?? R?P???/?? ? M?]?? ? c .# V?F?D?????/_ a??. 4-?? z????? c??(???“ My Lord, there is a new telegram coming from the enemy side. "

The enemy side? Sheepskin?

Lott takes a look at the Black Warrior's head on the screen.

Is this guy throwing things at people again?

Lott: take it

System: "the screen turns in, you can speak."

On the big screen, there is a guy wearing a hat. His dress style is not a robe, just a common coarse cloth.

What's going on? Are the geeks out of clothes?

The mysterious man opposite looked at the camera and asked carefully, "are you Jonas's general?"

"Yes, I am." Lott replied with a smile.

"Listen to me, old man!" The other side is urgent voice way.


Lott could not help but turn his head and look at the goblin standing beside him.

Vickers seems to have improved the two-way communication holographic device that was last scattered on the territory of the sheepshead.

That is, in each other's pictures, Lott's appearance is the image of the old lord in purple robe.

In addition, in order to quickly obtain the hiding information of the main force of the Minotaur, Vader carried out large-scale dissemination of this communication device on several cities.

The purpose is to let all residents provide intelligence for them and act as eyeliner. If they want to get rid of the status quo of being killed by sheep in the first place, they will secretly pick it up and use it carefully.

Of course, not all messages need to be answered. In order to distinguish whether there are spies, only after being filtered and deleted by AI and Black Warrior can the other party talk to the Lord.

At the sign of Lott, the mysterious man on the opposite side began to tell:

"Old general, I see a lot of demon troops are going to gather in the direction of Sikes city. You should know that it is the largest production place of magic guide crystal mine in this area. If you take that place, it will help you."

"Yes? I see, young man. What's your name? " Asked Lott, smiling.

The mysterious man turned his head suspiciously to the side, and then said in a low voice, "sorry, it's not convenient for me to disclose, but the army of the demons is really assembled in the city of Sikes, please believe me!"

"I believe you." Lott replied, still smiling.

The mysterious informant looked relieved and turned off the communication with a final greeting.

"What do you think?" Lott asked the image of the Black Warrior, "did you investigate the city named Sikes?"

"Yes, Lord, it is indeed one of the most famous places where the magic guide stones are produced in the second island. But now it is hidden by magic in a large area. It can't be seen from the sky, so it must be close to know. According to the reports sent back by the spy robots sent in the past few days, there are indeed changes in that place, like several huge troops are gathering, as the young man said

"What's the probability of a trap?" Lott asked straightforwardly. He would not believe everyone's words. He should start with the deduction of guilt and analyze the insurance.

That is to say, "if the other party is a goat headed monster, what should he do if he leads this side?" This view can be used as a corollary.

Vida: "at the beginning of the war, I will first conduct a round of 24-hour carpet bombing, and then send ground scouts. After confirming that there is no danger around, I will air drop the 501 regiment to explore the way. Finally, I will personally lead three scarabs to go there."

This area produces the magic guide stone, which is the green magic crystal in the palace of the Duchess of the vampire.

All the biological evolution in this world is based on magic, such as those mermaids at the bottom of the underground city, who are stationed at the gate of the magic transmission array all the year round.

In this world, almost all the more advanced creatures need magic.

The magic guide stone, like a power bank, provides them with endless power.

Therefore, this mine is of great value, and the strategic materials contained in it are what all the Minotaurs and other high-level creatures desire.

This is also one of the main ways for bird people to get rich.

It can be seen that the monster leaders can be excused for shrinking all their forces back to defense.

In other words, they can also use the mineral resources of the magic guide crystal to attract the troops of the underground city to go there, and then catch them all.Where a strategist must fight depends on whose fist is hard.

It's kind of grandiose.

Occupy resource points, right? In that case.

Lott: go down and get ready

Vader: good Lord

Vader's head disappeared, and Lott thought quietly.

It seems that the scale of this campaign is not small. I hope the reserves are enough.

The energy display shows less than 300 million.

In recent days, 30000 Tauren Marines have been expanded at one time, so their total number has reached 50000.

Only the new batch cost 150 million.

In addition to the consumption of various kinds of ammunition, maintenance and power systems, the total energy has been reduced to about 100 million.

But the good news is that after settling in their own homes, the residents of the captured cities began to leave the city one after another, through the local transmission array, to the intercontinental transfer station, to Birdman's No.1 Island, through the floating city, and finally to the underground city.

Although the journey is tortuous, many people are still attracted to it.

So far, the underground city has directly increased from the original 1.3 million passenger flow to 2.7 million - an increase of 1.4 million people. At 5 o'clock on average, they will provide about 7 million energy per day.

Combined with 58 million a day

Now there will be more than 65 million people in a day, which is still increasing with the continuous increase of people flow.

However, in order to deal with and distinguish whether there are hostile elements in such a large number of passenger flows, Lott has continuously increased the number of death knights responsible for security tasks in the city by 50000. Therefore, there are 80000 death knights in the law enforcement teams in the city.

The number of werewolves increased by 30000, totaling 50000

The number of enchanters increased by 10000, totaling 30000.

The new ones belong to the law enforcers in the city, and the total cost is 200 million yuan. The army outside the city is calculated separately.

Of course, the new ones are not added at one time, but are continuously recruited according to the daily income.

So far, the total energy reading is still about 200 million points after deducting the above-mentioned new funds at the rate of 65 million points per day.

"It's going to cost less."

It's about 10 days before next month.

Because of the expansion of the army in the war, the energy cost here is soaring like a rocket.

Take the death knights as an example. The number of death knights in the city is 80000, while the number of troops outside the city is 50000. Because of the five ranks, the salary is doubled. Therefore, the cost of death knights alone next month will be 260 million.

Werewolf City 50000, outside 30000, the average wage of 2400, a total of 72 million

The magician is 30000 inside the city and 20000 outside the city, with an average salary of 3000, totaling 60 million.

Tauren Marines don't have it in the city, but 50000 outside the city. Except for that armor, its basic salary is 4000, totaling 200 million

The total salary of other monsters in the city is about 20 million.

The total maintenance cost of various types of aircraft units, major military bases and underground cities is about 150 million.


Death riding 260 million

72 million werewolves

60 million warlocks

200 million Tauren

20 million monsters

Maintenance cost 150 million

Other 40 million

Total: about 800 million

"How can we get 800 million yuan in 10 days? When money is needed to prepare for war, I can't help crying. " Lott said with a wry smile, covering his face and shaking his head.