Vickers: "Sir, there's another movement on the other side of the teleport."

As soon as Lott listened to it, he immediately transferred the picture to the transmission array. He saw many strong figures floating on the bottom of the transmission array.

They have a sharp head like a great white shark and a big tail like a great white shark, but their bodies have a strong human physique, which is nothing but white, just like the belly of a shark.

"Shark man?" People see this scene, directly with a voice, after the end of chattering up, looks very excited.

Looking at the shark monsters in the picture coming out of the teleportation array, Lott suddenly felt: there are all kinds of things in this strange world

The number of shark monsters was fairly good. In a short time, there were thousands of them, At the same time, each of them holds a machete with a handle like a tusk pulled from the mouth of a giant beast - it looks rougher than the mermaid's, but more powerful.

Lott: Vickers, do they have emotions

Vickers: "yes, mainly excited."

Lott: the reason they're excited is... Mermaid

In the picture, thousands of sharks come out and swim directly towards the mermaid.

In Lott's panoramic view, the red light, which represents the mermaid swarm, stops as if anticipating danger, then turns around and rushes in the same direction as it came - they don't intend to wait for the enemy to find them.

"Mark the shark monster yellow." Said Lott.

Vickers: "yes, my Lord. They will meet in about five minutes. What do we need to do? "

Lotte quietly watched the yellow light on the left and the red light on the right slowly move closer to each other. When they fight, their emotions will increase, but the number will decrease

Just when Lott was embarrassed, Maria suddenly looked up at Lott and said, "my Lord, can we inject more energy into the teleport array, So there will be more monsters coming in the future? "

....... Yes!

Lotton suddenly realized: there are many monsters in the sea. Why only tangle with mermaid?

Having figured this out, Lott turned to look at Maria, who looked at him and winked her eyes.

Ah... This grinding goblin

"Don't move Vickers. Let them fight. We'll watch here. And send me the energy information. " Said Lott.

Vickers: "yes, my Lord."

Lott looks at the picture of the red and yellow sides gradually getting closer, and then looks down at the energy reading with his mobile phone

118 ten thousand

What happened? Suddenly more than 500000?

"What happened in the city?" Lott thought for the first time that something should happen in the main city, otherwise the energy would not change suddenly.

Vickers: "there are two adventurers' guilds in a fight. The situation is not serious at present. We will send the knights to stop them before they fight."

As he said this, the goblin sent the picture to Lott's mobile phone. In front of him, a group of hooligans were aggressively walking on the deserted street in the middle of the night, while another group of people were approaching at the bottom of the intersection. There were so many people on both sides that the entire 30 meter wide pedestrian street was directly blocked.

"What happened to them?" Asked Lott.

Vickers: "the two families had some grudges. They used to live in the guild building of the second district at night. But you need the second district today, so you drove them all back to the city. Then the leaders of the two families had a conflict when they were looking for the young lady, and then it became like this."


Lott looks at the picture of the mobile phone. The human adventurers on both sides of the street are getting closer and closer. In the holographic image on the ground, the shark monster representing the yellow light group is close to the mermaid group representing the red light group.

Both humans and monsters seem to be keen on fighting with each other.

Lott looked at the two groups of adventurers who were getting closer and closer. After thinking about it, Lott said, "don't stop them. Let them vent in the dead of night. Wiki, keep an eye on it for me. Don't let them smash the shop. " Low end adventurers just use knives to fight. They don't release advanced magic that can blow up the surrounding buildings. Of course, they can't release pet elves to help.

"Yes, my Lord."

For the sake of safety, Lott finally sent a large number of shadow assassins to guard the shops around him, because he was sure that in line with the principle of everyone participating in the national movement, this group of hooligans would smash, smash and rob the shops around him.Therefore, the protection work must be done in place.

Soon, the people and horses in the approach, whether adventurers or aquarium monsters, had no nonsense. As soon as they met, they drew their swords and rushed up. In a moment, the scene was described as dim.

The aquarium monsters look very fierce, and the hooligans use their knives to cut each other down. If they really want to fight, MP can't find them.

The adventurers will be resurrected when they die, but Lott doesn't intend to let them die either. After the crowd has dispersed, he will send out a team of magicians to add blood to them one by one.

Mermaid monsters are different. They keep stabbing each other with weapons. There are not many Mermaid Magic guys. Once the magic is used up, it's useless. So it's mainly up to the soldiers with guns.

