 national and regional forces.

It doesn't mean that we have to be a continental hegemon to sit here. No matter how big or small the country is, all the forces in the trade union are qualified to participate.

Of course, joining a trade union is not a simple matter. It must pass the certification audit. The judgment basis is as follows:

Is the policy of the region open-minded?

Legal system, civilization and contract spirit are all important considerations for joining the alliance.

Only in this way can trade be assured.


Lott sat on the sofa with his arms crossed and legs crossed, looking at the big screen in front of him, his head tilted and asked, "what's the theme of today? Can these people here represent the will of their regional lords? "

"Don't worry, my Lord. Our technology products are sold in all the regions that trade with us, including telecommunication equipment. Their lords can see the live video here." Answered the goblin.


Obviously, the scientific and technological products of the underground city have been widely sold at home and abroad, and are welcomed by people of all ethnic groups, which will directly have a severe impact on the local industries in the region.

Only trade protection and adding tariff barriers can be prevented.

However, in the rules of the alliance, trade protection is not allowed. Therefore, if you want to join the alliance and make a lot of money, you should do a good job in the domestic industry reform in advance to deal with the impact of opening up.

For this point, some leaders accept the culture and knowledge of the underground city, and even send people to come here to study, and then bring back everything here, including the system, to teach people, so that they can get used to it.

Therefore, even if those forces join the alliance and open the border, it will not have any impact on their industry. After all, businesses have been doing it for a long time.

While others are different. On the one hand, they stick to their own small-scale peasant economy, on the other hand, they seek entry with high trade barriers.

"Only a fool will let them in. We are all business people, not philanthropists - let Curtis pay attention. We are not allowed to be politically correct. Everything is done according to rules and order."

"Yes, my Lord."

The meeting began

The trade representatives were polite at first, until Curtis first fired a round of bluff, and other parties began to shout.

The trade union is not a political organization like the United Nations, but a trade network like the WTO. However, it still carries some politics in it.

It is the product of the combination of UN and WTO.

But the efficiency of the operation is much better than that of the United Nations.

At least when a quasi trading country is invaded and comes to this side for help.

Since the usurper may not be as open-minded as the party concerned, the alliance will agree to send troops to the rescue.

Lott will not participate in a small-scale campaign. After all, it is necessary for Member States to use up the equipment they bought in the past.

Only when confronted with the invasion of large evil forces such as the sheep head monster, Lott would not hesitate to intervene militarily.

If you can't even protect your league friends, what qualifications do you have to be a bully of the league.

"The following is about the introduction of movies. It's too far away for you to place the spirit center, so you can only build the supporting facilities like the movie city by yourself. We will send special personnel to guide the specific operation."

Curtis sat there watching the crowd talking.

Lott saw that there was not much to listen to in the meeting. He stood up and gave orders to the goblin, and then disappeared.

At this time, in the picture of the meeting, the officer behind the Birdman messenger sitting next to Curtis communicated with him, and then Birdman quickly pulled Curtis who was spouting water.

"What's the matter?" Asked the fat man in a low voice.

"The speaker's little daughter is gone..."

........."Fiona! Pull up your cape. You are a vampire. You are afraid of light. Block your cheek for me

"Well? Is that so? "

On the prairie, Teresa is sitting on a bench, leisurely directing the photography work in front of her. Next to her, Emily and Liz are standing on both sides with big fans, acting like a maid in waiting.

And around a group of film and television staff in accordance with her instructions back and forth.

In front of them, Fiona was standing in front of a dragon suit in her shameful middle two vampire suit, looking like she was going to reveal her long and smelly name.

This is what Lott saw.

"How do you sit here? What about the director? " Lott looks at Teresa and asks. She just wants to signal Emily standing behind her to remove the fan, but her eyes are quickly attracted by the pigeon in Teresa's arms.

This is a pigeon in a dress

It's a crazy animal city.

"What's this?" Asked Lott.

"Props." Teresa grabbed the pigeon in her arms and said casually.

"Props? Did you put this skirt on? " Asked Lott, squatting down to look at the pigeon loli was holding tightly in her hand and rubbing the clothes on it.

There's something wrong with it. It's made of superior material!

Teresa looked at it, quickly put her hand on it, and asked warily

"What do you want? Don't try to beat me up! This is a precious prop for making a movie! "

"Wait for me! Don't try so hard

Lott subconsciously stretched out her arm for fear that she would lose one of her wobbles.

Because he vaguely noticed that the bird in the skirt was a little unusual. Its eyes were wide open and its head shrank for a long time. It looked like it was afraid.


After spending a long time with the group of birders, Lott gradually could see the meaning of their every action.

And in front of the little pigeon showed the emotion is afraid!

This Jonas Birdman doesn't seem to speak the right language. He should be in the stage of young girl Lori.

My God

If there is any mistake, it will be an international dispute!

Thinking of this, Lott squatted beside Lori, staring at the pigeon she put on her body and said:

"Teresa, listen to me. How much is your pigeon? I want it

"Don't think you have a few stinky money to send me away. I tell you, it's a precious prop to be used later. It's art. Do you understand?" Lori looked at Lott with a look of disdain and said, looking down on money like dirt.

"Fifty thousand!" Lott asked.

