At that moment, Lott's whole body seemed to be electrified, and immediately stood there motionless, while the hand in his pocket also pulled away as quickly as if frightened.

Lott didn't turn around immediately. He reached for his pocket and felt for it. It was still there. Then he turned around with a smile.

On the back bench, Teresa and Tina turn their heads together and look strangely at Maria sitting there with her head down, her face red, her hands straight on her knees and her whole body stiff.

"Cough!" Lott looked at it, pointed to the window with a smile and said, "Maria, come here."

Maria, with her head down, shivered. Now she really wanted to take the road, but she stood up and came to Lott with her head down. She felt like a pupil who had done something wrong.

Seeing Maria like this, Lott couldn't help teasing her, so he came close to her ear and whispered, "do you want to get back what belongs to you?"

Maria just wanted to nod her head, but she didn't feel fit, so she wanted to shake her head again.

"Will you do whatever I say if you want?" Lott gently blew in her ear.

Maria was stunned. She realized the meaning of Lott's words. Suddenly, a stream of heat came out of her head, and her hands covered her cheek.

Seeing her appearance, Lott felt that she was almost joking. As soon as she wanted to talk, Maria quickly untied her clothes

Startled, Lott quickly pressed her hand and asked, "what do you want?"

Maria raised her red cheek, gasped, and said vaguely, "don't you mean to do anything to me here?"

When did I say that?!

"I..." now it's Lott's turn to blush. I don't know what to say.

"Come on! Just torture me Maria said as she hugged Lott, and then said in an open-minded voice, "don't pity me, I'll take it! Come on

I... I can't afford it, big sister

Hearing Maria's cry, the bear children who were playing hide and seek in front of them ran over for the first time, and then pointed to Lotte who was held tightly by Maria and cried out:

"Young master! How dare you threaten my sister! I'm wrong about you! "

"Yes, yes!"

Please, you two don't make trouble again, OK

Fiona takes another look at the iron faced Lott who is hugged by Maria, ponders over what seems to be wrong, and then looks up and says, "you are such a person. It's just... It's so exciting!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Me too!" The little girl said that and immediately hugged him from behind Lott. The little magic spirit hugged him in the side with a smile.

Teresa, who was far away on the bench, saw her and ran over with a shout, then hugged Lott's thigh.

Tina was forced by the sight. When she came to Lott, she asked strangely, "what's the matter with you, young master?"

They did it, didn't you see that?!


Just as Lott was about to speak, he suddenly felt that there were two hands in his trouser pockets, which were groping towards the middle position... Groping

Hello, the egg is right there. Can you let it go? They are innocent

After groping for dozens of seconds, the evil hands finally planned to pull away, and one of them pinched the eggs before leaving

"All right, all right, that's the end of the joke." After dark cool Maria has been restored to the original state, at this time, she said with a smile, "don't embarrass adults."


Teresa looked as if she had put something away. Then she looked up at Lott and asked, "what are you playing with?"

"Nothing!" Maria and Lott answered, bowing their heads in unison.

At the end of the farce, several people said hello and then went back to their homes.

Lott, who had been tired for a day, went back to his room and went to bed. He was just about to go to bed... The pillow felt cold, as if he had been soaked in water

...... By now, the maids should have been asleep.

"Forget it."Lott turned over the pillow, turned over the wet side, and then went to sleep with her eyes closed. She felt the faint fragrance between the bedding and the cold damp feeling behind her


On Sunday morning, Lott sat on the sofa in the field hall with two dark circles under his eyes. He didn't sleep well all night, and he looked a little trance.

Maria, dressed as a pink cook, looked at his dull face and asked anxiously, "didn't you have a good rest last night? My lord

"..." Lott looked up at her and shook his head with a wry smile, saying it was OK.

Maria thought about it, and then began to stir it up quickly.

After a while, a delicious plum dish with meat, a bowl of tomato and egg soup and a bowl of white rice were sent to Lott.

"Oh, oh ~ ~"

As Lott excitedly reaches out his chopsticks and shakes his favorite dish into his mouth

"MMM ~"

Come alive!

Looking at the way he wolfed down there, Maria was smiling quietly.

Breakfast time passed quickly. Lott burped, took his coffee, sat on the sofa, looked at the data on the big screen in front of him, and asked, "is Emily up?"

The goblin replied respectfully: "Miss recorder is washing. Do you need to inform her?"

