"MP! Be honest with me

Just as the Basilisk raised his knife and slashed down at Jill on the ground, two figures appeared directly on his back, then one pressed his head, the other pulled his hands back, put his knees against his back, and pressed them on the ground together.

It looks like JC is trying to stop the most vicious gangsters.

Jill, who was lying on the ground, looked at him in a daze. Then he saw a magician in a black robe come up to him and kick him. He asked, "are you dead?"

Jill was so paralyzed that he couldn't even move his tongue. He could only make a sound in his throat. As soon as the warlock saw it, he raised his hand, and Jill's abnormal state was relieved.

Then, the MP warlock squatted down, took out a picture of the adventurer in the desert robe, and asked, "have you seen this adult?"

"Is he... The brave man?" Jill was shocked when she saw the photo. What's more, MP actually came to look for him in person?

"Yes, have you seen it?" The warlock still asked in a cold and indifferent tone.

Jill shook her head to say no, and then quickly asked, "what's the matter with you, brave man?"

"Nothing. We need to find this adult." Seeing that there was nothing to cover, the warlock stood up directly, waved back and cried, "let's go, go to the next place and ask."

Jill watched as the Knights got up from the Basilisk's back and, as if nothing had happened, decided to go straight away.

And he could clearly see that snake skin monster staring at himself angrily - it couldn't beat MP, but it was more than enough to deal with weak chicken humans.

"Mr. MP! Just a moment, please Jill grabbed the Sorcerer's robe and cried out, "can you take me away with you?"

"No, it's under investigation. Let me go."

"Then... Can you bring me the life card in his hand? This guy just robbed me! I want to report it! "

Jill yelled, pointing to the life card in the Basilisk's hand. This is his last hope.

The warlock turned around and looked up at Jill. Just as the Basilisk was staring at Jill and ready to vent his anger, he suddenly found that the death knight who had left had turned back.

After the bullying monster saw it, he quickly opened his mouth to say something in common language


One of the Knights raised his foot to his cheek and swept his leg. Suddenly, the Basilisk flew several meters away with its neck askew, and his life card fell at the foot of the Warlock.

This is the end of the road robbery!

"It's back to the owner. Is it all right now?" The magician throws Jill the life card that only the adventurer can use. After that, he waves his hand and the three disappear in the same place.

Now, Jill slowly stands up, holding the knife with a grimace on her face, and slowly tilts her neck to the ground. Her whole body spasms. Meanwhile, the frightened snake skin monster walks away

Lott, who is wandering around in the form of spirit, hears a commotion nearby and floats over quickly. As soon as he sees Jill, whom he has not seen for a long time, All of a sudden, he was in a daze for a long time - he was squatting beside the snake skin monster body, searching for property.

"This guy hasn't seen you for such a long time. Why is he still so virtuous?"

Lott looked at the giggling mercenary sitting on the ground counting the gold coins and shook his head.

Then he looked around and sighed, "I don't know how long the transparency will last, Maria. Are they ok... Hmm?"

At this time, Lott saw that the branches and leaves were swinging in the distance, and something was touching this way.

Realizing that danger was approaching, Lott subconsciously patted back to remind him, but his arm went straight through Jill's body.


When Lott was surprised, he saw the mercenary shivering all over without any reason. Then he turned his head and looked at it.

This made Lott subconsciously look down at his invisible hands again

He only knows the general function of various skills of the brave, such as this skill of transparent world. Lott knows that it is used to avoid monsters, but he didn't expect that it would be such an escape method.

Unfortunately, Lott does not have the memory of the brave. After searching in his mind, it seems that there are many complex skills. Their functions sound very common, but the actual effect is not known.

After shaking his head, he threw those in his heart out of his head, and Lott reached through Jill's neck again.Jill felt a chill on her back and stood up with a whoosh. Then she turned her head to see that someone was approaching.

Two adventurers.

"What, I thought it was a monster." Jill looked across and let go.

Lott takes a look at this guy, and then turns to look at the two elk monsters in front of him disguised as human adventurers - they're at level 40.

One of them glanced at the Basilisk on the ground, then looked at Jill, frowned and asked, "have you seen the brave?"

"No, I just asked." Jill replied impatiently that he really wanted to get rid of the two guys so that he could continue his great career.

“MP?” One of them was very strange, and the other immediately explained to him, "the silver knights and the black sorcerers we saw on the way here."


At this time, Jill, who was just about to turn around, heard the conversation from the other side. Her eyes lit up and she quickly approached and said, "are you new here?"

"Yes." One of them nodded opposite.

Jill immediately took out a flyer and walked across the street, saying, "if you just came here, you haven't joined the guild, have you? Here, I recommend you... "

"No, we're here for a big deal." He waved his hand and shook his head.

"What's the big deal about joining my big money guild?"

