"Let's go to the next place to have a look," said Lott, caressing Lori's head like a cat.

As his voice fell, the submarine, which was surrounded by sharks, kept gnawing and whistling. As soon as the motor behind it started to work, the surrounding sharks were scattered like flowers by the current.

When a group of people travel a certain distance and make sure there is nothing around, the ship stops.

"It's safe." Lotte looks down at Teresa in her arms, then turns to look back, and finds that Tina is holding Maria's arm tightly and covering her shoulder with her head. Lotton feels that he has done something wrong?

"Okay... Okay?" Tina looked up at Maria and asked carefully, then turned to Lott.

"It's all right." Lott said with a smile, thinking that it's better to send them home, or find someone else to do the experiment.

Just as he wanted to do this, Tina was just sitting a little excited and said, "what's the monster at the next stop?"

"Eh?" Lott couldn't respond for a moment. "Aren't you afraid?"

"Yes, of course, but it's exciting!"

Looking at this girl who is afraid of ghosts and loves to watch ghost movies, Lott doesn't know what to say. Just when he wants to speak, he suddenly finds that Tina's eyes are beginning to panic

Lott didn't even think about it. He immediately turned around and hugged little Lori.


There was a strong sense of impact, and the whole boat suddenly rolled violently. Tina was holding Maria excitedly and kept screaming.

After a few laps, the hull stabilized.

"The danger is out."

With the prompt from the system, Lott looks down to quickly check Lori's condition, and then is stunned: Teresa is asleep?

"The teacher applied hypnotic Magic to himself." Tina looked this way and said, "maybe it's too exciting for her now."


Lott looked at Teresa's sleeping face, relieved, then looked up and asked, "what was that?"

"A big turtle." Maria answered from behind.

Lott was a little dazed. Just in the past night, there were so many messy things in the sea? That group of mermaids guarding at the gate of the teleport array don't care?

"Where are we going next?" Tina is as excited as a little girl who wants to watch horror movies.

"Elastic crab."

Lott points to the big screen and pops up 3D images of elastic crabs. These things look a bit like king crabs, and the legs look thick and long.

"It must taste great." Maria concluded for the first time, then turned to Tina and said, "stay for dinner tonight. I'll make you a delicious stretch crab."

"Yes, yes."

Listening to the laughter in the back seat, Lott holds his chin with one hand, and his head is close to the image of the elastic crab - it's just a three-dimensional image, nothing else.

"This thing is so fat and beautiful, why does the system mark its habitat as a red dangerous area?" Lott frowned.

That's what they said, but the two people behind didn't care. They yelled that they must go and have a look.

Lott shook his head with a wry smile and stepped down the accelerator. After a while, the system prompted.


A few people looked around at the surrounding sea area. There were a lot of things like coral reefs around the clear water area. All kinds of dark and ugly creatures were wandering in it. Most of the creatures in the whole water area were ugly and ugly. Lott remembered that they were in the deep sea now, Although there is so much light around now, in fact, the real outside is dark.

But then again, why are the fish so ugly here? I can hardly find a few that sell better.

In fact, the deep-sea fish are under so much pressure every day. Who has the time and energy to dress up like shallow water fish? They are very tired just living. At the same time, there are a group of uglier peers competing with each other. In addition, they can't see each other around last week, Just let it go. Long.

"It's not easy to be a salted fish at the bottom. The most important thing is that when the pressure is so high, these rubbers actually kill each other. Why? Is it just because the other person is ugly? ""What are you talking about, my lord?"

After listening for a long time, Maria could hardly understand a word.

"Nothing." Half filled with emotion, Lott turned back and laughed, "so now we're here, elastic crab..."


In the middle of Lott's speech, the whole ship sank suddenly and a foreign body stepped on the bow.

Lott turned his head in a daze, then slowly raised her neck to look up. Maria looked at the things on it and said to Lott, "we've found it."

Lott nodded, his eyes fixed on it, his head slightly tilted to the side and asked, "can you cook this thing?"

"Then you have to get it down first."

On the top of the crowd stood an emperor crab, which had eight strong legs up to 3 meters long. Its body was half the length of the whole speedboat, and eight small holes were punched out at the edge of the front deck of the ship - the ship was made of secret steel and gold, that is to say, This speedboat is made of special steel for scarab.

Such a strong hull can make a few small holes, which shows how strong the crab is

"Vicki, is the ship all right?" Asked Lott, looking down at the elastic crab's claws.

"Nothing serious." AI replied.

Just then, hearing the exclamations of the two people behind him, Lotte looked up and was stunned.

The crab slowly bent up its long legs and lowered its middle body. Then, its two crab eyes looked at Lott sitting in the transparent cockpit. The scene was like the mockery of the cannibal monster in the disaster movie.

"What does it mean?" Asked Lott, looking ahead without looking back.

"It said: 'I'm delicious. Come and eat me'," Maria translated, as Tina, who was huddled up beside her, turned her head and looked at her.

"Yes." Lott nodded. "I've never seen that in my life, Vickers."

Vickers: "yes, my Lord."

Lott: is there a UFO nearby

Vickers: "just waiting for your order."

Lott: "I want to eat fresh food. I'll keep it after I catch it. I'll take care of it when Maria goes back."

Vickers: "yes, my Lord."


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