
"Ow --!"

Looking at the red wheel approaching, the head of a teammate nearby was split and flew. The remaining five sheepshead monsters raised their heads and roared. The serrated steel gun in their hands shook and bared, and a layer of red light appeared on the body of the gun - bloodthirsty.

Then, all the monsters stride forward, the momentum is frightening, the whole body of the murderous exposed, as their enemy to the bad luck!


The red light wheel came back like a boomerang. One of the elite monsters raised his hand and split the light wheel in an instant. The next second, the monsters clearly saw that the light wheel flew back to the hand of a man in black metal armor and black cloak standing in front of him - it was a red light sword.

"Human! Die! "

The latest one suddenly jumped up and swung his red steel gun to the top of the Black Warrior's head. The momentum was just fierce!


Vader just lifted the laser sword with one hand to block the attack of the other side, then raised his foot and kicked it. With a bang, the troll flew out.

It's just in the blink of an eye that the monster jumps from close quarters to be blocked and kicked off.

After kicking the first one, the Black Warrior made a stroke directly to the left with his left hand. A large number of lightning skills burst out, instantly fixing the two sheepshead monsters on the left with the same flying and taking off in mid air. There was a burst of frenzied electricity.

At the same time, the right hand throws the lightsaber forward, and the empty right hand releases lightning to the remaining two.

"You know nothing about power!"

While walking steadily forward, the black Samurai stretched out his hands and released a dazzling beam of lightning at the four goblins in the air. The scene was quite shocking when Professor Yang was treating Internet addiction.

In front of a group of monsters looking at this side were stunned. They never thought that the so-called invincible elites could be electrified like ten mature steaks.

You know, the gold rimmed armor worn by elites has the attribute of reducing lightning damage. If it can be broken into pieces by electric shock, how high is the voltage?

Bang bang!

At the end of the lightning, four scorched, convulsive sheepshead monsters lay there, gently swinging. After a few seconds, they did not move.

Vader put his hand forward, and the red lightsaber that fell on the ground flew back to his hand again under the call of the master's force - the first goat head that was kicked off was cut in half in mid air

When Vida looked up to the front, all the monsters trembled and turned to run for their lives, but to their despair, they were behind them, A line of death knights, armed with arc guns and standing against a man's high square shield, had blocked their back path, and the Knights began to slowly push this way.

"It's not alive."

Vader ordered that a row of knights appeared in front of him again. In the passage, the two rows of knights began to close, like two slowly closed gates, slowly crushing the monsters surrounded by them.

Things here are clean.

The black Samurai took a look at the howling monsters in front of him and walked alone to the right passage.

Lott: "go on, behind a wall on the left, there are two elephants in the same direction with you. At this speed, you will meet them around the corner in about 30 seconds."

"I see, Lord."

As usual, Vader walked steadily. After crossing the long aisle, he turned to the left and threw his lightsaber there.


When the two six meter tall upright colossus didn't react to anything, their tendons were cut off, and the two monsters tilted and fell to the ground. After reaching for the lightsaber, Vader jumped up to the head of a Colossus, lifted the lightsaber and thrust it into its temple.

It's done.

After finishing the second monster, two large red dots are missing from Lott's map.

"Walk forward about 20 meters, you will see many elite monsters coming from your left passage." Lott, standing in front of the hall, looks at the huge virtual panorama.

"I understand."

On the map, the green dots representing Vader are slowly moving upward. In the upper left passage, there are about five medium red dots with a group of small red dots rushing towards Vader's main passage.When Lott sees it, he pulls out the blue light spot on the top which represents the death knight. When the green spot on the bottom meets the red spot and the red spot decreases sharply, he pulls down the blue spot on the top to do the final task.

Everything is going on in an orderly way. It feels like playing a game.

"What are you doing?"

ISAR, tired of playing yo yo in the back, came to Lott and looked at the big screen in front of her. She stretched out her hand and asked, "these are the invaders. Is this the knight of your throne?"

"Yes." Lott smiles and nods. Issa knows the position system of the underground city. The first lord knows all about her.

Issa looked closely at the red dots on the screen. As time went on, the green dots were like phagocytes, killing the red viruses one by one, faster and faster.

After a while, most of the red light spots in the whole topographic map were reduced, while many of the blue light spots moved. However, after Vader's instructions, they stood at another place and stood by.

"This one looks big." Said Issa, pointing to one of the biggest red dots.

Lott looked at the big red dot representing the boss and began to say, "wait a minute. After about 30 seconds, the leader of the other party will appear in the right passage in front of you."

When the moving green dot heard it, it stopped there immediately.

"Will they meet?" Issa looked at the image and turned to ask.

Lott nodded blandly and said, "it will, to be exact."

"Why do you say that?"

Lott smiles but doesn't speak. They quietly look at the big screen. The big red dot representing boss slowly walks out of the channel, while the green dot representing Vader just stands there, as if waiting for it to enter and have a fair 1v1 duel.

"They're going to meet. Can your knights do it?" "Asked isaton nervously as she spoke.

In the screen, the big red dot finally walked out of the channel, and the next second, the big red dot disappeared.

"Nothing can threaten my knight on the throne." Lott turned to look at the shocked Issa with a proud expression and said, "he's the strongest fighter in the universe!"

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