As for the shark monsters on the opposite side, they cut off their bone knives and directly bite with their teeth. It has to be said that they use their teeth more aggressively than they do with a knife.

All of a sudden, the whole underwater area was in a mess, and the streets were in a carnival. The adventurers in ordinary clothes were intertwined and gathered together, and they could not tell who was who. Basically, it was you who cut me and I cut you. Then they fixed their eyes and saw that it was actually their own people, and then they were cut down from behind.

Before long, the adventurers of other gangs saw him and killed him with a horse and a big stick. The scene seemed more chaotic.

"There were 5130 adventurers at the scene, with an average of 170 anger points per person, that is, an increase of 870000 per minute. And the fish monsters... "Lott's eyes moved away from his mobile phone and looked down.

The mermaid looked like sardine, which was composed of giant whirlpools around a shark, and the sharks were rushing around in it. Sometimes luck sometimes caught several unlucky ones, but more often than not, they were not able to reach the target because of the mess around them. All the Mermaids scattered around, and the approaching shark monster was immediately attacked by the Mermaids with spears.

This is the tactic of aquatic creatures. When the enemy comes, we disperse, and when the enemy retreats, we fight. It's amazing

"At present, there are 13260 salted fish here, and they release about 700 points of energy on average, with a total of 9.28 million..." Lott looked at the numerical panel, and was shocked to be speechless.

This NIMA also makes too much money!!

Vickers: "my Lord, the number of shark monsters is rapidly decreasing."

The mermaid's tactics are excellent. The sharks have lost their temper. Once their strength and armor are exhausted, the rest will really become shark wings.

It's not sustainable if all the sharks die.

"Vickers, put on the flamethrower and disperse them first." Lott immediately ordered without any hesitation, and increased the energy injection to the transmission array.

Soon, when the mermaid group around the shark monster in the middle of a fierce fight, a burst of light suddenly lit up, dozens of flying saucers against the fish in the deep sea ejected two straight flames - in order not to hurt them, the flying saucers chose a farther place.

The situation is progressing very smoothly. The Mermaids who have never seen the flame are scared to death when they see this kind of light and heat, and they all disperse in a rush. And the sharks who are dying in the fire are just as busy to avoid around when they see the approaching tongue of fire.

Mermaid can do magic, but their magic is only lightning. After all, the damage caused by lightning in the water is the best, and the fire, unless there is a specific combustion promoter, will not easily burn in the water.

Looking at the scene that the fish that were fighting so hard were scattered like a farce at the end, Fiona gave a "cut" with disdain. Then she crossed her arms and looked at the bottom with a roar and said coldly, "is this war? It's ridiculous! "

"Oh ~ ~ Fiona is so handsome ~" Liz gently clapped her hands beside her, which made her confident. She immediately covered her half cheek with her hand and began to force her.

Lott looks at it, smiles and shakes his head. All the Mermaids run to the transmission array to regroup. On the street, due to the arrival of MP, all the hooligans who just hit the scene disperse like mermaids.

"What kind of war is this..." Lott shook his head helplessly.

From the beginning to the end, the carnival provided Lott with 13 million yuan of energy.

The Mermaids are the main force, so Lott likes this group of salted fish very much. Of course, what he did just now is a little too much. The customers are shocked, and now they are all shrinking on the transmission array.However, with the stimulation of magic, the ecological environment that had been destroyed by the ugly Mermaid began to revive in the twinkling of an eye, which made the frightened mermaids calm down a little after seeing it - as long as there is magic, everything is easy to say.

Why don't these mermaids run back to their own waters for refuge at the first time like the sharks?

It's impossible to go back. It's impossible to go back in my life. There's no magic power outside. Other forces occupy all the good places. Only this sea area is empty, so I have to monopolize it anyway. Besides, when I see the scene of vitality around me, the people like it very much. It's like going home.

After seeing the injured part of the tribe slowly return to its original state, the Mermaids said that they would not leave.

And this, of course, is what Lott wants.

As long as the teleportation array is open, other overseas creatures will come every day, and this group of salted fish will help guard it. At this point, the surrounding revived ecosystem will develop smoothly again. Now, the energy has not been added in as large scale as before, so their evolution speed will not be exaggerated as before, It's just a little faster than the normal speed.

Lott was so happy that he stood up and said:

"Let's have a celebration party."