As soon as Lott heard this, he turned his head and looked at the goblin. He gently raised his head and motioned him to go on.

Vickers looked down at the tablet in his hand again, and then looked up

"We can make a large area of steam that can cover the Scarab and the surrounding clouds, but the electromagnetic storm inside can't be controlled. You know, water can conduct electricity. Although pure water can't, it can't be absolutely pure under that condition. A piece of uncontrollable lightning can easily split the whole Scarab through water vapor. Even if it doesn't, the electromagnetic wave carried in the storm cloud will also interfere with the internal magnetic system of the Scarab. "

Although a large thunderstorm area can be ejected from the bottom of scarab, it is a weapon that can be controlled. Now it is assisted by the periphery, and the difficulty of control seems to be far beyond the ability of goblins.

Vida: "can't control because of the water vapor? What if it's something else? "

Vickers turned his head and looked at the screen: "in that case, you can't carry electromagnetic molecules very well. If you just want some clouds that can cover your vision, we have many ways, but in the end, we feel that it's better to carry them with water vapor, because this effect is better, And when the electromagnetic molecules inside rub against each other, they also increase the power of thunderstorms. "

The Black Warrior did not speak any more. Lott looked at the goblin with his arms crossed and asked, "what's your technical problem?"

Vickers: "you can't control thunderstorms; It is impossible to shield the magnetic field in the water vapor cloud; Once the clouds spread, the Scarab could not move

After hearing this, Lott quietly reached for his chin and rubbed it.

Water, thunderstorms, electromagnetic waves, these are all natural things.

If it's natural

"With magic?" Asked Lott, looking up.

Vickers: "our magic skills are limited. We can't do it."

Lott frowned and said, "what about Teresa and Emily?"

Vickers: that's what we want, my Lord. Please invite two magic girls to join our R & D team

Lott was relieved when he heard that.

Technology doesn't work. There's magic.

Praise the world of sword and magic.

3 Ten days later, with Teresa as the main person in charge, Emily as the assistant and Tina as the starting point, dozens of magicians and goblins worked together to draw a plan that can easily control lightning in the clouds.

I have to say that there are a lot of talents in my staff. They need technology and magic. They even have bicycles. It can't be too good.

When designing the scheme, we need to collect a lot of experimental materials from the outside world, so that we can bring them into the time workshop for development.

Depending on the situation, the production of thunderstorm cloud is a bit tricky. With the help of so many big guys, the design of light scheme has to be prepared for so long. How long will it take to develop it?

10 Year? 20 years?

As soon as the organism enters the time workshop, the extra emotions of the whole body will be automatically stripped off, and it will not stop until the goal is completed, just like a walking corpse who only knows the work.

On the fourth day, when R & d really started, Lott still didn't want Tina to go in and find a few magicians to replace her.

When the door of the time workshop closed in front of Lott and Tina, the next second it opened, the research and development of thunderstorm cloud had been completed.

Teresa said that it took them 15 years to complete the production, and they failed many times in the middle. There were also several times when the medicinal materials they brought in were used up. They could only spend a lot of energy to materialize through the template. Finally, the 20 million points of energy they brought in were completely spent.

Of course, the results are gratifying. Lott was quite satisfied after seeing the demonstration.

In the past four days, in order to recover the situation of failure, the Birdman specially entrusted the underground city to send reconnaissance planes to select a few small cities where there are no Minotaurs stationed.

Although this is not a big problem for the overall layout of the Minotaur, it is very beneficial to the publicity of Birdman. As long as you win once, you can broadcast it with the residents in the recovery area.

And they did.

At present, the front of the sheep head monster has been shrinking back to defense, while the defense of the magic guide stone mining area continues to strengthen.

In this regard, the underground city is still standing still, but there are many more times to come to investigate. Although there are magic clouds blocking, every time a reconnaissance plane flies by in the sky, the Minotaurs are faced with great enemies.

In fact, the reconnaissance plane is just a cover up to divert the attention of its internal intelligence officers. Their current task is still to mark the generator so that the Scarab's shaped charge gun can aim at the point.In these days of waiting, the war on the whole continent decreased sharply.

As if the calm before the storm, both sides are accumulating strength.

It's a pity that the goat head monster is really accumulating strength, while the underground city is just waiting for wages

Monday morning of the second month

Lott quietly looked at the 920 million in the energy display, and 800 million in an instant.

A big stone finally fell to the ground in my heart.

There are still 130 million to use. All the energy in other spirit centers will be used to pay wages. Therefore, this is also the last money that can be used.

In theory, if you wait another day, you'll have 200 million energy reserves.

However, according to the mantra information intercepted by the other party in recent days, it seems that the sheep's head monsters have transferred a fairly senior commander from other territory in battle, which can be said to be a famous general.

It's easy for a thousand troops to get a general, but hard to get one.

Excellent commanders can play an important role in military control.

The more excellent a general is, the more amazing he is in controlling the situation and using tactics.

Like Rommel in Germany, Zhukov in the Soviet Union, and Nimitz in the Pacific.

So, it's a long night's dream. We have to take this gem city named Sikes before the senior generals arrive today!

It's 6 a.m. on Monday

It's just dawn.

20 Taiwan Scarab in a row, several kilometers apart, all quietly toward the camp of the sheep head monster slowly.

Lott didn't mention to anyone about the attack of the underground city on that day. The announcement to Birdman was scheduled to be made in five days, which was to confuse their internal spies.

When the scarabs slowly approached the camp for about 2 kilometers, the patrol team seemed to find the movement, but many of them were killed by the death snipers on the scarabs.

It's quite dangerous all the way. I'm afraid the action here will let the other party know, otherwise the surprise tactics will be meaningless.

"We have reached the best shooting position, Lord." This battle is of great importance. Vader himself went to the front line to command the battle.

"Good luck, man." Lott sank.

"Thank you. Just watch it. It's definitely the most wonderful performance!"