Everyone started to get busy.

Vida moved the siege forces to the best position and demolished the military base to the north of the city of Sikes, making a move.

In order to prove to the Troll: their general's strategy of encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao succeeded.

Then Vader removed all the shielding signals set around him, so that yalman could reveal the news of the "lost Scarab". After confirming that the other party received the message, he waited for a while, and then blocked the signal again, making a careless appearance.

"Here I want to emphasize that the Scarab with self explosive device is not used to kill all the Minotaurs here, but to send all the military generals in this area to heaven."

"After the sheep head monster gets our trump weapon, the generals with a little status will go and have a look. After all, this kind of advanced weapon beyond common sense will be like a cake on the ground, attracting a large number of ants to spy."

If the enemy lost its commander, it would be like a giant without a brain, just like the Soviet Union, which was heavily purged by military officers in those years, and the final result would be that it would be flattened by Germany all the way to Moscow.

Because the officers who knew the tactics and issued the orders were all dead. No one told them where to go and what to do. In the end, they had to be bombed like a headless fly on the plain.

That is to say, once the Minotaur's officers in this area lose more than half, Vader will have enough time to push the front forward before their senior generals in their hometown supplement.

"Well, I'm going down to work, my Lord." Naturally, Curtis's task is to call all the birdmen and generals together to explain the attack in many cities, and find a chance to reveal the "lost Scarab" by the way.

Three decision-makers left. When Vickers led the team down, there were only three goblins working on the second floor and Lott on the upper floor left in the hall.

"Sir, do you have anything else important to do? Our movie... "Maria asked, her eyes burning.


The foreman here also began to urge the work.

With a smile, Lott reached out and took both of them by the shoulders

"I'll see if you're qualified actresses! Come into my room tonight. "

Maria: "Hey, hey, hey, death ~"

Tina: "O (* / / / / Q"

It's a sleepless night tonight. No matter inside the devil's palace or outside the city of Sikes, there's almost a lot of gunfire to the extent that the sky and the earth turn pale. The roar and the sound of war fill every battlefield.

As several people had originally analyzed, the troops far away from other cities were only low-level mercenaries sent by a group of sheep headed monsters.

They were shot back and forth by heavy machine guns and suffered heavy losses, while the senior officers all had lingering palpitations around their hearts and patted their chest to express that they were lucky they didn't go up to die.

As for the new senior commander of the sheepshead, Geers, after receiving that the army in the north of the city had indeed started, he immediately felt confident. However, just as he was going to lead the army in person, he accidentally received a powerful news:

It is said that the scarab, Elinor's ace killer, has lost.

It's about northwest of the city.

On hearing this, all the officers of the Minotaur exploded.

They know the power of scarab in the past month.

Whenever there are scarabs, the surrounding sky must be full of dense aircraft.

All the ground units on their own side were slaughtered and took refuge in the city. The losses were extremely heavy.

If there is no city around, even if you hide in the forest, the terror mecha will burn the whole forest with a laser gun without hesitation.

It can be said that every time the word Scarab is mentioned, all officers have to tremble in their hearts.

Scarab, for the Minotaurs, means disaster, but also let them more and more feel the final direction of the war.

Yes, Elinor with the big killer will win in the end.

But if, if you can get scarab, no, as long as you get those flying saucers, even the debris, just take them back to the technical department for research, maybe you can copy them!

And now, there's a chance!

The high-level officers who learned the news immediately sent their own clans to search the northwest of the city.When they arrived at the place, they noticed that Elinor's troops were also trying their best to find out. No matter flying saucers in the sky or Marines on the ground, they all kept on patrolling around. Once they found the troops of the sheep head monster, they immediately launched an offensive.

The Minotaurs knew very well that they didn't want to be found by their own side, so they sent troops to stop them.

"In that case, we'll have to find it first anyway."

"As long as you find that thing and get all the weaknesses out of it, we'll see how arrogant they are then!"

"Yes! That's right

All the officers were like chicken blood. They put in a lot of troops to search in the northwest plain. At the same time, three beetles were sent to encircle and suppress the underground city.

For a moment, the whole plain was hotter than the city of Sikes.

The Minotaur general sent his own adjutant to the rescue of the city of Sikes, but what he didn't know was that the 100000 Legion led by 10000 4th and 1000 5th rank advanced arms were all destroyed by three ambushed beetles on the way in the past.

You can imagine the scene of three giant mecha monsters shooting back and forth at a row of creatures on the dark soldier road with their suffocating orange shaped charge guns in the dark.

As for the new senior general himself, he stayed in the headquarters and silently inquired about the missing scarab, because he doubted the credibility of the news.

Naturally, the method of investigation is through the spies placed on Birdman's side.

For a time, the city of Sikes, the northern military road of Sikes, the plains northwest of Sikes, and the interior of the demon king's room in the dungeon.

There was war everywhere, there was a roar everywhere.

Especially inside the demon palace, hundreds of millions of lives are lost, and the most primitive instinct of all creatures is on display at this time. The tragic degree makes people tremble.

This is the legendary battle between the dragon and the devil!

In order to record this ancient and modern battle, a wet young woman is kneeling down in the middle of the battlefield and shooting continuously. After a while, she also joined the fight against the devil regardless of herself, while the camera floating beside her is recording every moment of the scene bit by bit.

All the above plots are fictional. If they are similar, they are pure lies of the author. Please don't mend them by yourself. Thank you.