In the face of new members, Jill is as thirsty as J, almost to the point of no rejection.

After hearing this, he frowned and said, "is it not a big deal for the brave?"

Luo te, who was floating on one side, was shocked. He said something strange

The elk monster tugged at his companion and said in a low voice, "the great God has orders. Don't make any noise. Forget it?"

As soon as the guy next to them heard this, he quickly closed his mouth, and then waved to Jill, who kept coming towards them. Like driving away flies, he left quickly.

"Cut ~"

Jill compares his middle fingers to the two who leave, and then goes back to touch his body.

Lott floated behind the two elk monsters and followed them quietly. He felt that they were a little different.

"It's really strange that the great God said clearly that the breath of the 117th generation of brave men has disappeared in this city, and the sword of heaven has also returned. These evidences show that the 117th generation of brave men has died? How come you're alive now? "

The sword of the brave is the key keepsake for Lott to become the chosen man, otherwise he can only be regarded as the alternate brave man appointed by some king.

After the death of the heroes of the previous generations, the sword will disappear, and it will be quite troublesome to rebuild such a weapon. Therefore, the 116th generation of heroes specially built a different sword of God's choice.

The sword will return to the original stone tablet in Irene town with the death of the brave, thus avoiding the tedious process of remaking.

If the selected person is tired and doesn't want to shoulder the mission again, he can go back to the great God officer and apply for retirement, and then insert the sword back into the stone tablet. Since he is recognized by the sword of the brave, his quality is undoubtedly the best.

Only those who uphold justice and eliminate evil and promote good in heart can pull out the sword of the brave and become the chosen one.

Now, there is a special training organization for the brave, where it receives the information that "Lott the brave" has died. Therefore, it specially sends people here to investigate, and after confirming that the brave is really dead, they will go back to recover their lives.

Then all the tribes will be informed to send the best representatives to the great God to receive the blessing and baptism of the candidate brave, and then go to Irene town to draw the sword.

In other words, the ceremony of selecting the brave will open again, just like in the dream.

But now, it is clear that Lott, the brave man, has died. When the two special commissioners came here, they heard that he is still alive. What's the situation?

So the special commissioners rushed to the island, which is said to be haunted by brave people, to check the situation.

But after searching for a long time, they still found nothing except adventurers and snakeheads shouting and killing on the road, and a group of murderous knights and warlocks looking for people everywhere.

"This place is really strange..."

"Yes, the buildings in this underground city are different from what we have seen before, and the mechanical magic is unheard of."

"No, I've seen similar mechanical magic on another continent, but it's coarser than here, and it's hot, wet and dirty. It's hard to stay there for a long time.""I can't believe you've been to a lot of places."

"That's, you don't know, there are many continents out there, and there are many different kinds of civilizations."

"What kind of civilization does this belong to?"

In the middle of their walk, they met a half basilisk boss, who was holding an adventurer who had fainted.

Lott had thought of keeping these snakes in captivity like the adventurers, but then Vickers reported that the mermaids, which are more than ten thousand in number and are all medium and high-level units on the sea floor, emit no more energy than ordinary human beings.

Those salted fish hide on the bottom of the sea all the year round. They are not happy or sad. They are just like practitioners, absorbing the magic power silently and then upgrading.

Half basilisks are almost the same. They have no natural enemies, so when they go to the sea to catch fish, they get a little emotional, and at other times they don't give any energy to the underground city.

Emotion is equal to energy, and the burst of emotion comes from desire, whether it's survival, or foraging, or in order to have a good mood, as long as there is that desire in the heart, it can produce emotion.

But this group of snakeheads and the group of salted fish on the bottom of the sea, their desire is just to stay there and breathe magic. If they can produce desire, there will be ghosts.

Only when they are stimulated from the outside can they have the desire to hunt or survive, and then the emotional energy will come out.

Therefore, the serpentine monsters can't be kept in captivity. What Lott can do is to use them to stimulate the adventurers' emotions, and then free up the island for the next wave of monsters who come to practice.

Elk monster pointed to the half snake boss in front and said with a smile: "these monsters can only be called communities. They have not developed any special civilization. If you really want to say that, they have realized the ability to upgrade by sucking magic."

That is to upgrade by spiritual energy.

Ordinary monsters and humans can only gain experience by fighting, that is, soul energy can be upgraded.

Dungeons rely on emotional energy.

This is the peculiarity of the world. Each creature here has its own way to understand its own way of upgrading

Magic = spiritual energy

Experience = soul energy

Emotion = emotional energy

Lott really benefited a lot from the conversation between two monsters along the way, They should be scholars.

..... no

Between them, they just flicked a finger, and the whole body of the snake skin monster boss in front of them was like a ball of deflated air, and instantly withered down - out of breath

But at this time, Lott's transparency skill lost its effect and stood quietly behind them