"Tell her that after breakfast, you will arrange a task for her, and then supply her vacation time." In fact, from Tuesday to today's Sunday, the little witch has been crazy with the ghosts who are skipping class. Lott is also happy that the little girl can play happily.

"I understand, my Lord."

Lott blew his coffee, looked at the slowly rising value of 24.31 million on the energy display, and asked, "does it take the same time to produce an ordinary scarab as an aviation Scarab?"

"Not the same, my Lord." Vickers replied: "it takes only about 10 minutes for the ordinary model to be realized. It takes about an hour for the aviation model, which also includes the aircraft and ground mecha units to protect it."

"So..." Lott thought quietly, and then ordered: "make 11 ordinary models, 10 of which will be placed in the ninth area, and form a semicircle array, aiming at the direction of the transmission array. The remaining one is located 3 kilometers outside the main city of the first district, and a small transmission array is set beside it to facilitate people in the main city to visit. "

"Yes, my Lord."

"By the way, for the one to visit, remember to wrap up the energy cannon. At least the cards can't be seen."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Name the new scarab," Maria reminded with a smile as she peeled the apple

"Oh, I almost forgot." Lott looked down and thought, and finally said, "those 10 units in area 9 will be transformed into aircraft carrier battle groups in the future... The name is TAFI 1-10."

In commemoration of the Second World War, the tafei-3 small aircraft carrier fleet withstood the bombardment of the Japanese main Yamato class warships. In order to protect the aircraft carrier based aircraft from taking off, several brave destroyers launched a desperate charge against the huge steel beasts several times larger than them. In the end, the destroyers who sacrificed their lives were beaten into parts, However, the tafi-3 small aircraft carrier group successfully released all the carrier based aircraft, thus blowing up the Japanese main fleet.

The 10 scarabs will also be accompanied by the escort mecha when they are transformed in the future. Lott's name is just a memorial. He doesn't want these scarabs to suffer the same fate as TAFI 3.

"So what's the name of the rest?" Maria asked, handing over the cut apple.

Lott looked down, thought, and finally replied with a smile, "it's Missouri. I visited Hawaii before."

The battleship Missouri, where the Japanese surrender ceremony was signed in World War II, is now in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where it serves as a battleship Museum for tourists to visit. It participated in the Gulf War in 1991.

"What about the smart elves on it?" Maria picked up the drawing board and looked at Lott.

Lott took a bite of the apple and said, "that's it..."


Whew - bang!

On a plain 3 kilometers away from the main urban area, the 300 meter long Scarab stands majestically with four steel limbs. Around it, countless people gather back and forth. Everyone takes advantage of Sunday to visit this legendary super weapon that has guarded the underground city for countless years.People can not only stay outside the mecha, but also visit the inside of the mecha through the light column connecting the abdomen with the ground.

Of course, it's natural that there are all kinds of peddlers and merchants selling all kinds of peripheral products here

The dark command room inside the scarab

Lott, Maria, Tina, Teresa, Fiona, hallucinations and Emily gathered around the glowing holographic console, There is a huge Scarab model on it, and the ground around it is crowded with a large number of people who look like ants.

Next to the holographic model, a palm sized lady in a blue dress and a parasol sits quietly reading a book, the artificial intelligence of Missouri.

"Oh, this is really amazing!" Teresa stood on the high stool, her hands on the holographic platform, looking at the virtual model on it, and exclaimed, "is the outside synchronized with the image on it?"

Magic spirit: "yes, it's the first time I've seen it."

Emily: "me too..."

Fiona: hum! The tiny human is like the mole ant in the toilet

When the girl was half sick, she found that the next AI was looking at a book the size of a fingernail, so she asked, "what are you looking at?"

AI looked up at her and shook his head: "I was just designed to be like this." He raised his small book and said, "there's nothing on it."

Lott was a little embarrassed after listening.

But Fiona looked there with her eyes shining. She never knew where to find a thick dictionary and said, "Leah, right? I recommend you a very interesting novel. I'm sure you'll turn into me after reading it! "

"Is it?"

Lott looked at a group of little girls around in front of artificial intelligence, studying the second book. Then she turned to Teresa and asked, "can you identify the monster in disguise from here?"

"I'll try." Little Lori put her hands on the glowing holographic platform, staring at the virtual crowd, stretched out her hand to enlarge and searched carefully. After a while, she pointed to some ordinary tourists wearing masks and emitting human breath and said, "there are some problems with these."