"Who is it?"

Just as the Minotaurs were dragging the two Tauren soldiers who had fainted back

There was a sudden cry not far away

And then the light came up all over the place

Now, everyone can see the environment.

The patrols were paralyzed on the ground for the first time after they saw the goat head monster.

Just as the black sheep monster was going to kill him, he heard a lot of noise on the other side of the city, and then his shoulder was covered by the sheep monster.

"There's no time, brother."

Finish saying, throw out a pile of crystal on the ground, those things automatically arrange into a circle, the light is big.

"Get out of here!"

At the command of their chief, the noise on the other side of the city became more and more. As they got closer, the group of sheep headed monsters dragged the comatose Marines to the teleport formation.

Then it disappeared.

Field office

Lott watched a group of sheep headed monsters in the big screen take his two Tauren soldiers away, and then quickly asked, "have you found the location?"

System: "unknown, please wait."

Birdman officers had bought some gadgets from the underground city and distributed them to the soldiers below for experiments. Among them, flares were used as signals when the enemy invaded.

Now, the signal bomb has appeared, which means the enemy is coming.

All of a sudden, everyone was tense.

After a while, Birdman's officers and envoys sent messages requesting communication.

Lott: take it

System: "connection established"

"Lord! The big deal is not good! The enemy has invaded As soon as the window opened, a group of birdmen roared at the camera impatiently.

After they yelled for half a day, Lott said calmly, "I see. They left."

Birdman was stunned and looked at each other. At last, Birdman looked at the camera and asked, "leave? You mean the enemy? "

"Yes, they just came to investigate. It's no big deal." Lott said, trying to find a reason to send the group away.

But then

"Lord, I heard that the invaders seemed to be dragging two corpses. Looking at the armor, they said they were your Minotaurs."


Lott looked at them quietly. Where should he explain? Forget it. Think of it as a corpse.

But who would like to think, this group of birds look very happy, although each one wants to comfort the appearance, but their heads keep turning, eyelids also slightly squint a few times, after getting along with them for a long time, Lott knows, that is excited.

Hello... My soldiers are dead. How excited are you?!

Look at Lott's face start to sink.

The birds were so scared that they quickly explained:

"Please don't get me wrong, Lord!"

"We just feel that the other party has killed your men under your nose."

"As allies, we must also give them some color to see see see!"

"Therefore, we need support. We need strong support from your ground and air forces."

"May I?"

It's rare to have such a powerful bodyguard around now. Birdman officers want to try the tactics they have learned for the first time.

And the congressmen want their own legitimate troops to make contributions on the front line, so as to increase their political chips.

Therefore, this group of birdmen couldn't sleep at night, looking forward to the night attack of the goat head monster.

And now, indeed, they have been attacked as they wish.

Now all the birdmen were boiling, and then they began to encourage Lord Elinor to send troops together, to catch all the goblins while they were sleeping at night, which was a bad breath of being suppressed by each other these days.

Lott didn't speak. He turned to Vader's window and asked for advice. The latter nodded to show that there was no conflict with the Birdman troops later.

Hearing this, Lott knew something in his heart. Then he asked the Birdman, "do you know where the enemy is?"


A group of people, you look at me, I look at you, and finally look this way together.Lott

These guys... Don't even know where the enemy is, so they want to yell and fight

Birdmen have empty boat troops. They often drop bombs and magic on empty boats.

But if you are too far away, you can't do it. If you are too low, you will be hit by the enemy's spell master.

Therefore, most of the time, the air boat troops are used for investigation.

In order to avoid this kind of aerial investigation.

Most of the time, the Minotaurs will hide their ground troops, such as hiding underground, entering the woods, or camouflage with magic.

Only when it comes to attack will it come out. At that time, there will be all kinds of defense magic to resist the magic bombs dropped from the air. Some legions also have some unknown weapons against the air.

In any case, they're camouflaged when they're stationed somewhere.

Because of this, the high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft sent by Vader did not get much.

However, he was very clear that there were many hidden troops waiting on the roads of those cities in the past.

It is not clear where exactly.

So when they found out that the Minotaur came and wanted to catch a Tauren marine to go back to study, the Black Warrior had a plan to find the location of each other through the positioning system on their armor, hoping to find information about the location of other armies around if possible.

Birdmen don't know where the troll is, so they expect the omnipotent Lord Elinor.


Lott looked at them, just about to speak.

System: "target location identified."

Hearing the sound of the system, Lott immediately straightened down and looked at the big screen in front of her - Maria and them went back to their room.

"What is this, sir?"

Looking at the two flashing green spots on the map, the Birdman Ambassador asked on behalf of the crowd.

Lott didn't answer. He was waiting for the signal that the UFO was over the site of the two Marines.

In theory, we already know the location of the Minotaur. Next, we just need to bomb it.

But Lott just changed his mind temporarily - he wanted to use his will to control one of the Marines' bodies, and then see if he could get to the enemy's headquarters or the copy room to find other clues about the troll.

The marine armor carries a miniature camera, which can connect with the main city through the signal flying saucer above.

In fact, Lott wants to control the Marines in the enemy headquarters. Hey, what should he pay attention to is reminded by his knight.

Soon, the UFO is over the target.

From the big screen came a picture taken by one of the Marines with a camera:

This is a... torture room?

In front of the camera stood four sheep headed monsters

And a butcher with a saw in his hand